Laura Babcock Murder Trial - *GUILTY*

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Sorry, but no. Her finances don't add up.

She took several trips last year. She had a low paying job. Now, she likely has tuition and living expenses, and she's at Whistler over Xmas break.

Poland is not significantly cheaper than any small Canadian city and the wages aren't higher.

How many people do you know with that lifestyle and a job? And we haven't even gotten into the Greenspan lawyer bills.

There's something fishy. No student without rich parents has that kind of disposable income. It just does not compute.

What trips?

Honestly it doesn't cost that much to travel if you plan it. She doesn't look to be wearing fancy clothes, or have her hair and nails done, no car etc. I don't think her lifestyle is that $$$. If she got accepted to Med school maybe she got bursarys for tuition? Maybe she is working during her studies, don't a lot of Med students do that?

Cost of living in Poland is 38.54% lower than in Canada (aggregate data for all cities, rent is not taken into account). Rent in Poland is 47.05% lower than in Canada(average data for all cities). From

So yes, it is significantly cheaper to live there. Our dollar is worth 3x the PLN. So rent average in a 1000sq ft apartment is about $700 rough estimate.
What trips?

Honestly it doesn't cost that much to travel if you plan it. She doesn't look to be wearing fancy clothes, or have her hair and nails done, no car etc. I don't think her lifestyle is that $$$. If she got accepted to Med school maybe she got bursarys for tuition? Maybe she is working during her studies, don't a lot of Med students do that?

Cost of living in Poland is 38.54% lower than in Canada (aggregate data for all cities, rent is not taken into account). Rent in Poland is 47.05% lower than in Canada(average data for all cities). From

So yes, it is significantly cheaper to live there. Our dollar is worth 3x the PLN. So rent average in a 1000sq ft apartment is about $700 rough estimate.

Does CN’s mother have her own practice? I have a family member who is now retired but had a career in a private paramedical type service, and over the years earned an absurd number of air miles on business expenses put through credit cards that rewarded those points. They flew for free all over the place all the time. I wonder if something like that could be a factor in CN’s travel.
Has this turned into the Christine Noudga thread? So sick about hearing about that woman.
I for one am completely disgusted by most of the friends of both Millard and Smich, how they handled themselves in connection with these two murder cases. Most didn't go to the police with what they knew. The majority of the ones who were questioned by police didn't even tell the truth at first. The police had to threaten AM that he would be arrested before he started to talk. Then there are their mothers, Smich's sisters, Al Jennings, etc. etc. If the public including us here on WS speak poorly about them, it is well derserved in my opinion.

These two murders of Tim Bosma and Laura Babcock are very very disturbing. What to me is equally disturbing is the number of people surrounding these two, who knew stuff and did absolutely nothing.

Great post, sums it up nicely for me. The shock factor still hasn't gone away with the complete DM/MS story. My guess is Smich that lazy juvenile simpleton, will adapt just fine trying to be a jailhouse celebrity rapper tough guy. Millard on the other hand, will go psychologically insane staring at his 'ambition' tattoo dreaming of what could have been.
It’s an unfortunate reality that very public armchair analysis and judgement just kind of comes with this territory in the internet age. There are a lot of forces that propell it forward, and very few that restrain it, such that even people that want to be responsible and sensitive lose sight of themselves sometimes. Many more times than once over many years I have regretted and felt shame and ick for things I’ve written. We are what we do.

One thing I think is almost always missing is a deep understanding of just how destructive it is to become involved with a psychopathic or similar personality in life. People to whom that happens are profoundly unlucky and virtually never unscathed. They are psychologically targeted and morally tested in ways the vast majority of us simply never will be. It’s their own flaws being leveraged to be sure, but the flaws are so often incredibly ordinary. It’s the situation they are in - entanglement with a psychopath - that is not ordinary. IMO it’s the situation we should be emphasizing to understand their actions and motivations, more than their individual characters.

The reality is that it's the outcomes, not intentions or circumstances, that matter the most.
Does CN’s mother have her own practice? I have a family member who is now retired but had a career in a private paramedical type service, and over the years earned an absurd number of air miles on business expenses put through credit cards that rewarded those points. They flew for free all over the place all the time. I wonder if something like that could be a factor in CN’s travel.

I agree. Also she could be paying for all of this on credit. She may have access to big loans to pay for school and lawyers etc. Her parents may have taken out a second mortgage or something.

Traveling around Europe can definitely be cheap once you are there, I did it as a student for months. She already had a flight back to Canada because of the trial, which I’m assuming the crown paid for?? Someone could have easily gifted her a vacation to Whistler for the holidays.
Great post, sums it up nicely for me. The shock factor still hasn't gone away with the complete DM/MS story. My guess is Smich that lazy juvenile simpleton, will adapt just fine trying to be a jailhouse celebrity rapper tough guy. Millard on the other hand, will go psychologically insane staring at his 'ambition' tattoo dreaming of what could have been.
I know some people that have been in prison for murder do come out and never commit another crime. They usually convert to Christianity in prison. Other people I am not sure if they don't get out of prison worse off because of other criminals they meet in prison and they learn from them.
I agree. Also she could be paying for all of this on credit. She may have access to big loans to pay for school and lawyers etc. Her parents may have taken out a second mortgage or something.

Traveling around Europe can definitely be cheap once you are there, I did it as a student for months. She already had a flight back to Canada because of the trial, which I’m assuming the crown paid for?? Someone could have easily gifted her a vacation to Whistler for the holidays.

Perhaps, but I tend to think that a winter vacation in Whistler would require quite a bit of money. Whistler has been rated the most expensive place in Canada to ring in 2018.
Her family has stood by her. So has her best friend. She appears to have a new boyfriend.

She's spent the past year travelling the globe and now appears to be skiing at Whistler for the holidays.

Doesn't sound like a ruined life to me.

It is a bit mysterious as to where all the money comes from. That's a big lifestyle for someone who just finished school, wouldn't be making much, has a hefty lawyer's bill to pay off, and might currently be doing her MD in Poland.

Her parents are not particularly well off, according to what was stated at her bail hearing, so it's unlikely they're funding all this, especially given they have two other university-age children.

I find the "paid for by Dell's mother" theory hard to swallow as Noudga didn't do anything for Millard unless it helped her first and foremost.

OTOH Dellen really wanted her as a witness but not so much that he would give the Crown a crack at cross examining her.

her family is kind of stuck with her. Her friend is still by her side, but in the big scheme of things, will not have a huge impact on CN’s future regarding job, career, and general happiness and reputation. CN is in the same category as Karla Homolka. Hated, despised, and a liar. Would you hire her for a job? Would you be happy to welcome her into your family as a daughter in law? I wouldn’t. As a doctor - no thanks.
It is only my opinion but I think she may have got paid off by MB because she knew some things and could expose MB and so MB paid for the lawyer and gave her some money. It is the only explanation of how she could afford to have a very high priced lawyer that helped her get a deal so she did not get convicted of a much more serious charge and would have done prison time.

....she did do prison time.
Great post, sums it up nicely for me. The shock factor still hasn't gone away with the complete DM/MS story. My guess is Smich that lazy juvenile simpleton, will adapt just fine trying to be a jailhouse celebrity rapper tough guy. Millard on the other hand, will go psychologically insane staring at his 'ambition' tattoo dreaming of what could have been.

You know, when MS first announced he would be taking the stand in the TB trial, I thought he might be going to tell the truth about everything. It became quickly apparent that was not to be, but if he had, I imagine he would not be looking at a consecutive sentence this time.
You know, when MS first announced he would be taking the stand in the TB trial, I thought he might be going to tell the truth about everything. It became quickly apparent that was not to be, but if he had, I imagine he would not be looking at a consecutive sentence this time.
He told the version of truth that blamed DM for everything that is all he did. At least he did confess they put Tim Bosma s body in the incinerator. By telling the version of the crime scene he did it was not going to let him off of M1. He planned with DM to lure Tim Bosma to his death, he assisted DM to get the incinerator ready to dispose of Tim Bosma, so by testifying it was not going to help him. IF anything I think it made the jury dislike him more.
His version of the murder may not even be the truth he could have been the one that shot Tim Bosma.
I was just going to grab a well-deserved orange (settled for an apple) and remembered MS asking DM to bring "the orange guy" the day before TB's murder. The consensus was that it's one of the synthetic opioids. Hurt shoulder, heroin, "orange guy", "black tar". I wonder if MS was addicted to opioids, and DM used his supply to achieve MS's compliance. Did he really leave beers at the stairs? Was MWJ also providing the heavier drugs? May be the drug addict - drug provider component was the true foundation for their "brotherhood".
I was just going to grab a well-deserved orange (settled for an apple) and remembered MS asking DM to bring "the orange guy" the day before TB's murder. The consensus was that it's one of the synthetic opioids. Hurt shoulder, heroin, "orange guy", "black tar". I wonder if MS was addicted to opioids, and DM used his supply to achieve MS's compliance. Did he really leave beers at the stairs? Was MWJ also providing the heavier drugs? May be the drug addict - drug provider component was the true foundation for their "brotherhood".
From my understanding, I believe MS did have an opioid addiction (Oxy?). I believe it was stated through testimony during the TB trial.
From my understanding, I believe MS did have an opioid addiction (Oxy?). I believe it was stated through testimony during the TB trial.

Ok, I didn't remember that it was directly stated. My point is that since DM directly controlled his money supply and spending (paying bills, buying food, etc), DM was also the exclusive (or the most reliable) source of drugs. Total control.
I agree. Also she could be paying for all of this on credit. She may have access to big loans to pay for school and lawyers etc. Her parents may have taken out a second mortgage or something.

Traveling around Europe can definitely be cheap once you are there, I did it as a student for months. She already had a flight back to Canada because of the trial, which I’m assuming the crown paid for?? Someone could have easily gifted her a vacation to Whistler for the holidays.

People fresh out of school don't get lots of credit. And they have even more problems when they have a criminal record.

The Crown is not gifting Christina Noudga a ticket. She didn't use it so the ATtorney General gets its money back. That's how business travel works. When your business trip is cancelled, your company doesn't just say, "Hey no biggie. Use the ticket for your next vacay." They get a refund.

I don't know why people here are pretending that the lifestyle portrayed on Noudga's Instagram is accessible to a student who's not independently wealthy because it's not. Simple arithmetic will tell you that.
her family is kind of stuck with her. Her friend is still by her side, but in the big scheme of things, will not have a huge impact on CN’s future regarding job, career, and general happiness and reputation. CN is in the same category as Karla Homolka. Hated, despised, and a liar. Would you hire her for a job? Would you be happy to welcome her into your family as a daughter in law? I wouldn’t. As a doctor - no thanks.

She is hated and despised. But she only cares in as much as it constricts her ability to do what she wants.

I think Noudga is a soulless human being, but Homolka found a guy to marry her and make her the mother of his children. And Noudga willl too.

I doubt she'll ever be a doctor in Canada but if I do ever walk into a clinic and find her on duty, I'll be gone in a flash.
People fresh out of school don't get lots of credit. And they have even more problems when they have a criminal record.

The Crown is not gifting Christina Noudga a ticket. She didn't use it so the ATtorney General gets its money back. That's how business travel works. When your business trip is cancelled, your company doesn't just say, "Hey no biggie. Use the ticket for your next vacay." They get a refund.

I don't know why people here are pretending that the lifestyle portrayed on Noudga's Instagram is accessible to a student who's not independently wealthy because it's not. Simple arithmetic will tell you that.

Her instagram is not necessarily a true representation of what she really does.

But even then. Don't forget that her parents are from the former USSR. Perhaps that makes some difference to the way they look at her financial dependence. As a single young person, she could travel in relative comfort for 2-3-4 grand a month. People travel for much less. Upper limit - 50K for a year? A substantial, but not an exorbitant amount.

For her further plans, if she plans to pursue MD. Her best bet is to to education in Poland, pass certification in the US, and settle some place there. She won't be able to completely disappear, but will anybody be looking for her in 10 years? She might have changed her name in the Ukrainian passport by now and use that for diplomas, etc. In a few years she'll get a pardon or something. Having her hang around in Canada invites trouble - more pictures that spread quickly on the internets, etc. Is 50K too much to pay for the chance?
Her instagram is not necessarily a true representation of what she really does.

But even then. Don't forget that her parents are from the former USSR. Perhaps that makes some difference to the way they look at her financial dependence. As a single young person, she could travel in relative comfort for 2-3-4 grand a month. People travel for much less. Upper limit - 50K for a year? A substantial, but not an exorbitant amount.

For her further plans, if she plans to pursue MD. Her best bet is to to education in Poland, pass certification in the US, and settle some place there. She won't be able to completely disappear, but will anybody be looking for her in 10 years? She might have changed her name in the Ukrainian passport by now and use that for diplomas, etc. In a few years she'll get a pardon or something. Having her hang around in Canada invites trouble - more pictures that spread quickly on the internets, etc. Is 50K too much to pay for the chance?

Will the U.S.A. or someplace like The Bahamas let her in with a criminal record ?


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