Lee Anthony Almosts Hits Protesters

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WKMG just reported that 2 girls, looked to be about 10-12 were almost hit by Lee Anthony when he wheeled into his parents driveway. Protesters were crying and WKMG interviewed the girls. OCSO was also called in again.

watch for it here wkmg.com

Coming in late here, The gal with the the St Bernard dog said it, "The family is breaking down, sooner or later they will tell the truth!".

I agree, I think Lee will snap!!! and I will be high 5> all of you WSers!!
Was Lee being sarcastic when he replied?

There's a fine point here that we as voyeurs, (yes, that's what we are no matter what term we use to wrap it up in) of this whole situation get close to crossing.

When do we stop being sleuthers and become participants in a soap opera of our own making?

We're sitting around discussing "hatred" of Lee Anthony or Cindy or George because of "things they've said" instead of discussing Casey who is the real culprit here. Even the P's didn't garner the level of protesting and dislike as the Anthony's are receiving.
Many of us witnessed the extent of the P's delusions and their actions and comments in trying to sway the public about Scott. The Anthony's are doing the same thing yet I sense a level of hatred that seems way out of proportion to what they've actually done or said. Perhaps I'm wrong in thinking this.

Oh I don't know Molly. But I think not looking for your grandchild, child and niece. Then intereferring with TES looking for her, is equal to any hatred people are expressing towards the Anthony's. But....that's JMO.
No problem about your needing to vent, but lets understand something here (I too need to vent) Not all of us in Orlando are out there picketing at the Anthony home, bringing our kids to torment the Anthonys and the neighbors that live in that community. There are actually quite alot of tourists stopping by that home. I see so much Orlando bashing these days - sheesh!!!

There - I have vented as well Thanks for listening!

Oh no...."bashing" anyone in Orlando is not what my post what about AT ALL. My words "WTH ARE PEOPLE doing in Orlando?" had NOTHING to do with anyone but the protesters. I'm sorry it came out that way. I have never heard any "Orlando bashing" so I have no idea what you're talking about. It was a statement like you would say "What the heck is going on in Texas?" because Ike is headed this way. I personally feel that emotions are a little high in this case and things get taken the wrong way. However, I never meant for it to be taken that way.

I think the search over the weekend PROVED that people in Orlando (and everywhere) have big hearts. And I think I'm smart enough (a little blonde sometimes but still smart) to know that not everyone IN ORLANDO is out there pitcketing and bringing their children to the Anthony home. So, PEOPLE OF ORLANDO, I meant no offense and hope that you didn't assume that I meant something towards any of you personally. I was simply wondering what "THE PEOPLE" (meaning the protesters) are doing over there in Orlando. It was meant to be a vent about THEM and not YOU.
Sorry for this being a long post but I've been reading for several days and finally had to speak up.

There is a higher emotional quotient to this case that is stoked by anger and negative feelings. Those negative feelings seem to be clouding the main issue and spilling over onto not only the family but even some of the young people who had the misfortune to be caught up in a horrid mess not of their own making.

Caylee is missing, presumed dead by a lot of people here on WS and elsewhere. How she went missing or became deceased is the REAL issue. Who did it is the issue. Casey's parents and her brother are peripheral to those central questions. Their support of her and comments on her behalf are fluff compared to the real issue. CAYLEE.

People complain that the Anthony's aren't out there searching in the swamps, but if they were out there they'd find fault with something else they were or weren't doing. So what if Lee Anthony was playing a game online for however long. He's exercising his right to pursue his interests, whether you or I like it or not. If we're going to exercise our right to complain or hold a protest outside his parents house saying "he's not out searching for his niece" then we have to recognize that he has rights as well as do his parents.

Steve Huff has an entry on the case and I agree with what he had to say.
What I also find obscene, I think, is the obsessive chewing over every tiny, meaningless detail of the circus surrounding the case (parsing the actual details that may point to what really happened is a necessary evil). I find it obscene that people insert themselves into the story -- by going to the Anthonys' home -- surely making it a point to do so when the cameras are around -- by starting fights in the street.

All of us are desperate for REAL news and parsing everything these people do or say is becoming less a matter of sleuthing or being interested in justice than spilling personal vitriol against people we really don't know or have any idea of how they are coping with the situation they find themselves in.

What? Protestors are allowed their rights to protest but the Anthony's should stay inside their house and forgo their rights to enjoy their property, including their front lawn? Or the use of their driveway? They should stay inside their house and ignore protestors.

Tell me something, if this was YOUR house and people were protesting a family member of YOURS, would YOU really stay inside? The response of "I wouldn't be supporting a baby killer in the family" or "I wouldn't be spinning lies etc.." is suppose to suffice? None of us know really how we would respond to a situation like this until we're in it.

I don't like some of the actions or comments the Anthony's have responded with but I recognize their RIGHT to say it. I recognize their right to make arses of themselves if they choose, just as the protestors have the right to do the same. Because IMO that's what some of them are doing. They're NOT going to achieve anything really.

Making life a hell and misery for the rest of the Anthony family isn't going to achieve "making" Casey talk. What they're doing is PUNISHING the Anthony family because they can't punish Casey or have any real affect on her. If they protested the office of whoever allows Casey such lenient time away from home confinement at her lawyers office, maybe they'd achieve something.

There are a lot of people who say the Anthonys should "make" Casey spill the beans.How pray tell? Beat it out of her? Starve her? Kick her out of the house?

Like many criminals Casey is stubborn and refuses to talk because the moment she does she commits herself to more than likely a lifetime in prison. If she's not going to open up and tell LE or the FBI who have skilled investigators how do we expect the family to get it out of her?

The investigators know that when they have enough evidence they can charge her with or without her cooperation. If they find the right evidence, they'll have the leverage to get her to talk. But until they do, what's the family supposed to do? What they have been doing. Support her because she is a member of their family. They can hate the acts she's committed but that doesn't mean they have to hate her. They may not understand her or her reasoning for what she may have done to Caylee and right now they prefer to believe that she hasn't.

I believe that's because like many other parents and family members or friends who find that someone close to them is accused of a crime, they find it very hard to fathom, much less accept that their loved one committed a heinous act.

Bottom line, if we and protesters have "rights" well, so do the Anthony's. Are we all such vicious voyeurs that we want to strip them of their rights?

Sorry for not clipping but this is such a great post I couldn't figure out where to clip... Fantastic post though -- TY for your logic and common sense!! :bow:
Was Lee being sarcastic when he replied?

There's a fine point here that we as voyeurs, (yes, that's what we are no matter what term we use to wrap it up in) of this whole situation get close to crossing.

When do we stop being sleuthers and become participants in a soap opera of our own making?

We're sitting around discussing "hatred" of Lee Anthony or Cindy or George because of "things they've said" instead of discussing Casey who is the real culprit here. Even the P's didn't garner the level of protesting and dislike as the Anthony's are receiving.
Many of us witnessed the extent of the P's delusions and their actions and comments in trying to sway the public about Scott. The Anthony's are doing the same thing yet I sense a level of hatred that seems way out of proportion to what they've actually done or said. Perhaps I'm wrong in thinking this.

you are so right. Thank you for the wake up call.. I have been trying really hard to avoid getting involved like this and had been doing good until this happened tonight with these mothers.

I mean it when I say this- thank you for reminding me! I leaving this thread.
Show me ONE person from the Anthony family who has been searching for that little girl, dead or alive.

Honestly, at this point, I don't blame them for being in hiding. Imagine if they changed their minds and went out tomorrow on a search - they'd need bodyguards.

And then they'd be accused of doing it for media coverage, the bodyguards would be accused of guarding rather than searching, etc.

It's just gone way too far.
Oh I don't know Molly. But I think not looking for your grandchild, child and niece. Then intereferring with TES looking for her, is equal to any hatred people are expressing towards the Anthony's. But....that's JMO.
I really don't think they know where to search any more than we do and seriously, what them going out to search would solve I don't know except perhaps to assauge the public's demands.

You and I would be out looking, but they aren't and they've expressed why they aren't. You and I don't agree with their reasoning. The P's went out and looked and sat at the command center yet we all know what that achieved and the scorn heaped on them anyway. Would the Anthony's have fared any better had they done so?
Good, more assault with a deadly weapon charges coming I hope. This family is compeltely INSANE. Does his car not have a horn?

Warning to the Anthonys: You are deliberately showing how

LITTLE love they have for children. They only love CAsey, the thief, pole-dancing murderer imo

I think I'm becoming a fan of yours!
Had seen this one already, but hoping to a see a vid. of Lee actually pulling into the driveway...

Sometimes people overact, which is why I would like to see the real thing myself.


Did you watch yet?
People in Orlando have been helping search for Caylee. Can you not understand their frustration. They are out in the heat and humidity and bugs and swamps looking for a little girl. Show me ONE person from the Anthony family who has been searching for that little girl, dead or alive. jHas anyone seen any Anthony at Blanchard Park where the new story has Caylee "kidnapped" Have they talked to any ZFG - they claim there are so many - yet have they ventured out to talk to any of them. No, George claims the kidnappers are being watched. By who? Not law enforcement, surely.

Honestly....I CAN NOT understand the frustration that the searchers feel knowing that the Anthony family is not doing anything. I live in Texas and couldn't come out to help so I have no idea how the searchers feel....I feel FOR THEM because they've really been Caylee's only hope in all of this. I am GRATEFUL for them because they have put Caylee first unlike her sorry excuse for a mother. I haven't even said anything about the Anthony family having searched for Caylee and this is not in dispute. Are you sure you're quoting the right person?

My post was in regards to the protesters and what I was asking is how protesting is helping to find Caylee? We can go back and forth on this issue but I was venting and giving my opinion about the protesters. I have not vented about the protesters until tonight but I had to say something here. I am a mother and I think it's SO wrong to bring your children into a situation like this. The Anthony family is full of ticking time bombs and I'm sorry but I just don't think it's a place for children.

Had seen this one already, but hoping to a see a vid. of Lee actually pulling into the driveway...

Sometimes people overact, which is why I would like to see the real thing myself.


It'll be up after 11pm. That's what the reporter said during his story at 6, that the video would run at 11.
they used to do it mine,,, but not anymore..
i yell at them to SLOW DOWN

once a punk got out and wanted to mix it up....

big mistake
on his part
Sorry for not clipping but this is such a great post I couldn't figure out where to clip... Fantastic post though -- TY for your logic and common sense!! :bow:
I just feel at times in a case with high emotions like this we all need to step back for a moment and consider why we are here and are we being as fair and just as we hope we are.
Thing is they are totally SANE. They know what they are doing. They are just empty inside and care about nothing!

You're totally correct --- remember Lee saying and then confirming he said, 'that's what I've been waiting for,' as he was taking an umbrella that didn't belong to him and tossing it into the street.
I just feel at times in a case with high emotions like this we all need to step back for a moment and consider why we are here and are we being as fair and just as we hope we are.

Very true :)
It'll be up after 11pm. That's what the reporter said during his story at 6, that the video would run at 11.

I'm not in Orlando, so please someone past a link to the vid. Or, I'll try to find it the am...I hope to be asleep within an hour.. but, we'll see:)
I just feel at times in a case with high emotions like this we all need to step back for a moment and consider why we are here and are we being as fair and just as we hope we are.

you are so right. Thank you for the wake up call.. I have been trying really hard to avoid getting involved like this and had been doing good until this happened tonight with these mothers.

I mean it when I say this- thank you for reminding me! I leaving this thread.
I don't mean to run anyone off a thread by any means!! :blowkiss:

I chose to post on this case because like the majority here I can't fathom a mother not reporting her child being missing for that long and then to lie about it with cold stoicism.

Regardless of my personal feelings towards the Anthony's, they too are victims in this because their daughter/sister has subjected them to uncertainty and cruelty by depriving them of their granddaughter/niece.
I may not like their actions in all of this but I can't bring myself to wish or hope they'll be arrested for every little thing they do that others don't like.
Sorry for this being a long post but I've been reading for several days and finally had to speak up.

There is a higher emotional quotient to this case that is stoked by anger and negative feelings. Those negative feelings seem to be clouding the main issue and spilling over onto not only the family but even some of the young people who had the misfortune to be caught up in a horrid mess not of their own making.

Caylee is missing, presumed dead by a lot of people here on WS and elsewhere. How she went missing or became deceased is the REAL issue. Who did it is the issue. Casey's parents and her brother are peripheral to those central questions. Their support of her and comments on her behalf are fluff compared to the real issue. CAYLEE.

People complain that the Anthony's aren't out there searching in the swamps, but if they were out there they'd find fault with something else they were or weren't doing. So what if Lee Anthony was playing a game online for however long. He's exercising his right to pursue his interests, whether you or I like it or not. If we're going to exercise our right to complain or hold a protest outside his parents house saying "he's not out searching for his niece" then we have to recognize that he has rights as well as do his parents.

Steve Huff has an entry on the case and I agree with what he had to say.
What I also find obscene, I think, is the obsessive chewing over every tiny, meaningless detail of the circus surrounding the case (parsing the actual details that may point to what really happened is a necessary evil). I find it obscene that people insert themselves into the story -- by going to the Anthonys' home -- surely making it a point to do so when the cameras are around -- by starting fights in the street.

All of us are desperate for REAL news and parsing everything these people do or say is becoming less a matter of sleuthing or being interested in justice than spilling personal vitriol against people we really don't know or have any idea of how they are coping with the situation they find themselves in.

What? Protestors are allowed their rights to protest but the Anthony's should stay inside their house and forgo their rights to enjoy their property, including their front lawn? Or the use of their driveway? They should stay inside their house and ignore protestors.

Tell me something, if this was YOUR house and people were protesting a family member of YOURS, would YOU really stay inside? The response of "I wouldn't be supporting a baby killer in the family" or "I wouldn't be spinning lies etc.." is suppose to suffice? None of us know really how we would respond to a situation like this until we're in it.

I don't like some of the actions or comments the Anthony's have responded with but I recognize their RIGHT to say it. I recognize their right to make arses of themselves if they choose, just as the protestors have the right to do the same. Because IMO that's what some of them are doing. They're NOT going to achieve anything really.

Making life a hell and misery for the rest of the Anthony family isn't going to achieve "making" Casey talk. What they're doing is PUNISHING the Anthony family because they can't punish Casey or have any real affect on her. If they protested the office of whoever allows Casey such lenient time away from home confinement at her lawyers office, maybe they'd achieve something.

There are a lot of people who say the Anthonys should "make" Casey spill the beans.How pray tell? Beat it out of her? Starve her? Kick her out of the house?

Like many criminals Casey is stubborn and refuses to talk because the moment she does she commits herself to more than likely a lifetime in prison. If she's not going to open up and tell LE or the FBI who have skilled investigators how do we expect the family to get it out of her?

The investigators know that when they have enough evidence they can charge her with or without her cooperation. If they find the right evidence, they'll have the leverage to get her to talk. But until they do, what's the family supposed to do? What they have been doing. Support her because she is a member of their family. They can hate the acts she's committed but that doesn't mean they have to hate her. They may not understand her or her reasoning for what she may have done to Caylee and right now they prefer to believe that she hasn't.

I believe that's because like many other parents and family members or friends who find that someone close to them is accused of a crime, they find it very hard to fathom, much less accept that their loved one committed a heinous act.

Bottom line, if we and protesters have "rights" well, so do the Anthony's. Are we all such vicious voyeurs that we want to strip them of their rights?

Dear Molly, you have written the best darned post I've ever read here. Your language skills are outstanding and your reasoning abilities are enlightened. Consider yourself saluted!!!!
I really don't think they know where to search any more than we do and seriously, what them going out to search would solve I don't know except perhaps to assauge the public's demands.

You and I would be out looking, but they aren't and they've expressed why they aren't. You and I don't agree with their reasoning. The P's went out and looked and sat at the command center yet we all know what that achieved and the scorn heaped on them anyway. Would the Anthony's have fared any better had they done so?

The "P"'s? Are we talking Petersons parents? Hey, we do agree on that. Perfect comparison, because they are alike. But, it's not too late for the Anthony's to change their tune. The problem for the Peterson's is they never did and still haven't.

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