Law Enforcement Searches/AJ's Remains Located

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I missed this at the time. Wes told Zach he was tracking AJs phone? Have I got that right? I wonder if Wes mentioned how he was doing this.

IMO, there wasn't much to track after AJ's cell phone communication stopped. Just texts WH sent himself, using AJ's phone, which may have duped the recipients. If WH told Zach this, I'm sure it was to imply that he was on the "inside track," very close to the investigation.
When WH's mouth is moving, he's being deceptive. :blah: (My opinion only.)
Arkansasmimi, that was a lot of work. Thank you! I'll have to re-read that Cloud info two or three times before I actually understand it, I think. But I'm really going to make the effort, even though this tech stuff just turns my brain to mush. ;)

Coleman said Hadsell - who has "Game Over" tattooed on his eyelids - was estranged from his wife at the time of his arrest and had been for "weeks." Coleman did not say whether the estrangement occurred before or after AJ's disappearance. She said he was living in a hotel room, where police later found a scale with possible cocaine residue on it and 75 rounds of ammunition hidden in an air conditioning vent.
Norfolk police have conducted at least two searches while investigating the disappearance of the Granby High School graduate - first on March 11 at Northside Park in Norfolk and later on March 21 in a swampy, wooded area along Battlefield Boulevard in Chesapeake.
The second search occurred the same day Wesley Hadsell was arrested.

(IMO) WH may have been "ousted" from the home; nonetheless, I'm willing to bet he was a frequent visitor there. Parking his work truck in the driveway, whenever he pleased, afforded him a perfect excuse.

And remember when WH recounted the party for AJ's boyfriend during his interview with "CH"? He stated: "We" had a birthday party for [AJ's boyfriend]. That would have been on 03/15/2015 -- after AJ "went missing," before WH was arrested -- and while he was living at the motel.
Something just occurred to me. AJ was found in a different county. I don't know how they do it in VA, but in my state if found to be crime committed ~ example missing from ABC but found to be murdered in XYZ it would become XYZ case. So that could be some of the hold up on info as well. JMHO
This is some great cell phone info Thanks. So in this same way, everyone involved in AJs life could be traced by cell phones. WOW

Start with Wes.....
Something just occurred to me. AJ was found in a different county. I don't know how they do it in VA, but in my state if found to be crime committed ~ example missing from ABC but found to be murdered in XYZ it would become XYZ case. So that could be some of the hold up on info as well. JMHO

I think that's the way it is in Virginia also. If the victim lived in Richmond, VA, was abducted in NC, then murdered in Southampton County, VA, the trial would take place in Southampton County? I'm not sure how exactly it does work, though, because if it's a capital murder case (AJ's case is NOT), then maybe the trial must take place in a federal court? I'm sure it is spelled out somewhere.

As to your thought on the waiting time in this case, the fact that a forensic anthropologist was brought in could mean that they are seeking to find whether AJ died (or was murdered) in a different jurisdiction -- such as in Norfolk, then later moved to Southampton County to the Smiths Ferry Rd. location where her remains were found.

And another thing, if the case is lacking in evidence, and will be difficult to prosecute and win, nobody wants it in his jurisdiction because that is money out of the jurisdiction's "pockets" that will be spent for "naught." Sad but true and impedes justice.
The link worked for me....The FBI is operating a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the country carrying video and, at times, cellphone surveillance technology — all hidden behind fictitious companies that are fronts for the government, The Associated Press has learned.

The planes' surveillance equipment is generally used without a judge's approval, and the FBI said the flights are used for specific, ongoing investigations. The FBI said it uses front companies to protect the safety of the pilots and aircraft. It also shields the identity of the aircraft so that suspects on the ground don't know they're being watched by the FBI.

In a recent 30-day period, the agency flew above more than 30 cities in 11 states across the country, an AP review found.
The link worked for me....The FBI is operating a small air force with scores of low-flying planes across the country carrying video and, at times, cellphone surveillance technology — all hidden behind fictitious companies that are fronts for the government, The Associated Press has learned.

The planes' surveillance equipment is generally used without a judge's approval, and the

FBI said the flights are used for specific, ongoing investigations. The FBI said it uses front companies to protect the safety of the pilots and aircraft. It also shields the identity of the aircraft so that suspects on the ground don't know they're being watched by the FBI.

In a recent 30-day period, the agency flew above more than 30 cities in 11 states across the country, an AP review found.
Why are they doing this?
Re: the dumping of Anjelica's body at the house in Franklin...people are not processing how FAR this house is from the Hadsells' home and Norfolk. Nobody who wants a hit is going to travel over an hour to a "party house". The partying was taking place MUCH closer to home. The house in Franklin, IMO, pure and simple, was a place Wes knew about through work and HE chose it. Period. Bodies can be thrown into the ocean quicker than the time it would take for him to get ALL THE WAY to rural Franklin.
Re: the dumping of Anjelica's body at the house in Franklin...people are not processing how FAR this house is from the Hadsells' home and Norfolk. Nobody who wants a hit is going to travel over an hour to a "party house". The partying was taking place MUCH closer to home. The house in Franklin, IMO, pure and simple, was a place Wes knew about through work and HE chose it. Period. Bodies can be thrown into the ocean quicker than the time it would take for him to get ALL THE WAY to rural Franklin.

But wasn't he frequently working in the Franklin area? So, the trip for him wouldn't be out of the way. ??

Re: the dumping of Anjelica's body at the house in Franklin...people are not processing how FAR this house is from the Hadsells' home and Norfolk. Nobody who wants a hit is going to travel over an hour to a "party house". The partying was taking place MUCH closer to home. The house in Franklin, IMO, pure and simple, was a place Wes knew about through work and HE chose it. Period. Bodies can be thrown into the ocean quicker than the time it would take for him to get ALL THE WAY to rural Franklin.

I agree wonder who lived in that house before?
Like if someone called in an "anonymous" tip and said that Stokes owned the house. Sort of like "tips" were being called in about her clothes and the jacket.

I would think LE could know who owns a house in two seconds using some database?

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Wes has been portrayed as such a moron in most peoples' theories here that if we go with that assumption that I'm not sure I believe that he would be cunning enough to look up and research abandoned properties by doing a lien recordation search. Also, it requires a level of premeditation that I haven't seen evidence to support and that the COD kind of negates, unless Wes is not a moron at all, but a super smart, cunning, organized murderer. I just don't see it.
For some reason, I thought the Franklin house had a connection to ZH. Like maybe he was planning on buying or renting when he was married to JH. Did that get implied once, or am I dreaming stuff?
Wes has been portrayed as such a moron in most peoples' theories here that if we go with that assumption that I'm not sure I believe that he would be cunning enough to look up and research abandoned properties by doing a lien recordation search. Also, it requires a level of premeditation that I haven't seen evidence to support and that the COD kind of negates, unless Wes is not a moron at all, but a super smart, cunning, organized murderer. I just don't see it.

I guess I wasn't thinking specifically him per say but someone that might be trying to frame or plant evidence.
For some reason, I thought the Franklin house had a connection to ZH. Like maybe he was planning on buying or renting when he was married to JH. Did that get implied once, or am I dreaming stuff?

I thought so too.... I even thought that maybe ZH had mentioned it briefly here once. I may be wrong, though.
I guess I wasn't thinking specifically him per say but someone that might be trying to frame or plant evidence.

Right. I agree. I could see someone(s) else doing it, just not able to buy yet that WH had that much foresight and clear thinking through his drug use to be able to do it.

He can't be both a bumbling fool and a brilliant criminal mastermind. I can't reconcile being able to have it both ways.

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