LE at Anthony Home on Jan. 16th

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DNA Solves
could LE have been there for the report of jb possibly taking entertainment deals???

I hadn't considered this. On the surface it sounds like a good possibility. But I wonder about CA reaction. She has been on an kick about protecting info about Caylee, not wanting certain info to get out and not wanting others to profit from Caylee's remains. So if LE had come to her about JB shopping the funeral or getting "entertainment" monies I would expect her to be raging and angry. Her response seemed more sad/anxious/depressed.

I don't think it was about any future arrest because LE doesn't usually advise people in advance of an arrest and because they have an attorney. If LE has anything to ask the A's or tell the A's they would go through their attorney.
I feel that LE was there,out of respect,because of the pending Doc Dump,so that the GP's could hear it first,before hearing it on the news,or worse.In spite of of the water that has gone under the bridge,I do believe that LE,out of respect for little Caylee,is far above most of the players in this case
I am leaning toward someone making threats toward the A's. Especially in light of the sale of Caylee t-shirts on their website.

I'm leaning toward threats because they are still being the A's. :rolleyes:
Actually I had a handle on it a couple days ago and it seemed the most logical reason of all. But I had a senior moment and I hope it comes back to me, if so I'll post it. :crazy:
Oh ok I think my thoughts were to tell them that the toxicology came back and it showed chloroform or zanax or some other chemical in Caylee's bone marrow.
Then IMO they went on to say they had no doubts it was intentional murder on KC's part and NOT an accident. If you recall this was about the same time LE released how certain they were that it was no accident.

I agree ForDaniel, that's what it was.
You know I used to think that I had this case all figured out like so many of us. I would have bet my life savings on this case. I have just spent the last 2 hours catching up if you will , reading all the text messages and AIMS, and now I am even more confused then I was the day that the story broke. I at times have thought that CA and GA were in on it, I have thought that LA was in on it, I have even thought that AL was in on it too. But now I'm just not sure about anything.

I would like to think that LE was over there to prepare GA and CA of the doc dump that is going to happen this week.

I would also like to think that it was to prepare them for the toxicology report that has more than likely come back.

However, I would love for it to be that GA and CA are playing KC like a fiddle and helping LE build their case. This story just gets more and more strange by the day for me though.. Anyone else feel this way?
All I know is the amount of efforts it looks like she went to plan and hide and coverup and the driving around, and calling around, and, who all knows what, dancing, drinking, puking, sleeping around, eating sushi and staying on the phone all night makes me tired to even think that this is how kids live now a days. I could never get all this crap done in a year that she and her friends seem to have gotten done in the space of a day or two. Do all twenty somethings have this much energy to run around like this (minus the murder of course)?
I am leaning toward someone making threats toward the A's. Especially in light of the sale of Caylee t-shirts on their website.

This is what I thought also.
I feel that LE was there,out of respect,because of the pending Doc Dump,so that the GP's could hear it first,before hearing it on the news,or worse.In spite of of the water that has gone under the bridge,I do believe that LE,out of respect for little Caylee,is far above most of the players in this case

I agree with this as the likely reason for the LE visit.
I emailed Kathi Belich about this and much to my surprise and delight she emailed me back...

----- Original Message -----
From: Belich, Kathi (CTV-Orlando)
To: xxxxx@cox.net
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: Why Were The Police At the Anthony's House on Friday?

Apparently someone made a crank call to the house.. Sort of sordid comments about casey..
I emailed Kathi Belich about this and much to my surprise and delight she emailed me back...

----- Original Message -----
From: Belich, Kathi (CTV-Orlando)
To: xxxxx@cox.net
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: Why Were The Police At the Anthony's House on Friday?

Apparently someone made a crank call to the house.. Sort of sordid comments about casey..

TY. :blowkiss:

That explains that then. :thumb:

Why haven't they changed their phone number and gone unlisted? :boohoo:
Maybe the prank call was how BC was explaining it?...I don't believe him any more than I believe the rest of them.

I now very strongly suspect it had to do with the DNA results being released today.
TY. :blowkiss:

That explains that then. :thumb:

Why haven't they changed their phone number and gone unlisted? :boohoo:eek:
If I were them I would change my address and go undercover-those protesters are hearing this too!
I emailed Kathi Belich about this and much to my surprise and delight she emailed me back...

----- Original Message -----
From: Belich, Kathi (CTV-Orlando)
To: xxxxx@cox.net
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: Why Were The Police At the Anthony's House on Friday?

Apparently someone made a crank call to the house.. Sort of sordid comments about casey..

surprise,surprise........why don't the anthonys get a private number and change cell phone numbers, emails etc.......what do they expect? These calls, protestors etc will happen for the rest of their lives since this is such
a twisted web of lies which they helped to spin........will they call LE for every call? poor LE........hire a body guard! IMO
No -we don't have proof. But common sense tells me that I am sure they get their fair share of them. Based on the hecklers camped outside their home for so long, posts on the internet, etc. Blogging is one thing, but there are alot of vicious people that just can't resist carrying things one step farther. I would honestly be extremely shocked if they had not received hate mail and prank/nasty calls. We don't have proof of any of it - that is not being shared at this time. But to me it is likely it exists. Whether that is what prompted the police to show up...who knows. I find it plausible though and likely based on the comments made by BC. But given the crazy nature of this case...it could be any number of things!

Yep it could be anything, but it's something, isn't it? My first thought it was something to do with the release of the information today. I imagine that they included telling Cindy what her co-workers said about her and her behavior before it was released. She certainly wouldn't have seen it prior. Much of the interviews conducted, including the one with he-who-shall-not-be-named-on-that-other-site, were about her and not about the investigation so to speak.
wasn't there a rumor of some sort implying that the funeral was being shopped around???????

Please pass an emesis basin!

Any lowlife that would do this deserves to have a lifetime of
nightmares and exceptionally bad luck.
I emailed Kathi Belich about this and much to my surprise and delight she emailed me back...

----- Original Message -----
From: Belich, Kathi (CTV-Orlando)
To: xxxxx@cox.net
Sent: Wednesday, January 21, 2009 5:12 AM
Subject: Re: Why Were The Police At the Anthony's House on Friday?

Apparently someone made a crank call to the house.. Sort of sordid comments about casey..

Then that call should have been recorded on the OSCO site. I'm not sure I'm buying the crank call bit. If that's the case, why so hush hush about it?
TY. :blowkiss:

That explains that then. :thumb:

Why haven't they changed their phone number and gone unlisted? :boohoo:
Really...that should have been the very first thing to do...along with every other phone number or website the public knows about.
I just don't see it being a prank call. I would imagine the calls have not stopped even though the body has been found. There are sick people out there. Why would they call them on one call if they are getting them all the time? You would they would change their number or just not answer if they don't know the number. I'm not buying the excuse of a prank call. JMO
Just curious ! If LA moved back in with parents- where is girlfriend?- Is she really preggers- Did LA give up his house, and maybe settling his affairs, due to charges coming down?
he also has "entertainment" rights over the remains. This means he can sell her memorial service to the highest bidder. Would this be considered "lesser included" rights? He's already cashing in on her images. I can't imagine he'd allow such a huge opportunity to pass him by. Maybe with the help of gr, he can have the ceremony held in al capone's vault.


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