LE serves search warrant on family home #4

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There was a pic in that tweet. Looks like some blonder haired lady was getting out of her vehicle....perhaps a family member.

So, where are the parents now? That's my question. LOL

Thanks darlin. I want to know where the parents went and if that's where they are now.......or not. :)
They have come out publicly saying the parents are refusing to cooperate. The parents have never stopped cooperating, they needed a break after hours of being interrogated and accused and are still cooperating.

LE was/is using the media/public to put pressure on these people without a bit of a reason why.

I think that these people are putting the pressure on themselves by continuing to change their story. The truth never changes.
Respectfully...the parents themselves in their interviews have contradicted part of what you have said above. There has been not one single public statement that they gave LE complete access to their house whenever and however they wanted. DB and JI said themselves that they do not want their children re-interviewed. It isn't the media giving us this information, it's the parents.

LE has been at their house searching just about every day... always with permission. Do they need a public statement when they is public evidence?

I agree that it's tragic that parents can be convicted in public opinion before evidence is found to support the suspicion. That's not how our justice system works. It's not a witch hunt. We can't throw them in a lake and see if they sink or float. That was an appalling practice, and damning a family without evidence is as well.

Now, if there is evidence... I'm all for the lake option.
They have come out publicly saying the parents are refusing to cooperate. The parents have never stopped cooperating, they needed a break after hours of being interrogated and accused and are still cooperating.

LE was/is using the media/public to put pressure on these people without a bit of a reason why.

The only info I have heard from LE is that the parents weren't cooperating. I believe that has been proven by the parents' actions and their comments. This LE agency has been extremely professional - unfortunately for those of us who want info, but fortunate for those who are trying to find the truth.
i have looked and relooked at early interviews. i can't find where the parents did not allow LE to keep searching the back yard. if anyone can help this doofus out, please put me out of my misery!

I can only say kantoo :seeya: that the presser was held outside very early on. Capt. mentions the back yard search being not allowed by the parents. It's the same interview where the Capt. says the cars were searched and dogs were used. I watched it with my own eyes.

I will try to find it for you.

I found a pre-screening tool for the FNS SNAP Program. http://www.snap-step1.usda.gov/fns/

I had to make quite a few assumptions. I plugged in 5 fake names and put in the ages of all involved. Well, I put in 28 for JI because I don't remember how old he is but that shouldn't make a difference. I used $43,000 as the annual salary for earned income, $250/ month for unearned income in child support. I used $850/ month for the mortgage (including insurance and taxes.) InDaMiddle, does that sound about right for that area? I did a mortgage calculator with a mortage of $110,000 but I don't know if JI had a downpayment or if he has refinanced, taken out a 2nd mortgage, etc... The short of it is, with my inputs, it showed that they would not be eligible for food stamps. lol

So, the short of it is, there is a high probability that they qualify for WIC but not for food stamps. I like solving easy little mysteries. :woohoo: :great:
You are forgetting that she isn't married to JI. She could have put down that she has to pay rent to JI, Light bill could be in her name, along with other things. She probably put on the application that it read like JI was her landlord not mate
LE has been at their house searching just about every day... always with permission. Do they need a public statement when they is public evidence?

I agree that it's tragic that parents can be convicted in public opinion before evidence is found to support the suspicion. That's not how our justice system works. It's not a witch hunt. We can't throw them in a lake and see if they sink or float. That was an appalling practice, and damning a family without evidence is as well.

Now, if there is evidence... I'm all for the lake option.

well, I do know that they needed a search warrant to go in last night and, as I said before, their own words are what made me change from completely supporting the parents to now thinking they are guilty. the media didn't change my opinion, their words did.
Please folks, remember to disagree with the post, not with the poster.

Let's say that Ynot posts on this thread saying "The sky was purple when they dug around the large shed in the backyard."

There is a big difference between responding, "Are you kidding me?" versus responding, "I disagree with the idea that the sky was purple at that time, and here's why."

Where this post falls is random.

:tyou: all for the dedication you are bringing to finding little Lisa!
I think that these people are putting the pressure on themselves by continuing to change their story. The truth never changes.

Of course the truth never changes, but when your going through something so traumatic who could ever get every little detail spot on? Who's mind would be clear and able to remember every little detail in a situation like this?

Once again I'll state that I am on the fence. I don't believe these parents are innocent or guilty at this time. I'd just like to see baby Lisa found in whatever condition she is in.

And like I have said, I have no idea how I would react, but I'm quite sure my mind would be a jumbled mess.
Not only DB said she isn't allowing LE to re-interview the two boys, she said she herself isn't going to talk to them about the noises they heard. I find that particularly bizarre. It's her baby that is missing after all. She admits she was drunk and her recollection appears to be fuzzy (to say the least). The two boys were not drinking. One would think under these circumstances a mother would be talking and talking to the 6 and 8 year old to figure out what they heard/seen. But in this case one would be wrong.

I could not agree with you more!

While I get there are cases that have been misconstrued. Statistically, it almost as rare as the boogieman walking in our houses and taking our children with no evidence or lead! Obviously, with the media attention here... that did seem to be a problem. So WHY would a MOTHER, A GOOD MOTHER, not want the HIGHLY TRAINED, but very competent PROFESSIONALS she NEEDS TO RELY ON that have THE BEST chance at locating HER MISSING CHILD, HER DAUGHTER to seek out, and follow up in the case?

I always find it interesting when someone has a fear of being arrested if they haven't done anything wrong to be arrested for...

Neglect and Child Endangerment is certainly better than a murder conviction. Reasonable doubt worked in the Anthony case...Even worse... never seeing your child again. IMVHO At what point does DB not understand the public can be much more forgiving of a horrible consequence of poor decision making skill in parenting, rather than someone who acts in manners that inhibit/interfere in the ability to help LE locate her daughter alive?

Unless I am mistaken, DB never even really talked to local media... she went straight to the top?
And that's exactly what these parents are allowing and have given their full consent for LE to come and go as much and as often as they like..Parents have willingly given LE unfettered access to their home, property, vehicles and everything they own within those areas.. INCLUDING ALL THREE OF ALL OF THEIR CHILDREN's BELONGINGS, CLOTHES, AND KEEPSAKES!!

These parents gave willing consent allowing for both of their 6 and 8 yr old boys to be thoroughly interviewed and questioned by LE and those appointed by LE whose profession it is to speak and question children who may have beared witness to pretty horrific stuff.. These people have already questioned their children. Freely, willingly, allowing this to be done!! This is continued to be lied about and false information spread saying otherwise!! Deb was asked in the media blitz WOULD THEY ALLOW THEIR SONS TO BE QUESTIONED AGAIN?? AS IN MORE THAN ONCE.. THEY SAID NO, THEIR BOYS HAVE BEEN QUESTIONED/INTERVIEWED AND LE HAS THEIR FULL ACCOUNTS OF WHAT THE EVENTS OF THAT NIGHT WERE!!

So here's the important thing to that.. From that question and the answer the parents gave it has now been twisted into LE is seeking these children out to RE-QUESTION.. when there is not one statement LE has made requesting TO REQUESTION THE BOYS AGAIN!! this has been blown up by the media and further fueled by incorrect, misinformation being regurgitated repeatedly!!*

THESE CHILDREN HAVE BEEN INTERVIEWED.. THE PARENTS WILLINGLY GAVE THEIR PERMISSION AND ALLOWED THIS.. THERE HAS NOT BEEN A STATEMENT FROM POLICE STATING THEY WISH TO REQUESTION THIS 6 and 8 yr old boys!! This is all bunk simply derived from a question asked and answered and that has been twisted into more cruel, false, outright lies and misconceptions that these parents aren't allowing their children to be interviewed AT ALL PERIOD!! many are under the impression these boys have not even been questioned by LE.. They have and they did so with the parents full permission.. And that's the end of these two innocent little boy's involvement!! LE has both of these little boys Accts of that night on record and the rest is absolute false bs that continues to be circulated as truth.. It's angering IMO to see the twisting of the truth into something that no longer is even recognizable as the truth.. It's angering and it's sad!!

And as for Jeremy supposedly having made a comment that he requested to be present with his baby's mother in further questioning.. "if" this infact is true I can say this with much confidence.. If this were I in this nightmare along with my husband and our child had been abducted from our home and we are cooperating to the absolutely best of our ability allowing anything and everything they are asking of us and in that soon thereafter the traumatic event of my child being stolen from my home, out of her bed.. And I was taken, separated and isolated from ANYONE AND FOR MORE THAN 10 HOURS I WAS BERATED AND DEMEANED IN EVERY WAY U COULD IMAGINE!!! being yelled at for hour upon hour upon hour what a bad, MOM I AM, THAT IM A MURDERER AMD MURDERED MY BABY IN COLD BLOOD AND THEN BURNED HER IN GARBAGE CAN!!! that I am going to be arrested for murdering her..THe room full of cops alll yelling these horrors at me telling me they are going to arrest me for killing my baby!! Then they throw before me burned up baby clothes claiming I thru my child in a fire in a garbage can that they've got the proof and I'm going to prison for the rest of my life for murdering my baby!!! Then put before Doppler pings of "my"cell phone saying that I hid them they have proof of it!! I am going to be charged with murder in the first for my daughters death and that I might As well ATLEAST save my fam added pain and give up where I put her burned little body!!!

All of these things and more for well over 10 hours AND I KNOW MYSELF NOR MY HUSBAND HAS HARMED MY BABY AND THAT MY PRECIOUS BABY IS OUT THERE WITH SOME MONSTER AND I DONT KNOW IF SHE'S EVEN ALIVE!!! I can promise you without a doubt that my
Husband/fiancé/significant other(whatever you wanna call the relationship btwn Deb and Jeremy as that seems to be up for debate as well).. If my husband were in the position Jeremy is in.. my husband without a doubt would be demanding from there on out that he be with me when I was Interviewed!! He would not allow that bs to continue when he knew that I had not harmed a hair on my Childs head and we were devastated that our child has been abducted!!

So, these parents have willing allowed for themselves, their remaining children, and every possession of theirs or their children's has been willingly allowed unfettered access.. But this isn't what's reported on.. This isn't what's circulated around and run amuk throughout the rumor mills.. It's lies, misconstrued statements, twisted truths that are so blown out of proportion and distorted to where it's nothing even remotely resembling the truth!! And a precious baby named Lisa is out there somewhere lost in all of this.. It's beyond tragic !

I really like to use the word "unfettered" too because it is a neat word but we, the public, haven't been told what went on in interviews nor do we know that the parents have given their unfettered access to anything at all. A Judge decided there was probable cause to give LE, including the FBI, unfettered access to their house and to keep the parents away from it during the search and I think he had his Judge's hat on when he did so.

Lisa is missing and for that, neither the media nor LE is to blame. Of that, I am sure. I want her found and the person(s) responsible held accountable. I think everyone here, the media and LE is on board with that goal.

well, I do know that they needed a search warrant to go in last night and, as I said before, their own words are what made me change from completely supporting the parents to now thinking they are guilty. the media didn't change my opinion, their words did.

The only reported income she would have that I can see is her child support.
Of course the truth never changes, but when your going through something so traumatic who could ever get every little detail spot on? Who's mind would be clear and able to remember every little detail in a situation like this?

Once again I'll state that I am on the fence. I don't believe these parents are innocent or guilty at this time. I'd just like to see baby Lisa found in whatever condition she is in.

And like I have said, I have no idea how I would react, but I'm quite sure my mind would be a jumbled mess.

Checking on the baby at 10:30 pm or not isn't exactly a little detail.
The only info I have heard from LE is that the parents weren't cooperating. I believe that has been proven by the parents' actions and their comments. This LE agency has been extremely professional - unfortunately for those of us who want info, but fortunate for those who are trying to find the truth.

Been proven where and how? Because they don't want their kids, who are no doubt traumatized by this, being bombarded with strangers questioning them yet again?
Of course the truth never changes, but when your going through something so traumatic who could ever get every little detail spot on? Who's mind would be clear and able to remember every little detail in a situation like this?

Once again I'll state that I am on the fence. I don't believe these parents are innocent or guilty at this time. I'd just like to see baby Lisa found in whatever condition she is in.

And like I have said, I have no idea how I would react, but I'm quite sure my mind would be a jumbled mess.

I totally agree with you about your mind being a jumbled mess, but to change a time 3 times is pretty significant to me. If she just didn't remember at all, that would have been understandable. But, to keep changing it, to me is deceit.
I could not agree with you more!

While I get there are cases that have been misconstrued. Statistically, it almost as rare as the boogieman walking in our houses and taking our children with no evidence or lead! Obviously, with the media attention here... that did seem to be a problem. So WHY would a MOTHER, A GOOD MOTHER, not want the HIGHLY TRAINED, but very competent PROFESSIONALS she NEEDS TO RELY ON that have THE BEST chance at locating HER MISSING CHILD, HER DAUGHTER to seek out, and follow up in the case?

I always find it interesting when someone has a fear of being arrested if they haven't done anything wrong to be arrested for...

Neglect and Child Endangerment is certainly better than a murder conviction. Reasonable doubt worked in the Anthony case...Even worse... never seeing your child again. IMVHO At what point does DB not understand the public can be much more forgiving of a horrible consequence of poor decision making skill in parenting, rather than someone who acts in manners that inhibit/interfere in the ability to help LE locate her daughter alive?

Unless I am mistaken, DB never even really talked to local media... she went straight to the top?

Sad thing, the highly trained professionals are not always competent.
Respectfully...the parents themselves in their interviews have contradicted part of what you have said above. There has been not one single public statement that they gave LE complete access to their house whenever and however they wanted. DB and JI said themselves that they do not want their children re-interviewed. It isn't the media giving us this information, it's the parents.

And, it would appear, from their own words, that as DB and JI change their story, they are now not allowing LE to re-interview any other occupants of the house on the night of the crime.

I have a huge problem with the parents and their lawyer(s) telling LE they have free access, that no search warrant was needed, but to me it is needed for collecting evidence and a court of law. And if i knew that SODDI, I would not be whining about a search warrant when it could lead to finding the nitwit who took my baby and his lawful prosecution...unless....
I could not agree with you more!

While I get there are cases that have been misconstrued. Statistically, it almost as rare as the boogieman walking in our houses and taking our children with no evidence or lead! Obviously, with the media attention here... that did seem to be a problem. So WHY would a MOTHER, A GOOD MOTHER, not want the HIGHLY TRAINED, but very competent PROFESSIONALS she NEEDS TO RELY ON that have THE BEST chance at locating HER MISSING CHILD, HER DAUGHTER to seek out, and follow up in the case?

I always find it interesting when someone has a fear of being arrested if they haven't done anything wrong to be arrested for...

Neglect and Child Endangerment is certainly better than a murder conviction. Reasonable doubt worked in the Anthony case...Even worse... never seeing your child again. IMVHO At what point does DB not understand the public can be much more forgiving of a horrible consequence of poor decision making skill in parenting, rather than someone who acts in manners that inhibit/interfere in the ability to help LE locate her daughter alive?

Unless I am mistaken, DB never even really talked to local media... she went straight to the top?

very good post! I completely agree with every word you said!
I found a pre-screening tool for the FNS SNAP Program. http://www.snap-step1.usda.gov/fns/

I had to make quite a few assumptions. I plugged in 5 fake names and put in the ages of all involved. Well, I put in 28 for JI because I don't remember how old he is but that shouldn't make a difference. I used $43,000 as the annual salary for earned income, $250/ month for unearned income in child support. I used $850/ month for the mortgage (including insurance and taxes.) InDaMiddle, does that sound about right for that area? I did a mortgage calculator with a mortage of $110,000 but I don't know if JI had a downpayment or if he has refinanced, taken out a 2nd mortgage, etc... The short of it is, with my inputs, it showed that they would not be eligible for food stamps. lol

So, the short of it is, there is a high probability that they qualify for WIC but not for food stamps. I like solving easy little mysteries. :woohoo: :great:

You are speculating on their income and expenses as am I. JI's income would not be considered in SNAP calculations because DB isn't married to him nor is he the father of her son and I'm betting she hasn't revealed to the State of MO that he lives there.

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