LeAnna (Mom) #1

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I think she was prepared to hear it because she knew it. JMO

And that's the likely perception of many, including me. I can't find another explanation for her lack of reaction. I realize people grieve differently but it is her lack of reaction to being told the news that has bothered me. It wasn't genuine any more than her husband's over-reaction was genuine.

And that's the likely perception of many, including me. I can't find another explanation for her lack of reaction. I realize people grieve differently but it is her lack of reaction to being told the news that has bothered me. It wasn't genuine any more than her husband's over-reaction was genuine.


Even her own mother was in disbelief of her calmness. She told her mom the obligatory, "I must be in shock" I think that people in shock do NOT know that they are in shock. Do they??? She was in management mode in my opinion. JMO
I wonder if LH has tested for STDs or if she'd had to do so in the past.

How did she find out about his cheating? When? Did she think he was still cheating?
Am I living under a rock, but who gives a round of applause at a funeral? Much less a 22 month olds? Or even takes a phone call and puts them on speakerphone?
In my many years on this planet and many funerals I've attended, I have yet to attend one that has included applause....for any reason. There have been jokes, tears, chuckles, tantrums, one time a kid threw up, another included a recruitment pitch for the church. But applause? Never.


O/T - but your reference to jokes and chuckles and tears reminded me of my fiances viewing. We were in the anteroom, and his best friend brought in an email to the circle that he had sent to some of my fiances good friends. The email address was very very similar to the departed's'...and it ran along the lines of "I'm having a fabulous time in heaven! I can smoke, drink (they have the BEST SCOTCH in the world up here), watch NASCAR all day long and no downside." It went on for about 3 paragraphs etc etc etc but you get my drift. His best friend read it to us all while everyone was so somber. OMG OMG OMG all 15 of us just BURST OUT LAUGHING! This was what he would have wanted us to do I know....but within 10 seconds, we ALL QUICKLY realized that every head in the place was looking at us. :blush:

So yeah, folks do grieve differently. It was well needed for our group, but probably gave concern to others that we were disrespectful. AT LEAST it wasn't in a church :blush:
I wonder if LH has tested for STDs or if she'd had to do so in the past.

How did she find out about his cheating? When? Did she think he was still cheating?

So far there is no proof that we know of that he actually met someone in person and had a sexual encounter. (maybe, but yecch)...certainly no one has come out of the cyber world to boast about it (lol) Sexting is considered to be cheating by (my guess) MOST people, but others see it as an internet adventure. We don't know how Leanna defines "cheating". We also don't know if she was aware of RH's sexting, although, as someone somewhere on these labrynthine SP ? threads said she had an account @wifeofroscoe which sort of looks like she was onto one of his screen names. Maybe she did her homework and knew that it was at least a cyber adventure.........or more than that JMO
So far there is no proof that we know of that he actually met someone in person and had a sexual encounter. (maybe, but yecch)...certainly no one has come out of the cyber world to boast about it (lol) Sexting is considered to be cheating by (my guess) MOST people, but others see it as an internet adventure. We don't know how Leanna defines "cheating". We also don't know if she was aware of RH's sexting, although, as someone somewhere on these labrynthine SP ? threads said she had an account @wifeofroscoe which sort of looks like she was onto one of his screen names. Maybe she did her homework and knew that it was at least a cyber adventure.........or more than that JMO

It'd be interesting to know, in the context of their intimacy issues. I thought he had met up with someone at a park? I remember thinking maybe he'd even brought Cooper along and left him in the car.
So far there is no proof that we know of that he actually met someone in person and had a sexual encounter. (maybe, but yecch)...certainly no one has come out of the cyber world to boast about it (lol) Sexting is considered to be cheating by (my guess) MOST people, but others see it as an internet adventure. We don't know how Leanna defines "cheating". We also don't know if she was aware of RH's sexting, although, as someone somewhere on these labrynthine SP ? threads said she had an account @wifeofroscoe which sort of looks like she was onto one of his screen names. Maybe she did her homework and knew that it was at least a cyber adventure.........or more than that JMO

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And in addition to that, we talked about fantasy and things like that. Did you confirm through texts and things like that that this was more than fantasy, that he'd actually met up for things?*


UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And one of those occasions at Rope Mill (ph) Park in Cherokee County?*

STODDARD: That is correct.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Judge, again, I mean I don't even know where to go from this. What in the world is something that he's met up with somebody, whether he has or not, last month, last year, what in the world has that got to do with the events of June the 13th?*



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: As Mr. Born (ph) explained repeatedly, it's what he contends (ph) is evidence of a motive. However, I think you have beat the horse to death, Mr. Born. If you'll move on to facts of the case.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Thank you. And, your honor, may I take one more shot at the horse just to explain his state of mind one day later. It's not to do with the sexting.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Is it the final question on this topic?*



UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Detective, in that same -- on the 5th of June, he talks about being a guitar player with this girl. She asks him about cheating on his wife. Did she ask him a question about his conscience?*


All posts are MOO
Reading this thread reminded me that I did see applause ONE TIME at a funeral. The funeral was for a wonderful 18 yr old boy, killed by a drunk driver. His 17 yr old girlfriend lost a leg in the crash, and came to the funeral in a wheelchair, but was determined to stand up and walk to the podium to speak about him. When she stood up, and walked, people burst into applause. :cry: It was sincere. But of course, she was not the cause of his death. Nor in jail for killing him. Big difference.
Cooper did not receive love and attention at his funeral. Instead, Cooper was used as an object at his own funeral by his own parents. I've attempted to reconstruct LHs words spoken at Cooper's funeral and highlighted the perplexing portions. It's the little things. For instance, when a woman desires to become a mother and get pregnant, doesn't she wish for a baby? Well, LH prayed for a child. Believe me. I adore the phrase, "She's with child." And, in fact, prefer it to, "She's preggers."

The only time the word love is spoken by LH at Cooper's eulogy, as far as I know, is at the very beginning when LH professes to Ross, and to the world, her undying love for him. I did not find tenderness and warmth for a gifted baby boy who will never know the joys of owning a convertible or becoming a grandparent. In fact, I found harsh criticism: "he turned our lives upside down", negative imagery: "crumpled in a heap of snot and tears into the dirt", and sexual connotations with "full toddler lips". BTW, LH, toddler's lips do not breathe but all babies have sweet breath. Ya forgot that precious bit about your sweet baby Cooper, didn't ya, B word?

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any omitted statements, any inaccuracies, including the sequencing of LHs statements.

"First of all, Ross I love you and I'm doing this for you, OK. This is not where I expected to be here today. Two years ago when we welcomed a 6-pound, 8-ounce perfect baby into the world, this never crossed my mind."

"A lot of you know how much I prayed for a child and how much I worried about never being able to have a child"

"He was perfect -- he was and he is perfect. He changed mine and Ross' life. I've talked to you about the magnitude in which he changed it. As children do, he turned our lives upside down.

"Cleaning, changing diapers, dinner, bath time. Finally, what I would call mommy time. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

"Any of that time that I spend doing over and over and over, I would never trade that. Cooper's last two nights at home, he had trouble sleeping. He slept in between me and Ross snuggling in between both of us. I remember turning over in the middle of the night, his mouth was open and his full toddler lips just breathing right into my face. I will cherish that moment forever. Some of you might wonder how I'm even standing here today. I wonder that myself and I asked myself that question over and over the last week."

"I should be crumpled into a heap of snot and tears into the dirt, but the Lord is holding me up right now. He is holding Ross up. And he is holding both of us up when we can't hold ourselves up. I miss my son and I will miss him forever."

"I miss him with all of my heart. Would I bring him back? No. To bring him back into this broken world would be selfish."

"Am I angry with God? No. This is part of His plan for Ross and I."

"Is this our purpose? I don't know. I'm still waiting on the Lord to reveal that to me. Am I angry with Ross? Absolutely not. It has never crossed my mind. Ross is and was and will be, if we have more children, a wonderful father. Ross is a wonderful daddy and leader for our children. Cooper meant the world to him. There was not a day that went by that we did not say how blessed we were able to have him in our lives."


DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any omitted statements, any inaccuracies, including the sequencing of LHs statements. As always, OMO MOO JMO and all that jazz
Cooper did not receive love and attention at his funeral. Instead, Cooper was used as an object at his own funeral by his own parents. I've attempted to reconstruct LHs words spoken at Cooper's funeral and highlighted the perplexing portions. It's the little things. For instance, when a woman desires to become a mother and get pregnant, doesn't she wish for a baby? Well, LH prayed for a child. Believe me. I adore the phrase, "She's with child." And, in fact, prefer it to, "She's preggers."

The only time the word love is spoken by LH at Cooper's eulogy, as far as I know, is at the very beginning when LH professes to Ross, and to the world, her undying love for him. I did not find tenderness and warmth for a gifted baby boy who will never know the joys of owning a convertible or becoming a grandparent. In fact, I found harsh criticism: "he turned our lives upside down", negative imagery: "crumpled in a pile of snot and tears into the dirt", and sexual connotations with "full toddler lips". BTW, LH, toddler's lips do not breathe but all babies have sweet breath. Ya forgot that precious bit about your sweet baby Cooper, didn't ya, B word?

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any omitted statements, any inaccuracies, including the sequencing of LHs statements.

"First of all, Ross I love you and I'm doing this for you, OK. This is not where I expected to be here today. Two years ago when we welcomed a 6-pound, 8-ounce perfect baby into the world, this never crossed my mind."

"A lot of you know how much I prayed for a child and how much I worried about never being able to have a child"

"He was perfect -- he was and he is perfect. He changed mine and Ross' life. I've talked to you about the magnitude in which he changed it. As children do, he turned our lives upside down.

"Cleaning, changing diapers, dinner, bath time. Finally, what I would call mommy time. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

"Any of that time that I spend doing over and over and over, I would never trade that. Cooper's last two nights at home, he had trouble sleeping. He slept in between me and Ross snuggling in between both of us. I remember turning over in the middle of the night, his mouth was open and his full toddler lips just breathing right into my face. I will cherish that moment forever. Some of you might wonder how I'm even standing here today. I wonder that myself and I asked myself that question over and over the last week."

"I should be crumpled into a heap of snot and tears into the dirt, but the Lord is holding me up right now. He is holding Ross up. And he is holding both of us up when we can't hold ourselves up. I miss my son and I will miss him forever."

"I miss him with all of my heart. Would I bring him back? No. To bring him back into this broken world would be selfish."

"Am I angry with God? No. This is part of His plan for Ross and I."

"Is this our purpose? I don't know. I'm still waiting on the Lord to reveal that to me. Am I angry with Ross? Absolutely not. It has never crossed my mind. Ross is and was and will be, if we have more children, a wonderful father. Ross is a wonderful daddy and leader for our children. Cooper meant the world to him. There was not a day that went by that we did not say how blessed we were able to have him in our lives."


DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any omitted statements, any inaccuracies, including the sequencing of LHs statements. As always, OMO MOO JMO and all that jazz

I still think RH wrote that.
A *advertiser censored* laude graduate should write better than that and wouldn't be so redundant. imo
MB came here to plan the funeral with RH.

LH stated as much, she was doing it for him.
Many of those statements in green could refer to RH as well couldn't they?
Pair that with him calling in and saying sorry I can't be there....
I'm still furious that he didn't apologize or as for forgiveness or anything.
Cooper fell asleep. It's Cooper's fault he is dead.
Not RH's.

Maybe LH did write it.

Just a gut feeling.

All posts are MOO
Absolutely JRH most certainly could have and most likely did compose the words LH spoke at Cooper's funeral. Not only do they blame Cooper, they blame God. "This is part of His plan for Ross and I. Is this our purpose?"
Absolutely JRH most certainly could have and most likely did compose the words LH spoke at Cooper's funeral.
It really gnaws at me reading that. The sentences aren't even composed correctly. [emoji230]

All posts are MOO
DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any omitted statements, any inaccuracies, including the sequencing of LHs statements.

"First of all, Ross I love you and I'm doing this for you, OK. This is not where I expected to be here today. Two years ago when we welcomed a 6-pound, 8-ounce perfect baby into the world, this never crossed my mind."

"A lot of you know how much I prayed for a child and how much I worried about never being able to have a child"

"He was perfect -- he was and he is perfect. He changed mine and Ross' life. I've talked to you about the magnitude in which he changed it. As children do, he turned our lives upside down.

"Cleaning, changing diapers, dinner, bath time. Finally, what I would call mommy time. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

"Any of that time that I spend doing over and over and over, I would never trade that. Cooper's last two nights at home, he had trouble sleeping. He slept in between me and Ross snuggling in between both of us. I remember turning over in the middle of the night, his mouth was open and his full toddler lips just breathing right into my face. I will cherish that moment forever. Some of you might wonder how I'm even standing here today. I wonder that myself and I asked myself that question over and over the last week."

"I should be crumpled into a heap of snot and tears into the dirt, but the Lord is holding me up right now. He is holding Ross up. And he is holding both of us up when we can't hold ourselves up. I miss my son and I will miss him forever."

"I miss him with all of my heart. Would I bring him back? No. To bring him back into this broken world would be selfish."

"Am I angry with God? No. This is part of His plan for Ross and I."

"Is this our purpose? I don't know. I'm still waiting on the Lord to reveal that to me. Am I angry with Ross? Absolutely not. It has never crossed my mind. Ross is and was and will be, if we have more children, a wonderful father. Ross is a wonderful daddy and leader for our children. Cooper meant the world to him. There was not a day that went by that we did not say how blessed we were able to have him in our lives."


DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any omitted statements, any inaccuracies, including the sequencing of LHs statements. As always, OMO MOO JMO and all that jazz

What a sweet sweet face. Just makes me tear up looking at that face and knowing he suffered horribly

These passages are so odd. None of it makes sense.....it sounds so fake and stilted. The part on how she should be mourning (my term) but isn't really jumps out at me. It all bothers me because none of this stuff is what I have heard from a genuinely grieving parent. It reminds me of stuff from Darlie Routier and Susan Smith's flat reading of her statement to the media supposedly pleading for her boys' safe return. I know she isn't the one who did the deed but IMO something isn't right.
Cooper did not receive love and attention at his funeral. Instead, Cooper was used as an object at his own funeral by his own parents. I've attempted to reconstruct LHs words spoken at Cooper's funeral and highlighted the perplexing portions. It's the little things. For instance, when a woman desires to become a mother and get pregnant, doesn't she wish for a baby? Well, LH prayed for a child. Believe me. I adore the phrase, "She's with child." And, in fact, prefer it to, "She's preggers."

The only time the word love is spoken by LH at Cooper's eulogy, as far as I know, is at the very beginning when LH professes to Ross, and to the world, her undying love for him. I did not find tenderness and warmth for a gifted baby boy who will never know the joys of owning a convertible or becoming a grandparent. In fact, I found harsh criticism: "he turned our lives upside down", negative imagery: "crumpled in a heap of snot and tears into the dirt", and sexual connotations with "full toddler lips". BTW, LH, toddler's lips do not breathe but all babies have sweet breath. Ya forgot that precious bit about your sweet baby Cooper, didn't ya, B word?

DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any omitted statements, any inaccuracies, including the sequencing of LHs statements.

"First of all, Ross I love you and I'm doing this for you, OK. This is not where I expected to be here today. Two years ago when we welcomed a 6-pound, 8-ounce perfect baby into the world, this never crossed my mind."

"A lot of you know how much I prayed for a child and how much I worried about never being able to have a child"

"He was perfect -- he was and he is perfect. He changed mine and Ross' life. I've talked to you about the magnitude in which he changed it. As children do, he turned our lives upside down.
"Cleaning, changing diapers, dinner, bath time. Finally, what I would call mommy time. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.”

"Any of that time that I spend doing over and over and over, I would never trade that. Cooper's last two nights at home, he had trouble sleeping. He slept in between me and Ross snuggling in between both of us. I remember turning over in the middle of the night, his mouth was open and his full toddler lips just breathing right into my face. I will cherish that moment forever. Some of you might wonder how I'm even standing here today. I wonder that myself and I asked myself that question over and over the last week."

"I should be crumpled into a heap of snot and tears into the dirt, but the Lord is holding me up right now. He is holding Ross up. And he is holding both of us up when we can't hold ourselves up. I miss my son and I will miss him forever."

"I miss him with all of my heart. Would I bring him back? No. To bring him back into this broken world would be selfish."

"Am I angry with God? No. This is part of His plan for Ross and I."

"Is this our purpose? I don't know. I'm still waiting on the Lord to reveal that to me. Am I angry with Ross? Absolutely not. It has never crossed my mind. Ross is and was and will be, if we have more children, a wonderful father. Ross is a wonderful daddy and leader for our children. Cooper meant the world to him. There was not a day that went by that we did not say how blessed we were able to have him in our lives."


DISCLAIMER: I am not responsible for any omitted statements, any inaccuracies, including the sequencing of LHs statements. As always, OMO MOO JMO and all that jazz

BBM: Honestly, who really would speak at the funeral of their dead child how much sacrifice and changes they had to endure due to living with the child they so vehemently tried to conceive?
Yeah LH, we all know what it is like to live with a baby and then with a toddler. It's a blessing. No need to expound upon how much it turned your (selfish) life upside down.
The applause for RH during Cooper's funeral was not impromptu. A family friend approached Leanna onstage at the front of the church and asked those attending the service to give a round of applause to Ross @ 54 seconds


I know this will offend everyone, but I can't help it! I REALLY feel sorry for Leanna to be discussed in the way she is being discussed. Her private life and affairs are being dragged through the mud, she is basically being cyber-bullied. She has lost a child, her husband is in jail for killing her child, she's had to give up her job, move away and go into hiding. Isn't there any compassion left for someone who has been put into a situation no one would ever want to be put into, presumably through no action of her own?

People are free to say what they want/need to say. I just want to say I have sympathy for her...and I really hope she stays off the internet for a very long time.
I know this will offend everyone, but I can't help it! I REALLY feel sorry for Leanna to be discussed in the way she is being discussed. Her private life and affairs are being dragged through the mud, she is basically being cyber-bullied. She has lost a child, her husband is in jail for killing her child, she's had to give up her job, move away and go into hiding. Isn't there any compassion left for someone who has been put into a situation no one would ever want to be put into, presumably through no action of her own?

People are free to say what they want/need to say. I just want to say I have sympathy for her...and I really hope she stays off the internet for a very long time.

You are a good person Evie.
I know this will offend everyone, but I can't help it! I REALLY feel sorry for Leanna to be discussed in the way she is being discussed. Her private life and affairs are being dragged through the mud, she is basically being cyber-bullied. She has lost a child, her husband is in jail for killing her child, she's had to give up her job, move away and go into hiding. Isn't there any compassion left for someone who has been put into a situation no one would ever want to be put into, presumably through no action of her own?

People are free to say what they want/need to say. I just want to say I have sympathy for her...and I really hope she stays off the internet for a very long time.

No offense here. You feel compassion for her, nothing wrong with that.
Yeah. My reaction to deaths of those I have loved, including my animals probably isn't visible to people. When I am in gut-wrenching pain over those losses I really need to be alone, in my grief. It isn't because I am shy or embarrassed to weep, it really is just the need to embrace the pain and let it be, without fanfare. That doesn't mean that I think others should be that way. We all deal with it the way we need to. So, if Leanna's stoicism is just the way she reacts, so be it. BUT the funeral hullabaloo and all she had to say, and the I'm doing this for YOU ROSS, and on and on...........certainly indicates to me that she had her "losses" strangely misplaced. JMO

I also dislike public displays of grief as it pertains to myself,but I think in this instance I would be unable to hold in some sort of reaction.Even a clenching of my hands or a tearing of the eye or an OMG...some sort of tic or twitch to show emotion at hearing that my child died a horrible and unexpected death.
What we have instead is a casual 'oh he must have been left in the car'
I think we may be dealing with something other than a person that is stoic. IMO
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