Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.12.17 - Final Charge - *Verdict Watch*

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Considering MS will still be in prison for at least 25 years, I agree that would be the slightest glimmer of a silver lining if there ever was one in this trial.... DM would be furious

MS and DM have already served roughly 4 years for the TB sentenced so 21 left until they can even try to request parole. Hopefully M1 for LB as well.

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My son heard on the news last night that DM and MS complained they were getting back too late for hot meals. Request granted, but no bones, as can be used as weapons. I found the reference to bones ironic in a distasteful way.
quoted from
Steaming at DM's choice of words here, in light of what happened to Tim Bosma and Laura Babcock.
Yeah those are the exact words I am sure could be applied to what they did to Laura and Tim Bosma DM is so disturbed that I bet he deliberately chose those words, this man is a very , very disturbed person. Someone said that DM said he knew 101 things he could reveal about MS.
I think we only know a very small amount of things that went on and if we knew it all would be shocked at how bad it is.
that is why in no way do I think MM was even telling 1/4 of what she knew. They all are the same and it is the most vile I am aware of where so many have kept quiet and will not tell all they know.
Every single person involved in this knows a lot more and have refused to help convict these despicable scum. They would rather see them get away with committing heinous murders.
My son heard on the news last night that DM and MS complained they were getting back too late for hot meals. Request granted, but no bones, as can be used as weapons. I found the reference to bones ironic in a distasteful way.
Yes, your son is correct! I watched the same program last night.
Going forward they will have hot meals brought in for the accused. Last night it was chicken fillet and rice. Whatever.
Is this because the jury asked for a copy of the closing? Millard got scared?

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I would imagine DM had/has several pre-written motions for mistrial and/or appeal (template for each kind of mistrial submission etc). What else does he have to do with his time? I am slightly joking, but mostly not. :D
Witnesses can't talk about things the judge says is admissible.

The LB murder happened months before she was asked about it. If she didn't notice anything outside of the norm that night she isn't going good to remember anything about it. Do you remember what you were doing some night in April this year?

Surprisingly, it's not that difficult to remember back to some obscure date in the past. You look back on your phone calls, emails, bank statements, credit cards, calendar, work schedule, fb, and pretty soon, you can reconstruct your day,
I seem to think the 'fireside furniture' was made by MS. There are several messages from DM to MS about 'making something' and selling it at markets whenever MS was desperate for cash. DM also suggested he 'sew' something to sell?.

No, those pictures are copped from Instagram and are still there.
Yes, your son is correct! I watched the same program last night.
Going forward they will have hot meals brought in for the accused. Last night it was chicken fillet and rice. Whatever.
Hubby got to work 12hrs yesterday and then had to prepare himself a big meal of hotdogs for supper when he arrived home.
Cold meals prepared for you doesn't sound like a rough life imo

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That's what I'm thinking. And I believe that statement by DM about the red bag not being the one LB had when she died is what they are looking for.
Yep this is what I said yesterday too.

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My son heard on the news last night that DM and MS complained they were getting back too late for hot meals. Request granted, but no bones, as can be used as weapons. I found the reference to bones ironic in a distasteful way.

they are both probably the most annoying inmates. DMe specially used to living with a silver spoon in his mouth...just whining over everything. My good friend is a Guard and the things the inmates whine about just blows your mind.

Heres a thought, maybe you shouldn't have killed three people. They will never have a hot meal. But you don't think about that do you DM.
So I ended up bringing coffee and donuts for LB's parents. They invited me in to sit with their family and friends and we all had lunch together. They are such incredible people. It honestly was an experience that has been life changing, to spend time with her family. CB is so funny and just, I don't know. There aren't words to describe. So I'll just put a smiley face here. :)
they are both probably the most annoying inmates. DMe specially used to living with a silver spoon in his mouth...just whining over everything. My good friend is a Guard and the things the inmates whine about just blows your mind.

Heres a thought, maybe you shouldn't have killed three people. They will never have a hot meal. But you don't think about that do you DM.

I have had several discussions also with a (now retired) Kingston Pen guard, who, over the years, got to know Clifford Olson better than he wanted to. He said the same thing - CO was a snivelling, self-centred, whining, complaining coward. It seems that character attribute is common in people of the serial killer mindset. Most prisoners are hard, many are rough, quite a few are quiet, many are tough, but some are just simply disgusting , and DM flies that flag.
So I ended up bringing coffee and donuts for LB's parents. They invited me in to sit with their family and friends and we all had lunch together. They are such incredible people. It honestly was an experience that has been life changing, to spend time with her family. CB is so funny and just, I don't know. There aren't words to describe. So I'll just put a smiley face here. :)
You are such a kind soul, I commend you for doing this! I'm so happy to know that it was a well-received gesture, it says a lot about the type of people the Babcock's are!
My son heard on the news last night that DM and MS complained they were getting back too late for hot meals. Request granted, but no bones, as can be used as weapons. I found the reference to bones ironic in a distasteful way.

aw....maybe they should feed him big bowls of hot pasta. Nice and bone free. :happydance:
So I ended up bringing coffee and donuts for LB's parents. They invited me in to sit with their family and friends and we all had lunch together. They are such incredible people. It honestly was an experience that has been life changing, to spend time with her family. CB is so funny and just, I don't know. There aren't words to describe. So I'll just put a smiley face here. :)
Thank you for posting that. It's lovely to hear of some normal human reactions, both in your thoughtfulness in bringing Laura's parents coffee and doughnuts and them asking you to have lunch with them.

It made me feel quite emotional, so I'm glad you had that experience.
I have had several discussions also with a (now retired) Kingston Pen guard, who, over the years, got to know Clifford Olson better than he wanted to. He said the same thing - CO was a snivelling, self-centred, whining, complaining coward. It seems that character attribute is common in people of the serial killer mindset. Most prisoners are hard, many are rough, quite a few are quiet, many are tough, but some are just simply disgusting , and DM flies that flag.
Super interesting- thank you!

I'd love to pick the brain of someone on the inside of Canada's most notorious prisons. I bet there are a slew of personality traits or characteristics that most of these folks have in common. I wonder what MS and DM are actually like though, where they are being held. How do they act? what do they do? Are they currently in segregation/solitary or not (I've heard conflicting theories)? Have there been any incidents involving either of them (both of them)? Etc... I let curiosity get the best of me sometimes.
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