LE wants to interview the parents separately

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LE has questions most likely because the "timelines" keep changing!!! I can see why LE is confused.
I don't empahtize a bit with them, that baby girl is STILL missing. The parents refuse to cooperate...period. Nuff said. They have representation now so no reason to refuse to set down with the LE.

I realize that not many people on this forum empathize with them, but the community at large appears to, as shown in the candle light vigil.

And I think it's a credit to the lawyer in their community, who is keeping it real.
I agree that keeping it in the media is brilliant. Thank goodness, though, the media is reporting a reply from Joe T, that they don't want to ask questions, they want to play mind games.

I think if LE is going to be painting this as if all they really want is a chance to get to talk to the parents, it's good that it's made patently clear they've already done that and were yelling at Deborah that she was a murderer within the first hour.

I think the public understand that, and can empathize with their not wanting to go through that again, since it was fruitless and painful to begin with.

I also thought it was fair of LE to state that they are currently answering questions. So what I ask here is, why doesn't LE ask in that format? Pick up the phone, and ask. OR agree to abide by their civil rights and not request that they waive them. (You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to have a lawyer present at all questioning). That's all their asking for, is their rights. And LE is saying no actually we want you to leave your rights at the door.

Her attorney can be present, okay? Now sit down Debbie and talk.

And that goes for Jeremy, too.
They already were, for a couple days.

Yes, before the timeline began to change.

I am just astonished that any parents would not want to work as closely with LE as possible and instead be thinking about themselves. It is beyond my comprehension.
and IMHO 17 hours is NOTHING, we are talking a missing child here, not a lawnmower.

1700 hours of questions, they're apparently willing to do. Not 1700 hours of lies and false accusations and pretenses that they have evidence they don't have.

They're obviously VERY willing to answer tough questions - do you doubt your spouse, were you blacked out, how much do you drink, how often, do you do drugs besides anxiety meds, etc.

Tough questions are expected. Mind games and bullying - when from their perspective it goes no where because they are innocent - is not necessary.
They will never give a interview seperately. Watch and see. JT is spinning. They have something to hide. moo! This should of been done long ago. moo . If they are truely innocent why not do it so their baby can be found. :banghead:
I agree that keeping it in the media is brilliant. Thank goodness, though, the media is reporting a reply from Joe T, that they don't want to ask questions, they want to play mind games.

I think if LE is going to be painting this as if all they really want is a chance to get to talk to the parents, it's good that it's made patently clear they've already done that and were yelling at Deborah that she was a murderer within the first hour.

I think the public understand that, and can empathize with their not wanting to go through that again, since it was fruitless and painful to begin with.

I also thought it was fair of LE to state that they are currently answering questions. So what I ask here is, why doesn't LE ask in that format? Pick up the phone, and ask. OR agree to abide by their civil rights and not request that they waive them. (You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to have a lawyer present at all questioning). That's all their asking for, is their rights. And LE is saying no actually we want you to leave your rights at the door.

Please define public.

I consider myself public and can't understand why these parents refuse to cooperate. Only reason that makes sense is if they are involved.
I realize that not many people on this forum empathize with them, but the community at large appears to, as shown in the candle light vigil.

And I think it's a credit to the lawyer in their community, who is keeping it real.

The community at large is there for LISA not the parents.. And lawyers do not keep it real, especially defense atty's. Their job is one thing and one thing only. To create a reasonable doubt. They usually dont even ask their clients if they are guilty. They make a story and run with it as a defense. They coach their clients. That is what they do. That community is looking out for a baby, not the parents.
They already did, for 17+ hours.

Could there really be questions of that nature - who was there in the house that day, etc., that they haven't already answered? In separate rooms, for hours and hours?

I guess that LE would be interested to know if the stories have stayed the same, or if the statements will change. I'm sure all of the important questions have been asked, over and over.....the only reason to re-ask is to uncover significant inconsistencies.

I don't see why the parents whould have a problem sitting down separtely. If nothing to hide, no inconsistencies and there is a 1% chance something might be recalled that would BRING their baby back, then heck yeah I'd say take me in I'm ready to chat with you. Why the family just refuses to try to help police is so telling, to me anyway.

Seems police would like to talk about "who" came and went during the evening.

I don't know how to interpret the parents refusal to submit to additional interviews. Once an interview has evolved into an interrogation---as it clearly did in this case---the whole game changes.
Here's the problem with the parents not wanting to be separated. Let's say that Debbie entertained a gentleman that evening. Not saying she did, just posing a hypothetical here. She might very well be less reluctant to admit that, name the man, etc. etc. if her boyfriend is not right there sitting next to her.

There are many, many things one parent might be willing to say or admit without the significant other in the room. And any one of those things might be the key to finding this precious child.

(And of course, if their stories don't match...but I'll leave that alone for the moment.)
MOO ...

I think both DB and JI need to "come clean" and QUIT "playing games" with LE ...

IF ... DB and JI have "nothing to hide" ... then they need to go back and meet with LE and "lay it all out of the table" !

But DB and JI will NOT ... they have 2 lawyers ... Anything that MAY be done in the way of DB and JI "cooperating" or "interviews" with LE will all be done in accordance with DB and JI's "lawyer's terms" ...

IMO ... LE "knows" what REALLY HAPPENED ... the EVIDENCE led LE to where there are at now ...

And in addition to the evidence LE has obtained -- which they are not "sharing" with the public right now -- throw in DB continuously changing her "timeline" and her "stories" ... the admission of being "drunk" ... playing the "sympathy card" on national tv ...

And it goes on and on ... y'all know the stories ...

LE has been very professional and has made finding Baby Lisa their #1 Priority ...

IMO ... DB and JI have not ... DB and JI, and their "defense team" have launched an "attack" on LE, which is totally undeserving ...

DB and JI know what happened to Baby Lisa ...

And IMO ... I am "guessing" that LE has a darn good idea as well ...

DB and JI not cooperating tells me they absolutely have "something to hide" ...

Balls in their court, they have a lawyer, they supposedly want to find their baby, might clear the air between LE & them also. To not sit down seperately and answer more questions, that would be very telling to me of something to hide.

I would love one day to see the video of this hard accusatory questioning DB claims she was subjected to. Oh, to be a fly on the wall if they do sit down with LE again...
I don't understand why it would be a problem, if both parents have nothing to hide and are willing to do anything to find Lisa they should be beating down the doors of the police station asking to be interviewed.

I would want the police to be absolutely sure I wasn't involved in order to get them to focus on an intruder, NOTHING would be too much for me to do to that end.

I would agree with you, if I didn't live in the great state of Texas where we have droves of innocent people being let off death row by the Innocence Project who blindly had faith in LE and were tricked and ended up convicted even though they were innocent.

It does happen, and they have other children they have to raise. They can't afford to go to prison for a crime they didn't commit and leave their children orphaned.
What interview is JI talking about-when he told LE he needed a break and when they asked him about the 2 hrs he was home -was he alone in that interview?
Was DI interview alone when she was told she failed LDT ans shown the burnt clothes.
I am just asking,I do think they need to be interviewed one on one...its normal for LE to want this
the lawyers make it sound like its not a normal thing for LE to do one on one interviews!
I'd still be doing interview from behind bars with LE, if they wanted me to, even if I had been charged, as long as I was innocent, so I guess I must really be stupid...
I just can't imagine in my wildest imagination how parents of a missing baby would be more concerned about their comfort than finding their child.....unless they already know where the child is. I think that the reason so many here are of the same mind is that we have read it all and have seen the changing stories, they have seen the manipulation of media and have seen the neglect of DB. That's good though that she has the support of the community because then no one can complain that they need a change of venue because of the tainted jury pool! GEEZ
Separately? Do you have a link to that information?

My question is if LE hasn't questioned them separately before its a little late now. I always thought that they did separate interviews as soon as possibly so people couldn't try to get their "stories" straight. 3 weeks after baby Lisa's disappearance seems a little late to me. JMO.
They already did, for 17+ hours.

Could there really be questions of that nature - who was there in the house that day, etc., that they haven't already answered? In separate rooms, for hours and hours?
JMO but there surely could be very legitimate questions that have come up during the investigation and since the last "sit-down, face-to-face" interviews, which were on 10/6 (or 10/8, depending on the MSM source). Today is 10/25. And yes, wrt "who was there?"...perhaps the investigation has yielded info that someone else was there, or not there that should have been there. KWIM?

JMO but it seems like the parties concerned (on both sides) are steadily pushing things into a "showdown", so to speak.

JMO Meanwhile, with the possible exception of LE, only those involved with Lisa's disappearance know what happened and where she is or could be. And those involved people are either unknown, and/or are not talking. And of course, any witnesses or people that were told something by those involved. I wonder how many people? JMO

I'm pretty sure that all of the old and new questions (if any) were asked and will be asked becuz of the main question:

Where is Lisa? :blowkiss:
I realize that not many people on this forum empathize with them, but the community at large appears to, as shown in the candle light vigil.


I think most of us are concerned about LISA first and foremost. We're desperate for her safe return. We don't want to hear whining and excuses from the parents.

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