LeAnna (Mom) #1

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Here is the thing for me. I believe we do live in a very broken world. I don't think it is something that is new to anyone who goes to church. Often our pastors will ask us to pray for the broken in this broken world.

Right now we have JRH as the person responsible. We have her saying some odd things but nothing that is not inline with her faith. I have also been thinking about her statement about saying too much in the police station. I don't have an issue with that. The more I think about it, At that point she could have believed this was an accident and was worried about him saying something that could be used against him like we are all warned about. Once they slap that cuffs on you should just shut up and get a lawyer.

So at this point with no evidence of her collusion, I am going to put that in the "could have just been concerned about her husband and was trying to protect him because she thought he was innocent" at that point. IMO

Please note:


A persons beliefs aren't what makes them a good person....
It's their behavior.
Their behavior stinks...

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Please note:


A persons beliefs aren't what makes them a good person....
It's their behavior.
Their behavior stinks...

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What has she done? I don't see anything that points to her being a bad person or guilty of anything. It could be that she just lost her son, found out her husband is a creep and a pedophile possibly and he has not been faithful. I think she is odd. But I don't know if I can say that is criminal. Just weird so far. That is all we have. Odd behavior not criminal.
A couple things stand out to me, gleaned from the "small details" thread:

*Ross apparently (interview in small details thread) had a long time reputation for being "always late"-- which may have become a more serious problem for him. Could be his irresponsibility in this area was irritating to LH, as well as his job, where he was passed over for promotion. So, his behavior being late for work the day Cooper died, and stopping for fast food anyway, was actually not out of character for him. He also apparently was irresponsible with some money management, from interviews.

* Ross has a history of chatting up women on line that goes back to his college days, according to an interview with a college buddy. Lots and lots of online GFs, lots of computer equipment, going back to college days. So, it's not out of character for him to be juggling 6 different women online the day Cooper died. That means he has a TEN YEAR (or more) history of his online activities with women, rather than a recent bout of infidelity. Depending on when LH found out about this substantial online "dating" history, that could be extremely upsetting to her. If she found out recently, the long term betrayal and facade of religiosity could have been devastating for her. If she knew for a long time, his behaviors might have been more of a frustration causing her to question whether their marriage could survive. Either way, most wives would be highly annoyed and angry with this behavior, if not contemplating divorce. Especially if she knew he was meeting women in person. (Imagine the worries about STDs, etc.)

* Comment in the small details thread about RH's social awkwardness in person, as well as the parents of other GFs being unhappy/ disapproving of him. If LH's parents also were somewhat disapproving of her choice of marrying him, it might explain why she went to stay with HIS parents, not hers. She may have married him as a "fixer upper", thinking he would change over time, love conquers all, etc.

I'm more and more convinced that LH was the brains in this family. RH is appearing to be more and more irresponsible and immature as one looks at his behavior over time. He is sloppy with his electronic dating presence, and doesn't seem to care if he is found out, DESPITE a strong interest and knowledge of computers. I'm thinking LH was highly frustrated with him. I wonder if he could have made threats to LH-- "if you divorce me, I will hurt you", that kind of thing.

I was originally thinking she may have set him up, thinking he was none too bright, and pretty lazy. But now I wonder if there was a threat that she thought was directed at her, and was shocked that he took out his anger at her on Cooper, to hurt her. Like a veiled threat, "wouldn't it be awful if someone forgot and left Cooper in a hot car?" That might explain why she wasn't as shocked as would be expected. And why she said "did you say too much?"

I still don't think she was abused in any way, emotionally or otherwise. I think she "wore the pants" in the relationship, and Ross was like a big sociopathic adolescent she had to manage. IDK-- just speculating, if any of my rambling makes sense! Leanna's ongoing behavior is so strange that there has to be a back story, IMO.

Anyway, I think it's likely Leanna was very seriously contemplating divorce when Ross left Cooper in the car, "accidentally on purpose". I think that might have something to do with the entire set of circumstances.

Regardless, I also thing RH's defense team will actually use his chronic lateness, and long term history of sexting, as an excuse for why he "forgot" Cooper. I don't think it will persuade a jury that he's not guilty, though. And regardless of what exactly the back story is on LH, IMO, she better cooperate with authorities. Things just don't look good for her. Prosecutors essentially put her on notice that she is more than a witness. I think she should tell everything she knows to the investigators.
I agree with this thinking as well. I think the gig was up and he killed the baby because she was done with RH. I think what we heard at the funeral was snark and what we saw in the courtroom was vengeance. I really think she is furious.
I think she was planning on leaving with Cooper and because of RH and his cheating, poor money and time control etc, he knew Leanna would get the baby. If RH couldn't have him no one could.

Tomatoes please! Apples hurt.[emoji534][emoji534][emoji534][emoji534]
UNIDENTIFIED MALE: And could you tell the judge, what was he being emotional about? What was the main thing he was crying about or sobbing about or whatever he was doing?

STODDARD: Oh, it was all about him. I can't believe this is happening to me. I can't believe, you know, this happened to me. Why am I being punished for this? And it continued. It was all very one-sided.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did he talk about losing his job?*

STODDARD: He talked about losing his job. What are we going to do? I'm going to lose my job. I'll be charged with a felony.*

UNIDENTIFIED MALE: Did his wife ever say anything to him about what he said to police?*

STODDARD: Well, she asked him -- she had him sit down and he starts going through this and she looks at him and she's like, well, did you say too much?*


He was talking about himself, his job and Home Depot. He was afraid he was gonna get fired. Was she asking if he told Home Depot too much?

How did he know what the charges would be?

We don't have his answers and we wont get them until the trail.

He wasn't questioning IF he was going to be arrested. He knew, and he knew everything else would be an open book.

So at 10:00pm
he is crying or sobbing with Leanna and then in booking, he like "hey, what's up?" Unemotional nothing...
he must have been a pro at manipulating...

The only reason that I do not believe this is because LH's question, "Did you say too much" was direct testimony from Detective Stoddard who was watching their interactions and listening to their entire conversation through a two way mirror that they apparently did not realize was there. Therefore, Detective Stoddard's testimony was in context, because he heard the entire conversation, and he understood her comment to mean exactly what it sounds like: "Did you say too much?" to the police. We are hearing a piece of his testimony. He heard the entire conversation. If this comment was innocuous or did not in their minds point to a disconcerting statement from LH to RH in light of what just happened, I highly doubt it would have been presented the way it was at the PCH.

I think its clear cut what The State and LE are presenting regarding her comment.


LH has confessed to doing 'hot car' searches online. I wonder if LE have discovered this article to be one that she searched? It's the story of a woman with a doctorate who taught grad students at a Christian college who left her 11-month old little girl in the minivan all day, in 90-degree weather. The little girl died, the teacher got paid leave that fall semester to recover from the tragedy, and prosecutors declined to press charges. The article says that the Christian college and community surrounded her with love and support, and the article ends with the college president, Faust, saying these words:

"It's not possible to make sense of Jenna's death," Faust said, "but we know we live in a terribly broken world."

So eerily similar to what Leanna said at the memorial service--that she wouldn't bring Cooper back into this "broken world."


Great catch! This whole "broken world" BS really pisses me off. I have a feeling we're going to start hearing more of it. Great way to take the focus off of the perp and reallocate the blame. Even in cases where the death is truly an accident, isn't the parent still more responsible for the child than the rest of the world? Wth?

GREAT find, PIM!!!

Just like there are too many unbelievable "coincidences" and multiple bits that add up to a giant picture against RH... I think this article finally knocked me :fencefall: I'll bet RH was hoping for some paid time off work too!

Not saying LH read the article with certainty, but I wouldn't at all be surprised if she did. Not at all.

Even if I knew she hadn't, I think we've established LH is definitely the more "ambitious" of the two; I can't ignore her mother's reaction on the phone or at the PCH; I can't ignore her cool control -- it started the moment she assumed CH was in the car at LAA and continued clear up until now and included lashing out at the media.

Yes, I think she's starting to feel like she's losing her grip on "the plan" and she thinks she can threaten lawsuit and miraculously regain control... don't know how well she has been able to manipulate others in her life, but she will learn that the rest of the world does not revolve around her.

Everybody isn't just going to go away and leave her alone -- the public wants justice for her baby, and that's something that she has not demonstrated a bit of interest in even once.

Here is the thing for me. I believe we do live in a very broken world. I don't think it is something that is new to anyone who goes to church. Often our pastors will ask us to pray for the broken in this broken world.

Right now we have JRH as the person responsible. We have her saying some odd things but nothing that is not inline with her faith. I have also been thinking about her statement about saying too much in the police station. I don't have an issue with that. The more I think about it, At that point she could have believed this was an accident and was worried about him saying something that could be used against him like we are all warned about. Once they slap that cuffs on you should just shut up and get a lawyer.

So at this point with no evidence of her collusion, I am going to put that in the "could have just been concerned about her husband and was trying to protect him because she thought he was innocent" at that point. IMO

I agree that it's not too difficult to take each of her odd behaviors and incriminating statements one-by-one and 'explain them away', chalking them up to shock, religiosity, dependency, etc. But, for me, it's all near impossible when you take them as a whole.

Even if she wasn't bonded with Cooper, was fearful of being abandoned by Ross, felt pressure from the church people and her in-laws, nothing explains her failure to deny any and all involvement in what's looking like a heinous crime against her son. Any innocent person would scream from the rooftops, "I didn't do it!!!" Before the PC hearing, did she offer to take a polygraph? Was she fully cooperating with LE? Yes, after the PC hearing, it may have been wise for her to hire an attorney. But if I was innocent, I would instruct my attorney to issue a statement like this, "My client is heartbroken over the death of her son Cooper. She did not conspire to murder Cooper. Nor is she complicit in any crime relating to the death of her son. She believes her husband's actions relating to Cooper's death were unintentional. She's cooperating with LE to clear her name and is willing to take a polygraph. Please give her time and space to grieve in peace."

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I agree that it's not too difficult to take each of her odd behaviors and incriminating statements one-by-one and 'explain them away', chalking them up to shock, religiosity, dependency, etc. But, for me, it's all near impossible when you take them as a whole.

Even if she wasn't bonded with Cooper, was fearful of being abandoned by Ross, felt pressure from the church people and her in-laws, nothing explains her failure to deny any and all involvement in what's looking like a heinous crime against her son. Any innocent person would scream from the rooftops, "I didn't do it!!!" Before the PC hearing, did she offer to take a polygraph? Was she fully cooperating with LE? Yes, after the PC hearing, it may have been wise for her to hire an attorney. But if I was innocent, I would instruct my attorney to issue a statement like this, "My client is heartbroken over the death of her son Cooper. She did not conspire to murder Cooper. Nor is she complicit in any crime relating to the death of her son. She believes her husband's actions relating to Cooper's death were unintentional. She's cooperating with LE to clear her name and is willing to take a polygraph. Please give her time and space to grieve in peace."

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To be honest, If she had nothing to do with this, why should she come out and proclaim her innocence to us? She is grieving, Her husband is in jail for murdering their son. Not leaving him by accident but willfully killing him. That is a big pill to swallow. Oh and as an aside he has been sexting people and wanting to live childfree.

Maybe just maybe she is doing all she can to hold on to her sanity?

I am a fence sitter here. I agree some things look hinky but I don't see anything that says she was involved. Not yet.
To be honest, If she had nothing to do with this, why should she come out and proclaim her innocence to us? She is grieving, Her husband is in jail for murdering their son. Not leaving him by accident but willfully killing him. That is a big pill to swallow. Oh and as an aside he has been sexting people and wanting to live childfree.

Maybe just maybe she is doing all she can to hold on to her sanity?

I am a fence sitter here. I agree some things look hinky but I don't see anything that says she was involved. Not yet.

Why? Because so many people believe she was or may have been involved. Even LE is implying she played a role in the planning. It's normal to defend yourself against false accusations.

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Why? Because so many people believe she was or may have been involved. Even LE is implying she played a role in the planning. It's normal to defend yourself against false accusations.

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People believing does not make it true. LE has also not arrested her. And they have seen everything. My guess is that they have found nothing that connects her to this. They know where she was, Who she talked to, What she searched, Her plans for the day, Week, Month... And still no arrest. Just because people want to assume something does not make it true. We don't arrest people on popular opinion.

Why do people who are innocent have to proclaim to people because people want to hear it???
I agree with this thinking as well. I think the gig was up and he killed the baby because she was done with RH. I think what we heard at the funeral was snark and what we saw in the courtroom was vengeance. I really think she is furious.
I think she was planning on leaving with Cooper and because of RH and his cheating, poor money and time control etc, he knew Leanna would get the baby. If RH couldn't have him no one could.

Tomatoes please! Apples hurt.[emoji534][emoji534][emoji534][emoji534]

It's a possibility but it seems unnecessarily convoluted a vengeance when all she had to do was tell the cops that night of Cooper's death: "He threatened to do something like this to stop me from leaving him." This would achieve the same end - get RH arrested, charged and tried - without implicating herself which is what the funeral charade and her demeanour in court did.
A couple things stand out to me, gleaned from the "small details" thread:

*Ross apparently (interview in small details thread) had a long time reputation for being "always late"-- which may have become a more serious problem for him. Could be his irresponsibility in this area was irritating to LH, as well as his job, where he was passed over for promotion. So, his behavior being late for work the day Cooper died, and stopping for fast food anyway, was actually not out of character for him. He also apparently was irresponsible with some money management, from interviews.

* Ross has a history of chatting up women on line that goes back to his college days, according to an interview with a college buddy. Lots and lots of online GFs, lots of computer equipment, going back to college days. So, it's not out of character for him to be juggling 6 different women online the day Cooper died. That means he has a TEN YEAR (or more) history of his online activities with women, rather than a recent bout of infidelity. Depending on when LH found out about this substantial online "dating" history, that could be extremely upsetting to her. If she found out recently, the long term betrayal and facade of religiosity could have been devastating for her. If she knew for a long time, his behaviors might have been more of a frustration causing her to question whether their marriage could survive. Either way, most wives would be highly annoyed and angry with this behavior, if not contemplating divorce. Especially if she knew he was meeting women in person. (Imagine the worries about STDs, etc.)

* Comment in the small details thread about RH's social awkwardness in person, as well as the parents of other GFs being unhappy/ disapproving of him. If LH's parents also were somewhat disapproving of her choice of marrying him, it might explain why she went to stay with HIS parents, not hers. She may have married him as a "fixer upper", thinking he would change over time, love conquers all, etc.

I'm more and more convinced that LH was the brains in this family. RH is appearing to be more and more irresponsible and immature as one looks at his behavior over time. He is sloppy with his electronic dating presence, and doesn't seem to care if he is found out, DESPITE a strong interest and knowledge of computers. I'm thinking LH was highly frustrated with him. I wonder if he could have made threats to LH-- "if you divorce me, I will hurt you", that kind of thing.

I was originally thinking she may have set him up, thinking he was none too bright, and pretty lazy. But now I wonder if there was a threat that she thought was directed at her, and was shocked that he took out his anger at her on Cooper, to hurt her. Like a veiled threat, "wouldn't it be awful if someone forgot and left Cooper in a hot car?" That might explain why she wasn't as shocked as would be expected. And why she said "did you say too much?"

I still don't think she was abused in any way, emotionally or otherwise. I think she "wore the pants" in the relationship, and Ross was like a big sociopathic adolescent she had to manage. IDK-- just speculating, if any of my rambling makes sense! Leanna's ongoing behavior is so strange that there has to be a back story, IMO.

Anyway, I think it's likely Leanna was very seriously contemplating divorce when Ross left Cooper in the car, "accidentally on purpose". I think that might have something to do with the entire set of circumstances.

Regardless, I also thing RH's defense team will actually use his chronic lateness, and long term history of sexting, as an excuse for why he "forgot" Cooper. I don't think it will persuade a jury that he's not guilty, though. And regardless of what exactly the back story is on LH, IMO, she better cooperate with authorities. Things just don't look good for her. Prosecutors essentially put her on notice that she is more than a witness. I think she should tell everything she knows to the investigators.

Thanks for a brilliant post!!!

As for Ross' "history"...I think it could be very useful to the Prosecution as well. Hot car deaths are usually associated with stressed individuals who have a break in their routine. Lateness and sexting were a very ESTABLISHED part of RH's routine. Nothing different from any other day. Nothing different to throw him off, stress him out, or make him forget his baby in mere minutes.
Sexting, cheating, etc was a well established part of his life.

And if lateness caused him employer to bypass him for promotion...he sure was not stressed about it enough to change those established habits.

He could have bypassed Chik-fila. The fact that he did not indicates IMO a recklessness and rebellion that could go to motive as well.

My opinion only of course
It's a possibility but it seems unnecessarily convoluted a vengeance when all she had to do was tell the cops that night of Cooper's death: "He threatened to do something like this to stop me from leaving him." This would achieve the same end - get RH arrested, charged and tried - without implicating herself which is what the funeral charade and her demeanour in court did.
That could have put her in a bad spot. If he was threatening, as a court mandated reporter, she should have been calling. In that respect she is guilty. imo
What has she done? I don't see anything that points to her being a bad person or guilty of anything. It could be that she just lost her son, found out her husband is a creep and a pedophile possibly and he has not been faithful. I think she is odd. But I don't know if I can say that is criminal. Just weird so far. That is all we have. Odd behavior not criminal.

Her behavior is so outside the realm of normal, law enforcement would be remiss not to meticulously investigate her & her possible level of involvement.
So while the behavior we know about is not criminal by itself. It's most definitely a huge red flag.


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Her behavior is so outside the realm of normal, law enforcement would be remiss not to meticulously investigate her & her possible level of involvement.
So while the behavior we know about is not criminal by itself. It's most definitely a huge red flag.


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Really it is not. I don't see anything that would be considered SO outside the norm.

She is grieving, her husband is a pig, and she is being watched incessantly.

I can see her statements both ways at this point. But there is no evidence of guilt.
Really it is not. I don't see anything that would be considered SO outside the norm.

She is grieving, her husband is a pig, and she is being watched incessantly.

I can see her statements both ways at this point. But there is no evidence of guilt.

Looks like we are going to have to agree to disagree.

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IMO, the only theory which explains why Leanna would conspire to murder Cooper is if Ross convinced her that being 'child-free' would save their marriage, make him faithful, and restore intimacy. I think Ross is a sociopath. Most often, sociopaths are attracted to dependent, pliable mates they can abuse and manipulate. This is not to say that Leanna isn't smarter and more professionally responsible. In my experience, the cheater in a relationship usually holds the cards as the betrayal often triggers deep-seated abandonment wounds in the partner. I think Leanna's abandonment wounds may have been much deeper than her bond and attachment to Cooper. :(

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WAY OT but I don't know where to take the info. Cnn is reporting that ANOTHER malaysia flight has been lost over Ukraine.
Her behavior is so outside the realm of normal, law enforcement would be remiss not to meticulously investigate her & her possible level of involvement.
So while the behavior we know about is not criminal by itself. It's most definitely a huge red flag.


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About 20 huge red flags.......
Here is the thing for me. I believe we do live in a very broken world. I don't think it is something that is new to anyone who goes to church. Often our pastors will ask us to pray for the broken in this broken world.

Don't get me wrong, the world definitely IS broken and I have no problem with churches/pastors lamenting it. I just don't see how it absolves the personal responsibility of someone who chooses to be a parent.
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