Lee Anthony's CMA reference?

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Thomas Luka (Lee Anthony's attorney) commented today during CNN's coverage. saying that he believes Lee's reference was to both Casey and to Caylee.
Would Lee have shared this with Luka? Anyone have a thought on this?

I believe he was talking to all THREE CMAs (Mom, Sis and Niece). I think he was talking to his mother when he said certain things like "Each day you continue to teach me about life and about the way it SHOULD be lived. Each day you give me the ability to be strong or to be weak." That's why Cindy whispered 'I love you too' later. Other parts were for Casey and Caylee. I'm even thinking there may be a 4th CMA that he's talking to also since he used "CMA" 4 times.

I also agree with another poster about LA having resentment toward the public and that's why he chose to use initials. I think he likes the idea of making the public think he knows something they don't -- that plus he just thought it was clever since they all have the same initials. Sometimes he seems almost as strange as his sister to me.

LA has an attorney, he is desperately seeking immunity, he feels threatened by LE because of his actions, he wanted to send a complex forceful message --- sure! If I was LA I would have run it by my attorney.

If he wrote this and then ran it by his attorney and the attorney said it was fine, well then thats another attorney to add to my list that I would not want . How very simple it would have been to use the word Caylee or my niece. Why make things complicated and unclear to the people listening? Why cause confusion and give fodder to the masses about your involvement with Casey or the death of Caylee? :confused: :bang:
I only just watched the video and my impression of LA's speech was that he was speaking directly and exclusively to KC. As soon as he stated "this family is united" followed with the initials "CMA" rather than respectfully addressing Caylee Marie's given name, I thought LA was using Caylee to send his beloved sister a message about how proud he is that she hasn't "given in" and he hopes she is proud that neither has he. I don't know what bracelet Lee was wearing, so I'm not convinced it wasn't something KC gave to him,unrelated to Caylee. Regardless, my perception of LA wearing no suit/tie and only a "KC Support" pin makes me believe LA will be keeping the promise he made to KC - whatever that was.
LOL! Exactly...I tried telling IT that there was no need to restrict web access to livestream videos anymore!

eta: I just read your "blackberry" comment regarding your son...LOL! I have one of those too...it's a little to slow on livestream though! OMG---I hope that doesn't make me a computer geek---that's not cute for a girl, you know? LOL!!! And all this time, I thought co-workers asked for my help because of my looks!!! LOL - JK!

Sorry for the O/T - going to re-assess some of my habits! Chilly's got me thinking! ROFL

How old are you and are you married? I think you need to meet my son.
I honestly believe Lee was speaking from his heart to Caylee. I'm not really buying the coded message to Casey. The cynic in me, however, thought ~ perhaps~ he could be reading a statement directly from Casey.He did have the lap top and all. It sounded to me like something she would write. It would explain why she did not release a statement for the memorial. A chance in the "limelight" that attention-loving Casey would not want to give up.

Again, I hope it was Lee--speaking from his heart.

A caller on JVM said Caylee has a drawing of CMA on her hand in the picture that we've all seen so many times & was displayed all over the church..I hope someone can blow up that photo for us so we can see if this is really what that is on her hand. TIA!

Oh, thanks for clarifying. I was only half listening, reading here at the same time. :)
Other stations have reported that there is no internet access at the jail and/or that the signals are scrambled. :waitasec:
Apparently someone from the jail emailed a WESH reporter and confirmed that it is allowed. All Jose would need is an air card in his laptop in order to access the internet.
11 a.m.: A spokesman for the jail just e-mailed to say Baez does have the ability to bring a laptop and air card into his attorney-client meetings with Casey Anthony, but the jail will not be reported what is happening in the room, unless it violates jail policy. Using a laptop to view media Web sites is allowed, he said.
I only just watched the video and my impression of LA's speech was that he was speaking directly and exclusively to KC. As soon as he stated "this family is united" followed with the initials "CMA" rather than respectfully addressing Caylee Marie's given name, I thought LA was using Caylee to send his beloved sister a message about how proud he is that she hasn't "given in" and he hopes she is proud that neither has he. I don't know what bracelet Lee was wearing, so I'm not convinced it wasn't something KC gave to him,unrelated to Caylee. Regardless, my perception of LA wearing no suit/tie and only a "KC Support" pin makes me believe LA will be keeping the promise he made to KC - whatever that was.

Ah someone who mentioned the no Suit or Jacket at least and no tie

My first thoughts were look at George and Cindy well dressed and groomed (and the other men on the stage)
and look at lee

No Jacket No Tie

I thought that could have been a solidarity thing for his sister , ie she didnt want the big memorial thing , so he for respect ? love ? whatever for her didn't wear a suit and tie

Its been summer here and my husband had to go to a funeral , A BURIAL with Half italian side and HE Wore a suit

Thats what you do - unless of course it has stipulated something else

But generally that is what you do
Hard to believe that JB would risk his entire legal career by allowing Casey to use his computer for internet access at the jail where it's prohibited.

What if he were simply reading his speech off the computer?

But ... but .. but ... that isn't as much fun to play with ---- than when JB arrives at the jail at 9:30am with his laptop as well.

I am only playing with this but I do think that KC watched some of the memorial on JB's computer but only from the media news streams. KC can hide her reactions in the interview room and debrief with JB at the same time, rather than be viewed by guards.
Apparently someone from the jail emailed a WESH reporter and confirmed that it is allowed. All Jose would need is an air card in his laptop in order to access the internet.


Thanks. I still see no reason to believe that's what Lee was doing, although I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that Casey did watch the memorial on JB's computer. Foolish of him not to admit it though, if that's the case.
maybe the computer had a built in web cam
and he was talking to her that way... :eek:
Thanks. I still see no reason to believe that's what Lee was doing, although I wouldn't be at all surprised to learn that Casey did watch the memorial on JB's computer. Foolish of him not to admit it though, if that's the case.
I'm with you there.

What a way to blow a golden opportunity to do a little image rehab for his client. Expressing total disinterest in a memorial for her daughter does her no favors.
I only just watched the video and my impression of LA's speech was that he was speaking directly and exclusively to KC. As soon as he stated "this family is united" followed with the initials "CMA" rather than respectfully addressing Caylee Marie's given name, I thought LA was using Caylee to send his beloved sister a message about how proud he is that she hasn't "given in" and he hopes she is proud that neither has he. I don't know what bracelet Lee was wearing, so I'm not convinced it wasn't something KC gave to him,unrelated to Caylee. Regardless, my perception of LA wearing no suit/tie and only a "KC Support" pin makes me believe LA will be keeping the promise he made to KC - whatever that was.

The 64 million dollar question is what was the promise.
A promise not to tell something?
It's interesting to think that Lee would possibility be willing to go to jail to prove his love to Casey by keeping some promise. I know that there has been no charges filed against him so this is more of a what if type thought but it does raise some interesting points when looking at in that light. What would Lee known that he would have to reassure Casey that he would add "keep his promise' to what he said at the memorial?
QUOTE=azwriter;3290512]My husband, who has no choice but to follow this case because I'm in so deep, had a different idea of what CMA stood for. He says Lee is saying "Cover My *ss.
Can you tell my hubby is really sick of hearing about this case?[/QUOTE]

I love it :)
I really hope the CMA reference Lee made was to Caylee. I will probably get flamed for this, but I understand fully the Anthonys decision to stand behind KC at the upcoming trial. She is family, and those bonds are strong. Caylee is gone and finally at peace. Their wagons have circled for the one who remains. I can understand this and abide by it. But this was Caylee's memorial service, and she deserved to have every bit of the focus be upon her, not her accused murderer. KC will most definitely have the spotlight on her for many months, even years. To distract in any way from today's memorial for Caylee would be, IMOO, dishonoring her short, sweet life.
I noticed, as well, the anger...plus he pounded on the lecturn several times...and, it was LOUD.

I have noticed in the past few months how very angry he is. Has anyone one else noticed how he acts so very full of some kind of hatred?????

The entire family has anger issues. They don't take responsiblity for their own actions and are mad at the world. They are all very emotionally immature.
Why would he do that though? Who does that? Everyone else had theirs printed.
I feel like there is something to him having that laptop at the podium. JMHO

it wouldn't be that unusual for him to work of his laptop. it is very common today in corporate america for individuals to present off of a laptop. i know i do.
I only just watched the video and my impression of LA's speech was that he was speaking directly and exclusively to KC. As soon as he stated "this family is united" followed with the initials "CMA" rather than respectfully addressing Caylee Marie's given name, I thought LA was using Caylee to send his beloved sister a message about how proud he is that she hasn't "given in" and he hopes she is proud that neither has he. I don't know what bracelet Lee was wearing, so I'm not convinced it wasn't something KC gave to him,unrelated to Caylee. Regardless, my perception of LA wearing no suit/tie and only a "KC Support" pin makes me believe LA will be keeping the promise he made to KC - whatever that was.

I'm on board with this. Also, there were seperate times when GA looked down at the screen of the computer and looked confused, then CA looked somewhat surprised at what LA was saying: as if she suddenly realized something. Maybe originally he had told them he was going to be saying one thing, or maybe there was something very surprising on his computer screen, who knows? I just feel strongly that throughout LA's speech, although it was movingly emotional, it was directed at the person that caused the end of little Caylee's life, who basically has only one care in the world: getting even with anyone who has wronged her. Period.

And, by doing so, even from jail, she just might cause a few more last breaths for some people on this earth.
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