Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.12.17 - Final Charge - *Verdict Watch*

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Sorry for replying to this comment with no relevance...
But, is the jury still deliberating during all of this (as in, do they know what's going on with DM & his application)

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Not a chance.

Shannon Martin:

There is no jury present, they remain sequestered and continue to deliberate on a verdict. In the room, it's just lawyers and defence, members of the media, and the Babcock family. #LauraBabcock
I don't agree with what DM is saying. I didn't see that as the case whatsoever. He already knew he was going to put forth this motion before the closing arguments were even made, I bet.
Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV

During the pre-trial motion, it was said that both defences would mainly argue that the Crown's evidence is circumstantial, that Babcock's body has never been found.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews

Judge is reading passage where it was assumed that #Millard and #Smich may turn to an alternative defence, that the other was responsible for #LauraBabcock's death. "It was self-evident and obvious," that would happen based on crown evidence, judge says.

The judge expected that if it became likely the jury would find #LauraBabcock was indeed dead, then the accused would turn on each other as an "alternative" defence. #LauraBabcock

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV

During the pre-trial motion, it was said that both defences would mainly argue that the Crown's evidence is circumstantial, that Babcock's body has never been found.

Come on JC. Yes or no?
I don't agree with what DM is saying. I didn't see that as the case whatsoever. He already knew he was going to put forth this motion before the closing arguments were even made, I bet.

He probably knew he was going to put forth this motion as soon as he was denied severance.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews

"It's exactly what everyone understood was inevitable, back in the severance application," Code explains to #Millard. "You weren't taken by surprised." Dungey simply pointed out the crown's evidence as an alternative defence. #LauraBabcock
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews

"You've had notice of the crown's case for years now," judge says he told #Millard to be prepared. "That's your problem." Millard pipes up. "May I, your honour?" He has no problem with the crown's case, he says. #LauraBabcock
Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV

Code says to Millard, "It seems to be what happened here is what everyone seemed to think was inevitable. You haven't been taken by surprise, Mr. Millard."

Code continues, "There was no evidence called by the defence. Mr. Dungey is just saying, 'look at the Crown's case -- it points to Mr. Millard.'"

Code to Millard, "You've had notice of the Crown's case for years now. I told you back in June you better get ready. It's common sense to me this is what was going to happen. That's your problem."

Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews

What's the definition of an antagonistic defence? "The exact definition never crystallized completely," #Millard says. Was it a cut-throat defence or an antagonistic one? He's quoting other legal cases now. "Smich's position has changed," he says #LauraBabcock

This was repeated over and over that the defence was not going to be antagonistic, there "was no hint of that" throughout the trial." "It's not that the crown's done anything wrong here," Millard says. But Smich changed his position at the last minute, he asserts. #LauraBabcock
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews

What's the definition of an antagonistic defence? "The exact definition never crystallized completely," #Millard says. Was it a cut-throat defence or an antagonistic one? He's quoting other legal cases now. "Smich's position has changed," he says #LauraBabcock

This was repeated over and over that the defence was not going to be antagonistic, there "was no hint of that" throughout the trial." "It's not that the crown's done anything wrong here," Millard says. But Smich changed his position at the last minute, he asserts. #LauraBabcock

I don’t know if he is actually whining but when I read these tweets I imagine he is whining.
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews

Dungey just repeated the crown's case, and recited the crown evidence, after saying "if" his primary position, that #LauraBabcock may not be dead, is not palatable to the jury. "He didn't call one iota of evidence," judge says. "What could possibly be wrong with that?"
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews

Judge is again explaining the difference between antagonistic and cut-throat defence. "There was a real possibility that Smich would get in the box and point the finger at you... but he has not done that.... Dungey has just pointed at the crown's case. #LauraBabcock
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews

The case against Millard was strong, the case against Smich less so, and the judge is wondering how Millard is taken by surprise by the position taken by Smich's lawyer. "I think this is really misconceived, Mr. Millard." #LauraBabcock.

Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV

Code, "There was a real possibility that Smich would get in the box and point the finger at you. But he has not done that. All Mr. Dungey has done is pointed the finger at the Crown's case, and said look closely at the Crown’s case."
Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews

The case against Millard was strong, the case against Smich less so, and the judge is wondering how Millard is taken by surprise by the position taken by Smich's lawyer. "I think this is really misconceived, Mr. Millard." #LauraBabcock.

I could never be a judge. Their job is tough!
Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV

Millard to Code, “There was 101 things I could’ve said about Mr. Smich but I did not do that.”
Code, "You were very wise to do that, you would’ve provoked him to get in the box. So all we’ve got the Crown’s case."


Lisa Hepfner‏ @HefCHCHNews

"The case against #Smich is quite different from the case against you," judge says. There was something he could have brought out against Smich but didn't, #Millard says. That was wise, Code says.
Shannon Martin‏ @ShannonMartinTV

Code, "Anything else Mr. Millard? I've beaten you up pretty badly, but that's what happens when you make a weak argument."
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