Laura Babcock Murder Trial - *GUILTY*

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DNA Solves
Oh wow, thank you Ashley!

Fascinating how these sentences reconcile after credit is calculated and deducted. Hopefully he turns it around upon release. He's so deeply embedded in gang culture, however.
Oh wow, thank you Ashley!

Fascinating how these sentences reconcile after credit is calculated and deducted. Hopefully he turns it around upon release. He's so deeply embedded in gang culture, however.

Does anyone know why at sentencing, convicted felons routinely get a generous 1.5x credit for time already served?
Does anyone know why at sentencing, convicted felons routinely get a generous 1.5x credit for time already served?
Because they had been in custody when they were "presumed innocent". Innocent until proven guilty; they had not yet been proven guilty.

It's fascinating really when you think about it, the fact that we lock people up under the presumption of innocence. They are literally legally innocent, and we lock them up. But then on the other side, its completely bananas when folks are proven guilty, and get a significant number of years knocked off their sentence due to a 1.5X credit.

Things I ponder.
[FONT=&amp]Matthew Ward-Jackson Sentencing

[/FONT][FONT=&amp]marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO27m27 minutes ago[/FONT]
[FONT=&amp]The math on"one of the worst firearms offenders"
Judgestarts at 13 yrs.
-2yrs credit for pleading guilty.
11 yr. sent imposed.
1,470days pretrial jail enhanced at 1.5 days =6yrs 15days credit.
Harsh conditions488 days lockdown = 16 mons credit
3yrs 7mons 2wks to serve.[/FONT]

marianne boucher
‏ @CityCourtsTO
45m45 minutes ago[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Justice Kelly: Ward-Jackson spent 1,470 days in pretrialcustody. At a credit of 1.5 days credit = 6 years and 15 days. Plus credit of16 months credit for harsh conditions at the Toronto South. Sentence to11-years minus credits. 3years 7 months remaining to serve.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO49m49 minutes ago[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Justice Kelly: Ward-Jackson plead guilty. In jail for over4-years. He has been a good inmate and wants to be a role model for his sonupon release. He apologized and promised to change. He is articulate and showssome promise... 11years. One of the worst firearm offenders.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO52m52 minutes ago[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Justice Kelly: The gun he sold to Millard caused the death ofTim Bosma. The Smith and Wesson he sold to Millard caused the death of WayneMillard. He knew the firearms would be used for a criminal purpose.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO53m53 minutes ago[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Justice Jane Kelly: Weapons offences pose a danger to thecommunity , significant sentences must be imposed. Four separate firearmsoffences and breaches of court orders. Requires a higher range of sentence.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO55m55 minutes ago[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Justice Jane Kelly reading reasons for sentence. Highlights atxt convo between Ward-Jackson and Millard. Feb 2012. Millard: "By thetime I let her go, she'll be a dirty girl" Ward-Jackson: "That's fineLOL." Crown: Dirty girl translates as stained w a crime.[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]marianne boucher‏ @CityCourtsTO1h1 hour ago[/FONT]

[FONT=&amp]Sentence today for Matthew Ward-Jackson who sold guns to DellenMillard. One gun used to kill Tim Bosma. Crown seeking 13 years. Justice JaneKelly. 4-years pretrial custody, watch for math ahead.

He will be out before you know it. I am sure he will reoffend, the video of him doing a rap , he is ridiculous. I don't think he was only selling illegal guns but drugs also. If he gets busted again I hope they lock him up for a long , long time.
Thanks, deugirtni... I just signed in to post the Fifth Estate link and you've beaten me to it!
Does the Fifth Estate ever have some phenomenal stories. I now know how I'll be spending my downtime in weeks, months, to come.
The reporter made an important comment that the TPS were handed the name of the murderer , DM and did nothing, shameful. If they had have done better it is possible Tim Bosma would still be alive.

The TPS did absolutely zilch, so doing ‘better’ would not have been difficult. It will be shameful if TPS’s incompetence is allowed to be swept under the rug. Glad to see The Fifth Estate / CBC shine a light on it.
I still can't get over the magnitude of these intertwined stories. I can't wait to find out what police have on DM in regard to the murder of his father.
I still can't get over the magnitude of these intertwined stories. I can't wait to find out what police have on DM in regard to the murder of his father.
That is what I find as one of the most fascinating things about these murder cases how all 3 are intertwined. there has never been anything like this in Canada. We will find out more when DM goes on trial for the murder of his father.
The TPS did absolutely zilch, so doing ‘better’ would not have been difficult. It will be shameful if TPS’s incompetence is allowed to be swept under the rug. Glad to see The Fifth Estate / CBC shine a light on it.

Not incompetence so much as disinterest in the disappearance of a young woman with a "risky" lifestyle and mental health issues.
Not incompetence so much as disinterest in the disappearance of a young woman with a "risky" lifestyle and mental health issues.
Negligence, is maybe a better word then? They likely have the skills and resources available to perform a thorough investigation. They didn't do so, though.

However, performing investigations rooted in anti-discrimination and anti-prejudice, should be a core competency of TPS. I'm of the opinion that the officers originally handing this missing persons case at 22 division should face disciplinary action. I hope SL's complaint is successful in some tangible way.
Negligence, is maybe a better word then? They likely have the skills and resources available to perform a thorough investigation. They didn't do so, though.

However, performing investigations rooted in anti-discrimination and anti-prejudice, should be a core competency of TPS. I'm of the opinion that the officers originally handing this missing persons case at 22 division should face disciplinary action. I hope SL's complaint is successful in some tangible way.
I hope something is done to try to stop this from happening again. When I found out TPS did not bother to talk to DM I was outraged. She was so involved on social media and staying connected to her friends and suddenly it all stopped. The police not bothering to look further into the last calls made were to DM, that must have made him feel like he could get away with murder. If he did murder his father he did get away with another murder and he felt he could find another victim randomly and murder them.
Negligence, is maybe a better word then? They likely have the skills and resources available to perform a thorough investigation. They didn't do so, though.

However, performing investigations rooted in anti-discrimination and anti-prejudice, should be a core competency of TPS. I'm of the opinion that the officers originally handing this missing persons case at 22 division should face disciplinary action. I hope SL's complaint is successful in some tangible way.

Can’t help but wonder if TPS would have handled the LB case differently if it had been LB’s parents rather than SL bringing the matter forward.
Can’t help but wonder if TPS would have handled the LB case differently if it had been LB’s parents rather than SL bringing the matter forward.

My memory is that her parents did make a missing persons report, but somewhat later than SL. I doubt it would have made a difference - plus you have to wonder how far they would have got if they had interviewed DM at that time. Would they have had enough evidence even to get search warrants?
My memory is that her parents did make a missing persons report, but somewhat later than SL. I doubt it would have made a difference - plus you have to wonder how far they would have got if they had interviewed DM at that time. Would they have had enough evidence even to get search warrants?
To me, all of this doesn't mean much. FWIW I believe the Babcock's were very much involved in the missing persons report, but even if it was SL leading it, physically speaking to TPS, what difference should that make? If anything, an ex-boyfriend would be seen as a suspect or person of interest, but not so much the case when they're the one filing the missing persons report. There was no alternative motive there. And I don't know how far they would have got investigating DM, but it's that they didn't even try.
And I don't know how far they would have got investigating DM, but it's that they didn't even try.

It's doubtful the first-degree charges would have succeeded - even after Bosma - had DM and MS not been so helpful in providing most of the circumstantial evidence themselves.
It's doubtful the first-degree charges would have succeeded - even after Bosma - had DM and MS not been so helpful in providing most of the circumstantial evidence themselves.
Maybe you're right, but thankfully they did.

All LE had to do was was get ahold of DM's cell phone data, and LB's cell phone data, to establish that they were together.

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