Laura Babcock Murder Trial 11.22.17 - Day 20

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This guys a punk.. Such a high roller with the ONE pair of Christian Louboutin shoes for those Got A$$ girls to share for pictures which are likely fake anyway the shoes that is.. unfortunately the girls were there, brighter than all get out I reckon.. twenty dollar bill wrapped around 40 bucks in 5's.. MM aspired to be one of those gals... Obviously... low rent meat heads.. all of them.. even the ones with cash..
She's still an aspiring model.... *sigh*
"I'm not in the gun selling business. I made a bad decision, I put money before morals," Ward-Jackson tells the court.

Crown Cameron asks if Ward-Jackson knew Laura Babcock.

He answers, "No."

Cameron, "Did you ask Millard why he needed a gun?"

He answers, "No."

Cameron, "What do you think guns do?"

He says some people collect them. "There are a lot of reasons besides malicious, in my opinion."
by Shannon Martin 3:12 PM
"I'm not in the gun selling business. I made a bad decision, I put money before morals," Ward-Jackson tells the court.

Crown Cameron asks if Ward-Jackson knew Laura Babcock.

He answers, "No."

Cameron, "Did you ask Millard why he needed a gun?"

He answers, "No."

Cameron, "What do you think guns do?"

He says some people collect them. "There are a lot of reasons besides malicious, in my opinion."
by Shannon Martin 3:12 PM


Updated "Murderer" to "Convicted Murderer" and added "Photoshop Expert" ;)

Let's not forget "mobile Pet crematory"

He says some people collect them. "There are a lot of reasons besides malicious, in my opinion."
by Shannon Martin 3:12 PM

stupid thing to say in this trial
Ward-Jackson says he only met Millard on three occasions.

Cameron puts more phone records on the screen, these ones have been deleted like some of the previous ones, so there is no text.

Ward-Jackson repeats he used a number of phones, and a number of people had access to his phone.

by Shannon Martin 3:14 PM

marianne boucher‏
2m2 minutes ago
Matthew Ward-Jackson who plead guilty to selling firearm to Millard, says he "put $ before morals" Doesn't recall details of txts re:gun
Let's not forget "mobile Pet crematory"

stupid thing to say in this trial

I'll have to get everyone to make me a comprehensive list for the final draft :laughing:
Cameron pulls up more text messages, July 2, 2013.

A message reads "They said they gonna tell me how much in 5 mins."

Another talks about "domes" - Ward-Jackson says he doesn't know what that means. He can't recall.

"I don't think anyone in the courtroom would remember a text message from several years ago," he says.
by Shannon Martin 3:09 PM

Looks like Marianne Boucher has dropped out. Nothing new except the observation about 20 minutes ago that the trial is attracting a crowd at the court house.

bbm I think there's a typo in the date above. It should read, July 2, 2012, IMO.

Crown Cameron shows the court a photo, taken by Millard from his farm on July 4, 2012.

Phone records show there is a 49-second phone call between Millard's phone and Ward-Jackson's phone from around the same time.

"Did Millard tell you what he was doing?"

Ward-Jackson says he wasn't close with Millard, didn't know where he lived, etc. He doesn't know what he was doing.

Court exhibit. (This is the tarp photo we have seen multiple times. Out of respect for many of our members, I'm choosing not to link to it.)

by Shannon Martin 3:19 PM

Cameron is done with with questioning.

Dellen Millard, asking as his own lawyer, is up now. He asks about the group "Big Isho."

Millard, "You're a rapper?"

Ward-Jackson, "I prefer to call myself a musician."
by Shannon Martin 3:21 PM

marianne boucher‏
54s54 seconds ago
Millard questions Ward-Jackson. Starts with asking about Isho group.
It's a little group like the free masons, help each other out.
marianne boucher‏
27s27 seconds ago
Ward-Jackson says his butler was his handy man.
Millard: He recently passed away? I'm sorry for your loss.
W-J: Thank you.
Didn't CN testify that she and DM went to Isho's place to watch movies and hang out?

Cameron is done with with questioning.

Dellen Millard, asking as his own lawyer, is up now. He asks about the group "Big Isho."

Millard, "You're a rapper?"

Ward-Jackson, "I prefer to call myself a musician."
by Shannon Martin 3:21 PM

marianne boucher‏
54s54 seconds ago
Millard questions Ward-Jackson. Starts with asking about Isho group.
It's a little group like the free masons, help each other out.


More like "clown."

Millard, "This gun transaction, you say briefly involved yourself in, you did it for profit?"

Ward-Jackson repeats he got an $800 cut.

Millard, "You know a lot about this culture, drugs and guns?"

Ward-Jackson agrees, says he grew up in an "urban setting."
by Shannon Martin 3:25 PM
marianne boucher‏
27s27 seconds ago
Ward-Jackson says his butler was his handy man.
Millard: He recently passed away? I'm sorry for your loss.
W-J: Thank you.

I just about lost it! Not one "sorry for your loss" for TB or LB, but IISH's butler! WTF!?

Bet DM says they got together for a cup of tea. MOO
I just about lost it! Not one "sorry for your loss" for TB or LB, but IISH's butler! WTF!?

Bet DM says they got together for a cup of tea. MOO

But if DM said “sorry for your loss” to LB family, that would be admitting he knows she’s dead.
marianne boucher‏
20s20 seconds ago
The group is called The Big Isho.
Millard: would the group use cocaine.
He can't say.
Millard:Who showed interest..
Let me rephrase.
Anyone unfamiliar with the true nastiness of MWJ's character ought to read the bit about the butler in ABro's book. Guy's in a better place. MOO of course.
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