Lee Anthony's CMA reference?

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"This family is united" "I will never forget my promise to you."

It was a strange (and esoteric) message if it was for Caylee.

Could the nervousness have been knowing LE would not approve of the veiled message?

I think he was referring to Caylee. However most of what he said was quite bizarre to me to say the very least!
How do you explain Cindy standing next to him, smiling, nodding and patting him on the back as he was saying these things directed at Casey then?

IMO, Cindy doesn't really listen to anyone who is saying something she doesn't want to hear.
Normally I would refrain from commenting in a thread like this, but tonight I feel compelled to offer my opinion based on my observations.

IMHO, two emotions showed from Lee today despite his best efforts to suppress them.

One was sincere and deep grief at the loss of his niece. He started off his statement with a thanks to everyone who had a role in making today a special day. It was a special day for Caylee, not KC, and he was thankful for it. He adds later "Today is the day to remember. Today is the day to pay tribute." Certainly words for Caylee.

The final passage of Lee's statement - and his actions at the podium - show just how deep that grief goes. Yes, to many of us (myself included) I was initially taken aback by the use of "CMA" rather than "Caylee". But then I thought of all the memorials I have been to and all the times I have seen a speaker break down when mentioning the deceased's name, and I believe Lee said her initials as a coping mechanism and a means to get through what he had to say.

He is incomplete...broke. Each day she continues to teach him about life, about the way it should be lived. She gives him the ability to be strong and allows him to be weak. He has not been able to hug her, tell her how much she means to him, he misses her, he loves her, he is proud of her...and hopes she is proud of him. He is talking about one person here, not mixing messages to two people. In the context of the ceremony, his final words only make sense as grief for the loss of Caylee.

The other emotion I saw, both at the beginning of the ceremony and during the middle of his statement, was anger. I believe this is directed at KC. He sends that one not-so-coded message out there that someone out there has answers, but they need to fill their heart with two missing elements: compassion and truth. And when filled, they need to allow their conscience to speak for them.

One does not go from a message of anger like that to suddenly grieving for missing the very same person. Why should he not be angry? She was a liar and thief. She implied or told at least some friends that he tried to molest her (I put that right there with George's stroke and Cindy's intent to sign the house over to her). And she killed his niece and showed callous indifference to the fact she was missing / dead. Not someone who would inspire words of pride and a desire for a hug at Caylee's memorial.

Notice that Lee was the only one of the three not to ask for some level of compassion or forgiveness or to say something nice about KC. He did not even refer to her directly.

I think Lee's promise to Caylee was to ensure justice is served, despite the fact it was his sister and Caylee's mother that was involved. To ensure this will take strength and courage on his part, but he made a promise, and he is hoping Caylee is proud of him working to keep that promise.

ITA Maybe you should comment on these threads more often, this was a thought provoking analysis.
The only thing I know for sure is that he wasn't referring to the Country Music Awards. But, then again, with this family anything is entirely possible. I wonder if LA grew up with a speech impediment and used different forms of communication whilst a youngster. Because nobody on the planet speaks as cryptically as this guy.

Snipped by me for space.

I think him saying "CMA" twice and kissing his wrist twice, was one each for both Caylee AND Casey. It was meant for BOTH of them.

I totally think the same, it was for both, different parts for each, because of the double kiss.

I also find it odd that he wore just a dress shirt. The men all wore jackets but him. And it is also worth noting that George wore the lavender and so did Brad C, because they had talked about it. Why didn't he include Lee on that?

I feel that Lee is still resentful of the public, and did not want to be there, except to give a message to KC about how much he misses her. He will express his grief over Caylee in private.
While I thought the memorial music was beautiful, La's CMA comments shocked me. It confirmed what I believed in my heart since the 911 call by CA when she explained to GVS interview that Casey and LA were in the bedroom together and Casey was crying on the bed then said something to La and then fell on the flooring sobbing. I believe that is when Casey confessed to La what she did. Then the whole family formed a cabal, came up with the Zane thing and made a pact and Promise to NEVER reveal the truth no matter what. LA is proud of her for not breaking down and hopes she is proud of him too for keeping his promise. If I am way off base I will apologize profusely.
How do you explain Cindy standing next to him, smiling, nodding and patting him on the back as he was saying these things directed at Casey then?

Cindy totally misunderstood what he was saying?..Many others did so maybe he planned it that way..IOW!..What she doesn't know what hurt her.
The other emotion I saw, both at the beginning of the ceremony and during the middle of his statement, was anger. I believe this is directed at KC. He sends that one not-so-coded message out there that someone out there has answers, but they need to fill their heart with two missing elements: compassion and truth. And when filled, they need to allow their conscience to speak for them.

One does not go from a message of anger like that to suddenly grieving for missing the very same person. Why should he not be angry? She was a liar and thief. She implied or told at least some friends that he tried to molest her (I put that right there with George's stroke and Cindy's intent to sign the house over to her). And she killed his niece and showed callous indifference to the fact she was missing / dead. Not someone who would inspire words of pride and a desire for a hug at Caylee's memorial.

Notice that Lee was the only one of the three not to ask for some level of compassion or forgiveness or to say something nice about KC. He did not even refer to her directly.

I think Lee's promise to Caylee was to ensure justice is served, despite the fact it was his sister and Caylee's mother that was involved. To ensure this will take strength and courage on his part, but he made a promise, and he is hoping Caylee is proud of him working to keep that promise.

Respectfully snipped by me and bolded by me

I agree with you. I have tried to make sense of his statements today, and your post reminded me of a statement he made to Casey during a video taped jail visit. He said to her "Remember, the truth don't hurt" I agree that Lee appeared angry during the ceremony. I think he feels betrayed by his sister on many different levels. Lee was given the task of tracking her down when she was out clubbing. She knew he was coming after her and left. Lee probably found out more about her than he wanted to know, but didn't feel ok about telling his folks. I feel more worried about Lee at this point than I do George.

Anyway, thanks JWG for your post. It helped me put some things in proper perspective.
Normally I would refrain from commenting in a thread like this, but tonight I feel compelled to offer my opinion based on my observations.

IMHO, two emotions showed from Lee today despite his best efforts to suppress them.

One was sincere and deep grief at the loss of his niece. He started off his statement with a thanks to everyone who had a role in making today a special day. It was a special day for Caylee, not KC, and he was thankful for it. He adds later "Today is the day to remember. Today is the day to pay tribute." Certainly words for Caylee.

The final passage of Lee's statement - and his actions at the podium - show just how deep that grief goes. Yes, to many of us (myself included) I was initially taken aback by the use of "CMA" rather than "Caylee". But then I thought of all the memorials I have been to and all the times I have seen a speaker break down when mentioning the deceased's name, and I believe Lee said her initials as a coping mechanism and a means to get through what he had to say.

He is incomplete...broke. Each day she continues to teach him about life, about the way it should be lived. She gives him the ability to be strong and allows him to be weak. He has not been able to hug her, tell her how much she means to him, he misses her, he loves her, he is proud of her...and hopes she is proud of him. He is talking about one person here, not mixing messages to two people. In the context of the ceremony, his final words only make sense as grief for the loss of Caylee.

The other emotion I saw, both at the beginning of the ceremony and during the middle of his statement, was anger. I believe this is directed at KC. He sends that one not-so-coded message out there that someone out there has answers, but they need to fill their heart with two missing elements: compassion and truth. And when filled, they need to allow their conscience to speak for them.

One does not go from a message of anger like that to suddenly grieving for missing the very same person. Why should he not be angry? She was a liar and thief. She implied or told at least some friends that he tried to molest her (I put that right there with George's stroke and Cindy's intent to sign the house over to her). And she killed his niece and showed callous indifference to the fact she was missing / dead. Not someone who would inspire words of pride and a desire for a hug at Caylee's memorial.

Notice that Lee was the only one of the three not to ask for some level of compassion or forgiveness or to say something nice about KC. He did not even refer to her directly.

I think Lee's promise to Caylee was to ensure justice is served, despite the fact it was his sister and Caylee's mother that was involved. To ensure this will take strength and courage on his part, but he made a promise, and he is hoping Caylee is proud of him working to keep that promise.

How do you explain Cindy standing next to him, smiling, nodding and patting him on the back as he was saying these things directed at Casey then?


The back rub was motherly support and encouragement that he could get through what he had to say.

The smile was for the pride she had in her son for showing strength.

The nod was in agreement.

The back rub was motherly support and encouragement that he could get through what he had to say.

The smile was for the pride she had in her son for showing strength.

The nod was in agreement.

No disrespect, but......not a snowball's chance in HE double-toothpicks. Not the Cindy we've come to know and (I won't say it). IMO of course.
I agree with you. I also noticed he was the only one not wearing a Caylee button/pin but he did wear the Casey pin.
And here it was supposed to be Caylee's memorial service. :( I just wish Casey had been left out of it altogether.
While I thought the memorial music was beautiful, La's CMA comments shocked me. It confirmed what I believed in my heart since the 911 call by CA when she explained to GVS interview that Casey and LA were in the bedroom together and Casey was crying on the bed then said something to La and then fell on the flooring sobbing. I believe that is when Casey confessed to La what she did. Then the whole family formed a cabal, came up with the Zane thing and made a pact and Promise to NEVER reveal the truth no matter what. LA is proud of her for not breaking down and hopes she is proud of him too for keeping his promise. If I am way off base I will apologize profusely.
No I don't think you're way off base at all. It wouldn't surprise me that LA knows the truth, even if Casey didn't come out and tell him the details. I've always thought she was trying to direct him to where Caylee was in that jail call (more "code-speak") and maybe hoping he'd move the body so she wouldn't be found. I also remember a photo of them while Casey was out on bond, "high-fiving" each other and laughing. I also think the promise is to never reveal everything he knows and to stand by her no matter what. MOO
I don't base my opinion or wondering about LA's intent on anything LP said or thinks. And of course I don't know everything LA was thinking. But I agree that he remains a truly angry person, along with being a grieving person. It just isn't obvious to me at whom the anger is directed. I think he was intentionally ambiguous, rather than simply, easily clear, for some reasons of his own.
Thomas Luka (Lee Anthony's attorney) commented today during CNN's coverage. saying that he believes Lee's reference was to both Casey and to Caylee.

Would Lee have shared this with Luka? Anyone have a thought on this?
Thomas Luka (Lee Anthony's attorney) commented today during CNN's coverage. saying that he believes Lee's reference was to both Casey and to Caylee.

Would Lee have shared this with Luka? Anyone have a thought on this?
Well, that's actually the best explanation as it did seem there were parts of what he said that referred to both of them. I don't know if LA would've shared with the lawyer, but sadly I believe Luka is right. Today's memorial should've been all about Caylee without mention, coded or otherwise, about Casey. MOO
I absolutely believe that was meant for KC. Why would he have said he would keep his promise to her, if it was Caylee? What kinda promise would he have made to a 2 year old that he could still keep?
I absolutely believe that was meant for KC. Why would he have said he would keep his promise to her, if it was Caylee? What kinda promise would he have made to a 2 year old that he could still keep?
It's not uncommon for people to promise a crime victim that they'll find the killer and justice, for example. But in this case it seems he's still supporting Casey ~ the one accused of killing Caylee ~ so I agree that "promise" seems to be one made to Casey. MOO
I absolutely believe that was meant for KC. Why would he have said he would keep his promise to her, if it was Caylee? What kinda promise would he have made to a 2 year old that he could still keep?

Many a people make promises to their passed friend/relatives all of the time... they may have done it in prayer... they have done it just by thinking it. There are plenty of promises he could have made to Caylee in her passing... and yes, he probably made promises to Casey, as well...
While I thought the memorial music was beautiful, La's CMA comments shocked me. It confirmed what I believed in my heart since the 911 call by CA when she explained to GVS interview that Casey and LA were in the bedroom together and Casey was crying on the bed then said something to La and then fell on the flooring sobbing. I believe that is when Casey confessed to La what she did. Then the whole family formed a cabal, came up with the Zane thing and made a pact and Promise to NEVER reveal the truth no matter what. LA is proud of her for not breaking down and hopes she is proud of him too for keeping his promise. If I am way off base I will apologize profusely.

i think you maybe spot on.
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