Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.16.17 - Day 17

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Millard asks about racing jeeps.

Justice Michael Code tells Millard to move along, asking him about relevance.

Millard says he's trying to establish costs. Code repeats for him to move along.

Millard now asks Schlatman about the cost of building the hangar - was it in the millions?

Schlatman: "About that."

Millard says the hangar and tools inside didn't fulfil their intended purposes, like many of his projects with high costs.

Schlatman: "That's right."
by Shannon Martin 10:33 AM

Lisa Hepfner‏
2m2 minutes ago
Judge wants to know why the speed of the winning drivers at Baja is relevant to this case. #LauraBabcock

Shannon Martin‏
2m2 minutes ago
Millard asks about racing jeeps.
Justice Michael Code tells Millard to move along, asking him about relevance.
Millard says he's trying to establish costs.
Code repeats for him to move along.

Lisa Hepfner‏
1m1 minute ago
Millard spent millions on his Waterloo hangar, but the operation "never actually happened though did it?" Schlatman agrees, despite all the "specialized tools" and other costs that never "fulfill their intended purpose," #Millard says, and Schlatman agrees.

Millard: "Shane, did you know I'm a pilot?"

Schlatman: "Yup."

Millard now shows a picture of himself with his best friend, Andrew Michalski, and talks about their close relationship.

Millard: "Mark never really socialized with you. He never came to your house?"

Schlatman: "No."

Millard points out, Michalski did.
by Shannon Martin 10:35 AM

Lisa Hepfner‏
3m3 minutes ago
"Do you know that I'm a pilot?" Yes. "I never crashed a plane." Helicopter? yes. "Brought you down in one piece?" Schlatman agrees nothing broke along the way when #Millard took him for a ride.

Shannon Martin‏
3m3 minutes ago
Millard asks Schlatman about the cost of building the hangar - was it in the millions?
Schlatman: "About that."
Millard says the hangar and tools inside didn't fulfil their intended purposes, like many of his projects with high costs.
Schlatman: "That's right."

Shannon Martin‏
2m2 minutes ago
Millard: "Shane, did you know I'm a pilot?"

Schlatman: "Yup."


Lisa Hepfner‏
3m3 minutes ago
Looking at photo of Millard and Michelski with pink and blue shaved-side haircuts. Baja haircuts. Schlatman went too, and dyed his hair green.

Lisa Hepfner‏
2m2 minutes ago
Michelski was #Millard's best friend right? Schlatman supposes so; sometimes #Millard and Michelski would come over for a UFC fight. #Smich was never invited. They didn't socialize. #LauraBabcock

Shannon Martin‏
2m2 minutes ago
Millard shows a picture of himself with his best friend, Andrew Michalski, and talks about their close relationship.
Millard: "Mark never really socialized with you. He never came to your house?"
Schlatman: "No."
Michalski did, Millard points out.

marianne boucher‏
2m2 minutes ago
Justice Code tells Millard to focus cross. Not sure discussing strategy for winning Baja road race is relevant to trial.

Lisa Hepfner‏
1m1 minute ago
"A fair bit of money went into that shop, didn't it?" Oh yes, Schlatman agrees. #Millard puts up a text message with "Shaner" "priority order updates. Store shelving is #1." Schlatman remembers the message.

Lisa Hepfner‏
14s14 seconds ago
"This is a typical kind of thing I would talk to you about, right? There was always a job on hold at the airport, right?" Sometimes #Millard had several things on the go at once, Schlatman agrees. #LauraBabcock

marianne boucher‏
13s13 seconds ago
Millard then drops that he was a pilot, took Schlatman up in a helicopter and brought him back in one piece. Babcock family exchange looks.
I wonder if DM is trying to put in the Jury's mind that he might be cleaning up a mess for AM.. I've got a funny feeling.
This is the photo Millard has shown a couple of times now, of himself and friend Andrew Michalski.
4842c89b-638a-462a-bcab-5c594b1690fe_500.jpg (

by Shannon Martin 10:38 AM

Lisa Hepfner‏
1m1 minute ago
July 12, 7:13pm. Shane reads aloud line from email to #Millard "I'm off till Tuesday next week but will check emails throughout the weekend if you have any ideas for me to try."

Lisa Hepfner‏
37s38 seconds ago
Schlatman agrees that sometimes he would work the weekend or through the night if #Millard's project was really important. "I'd try to make it up to you later." Schlatman agrees. #LauraBabcock

Note: I have just removed Shannon Martin from my tweet list, because it overlaps with the blog.
Lisa Hepfner
Millard spent millions on his Waterloo hangar, but the operation "never actually happened though did it?" Schlatman agrees, despite all the "specialized tools" and other costs that never "fulfill their intended purpose," #Millard says, and Schlatman agrees.

..wait, wouldn't that have been Dear Dad who put millions into the hanger??
Millard: "Do you remember me telling you I had issues with deer hunters at my farm?"

Schlatman remembers.

Millard tells the court it was a big farm, more than 100 acres, with surrounding farms and marshland.

Millard "I specifically told you there were hunters going onto my land and I was trying to stop them?"

Schlatman: "Yup."

He's giving very brief answers today, "yup" or "correct."

Lisa Hepfner‏
1m1 minute ago
Millard was bothered by deer hunters on his farm, Schlatman agreed. He had more than 100 acres. With a swamp. "More watery than a marsh," #Millard clarifies. Also had some wooded land. #LauraBabcock

marianne boucher‏
2m2 minutes ago
Millard had an issue w the deer hunters at the farm, didn't like it , was "aggravating" he was trying to stop them.
Schlatman agrees.

Lisa Hepfner‏
1m1 minute ago
"I specifically told you there were hunters on my land and I was trying to stop them," Schlatman agrees. "I was your boss." Yes. Other people who worked at Millard Air included Spencer Hussey and Schlatman's father in law, who was doing an unpaid co-op.

Lisa Hepfner‏
40s40 seconds ago
Schlatman was in charge of the other employees of the hangar, they agree, they'd get their instructions from SS, who would get instructions from #Millard. "I was vice president of the company Millard Air." Schlatman wasn't sure.

Lisa Hepfner‏
3s3 seconds ago
Schlatman wasn't sure if Millard or his father was in charge, but Dellen #Millard would always be the one doling out instructions, they agree. #LauraBabcock
Millard: "I was the vice president of the company?...My father was over me?"

Schlatman: "I didn't really know if you were equal or what."

Millard: "But I never specified whether it was my projects or his that you were working on?"

Schlatman: "No you didn't."
by Shannon Martin 10:46 AM

Lisa Hepfner‏
1m1 minute ago
Millard is pointing things out in a photo of his hangar office. Judge advises him he's not allowed to do that. Has to ask Schlatman questions, not give evidence. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
16s16 seconds ago
Another shot shows a different room, but points out consistencies & Schlatman confirms they are neighbouring rooms. "There were two offices there. This is one of them." Schlatman agrees.
Yes, where are questions?! It's like he is feeding him answers to upcoming questions!
Lisa Hepfner
Millard spent millions on his Waterloo hangar, but the operation "never actually happened though did it?" Schlatman agrees, despite all the "specialized tools" and other costs that never "fulfill their intended purpose," #Millard says, and Schlatman agrees.

..wait, wouldn't that have been Dear Dad who put millions into the hanger??

That's a sad story in itself
Lisa Hepfner‏
1m1 minute ago
A bed, dresser, computer screen and keyboard are in the second room, which has wooden floors. "The crown asked you how often I came to the hangar." #Millard says sometimes he'd be there three days straight. SS agrees his boss would sleep over at hangar at times. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
2m2 minutes ago
"Shane yesterday you told us about the time you took the incinerator to a gas station to fill it up." Schlatman agrees. "Another dead deer on the farm," #Millard reminds Schlatman the message read. SS filled the incinerator propane tank twice, in total. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
50s50 seconds ago
Showing photo of "old, dilapidated barn," on #Millard property. Schlatman understood farm was purchased 2011-2012, around same time as Waterloo hangar. #LauraBabcock

Millard pulls up some text messages exchanged between him and Shane Schlatman.

Millard: "Is it possible on July 4, I would've came to the hangar in the Oldsmobile...and switched vehicles and left with the green van?"

Schlatman: "It's possible."

The Crown contends Babcock was killed sometime in the evening of July 3, 2012 or the morning of July 4, 2012.

Millard now talks about another text. When he told Schlatman about "another dead deer at the farm" He tells the court that was relating to his ongoing headaches with deer at the farm.

"You were never there when the incinerator was in use, only that initial burn up?"

Schlatman: "Yup."
by Shannon Martin 10:54 AM
He tells the court that was relating to his ongoing headaches with deer at the farm.

And these imaginary deer were giving him headaches because why exactly?? Sheesh..does he really think in his twisted mind that anyone buys this stuff??
Lisa Hepfner‏
1m1 minute ago
A lot of the equipment brought over from the old hangar was "old, dilapidated," #Millard says he wanted to spruce the stuff up, and Schlatman agrees. What about the barn, was he trying to get it in better condition? SS just remembers tossing the hay. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
58s58 seconds ago
"The hay was old, like the barn was old. The barn was musty. Smelled like old hay. Smelled like an old barn." Oh, yes, Schlatman agrees. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
6m6 minutes ago
Upper part of barn has wooden boards lying on ground near large door. "Roughly the width of an axle" Schlatman agrees. Schlatman also agrees he sees the large generator by the door.

Lisa Hepfner‏
5m5 minutes ago
The boards are there keep the incinerator from falling through the weak floor, Schlatman agrees. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
4m4 minutes ago
The barrels in the barn came from the hangar, Schlatman agrees. "That was in relation to the MRO, there was going to be an inspection of the facility," Schlatman agrees. There are lots of regulations DM says, but SS hasn't read up on them. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
46s46 seconds ago
A hangar isn't like a corner shop garage, "there's a sense that there's these extra regulations," Schlatman agrees with that. Barrels and incinerator were stored at the barn usually? Schlatman believes so. #LauraBabcock

253e9881-462f-4b55-ad82-2e1a21564d2c_500.jpg (
Millard shows Schlatman this photo of his farm.

Court exhibit: a photo of Millard's farm in the region of Waterloo.

Millard: "The barn was old, musty. It smelled like old hay, like an old barn?"

Schlatman: "Oh yes."

Millard says the floor board were weak, giving out.
by Shannon Martin 10:58 AM

Millard pulls up this court exhibit, showing inside the garage at his farm.

a00845f5-ba74-4715-ac9a-572ec93cb0ad_500.jpg (

He says these barrels were moved into the barn, as was the incinerator.

Schlatman agrees.

by Shannon Martin 11:04 AM

Lisa Hepfner‏
43s43 seconds ago
Schlatman wanted a favour while #Millard was in the US -- a couple of cases of MGD for his wife Tracy. Happy turkey day, he signs off. Agrees this was indicative of the relationship he had with his boss. #LauraBabcock
marianne boucher‏
2m2 minutes ago
Millard suggests that it would have been easier to just set incinerator up in barn and not bother mounting it on a trailer.

Except you can't run it at the barn without electricity, hence the talk of extension cords, and using it at the hangar each time...
Honestly DM just making himself look like an *advertiser censored** going on about his money, wrecking things, just shows hes a careless unorganized privileged baby.
And these imaginary deer were giving him headaches because why exactly?? Sheesh..does he really think in his twisted mind that anyone buys this stuff??

The ridiculousness is, that a deer hunter wouldn't leave the deer they killed.
When was he ever really there? Party animals those pesky deer!
And these imaginary deer were giving him headaches because why exactly?? Sheesh..does he really think in his twisted mind that anyone buys this stuff??

More texts between Millard and Schlatman.

Schlatman: "Can you do me a favour while in the us"

Millard: "what can i do for you"

Schlatman: "bring back a couple of cases of Mgd 64 cans for Tracy" (his wife)

Millard: "should be simple enough"

Millard tells the court this is an example of the type of relationship the two men had. Schlatman repeats "yup."
by Shannon Martin 11:07 AM

Lisa Hepfner‏
34s34 seconds ago
Looking at a photo of the "new front axle" of the yellow jeep. Next to the factory axle. "This is the type of work you would do?" yes. "Building a custom incinerator wasn't that different from other custom projects?" Schlatman supposed so. His work had variety.
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