LE wants to interview the parents separately

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What other way to combat the thought that some have, that "LE doesn't act in bad faith", "LE must have something to go on to keep after them", etc., than to point out cases we all remember where that wasn't the case?

I am too close to LE to even be able to discuss this any further. My late husband retired from LE after 21 years service. I worked for the Sheriff's Office for 10 years.

It just hurts me and makes me angry to see all the aspersions cast on LE here. <modsnip>
I want to be a good WS'er and will not lose my cool or violate TOS. That said, I do respect everyone's right to his/her opinions.

It is NOT a violation of their rights to be questioned separately. They are not Siamese twins that they have to be in the same room. Yes, they can say nothing which is their right but they can be questioned separately.
No, but that wasn't what I responded to at all.
Here, I'll try one more time. I hope I'm clearer this time. I didn't mean to create confusion.
Originally Posted by frankie069
I agree they should be interviewed separately. Nothing wrong with that at all. Lets see if they have consistent stories. I hope LE gets to do this. I dont understand how they cannot make them do this. We have a missing baby here... Seems the parents have forgotten that..
^^^ is the portion I was responding to. It has been communicated to LE that JI and DB refuse to be questioned separately. LE can't force DB and JI to sit down separately because it would violate their rights, because they've already told LE - NO. DB and JI can change their minds. I hope they do.

That's just my understanding though, I'll gladly have a lawyer tell me I'm wrong though. Because I think DB and JI do need to sit separately with LE.
Speaking only for myself, it's really helpful to think back on other cases of "how do people act if they're innocent", "how do people act if they're lying", is it typical for innocent people to _________ whatever that is.

It was profound to me, to see that guy falsely accused of being the olympic bomber, and how he acted. He sat out on the stoop of his house and mumbled that he's not guilty and he looked bewildered. I had thought innocent people would scream their innocence, and have since watched and learned they usually actually don't. They stand there in a stupor.

Yes, to some level we are all going to do that. And it will be discussed. And that's ok. It opens perspective to reflect.

But I think sometime we're relying too much on what Anthony or Foxx did and didn't do. That's all I meant.:twocents:
i am very familiar with LE as well...which is why i absolutely never, ever assume that LE has a GOOD reason or even an ACCEPTABLE reason. in fact, i know all too well how often the very opposite is the case.

reading the anti-DB rhetoric here, and the pro-LE postings.....it's clear that i am in the midst of people who have never found themselves sitting in a tiny, dark, moldy smelling room with LE, and only LE, accusing you of something you did not do, twisting your words, rewriting your entire lifetime, berating you, demeaning you, badgering you, threatening to take your children, threatening to steal your freedom, threatening to ruin your life.....unless you admit you're guilty when you absolutely aren't.

i've been there. and considering i happen to be related to some very well known, accomplished LE in my area, if it can happen to me it can happen to you.

it didn't start in the interrogation room. it started on a sunny afternoon when i heard a god awful noise, thought it was an explosion, and turned to see that instead, it was a dozen cops storming my home, weapons drawn and pointed at my face. it was beyond traumatic. i had no idea what was going on and they refused to tell me. they sat me on a sofa and didn't let me move, not even when i knew my youngest were coming home on the bus. the looks on their faces at the storm door will NEVER leave me. we were forced to sit on that sofa for four hours, listening to them tear the house apart, break my furniture, invade our privacy, our life, our freedom, and steal our sense of peace and security. when my phone rang with my mom on the phone, i was not allowed to answer it. when it continued to ring, they cut it off.

there were so many cars, it shut down the only way in to my neighborhood and remained that way through the evening rush hour. i saw neighbors going over to police officers in the street to no doubt ask what was going on. i still wonder, years later, what they were told. when i say the experience changed my life, changed everything about the way i view the world, i am not exaggerating even a tiny bit. i had been taught to trust LE. that day, i learned how dangerous and wrong was that lesson.

what do you think LE will do if they find out someone wholly untied to the family has committed this crime? do you think that they're all such good men and women, just by virtue of the badge they own, that when they find out they went after the wrong person they actually apologize? do you think they return to pick up all the papers, laundry, trash cans even, they threw all over your home? do you think they fix the furniture they broke in the bedrooms as you were shaking with your children, on the couch in the room directly underneath them? do you think they volunteer to return all of the belongings of yours they took off with, and in the same multi-car formation with which they first arrived, signs on top of police cars stating "we screwed up. we got it wrong. this woman is not guilty of any crime at all. please do not refuse to let your kids play with hers because of our stupidity?" do you think they even volunteer to return your stuff at all? do you think they care even the smallest bit about the many kinds of damage they leave in their wake?

are you kidding?

what if lisa's parents are truly innocent? and what if lisa is dead? what if you had to watch this passive-aggressive-assault that LE has waged on them via the press, knowing they were innocent? would you still be so quick to suggest they lay down and take it? do you really believe, in innocence, that a citizen of this country should undergo the sort of mental torture happening here just bc the public, in their own depravity, demands that or deems you guilty? my gosh.

about a week after cops invaded my home, i got a phone call, an abrupt one, telling me i was clear and could pick up my cell phones, computers, my kids computers, when it was convenient as long as i called in first. by then, i had been violated enough to be angry. i demanded the lead detective and his supervisor deliver my stuff themselves, apologize to my kids, and apologize to me. the lead detective balked, not for the first time. he was a bully, like many in LE. he made it clear he did not want to admit he'd screwed up. i couldn't help but think "what would these jerks be doing if i was a single mom, not living in the suburbs, not college educated, not white?" i threatened a law suit and suddenly that detective decided to get some decency. my stuff was delivered. i still worry they have it out for me and this happened many years ago.

this is the deal in the united states of america whether anyone likes it or not.....people are innocent until proven otherwise. LE doesn't need encouragement that supports their belief that they can do whatever they need to do break a case. sometimes that only results in breaking a person, and an innocent one.


So, from your post I am getting that something that happened to you years ago caused you to believe that LE is out to get most people and don't actually care about the crime committed and (in this case) a baby missing? They get a crime committed and they just throw out all clues and inconsistencies and go for the easiest solution? They would rather solve the case and pin it on the parents than actually find the little girl?

I'm truly sorry for what you have gone through, but there is an innocent baby in this case who is gone and from the parents own words, the night she went missing is completely fishy as told by the parents. If it doesn't make sense, it's not the truth.

And, while I can't speak for what happened to you years ago, I can speak for this LE agency as I know several of the people personally. This case has some of the brightest, highly motivated and honest people working it. Respectfully, I don't think this is anything similar to what you have experienced.
If they are innocent and their inconsistent statements are just misunderstandings...they can take their attny to the PD and be interviewed and straighten it out. there is a chikd missing and that takes precidence over everything if you are a parent. Avail yourself of counsel and get your butt to the PD and answer the damn questions. I am sick of the prevaricating.
Yes, I agree. I really, really wish they would do this.
I assumed they were being questioned separately this entire time. Guess not.
Snipped for brevity.

What about the benefit to the missing child?

good ...what about the missing child? Assuming the parents have told everything they know to help cops find out what happened what benefit to Lisa is another interrogation? will it make whatever happened to her go away? no I cant see any benefit to anyone other than the cops and their efforts to name the parents as suspects. whatever happened to that poor child has happened and nothing will change that. The longer this goes on the less likely they will find her. they should have taken that neighbor's tip and combed the area that night. i dunno maybe they did but those type searches had a window of time. Now 3 weeks later it's pointless.
I am too close to LE to even be able to discuss this any further. My late husband retired from LE after 21 years service. I worked for the Sheriff's Office for 10 years.

It just hurts me and makes me angry to see all the aspersions cast on LE here. I will refrain from comments on this thread because of that. That would be the right thing for me to do. :innocent:

I want to be a good WS'er and will not lose my cool or violate TOS. That said, I do respect everyone's right to his/her opinions.

I have a very high regard for LE. And a healthy respect for their training and skill. Which is why I would not let a LEO question me about a parking ticket without my lawyer present.
I hadn't heard she took a sleeping pill? I know she took anti anxiety meds in the morning, I didn't know about a sleeping pill?

I keep seeing this mentioned, but haven't seen confirmation. Hopefully someone will help us out.
I am too close to LE to even be able to discuss this any further. My late husband retired from LE after 21 years service. I worked for the Sheriff's Office for 10 years.

It just hurts me and makes me angry to see all the aspersions cast on LE here. <modsnip>
I want to be a good WS'er and will not lose my cool or violate TOS. That said, I do respect everyone's right to his/her opinions.


I think that the majority of the posts have been very pro-LE in Lisa's case. I don't think it's casting aspersions to point out that in some cases, LE are wrong, or that unethical/criminal LE officers do exist, or that innocent people have been railroaded. If we're to sleuth all avenues of a case, then that's a viewpoint we have to at least evaluate.

I work in criminal defense. From my perspective, most LE officers are great - they're diligent, they care, and they want to solve crimes. But I can't ignore the fact that there are bad apples in every group of people. When I see a statement by LE in any case, the fact that "bad" LE exist is something I always have to keep in mind. Because we really don't know about the LE investigating this case.

I don't think questioning whether LE is handling this case well, or their statements to the media, or the treatment of the parents is meant to cast aspersions on all LE. Far from it, at least with my statements. However, I think it's necessary to consider all possible aspects of the case, simply because "bad" LE do exist. It would be bad sleuthing to ignore this fact.
I assumed they were being questioned separately this entire time. Guess not.
I assumed they had been questioned separately at one point, because DB took a polygraph. I thought they talked with you alone for a while before administering the exam.
I assumed they were being questioned separately this entire time. Guess not.

Yes they were. And that's where the inconsistencies showed up. They also apparently used the tactic of lying to each of them about what the other one said according to DB's dad. So now they don't want to be interviewed separately in case their stories differ again.

good ...what about the missing child? Assuming the parents have told everything they know to help cops find out what happened what benefit to Lisa is another interrogation? will it make whatever happened to her go away? no I cant see any benefit to anyone other than the cops and their efforts to name the parents as suspects. whatever happened to that poor child has happened and nothing will change that. The longer this goes on the less likely they will find her. they should have taken that neighbor's tip and combed the area that night. i dunno maybe they did but those type searches had a window of time. Now 3 weeks later it's pointless.

Color by me.

Presumably, based on LEs rare media blurbs, there is new evidence to be discussed. In addition, as mentioned in other posts, until the parents are cleared, it is difficult to move forward. The longer the parents hem and haw, the harder it will be to find Lisa. I, and many of us on here, have never said that they should give up their rights. Bring the lawyer. By all means, but do what needs to be done.
Please dont tell each other how to think and how to post. TIA!!
If the boys are going to be interviewed on Friday, I desperately hope that the attorney will be with them, and it would be nice if parents are also. I have had the same experience as the poster "doubt", and due to my experience, I have had many people share similar experiences. I have seen documentaries of police interrogations of children. I do suspect police "ego" has developed quickly in this case. MO. I have read these blogs, and watched the threads, and I don't perceive that LE is now trying to find the baby, but that they do want to appear as "correct" and "win" and "solve the case fast." It is my opinion that anything they do now is under the directions of the prosecuting attorney, and not to find Lisa. If, someone were to call them and say they saw Lisa and know where she is, like the restaurant in Manhatten, Ks, I think they would check it out. Other than that, I think the LE is working to prosecute one of the parents.
No, but that wasn't what I responded to at all.
Here, I'll try one more time. I hope I'm clearer this time. I didn't mean to create confusion.
^^^ is the portion I was responding to. It has been communicated to LE that JI and DB refuse to be questioned separately. LE can't force DB and JI to sit down separately because it would violate their rights, because they've already told LE - NO. DB and JI can change their minds. I hope they do.

That's just my understanding though, I'll gladly have a lawyer tell me I'm wrong though. Because I think DB and JI do need to sit separately with LE.

Separate the witnesses.
Bullet Independent witness statements can be used as corroboration/ confirmation. Witnesses should not hear others’ statements because they may be influenced by that information.

This is why you question them apart. They can force them to do this, whether is be by arrest or subpoena. They need to take this to the GJ again if that is the case. That is why I am saying this is not a violation on their rights, it is done legally...
Originally Posted by JeannaT
I hadn't heard she took a sleeping pill? I know she took anti anxiety meds in the morning, I didn't know about a sleeping pill?

I keep seeing this mentioned, but haven't seen confirmation. Hopefully someone will help us out.
Billl Stanton said she took anti-anxiety meds and sleeping pills. He did not say that she took a sleeping pill that night. In any event, the combination of alcohol with anti-anxiety meds, let alone sleeping pills, is a very dangerous mix.
I keep seeing this mentioned, but haven't seen confirmation. Hopefully someone will help us out.

It's been mentioned before but Bill Stanton confirmed this on Joy Behar last night.


An interesting read to see all the "facts" of the case that this PI is getting wrong. And he's been hired to find out what happened to Lisa? He's retired LE apparently. I don't suppose he was very good at it?


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