Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.05.17 - Closing Arguments - Day 1

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Hi Night, I have only came in at start of this trial so no TB and no lead in on threads regarding LB. So I really only know what I've read and links through the trial threads I am thinking M1 DM but I'm am struggling to see them get MS for it as yet obviously dependant on closing comments. My feeling is MS may have known or not but was neither here nor there for the info but I do think he definitely helped clean up without a care in the world. I am also not from US. So not sure what the charge he will get is. Accessory after fact it is in Aus and can be just as long in some cases.

All Moo

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Jumping of my own post not sure if I got my point across that I think they are both guilty as hell but I'm not sure if enough so far has been produced to get MS for M1
I also think it was disgusting that her parents were made out as if they were uncaring by the very person who took her life !!

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However the narrative in Dell's plot is that LB is alive. So there is no victim.

That narrative could be quickly dispelled, as it would be atypical for someone with an active social media presence to simply 'go dark'; furthermore, even if LB's transactional history was primarily cash based, there would still be evidence of rudimentary banking activity, especially for payment of bills (however nominal those might have been), and new phone registration could easily be verified via UUID / IMEI / MAC data. To assert that "Dell's plot" is remotely plausible is illogical and also conveniently ignores all of the key elements of evidence the Crown presented. I would wager that Joe Pesci was a more convincing lawyer in "My Cousin Vinny" than Millard could ever have aspired to.
DM misread, and went off script several times during his closing. He misread normal folks when he attacked LB's parents, and her family life.

He went off script several times when he moved on to a new point, only to circle back to a previous point that he forgot to cover. I suspect he is wishing he could have a "do over". Not that anyone would want to go through that again.

Now that DM's closing argument is over, I wonder how much of the crown's closing will be about LB being dead, and MS's involvement? Seems to me that if the crown covers the evidence of LB being dead, the only other challenge is MS. MOO
That narrative could be quickly dispelled, as it would be atypical for someone with an active social media presence to simply 'go dark'; furthermore, even if LB's transactional history was primarily cash based, there would still be evidence of rudimentary banking activity, especially for payment of bills (however nominal those might have been), and new phone registration could easily be verified via UUID / IMEI / MAC data. To assert that "Dell's plot" is remotely plausible is illogical and also conveniently ignores all of the key elements of evidence the Crown presented. I would wager that Joe Pesci was a more convincing lawyer in "My Cousin Vinny" than Millard could ever have aspired to.


And like Marisa Tomei, CN helped solve the case. :biggrin:
Why? Because you have preconceived notions against Dell? He did a GREAT job as a lawyer. Are you saying you would do better? He was very eloquent and knowledgeable. Brought up great points and had a great approach to questioning the witnesses. He was very very good.

Good for you for saying what you think. I am in total agreement with you, I think Millard did a great job as a lawyer, albeit with a few big slip ups. The majority of people on here are more like members of a lynch mob, only here to see one thing, DM & MS being found guilty. They cannot be swayed to admit even the slightest point that would paint these guys in a good light. It is a shame that Millard took the path he took. With actual training I'm sure he could have been a competent lawyer. However, in this trial he was stuck with a terrible client who never had any chance of winning the case. People may want to cut up his lawyering but seriously, I don't think the worlds best lawyer could have done anything more with this case.

I wouldn't be surprised if Millard studies law while he's locked up for eternity.
[FONT=&amp]Millard now takes the jury through parts of his cross-examination of Marlena Meneses, Mark Smich's then girlfriend.

Meneses said Smich called her "the *****."

Millard reminds the jury about Smich's rap song, where he refers to "the *****" -- Millard says Meneses told them who "the *****" is.
... from Shannon Martin's live blog

Actually, though?
If THIS is your explanation for the content of the rap ... and zero explanation for the tarp?

Not buying it.


Exactly. He had a chance to explain the tarp and what was in it, as well as what was so special about it to him that he needed a photo of it. He didn't, because he knew exactly what was in the tarp and wanted a reminder of his a trophy...
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews
2m2 minutes ago
Millard says Noudga wouldn't have asked him other things about his relationships at the end of August. "Christina is well aware" that he has relationships with other women, #Millard says.

Per CN's testimony at the Tim Bosma trial, she thought they had an exclusive relationship. If they had an open relationship, as DM would have us all believe, then why the denials?

Leitch asked her if they were in an exclusive relationship.

“I thought it was. I had my suspicions but they were always denied,” she said.
That narrative could be quickly dispelled, as it would be atypical for someone with an active social media presence to simply 'go dark'; furthermore, even if LB's transactional history was primarily cash based, there would still be evidence of rudimentary banking activity, especially for payment of bills (however nominal those might have been), and new phone registration could easily be verified via UUID / IMEI / MAC data. To assert that "Dell's plot" is remotely plausible is illogical and also conveniently ignores all of the key elements of evidence the Crown presented. I would wager that Joe Pesci was a more convincing lawyer in "My Cousin Vinny" than Millard could ever have aspired to.
Also ludicrous to believe that someone who dropped off the radar with zero contact with friends would be traipsing around the old neighbourhood. That witness was wrong. And witness ID is most unreliable.
It just kills me that DM thinks hunting is about blasting away at animals and running off, like teenagers bashing in rural mailboxes!
Not surprising though given his complete lack of respect for people and property.
I hate his cocky little song. I wish i could come up with a replacement in my head. "MS you can't go swimming or go home, can't go home, what? you can't go home." pout face - can't go home...
I hear Phone not bone. I listened to it several times and still only heard phone. He’s not correcting the word “bone” he’s repeating “phone” and more like....what phone. Like I didn’t see a phone, did you see a phone....what phone.

Exactly. He had a chance to explain the tarp and what was in it, as well as what was so special about it to him that he needed a photo of it. He didn't, because he knew exactly what was in the tarp and wanted a reminder of his a trophy...
My thoughts as well...
Mattress - wasn't sleeping well, thought a change would be of benefit
Tarp - Pedo urinated on my area rug so I wrapped it up in a tarp and will show pedo this photo when he is older as a shaming tool
Phone Pings - picked her up at "*advertiser censored*" dropped her off at a client's home
Txt to MS about not being out front - I was bringing a new girl home, didn't want the hassle of explaining who she was

There's lots that I'm missing here but, DM should've touched light on some of the key points that the Crown made. IMO, it seemed like he was spinning in circles.

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Good for you for saying what you think. I am in total agreement with you, I think Millard did a great job as a lawyer, albeit with a few big slip ups. The majority of people on here are more like members of a lynch mob, only here to see one thing, DM & MS being found guilty. They cannot be swayed to admit even the slightest point that would paint these guys in a good light. It is a shame that Millard took the path he took. With actual training I'm sure he could have been a competent lawyer. However, in this trial he was stuck with a terrible client who never had any chance of winning the case. People may want to cut up his lawyering but seriously, I don't think the worlds best lawyer could have done anything more with this case.

I wouldn't be surprised if Millard studies law while he's locked up for eternity.

It's pretty offensive to categorize the "majority" of people on here as members of a "lynch mob". I find most people here are respectful to each other when they have different opinions. It does get difficult when you have people blatantly baiting for a fight.

As for DM, I do believe he did have his moments where he did well, he did seem to try to learn as he went, again though he has had a few years now to read and educate himself on the law. I think he had more bad moments defending himself then shining moments, that's for sure. I do think a good actual lawyer may have given him the smallest chance of an acquittal. Where it stands now, I think the jury will convict on M1. And I think he put the final nail in the coffin, so to speak, when he attacked Laura's parents...and at the closing of his argument, the arrogance and lack of empathy would not be missed nor forgotten by this Jury.WOW. Done and done...MOO
My thoughts as well...
Mattress - wasn't sleeping well, thought a change would be of benefit
Tarp - Pedo urinated on my area rug so I wrapped it up in a tarp and will show pedo this photo when he is older as a shaming tool
Phone Pings - picked her up at "*advertiser censored*" dropped her off at a client's home
Txt to MS about not being out front - I was bringing a new girl home, didn't want the hassle of explaining who she was

There's lots that I'm missing here but, DM should've touched light on some of the key points that the Crown made. IMO, it seemed like he was spinning in circles.

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I've been pretty quite about Millard's closing, not because I haven't found fault with it, more because it i essentially all unbelievable. Just one lie after another, and not really worth commenting on. I said Monday that he needed to create a narrative of what happened to explain his innocence, but that didn't happen. It is quite evident that LB was picked up at Kipling and brought to Maple Gate on the 3rd of July. If Millard is innocent, or wanted people to believe he was, he needed to explain what happened that day and what he did with her. Why did she leave her luggage at his house? Where did she say she was going? Where did you drop her off?

There is just no way to construct a narrative around the facts. We saw desperate lies thrown out there. The stop at the engine shop? Why was a witness not called? A receipt for what he picked up? Anything? This tells me he was just making stuff up as he went along. Does it make sense that if he had a body in his vehicle he would go to the engine shop, then the hangar, then the farm? Again, no evidence of an Engine shop stop, and he likely needed to go to the Hangar to get the tarp. And does anybody believe he was actually doing mechanical work to an aircraft? Even SS said he wouldn't even work on planes.

So, its all one big lie, I see it, we all see it, and the jury does too. Not much more to talk about really.
That’s the first time I actually watched the video. Poor dog LOL Anyway, think he said bone first and then corrected himself and said phone.

ETA: Ok, I listened a few more times and now I don’t here bone...I hear phone every time he says it.
It's pretty offensive to categorize the "majority" of people on here as members of a "lynch mob". I find most people here are respectful to each other when they have different opinions. It does get difficult when you have people blatantly baiting for a fight.

As for DM, I do believe he did have his moments where he did well, he did seem to try to learn as he went, again though he has had a few years now to read and educate himself on the law. I think he had more bad moments defending himself then shining moments, that's for sure. I do think a good actual lawyer may have given him the smallest chance of an acquittal. Where it stands now, I think the jury will convict on M1. And I think he put the final nail in the coffin, so to speak, when he attacked Laura's parents...and at the closing of his argument, the arrogance and lack of empathy would not be missed nor forgotten by this Jury.WOW. Done and done...MOO

Sorry, but I calls them hows I sees em :)

And I don't think there was ever the even the smallest chance of acquittal. How could that ever happen? The evidence ALL pointed directly to him and he all but confessed in his letter to CN.
Good for you for saying what you think. I am in total agreement with you, I think Millard did a great job as a lawyer, albeit with a few big slip ups. The majority of people on here are more like members of a lynch mob, only here to see one thing, DM & MS being found guilty. They cannot be swayed to admit even the slightest point that would paint these guys in a good light. It is a shame that Millard took the path he took. With actual training I'm sure he could have been a competent lawyer. However, in this trial he was stuck with a terrible client who never had any chance of winning the case. People may want to cut up his lawyering but seriously, I don't think the worlds best lawyer could have done anything more with this case.

I wouldn't be surprised if Millard studies law while he's locked up for eternity.
The majority of people here do not speak from a lynch mob mentality, they speak from a place of justice for the victims and their families. Lynch mobbing has to do with arbitrarily deciding someone is guilty, and wanting to see them fry with zero evidence or a fair trial. That is not the case here. We want justice, and base our opinions on overwhelming evidence.

I think you make a lot of great points on this forum, Andreww. But I find it strange that you can accuse others of being arbitrary towards DM, yet you have arbitrarily torn apart many crown witnesses.
Good for you for saying what you think. I am in total agreement with you, I think Millard did a great job as a lawyer, albeit with a few big slip ups. The majority of people on here are more like members of a lynch mob, only here to see one thing, DM & MS being found guilty. They cannot be swayed to admit even the slightest point that would paint these guys in a good light. It is a shame that Millard took the path he took. With actual training I'm sure he could have been a competent lawyer. However, in this trial he was stuck with a terrible client who never had any chance of winning the case. People may want to cut up his lawyering but seriously, I don't think the worlds best lawyer could have done anything more with this case.

I wouldn't be surprised if Millard studies law while he's locked up for eternity.

Thank you. It's great to see reasonable objective posters here.
Sorry, but I calls them hows I sees em :)

And I don't think there was ever the even the smallest chance of acquittal. How could that ever happen? The evidence ALL pointed directly to him and he all but confessed in his letter to CN.

I hear you, and some lawyers manage to get their clients off with even more evidence then this case has, so maybe with an amazing lawyer he may have had a 1% chance :)
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