Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.16.17 - Day 17

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Honestly DM just making himself look like an *advertiser censored** going on about his money, wrecking things, just shows hes a careless unorganized privileged baby.

Holy cow! Why is the judge allowing this?? Get to the point already! What a waste of time!
Millard: "Do you remember me telling you I had issues with deer hunters at my farm?"

Schlatman remembers.

Millard tells the court it was a big farm, more than 100 acres, with surrounding farms and marshland.

Millard "I specifically told you there were hunters going onto my land and I was trying to stop them?"

Schlatman: "Yup."

Deer hunting season isn't in July, moron.
Millard to his former mechanic, Schlatman:

"Building a custom incinerator wasn't that different from other projects you did. There was a variety of work, it was challenging, there was a creative element to it -- you liked it?"

Schlatman: "Yup."
by Shannon Martin 11:08 AM

Court exhibit: This is another angle of the homemade incinerator Shane Schlatman built for Millard in May and June of 2012.
b8f44d40-5e00-4a70-8fd2-ddbe9ba17260_500.jpg (
by Shannon Martin 11:11 AM
Honestly DM just making himself look like an *advertiser censored** going on about his money, wrecking things, just shows hes a careless unorganized privileged baby.

I assume he's trying to suggest that a careless guy like himself wouldn't blink an eye at spending 17K on something that may not even have a purpose in the end....but I'd argue most of HIS big spending was on pursuing his own pleasures and interests....actually starting a legitimate side business would be out of character for him. MOO
Lisa Hepfner‏
9m9 minutes ago
"There was always a creative element to (your work?)" Schlatman agrees. Photo of newer green jeep on screen. Zooming in #Millard points out a bobcat. It moves to different #Millard properties, Schlatman agrees. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
8m8 minutes ago
Millard also points out a woodchipper behind the green jeep. How large is it? Schlatman isn't sure but agrees you could put a tree trunk of a certain size in the chipper. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
6m6 minutes ago
Millard shows rebuilt engine of jeep, which is also the type of thing Schlatman did for him. Schlatman has also been to the "six-plex" at Riverside. Had to go repair a vehicle. He remembers that.

Lisa Hepfner‏
5m5 minutes ago
Another photo of a trailer. Schlatman doesn't recognize the background. that's the trailer they sometimes called the garbage trailer. It has sides to keep the garbage in. A blue tarp on top, #Millard notes.

marianne boucher‏
5m5 minutes ago
Millard now going thru photos of his equipment and jeeps and listing the engine rebuilding work Schlatman did.

Lisa Hepfner‏
5m5 minutes ago
Schlatman doesn't recognize the background even from different angles, but he knows the garbage/bobcat trailer. "We used tarps regularly." Schlatman agrees. Kept stuff in the trailers.

Lisa Hepfner‏
4m4 minutes ago
Sometimes a tarp would rip or come loose from a load. "We went through a lot of tarps, didn't we?" Schlatman agrees. Another blue tarp with garbage in the trailer. Sometimes tarps ended up in the garbage. "many." "Oh, yeah," Schlatman agrees. #LauraBabcock

marianne boucher‏
3m3 minutes ago
Now suggesting they used tarps for many of their projects, " Right Shane?"
Schlatman: Uhh yeah.
Many tarps end up in the garbage?

Lisa Hepfner‏
3m3 minutes ago
Schlatman isn't sure what #Millard did with the garbage he carried away, he agrees. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
2m2 minutes ago
Tarps were tied to the garbage through the grommet-lined holes in the tarps, Schlatman agrees. "When they went into the garbage, they'd still have grommets on them." Schlatman agrees. #LauraBabcock

marianne boucher‏
2m2 minutes ago
Millard: And you don't know what I did with the tarps that were garbage?
Schlatman: No
Millard: All the tarps have grommets?
Schlatman Yes

Lisa Hepfner‏
1m1 minute ago
Lots of people who work for #Millard would have seen the incinerator, Schlatman agrees.

Millard wraps up his questioning with this:

Millard: "The barn was not a secret place? The hangar was not a secret place?"

Schlatman "No."

Smich's lawyer, Thomas Dungey, has no questions.
by Shannon Martin 11:19 AM
Lisa Hepfner‏
47s47 seconds ago
Millard is done. Dungey has no questions. Ken Lockhart is back for some redirect. On July 4, 2012, Millard asked if it was possible he showed up at hangar and changed vehicles. Did that happen or is it possible? Schlatman doesn't know for sure if it happened. Could have.

marianne boucher‏
41s41 seconds ago
The crown is alleging Millard/Smich wrapped Babcock in a tarp before he incinerated body,jury held 5 grommets found inside incinerator.

Lisa Hepfner‏
Schlatman agreed with #Millard that the barn and the hangar were not "secret" places, Lockhart reminds him. Now a photo of incinerator parked in the woods at the farm. #LauraBabcock
Lisa Hepfner‏
18s18 seconds ago
Schlatman never saw the incinerator in a location like that, he confirms. He is done his testimony. #LauraBabcock.
Lisa Hepfner‏
1m1 minute ago
Crown Katie Doherty has an admission to read into evidence, regarding Tim Cook, owner of company that makes the incinerator. In 2012 he was a plant manager with the company, heading sales.

Lisa Hepfner‏
18s18 seconds ago
Bill Penner, who testified, is the Canadian distributor of the incinerator. To Cook's knowledge, and SN500 was sold to MillardAir. It took two weeks to manufacture. It was shipped directly from Georgia to MillardAir. After, Cook talked to Schlatman to help him get it working.

Lisa Hepfner‏
7s7 seconds ago
Morning break @LauraBabcock, back in 20mins

Justice Michael Code calls for the morning recess. We'll be back in about 20 minutes.
by Shannon Martin 11:26 AM
Would anyone be willing to take over for me now? I thought I would be able to multi-task better this morning, but I have not done well with it :p
The ridiculousness is, that a deer hunter wouldn't leave the deer they killed.
They also don't hunt when it isn't hunting season. Wouldn't a reasonable person call the police if people were shooting deer on their private property?

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Deer hunting season isn't in July, moron.

In addition, hunters need written permission to go on land that's not their own. If they don't have it, they risk big fines, losing their license, losing their guns, their vehicle, their right to a deer tag, etc. It's a big deal. Hunters don't wander around on land that doesn't belong to them.
Lisa Hepfner‏
47s47 seconds ago

Schlatman agreed with #Millard that the barn and the hangar were not "secret" places, Lockhart reminds him. Now a photo of incinerator parked in the woods at the farm. #LauraBabcock

Shhh... secret hiding place!
In addition, hunters need written permission to go on land that's not their own. If they don't have it, they risk big fines, losing their license, losing their guns, their vehicle, their right to a deer tag, etc. It's a big deal. Hunters don't wander around on land that doesn't belong to them.

You don’t need written permission, by law. Generally you’ll only have things in writing if it’s a ‘lease’ and the leaseholder has exclusive hunting rights. Usually this is done by outfitters that guide hunters or by guys who are really serious about hunting.
You don’t need written permission, by law. Generally you’ll only have things in writing if it’s a ‘lease’ and the leaseholder has exclusive hunting rights. Usually this is done by outfitters that guide hunters or by guys who are really serious about hunting.
I've always been asked by hunters for verbal permission to hunt on my property. If they do not have permission I would talk to them or call police as necessary. Some people to do want animals killed/hunted on their property.

I'm sure there will be someone on the jury who hunts or knows someone who does and the idea that hunter at the farm were a nuisance (outside hunting season no less) when he was there only a few times a month will be recognised for the smokes and mirrors it is! MOO
Off Topic for a sec:

I have found a difference in how I receive and respond to positive character references in a case (ie the defendant is smart, accomplished, generous etc)

...from a lawyer speaking on behalf a client, I may still roll my eyes, but the lawyer is just doing his job and I'll listen

...from a self represented client however, I'll roll my eyes countless times and get annoyed ...he seems arrogant and self absorbed and I dearly want someone to speak reality to him so he will actually hear and finally understand that he has a problem.

But I know intellectually that he too is just doing the job that needs to be done for a defense, but I would argue that he is simply the wrong man for that job!

just random court thoughts :p
I think DM is trying to establish that garbage produced at the hanger included numerous tarps with grommets and SS did not actually know what happened to the garbage. ie it could have been burnt in the incinerator.
Omgoodness, LH tweeted specifically that event occurred August 28, 2012. Why can no one get this right!?

i don't know, but here's my take...while tweeting from court, journalists don't have the benefit of editors and fact checking. they have to do their best to get the info they've heard/are seeing on a screen out as quickly and responsibly as possible, while taking detailed notes that they will later use to compose their story. after court, they have time to compose their story from their notes and fact check against the exhibits. then they file their story into their editor, who also blesses it before publication. it's just this this new age of twitter journalism. recent example is the confusion around MS calling "the police"...when we actually saw the said "place".
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