Laura Babcock Murder Trial 12.12.17 - Final Charge - *Verdict Watch*

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I am surprised we never heard the analysis of the board from the farm or the second burn pit on the farm that had another car seat. All of the time spend in the green tent with forensics never seemed to result in usable evidence for this trial. I always suspected the other car seat (probably the missing one from the Yukon) was burned to also remove some transport evidence, obviously not THIS case. I am sure there are a lot of other crimes that went on with this crew we don't even know about.
Lisa Hepfner‏

Millard's was 4 hours, Dungey's was 2 hours, Cameron's was 2 hours, "so it would be an eight hour process for you to come in and listen to them." Judge doesn't want to hear why the jury wants the closings, but wants them to know their options. #LauraBabcock

Shannon Martin‏

Code says if the jury is looking for specific items within the closing addresses, he understands paper copies are a better option.
Lisa Hepfner‏

The judge will let the jury retire to consider these options. Jury members nod that these solutions are "responsive" to what they were looking for. They're going back to deliberations again. #LauraBabcock

Shannon Martin‏

Code says, "it's very much in your hands and the process of your deliberations" what they want to do. He says the jury can send him a note once they decide on paper copies, an audio recording, or if his summary in the charge is enough. #LauraBabcock
Lisa Hepfner@HefCHCHNews

The #LauraBabcock jury will be given options for the closing arguments they asked for. If they want to listen to them, it will take 8 hours (Millard 4, Dungey 2, Cameron 2 hrs) or they can wait until tomorrow noon when transcriptions can be available.

Jury coming now.

Judge tells them he understands they now have 12 copies of his charge. His assistant is preparing an index so they can search the extensive document more efficiently.

Jury requests copy of all three closing statements, judge recites the question. Says the transcripts can be available by noon tomorrow. Jury nodding along.

In the interim, Code reminds the jury that his 20-page heading "X" gives them a summary of the three closings. Otherwise they can come back into court and listen to the audio recordings of the three closings.

Millard's was 4 hours, Dungey's was 2 hours, Cameron's was 2 hours, "so it would be an eight hour process for you to come in and listen to them." Judge doesn't want to hear why the jury wants the closings, but wants them to know their options.

The judge will let the jury retire to consider these options. Jury members nod that these solutions are "responsive" to what they were looking for. They're going back to deliberations again.

Lunch will be at 1p.m. for 1.5 hours. Dinner is more complicated, judge says. He usually asks the constable to poll the jury at about 6pm. The jury can keep working or pack it in. By 7pm he knows the answer, he says. Dungey would like a firmer schedule.
Lisa Hepfner‏
Lunch will be at 1p.m. for 1.5 hours. Dinner is more complicated, judge says. He usually asks the constable to poll the jury at about 6pm. The jury can keep working or pack it in. By 7pm he knows the answer, he says. Dungey would like a firmer schedule. #LauraBabcock
It was MM’s comments about DM and MS’s celebratory mood the morning after the TB murder that sealed the deal in that trial. She didn’t have to volunteer that info. Others were far more coy. But she did and she stuck to that description of events even under aggressive cross.
Her testimony was as vital as Igor’s keen eye in spotting and remembering that tattoo. MOO

Maybe she was afraid her fate would be the same as CN (a few months in jail and AATF charges would be enough to spill some of the beans but not enough to get herself in crap) so she gave up “some” info to save her a$$ just as the rest of the degenerates did!!

I’m sorry but I was a dumb, love struck 17 year old once and dated a really bad guy! I seen him through rosey glasses but my parents seen through him. Even though he was wanted in Welland and Montreal, I didn’t care. I protected him when the cops found him cuz I was a stupid, love struck girl. I look back on it today and think ”sh@t, wtf was I thinking?!”

Thank you, dar107! You have no idea how appreciative I am to hear that. You truly have made my day! :loveyou:
ETA: I sincerely hope your family members are doing well today, and that healing has begun.

Unfortunately they are still entwined. :( But I never give up hope, and they know they can come to me for help. Maybe one day we can talk off the board.
Lisa Hepfner@HefCHCHNews

Jury response is back. They will wait for transcripts. "No need for audio re-do." Judge says that suggests they are looking for specific parts of the closing addresses. The transcripts are being urgently ordered.
I am surprised we never heard the analysis of the board from the farm or the second burn pit on the farm that had another car seat. All of the time spend in the green tent with forensics never seemed to result in usable evidence for this trial. I always suspected the other car seat (probably the missing one from the Yukon) was burned to also remove some transport evidence, obviously not THIS case. I am sure there are a lot of other crimes that went on with this crew we don't even know about.

Thank-you for reminding me of something I have wondered about for some time. When LE was throwing the hay from the barn to the outside (at least I'm pretty sure that is what happened) could they have unknowingly been tossing any DNA evidence showing LB had been in the barn for 3 weeks?

LE knew nothing of what could have happened to LB on that day (completely aside from what TPS could have known) so had no reason to check before touching the hay. Ironically, was LE looking for something under the hay? Did it smell so bad that they removed it? Sure wish I knew.

To steal his money.

But, I don't disagree. There is more to this than thievery, and this is becoming very apparent as we see WTJDH articles, inclusive of redacted texts.

nope I don't think it was to steal his money. I think he knew too much, I think he started to put pieces of the puzzle together and was coming to a conclusion that his son was a psychotic killer, maybe even confronted him on it.
Thank-you for reminding me of something I have wondered about for some time. When LE was throwing the hay from the barn to the outside (at least I'm pretty sure that is what happened) could they have unknowingly been tossing any DNA evidence showing LB had been in the barn for 3 weeks?

LE knew nothing of what could have happened to LB on that day (completely aside from what TPS could have known) so had no reason to check before touching the hay. Ironically, was LE looking for something under the hay? Did it smell so bad that they removed it? Sure wish I knew.

Yes, and I have wondered if SS smelt decomposition in the barn and not from the incinerator as he testified.
"He said he asked Crimestoppers if it was Bosma's truck. The operator, he said, told him to call back in 45 minutes. "Yes, it is the truck," Jennings recalled the operator saying. "Please tell us where it is." He didn't. "I went in shock, walked outside and went inside my pickup truck and vomited," he said. He phoned his wife. Panic set in. So he calmed himself, returned to work and made it through the day. When he returned to work the next day, Jennings said he noticed the black pickup truck was gone. Sometime later that day, he called police and told them what he knew."

Ya, After the fact that Jenning’s told SS at the family meeting about it and then SS tipped off DM that his father in law knew that it was Bosma’s truck! Just enough time for DM to take care of the situation and get the truck to moms house! I know that’s not Jennings fault SS told DM. It Jennings should have told crime Stoppers right then and there where the truck was!!

Even people in the Bosma family do not credit Jennings for the break in the case!


Wow, what does anyone make out of CN's comments of "limbs cut off without hesitation" I wonder if these were rambling notes/comments, or she was provided a detailed description from DM of what actually physically took place with the night of TB murder. And another thing, it just makes me want to SCREAM at the top of my lungs that roughly 10 months passes by between the LB/TB murders, without anyone in that dirty little circle of friends saying a thing. They ALL knew about LB fate.
I bet anything their looking for the context that DM said “the red bag wasn't the one Laura had when she died.”
She is not the innocent person she made herself out to be. It is an act and she is good at it.
You can buy it all you want I don't at all. She is lucky that MS did not spill more about her, that is my opinion.
Maybe she is scared now to see where she could end up if she kept on the path she was going , that she could end up in prison, so she is too scared to continue on as she was.
Who knows and who cares. I could care less if she has seen the light or not. In all the photos of her with MS she looked very happy and having a good time even with the stuff she knew that he was doing, the drugs etc.
She is far , far from the innocent person she tried to portray.

The fact that when he was arrested he yelled at MM "don't tell them anything" or something like that, tells me she knows LOTS
Ya, After the fact that Jenning’s told SS at the family meeting about it and then SS tipped off DM that his father in law knew that it was Bosma’s truck! Just enough time for DM to take care of the situation and get the truck to moms house! I know that’s not Jennings fault SS told DM. It Jennings should have told crime Stoppers right then and there where the truck was!!

Even people in the Bosma family do not credit Jennings for the break in the case!


Agreed. My point wasn't that Jennings broke the case. My point was that if Igor hadn't identified the tattoo, DM still would have been identified fairly soon after. There were suggestions on here that if not for Igor, DM would have killed more people. I'm not saying Jennings was a saint; I just think DM would have been caught soon enough even without Igor's tip.
I bet anything their looking for the context that DM said “the red bag wasn't the one Laura had when she died.”
He didn't say that in his closing statement though did he?
I bet anything their looking for the context that DM said “the red bag wasn't the one Laura had when she died.”

Do you mean the jury?
I'm wondering if they are trying to avoid ploughing through all the evidence and base their findings on a comparison between the closings and the judge's charge.
Seems like very unusual requests to me.
Exactly!!! Just as CN fooled her Judge at her trial!!

If you’re cute with a little squeaky voice or an attractive woman like CN (she is a pretty girl on the outside but very disgusting inside) you get away with a lot!

When I was younger, you wouldn’t believe the traffic violations I got away with, why? Cuz I was pretty and played the card right with the cops! I even had 2 of them bringing me coffees to my house and chat for hours! One even texted me for over a year lol


Traffic violations are not what Noudga was charged with. The goals of the justice system include rehabilitation. There is little reason to believe that a male in Christina’s situation - i.e. an intelligent university grad with no previous record, who had already served several months in jail, who had initially onerous bail conditions with no known violations, with a supportive family, represented by a top shelf lawyer, accepting responsibility through a guilty plea, and having been accepted into medical school - would not have received the same chance.
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