Lee Anthony's CMA reference?

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The back rub was motherly support and encouragement that he could get through what he had to say.

The smile was for the pride she had in her son for showing strength.

The nod was in agreement.

I agree. She's trying to support her son who was obviously distraught, no matter what it was he was trying to say.
Could the CMA usage by Lee be a way of telling Casey that LE has figured it out and has enough evidence to convict Casey of the murder? The fact that there were some letters found with the remains be those that were hanging on that banner in Caylee's room with CMA on it.
Admittedly off the wall with this thought but wanted to throw it out there for consideration.

You know, you're the first one I saw thinking along these lines and this is what I would put out there as well. I almost wonder if Lee is letting Casey know that he has made a promise to seek justice against the person who did this to Caylee - and now that's her. I cannot tell what is meant in his initial reading because it would seem a little bold of him to be talking 'in code' to Casey at this stage of the game. I have to wonder if he has turned on his sister and he's letting her know 'in a nice way.'

I'm a bit - no okay alot - appalled at the picture used on the altar with Casey and Caylee. As if Casey loved her. Give me a break.

The other thing I wonder is now that it appears at least they are supporting Casey to some degree, that there will be all kinds of things revealed about her bad childhood, how she had mental issues (duh) etc. etc. I smell a rat right around the corner.
I also find it odd that Lee seemed to be the ONLY person not wearing a Caylee badge.. unless Im missing it... WHY would he NOT wear a Caylee one.. but then wear one for KC. ???
and I do NOT mean to upset anyone with what I am about to say... (it is JUST my feeling about something) but it almost seems to me that Lee is angry with Caylee..
I certainly cannot see any reason why he would be.. and maybe Im just reading his anger wrong.. but he never mentioned Caylee's name... no Caylee pin.. and IMO, his speech was all about KC..
I also find it odd that Lee seemed to be the ONLY person not wearing a Caylee badge.. unless Im missing it... WHY would he NOT wear a Caylee one.. but then wear one for KC. ???
and I do NOT mean to upset anyone with what I am about to say... (it is JUST my feeling about something) but it almost seems to me that Lee is angry with Caylee..
I certainly cannot see any reason why he would be.. and maybe Im just reading his anger wrong.. but he never mentioned Caylee's name... no Caylee pin.. and IMO, his speech was all about KC..

I think you maybe onto something w/ the idea that LA is angry w/ Caylee. In his mind maybe Caylee's birth started this whole mess. Who knows??? He is emotionally stunted. This is how a 5 year old might react.
"This family is united" "I will never forget my promise to you."

It was a strange (and esoteric) message if it was for Caylee.

Could the nervousness have been knowing LE would not approve of the veiled message?
He opened the words from the family and did not say Caylee once. I am not being a downer on these family members but his choice of words was very odd to me and cryptic.
He opened the words from the family and did not say Caylee once. I am not being a downer on these family members but his choice of words was very odd to me and cryptic.

I think that's just Lee's style. I've rarely been able to understand a thing he says. I think he tries to hard to appear smarter than he is.
I found Lee's posture during the service and lack of proper attire at the funeral to be odd. His attitude was one of thinly veiled disdain. You could almost see the anger coming off of him.
Perhaps he has a problem with the religious aspect of the memorial and felt uncomfortable being in a church. He didn’t even seem to enjoy the music which I thought was excellent. I just was very surprised. I would have thought that he would have made more of an effort since he is the Uncle.
You know, you're the first one I saw thinking along these lines and this is what I would put out there as well. I almost wonder if Lee is letting Casey know that he has made a promise to seek justice against the person who did this to Caylee - and now that's her. I cannot tell what is meant in his initial reading because it would seem a little bold of him to be talking 'in code' to Casey at this stage of the game. I have to wonder if he has turned on his sister and he's letting her know 'in a nice way.'

I'm a bit - no okay alot - appalled at the picture used on the altar with Casey and Caylee. As if Casey loved her. Give me a break.

The other thing I wonder is now that it appears at least they are supporting Casey to some degree, that there will be all kinds of things revealed about her bad childhood, how she had mental issues (duh) etc. etc. I smell a rat right around the corner.

I'm not sure if he is coming from the corner of seeking justice for Caylee or not. But I do agree with you on the rat around the corner. I think that when it's time for a trial that JB will attempt to toss blame on anyone and everyone that he thinks might cause reasonable doubt and if it's Lee so be it.
Something that I have not really spent much time in thinking about but your post made it come to mind.
What if Lee did obstruct justice or worse be an accessory after the fact because he wanted to help her, misguided as that would be, and is now realizing that Casey is going to throw him to the wolves to try and wiggle out of this.
A caller on the JVM show tonight stated that in that large picture of Caylee show at the service today Caylee has the intials CMA written on her hand. I see something written on her hard but can't make it out.

Has anyone got that picture can be enlarged?
I found Lee's posture during the service and lack of proper attire at the funeral to be odd. His attitude was one of thinly veiled disdain. You could almost see the anger coming off of him.
Perhaps he has a problem with the religious aspect of the memorial and felt uncomfortable being in a church. He didn’t even seem to enjoy the music which I thought was excellent. I just was very surprised. I would have thought that he would have made more of an effort since he is the Uncle.
Maybe Lee, like his sister, was opposed to the whole idea of a public memorial and used a passive-aggressive method (inappropriate attire) to express it.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn that Lee is resentful of little Caylee for being the one responsible for the disintegration of his family, albeit through no fault of her own.

I also think Casey may be channeling some free-floating anger in her daughter's direction, since Caylee is the reason she's sitting in jail now. In her mind, anyway. Lord knows she's taking no responsibility for her baby's death.
A caller on the JVM show tonight stated that in that large picture of Caylee show at the service today Caylee has the intials CMA written on her hand. I see something written on her hard but can't make it out.

Has anyone got that picture can be enlarged?
There is another thread somewhere that has an enlarged photo and I believe the concensus is that it is two little hearts on Caylee's hand.
A caller on the JVM show tonight stated that in that large picture of Caylee show at the service today Caylee has the intials CMA written on her hand. I see something written on her hard but can't make it out.

Has anyone got that picture can be enlarged?

IMO it is 2 hearts joined together...not CMA.
I only just watched the video and my impression of LA's speech was that he was speaking directly and exclusively to KC. As soon as he stated "this family is united" followed with the initials "CMA" rather than respectfully addressing Caylee Marie's given name, I thought LA was using Caylee to send his beloved sister a message about how proud he is that she hasn't "given in" and he hopes she is proud that neither has he. I don't know what bracelet Lee was wearing, so I'm not convinced it wasn't something KC gave to him,unrelated to Caylee. Regardless, my perception of LA wearing no suit/tie and only a "KC Support" pin makes me believe LA will be keeping the promise he made to KC - whatever that was.

100% agree with this. When he used the initials CMA instead of Caylee's name, I immediately thought he was passing a message to KC, and actually felt sick to my stomach. Ugh. I wanted some closure, not more intrigue from the A's.

If there was a bracelet, I wonder if it was the one that was in the sock that JB tried to get in to KC?
maybe the computer had a built in web cam
and he was talking to her that way... :eek:

To me, it seemed that the laptop was turned so that the built in camera was facing him. He shut it the opposite direction. I'll go back and look again to be sure.
There is another thread somewhere that has an enlarged photo and I believe the concensus is that it is two little hearts on Caylee's hand.

Thanks, I just found it a few pages back on this thread and definitely not intials on her hand. But someone else posted this morning that there is a big CMA on Caylee's bedroom wall.

Anyone have that picture?
Honestly I feel LA was referring to Casey. I found it so strange that he would choose to use the words CMA instead of Caylee, had he been referring to her (Caylee). IMO, he couldn't say Caylee because he was not talking in reference to her, LA was talking to his sister.

Another poster commented on LA using his laptop at the memorial. I just wanted to say that when we gave the memorial for my first cousin and baby who was killed in a car accident, there were quite a few people that spoke, even the man responsible for the accident. Of those that chose to speak, they spoke from the heart (with no paper), or they read from a piece of paper. It just seemed odd that he would use his laptop and coincedently JB was using his at the jailhouse. Which makes me wonder if Casey was indeed watching the memorial? Maybe CA and GA didn't know this. Didn't LA close the laptop when he was finished giving his speech?

All else aside it was a very nice memorial.
At 4:26 in Lee's speach, you can clearly see him shut the computer as if it is facing in the opposite direction. He certainly had a web cam going..
There is no doubt in my mind now that those words were meant for his sister to come clean!
At 4:26 in Lee's speach, you can clearly see him shut the computer as if it is facing in the opposite direction. He certainly had a web cam going..
There is no doubt in my mind now that those words were meant for his sister to come clean!

Maybe he's vain and was recording himself to watch later?
Honestly I feel LA was referring to Casey. I found it so strange that he would choose to use the words CMA instead of Caylee, had he been referring to her (Caylee). IMO, he couldn't say Caylee because he was not talking in reference to her, LA was talking to his sister.

Another poster commented on LA using his laptop at the memorial. I just wanted to say that when we gave the memorial for my first cousin and baby who was killed in a car accident, there were quite a few people that spoke, even the man responsible for the accident. Of those that chose to speak, they spoke from the heart (with no paper), or they read from a piece of paper. It just seemed odd that he would use his laptop and coincedently JB was using his at the jailhouse. Which makes me wonder if Casey was indeed watching the memorial? Maybe CA and GA didn't know this. Didn't LA close the laptop when he was finished giving his speech?

All else aside it was a very nice memorial.

Yes he did close. Immediately. And right towards the end George glanced over at the computer and there was an odd look on his face. I have not had the chance yet to go back and replay it to watch George's face but at the time I got the feeling that he caught of glimpse of something or noticed something on the computer. That what made me even notice that Lee was using a computer in the first place. I just didn't pay attention when he first went up to speak.
Maybe he's vain and was recording himself to watch later?

I don't think so Chilly..
My opinion of Lee has not been popular, but as an Aunt, I know what I would do, and there is no doubt those words were to his sister today..my computer has the webcam on the outside just like that..he was sending that message straight to his sister..He wants her to come clean..
I always thought if anyone could break her down it would be him..this was his chance because more than likely Baez doesn't want Casey to have any contact with Lee.
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