Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.05.17 - Closing Arguments - Day 1

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Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
19s19 seconds ago
If people have seen people alive after July 4th, the jury can infer that she changed her phone number, Millard tells jury. #LauraBabcock

Lisa Hepfner‏
If people had seen "Laura" alive, that should read

Only one person still believes that he MAY have seen her. And he had reason to want it to be her considering the charges against his son. I would have to believe that his son was a POI at some point.


I wonder if he was afraid his son may have been involved when she went missing?
When the LB trial started, I was fully expecting a "cut-throat" defense.
I certainly did not anticipate the "cut-throat" without MS or Dungey input. Wow.
I, in fact, did see DM in person when I spent one morning sitting in on this trial. I listened to almost a two hour cross by DM. I left feeling like I had lost brain cells. I was not impressed by him and his "lawyer skills" in the slightest.

You aren't the only one here who has formed their opinion from seeing DM in person. There is actually quite a few WS members who have sat in on this trial.

Judging by Night is Mine posts, it wouldn't surprise me if he/she is some kind of friend or supporter of DM
I suspect he's going with the shotgun defence. Blast away blindly and hope that a least one pellet hits something.

In hindsight now, after his closing, a few pellets do appear to have hit something... himself.
It was said that Pedo would relieve himself on Dellen's bed.
Could it have been soiled blankets?

Errrr just puts garbage to the curb. Errrr is smart. Be like Errrr.
Maybe. That could definitely explain the need for a barn smell check.

Personally, I prefer a simple pet stain remover.

You wouldn't want a barn smelling like poop. That's for sure.
Night_is_mine, Are you, by chance, conducting some kind of sociology experiment here?
Lol, okay DM. So the song's about MM? If you go swimming you can find MM's phone?
Then MS admit the rap is true, that they murdered/burned the girl...MM still? The same MM who's standing outside the garage?

And the same girl laying on ashy stone? Ok DM
Remember all those text messages Millard presented about his sleeping troubles?

He's pulled them up again for the jury.

One in particular talks about sleeping and vaping.

"I did vaporize all the time and it disturbed my sleep," he tells the jury.

He shows the court messages from July 4, 2012.

Millard, "I hit the [vapes] and tripped out for a bit, regaining my senses now."
by Shannon Martin 3:58 PM

I dunno but smoking, vaping or eating marijuana helps most people sleep. I use to smoke and vape (O had prescription for it) it and it made me tired and I’ve never once tripped out regular marijuana. Only once when I was younger because it was laced with LSD and I didn’t know. It was terrible and didn’t smoke again until I was older and got that licence.

Hopefully there are pot or ex pot-smokers on the jury.
Millard concludes:

"She could be alive right now. That's the evidence we have before you at the trial."

He's finished his closing arguments. Justice Michael Code asks the jury to return Wednesday at 10 a.m. We'll hear from Smich's lawyer Thomas Dungey, and the Crown.

by Shannon Martin 4:54 PM

It seemed on all the text messages that LB really liked DM. Does anyone here actually think she’d let her friend stand trial for murder if she was actually still alive? It’s plastered all over Social Media which we also know LB was a big Social media user.

Did I see correctly that DM implicated himself as being with LB and her wonky Blackberry on the 4th? He claimed he could not help her charge it since he had an iPhone. IMO her phone was tossed out a window like TBs possibly into the Credit River valley as he drove west. Its last ping off the tower near the valley. I suppose the lake is close enough to still be pinging off that tower as well. So 'IF' he was driving with her, then where was he taking her? An innocent person would have offered up the truthful alternative not a bunch of circumstantial innuendo. He never clarifies anything only bringing up other possibilities. To me, this suggests diversion, not truths. ALL my opinion only.
Just listen to it. He's clearly correcting himself.

I hear Phone not bone. I listened to it several times and still only heard phone. He’s not correcting the word “bone” he’s repeating “phone” and more like....what phone. Like I didn’t see a phone, did you see a phone....what phone.

Problem is you guys are writing Dell off based on the TB trial. There is a very strong chace he's innocent. You guys need to detach yourselves from the past. Hopefully the jury is not like the posters here. Every crime needs to be judged separately. Too much prejudice here.

Hi Night, I have only came in at start of this trial so no TB and no lead in on threads regarding LB. So I really only know what I've read and links through the trial threads I am thinking M1 DM but I'm am struggling to see them get MS for it as yet obviously dependant on closing comments. My feeling is MS may have known or not but was neither here nor there for the info but I do think he definitely helped clean up without a care in the world. I am also not from US. So not sure what the charge he will get is. Accessory after fact it is in Aus and can be just as long in some cases.

All Moo

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It was said that Pedo would relieve himself on Dellen's bed.
Could it have been soiled blankets?

DM didn't claim that this was the case. We can be sure the tarp does not contain the blankets. DM/MS also disposed of both the mattress and the box spring. No one should blame that on Pedo either.
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