Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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Maybe no help...still...FYI.

In the raw video version on WFTV's website it loops twice. In the first loop the camera pans up enough to make out a partial name & phone number (presumably of a construction/paving company) on the top of the white/orange construction sign that is leaning against the wall in the bag-cutting scene. It looks something like "SUR..." or "SUN..." with possibly a toll-free # "...00-548..". IIRC, its @ 1:51:10 using the on-screen elapsed timer.

I can almost identfy the writing on the cardboard box in the shed. Appears to have "AIR BY..." written on the tape on the seam, and "...Wi..." written in a brand-type font on the top flap of the box which is laying on its side with the lettering right-side up. Still looking @ the shed contents.

The spindle style of the hand rail is very old-fashioned IMHO. While the cinderblocks that DC removed to dig under are relatively new (i.e. not same pedigree as the building).

In the FoxOrlando report the reporter indicated the DC PHOTO's (she claims to be only reporter that has seen them) are more telling than the video and that she knew more than could be reported at this time and we should hear more by the end of this week.

Also noted from the video sequence they went to woods 11/15 AM=> building 11/15 AM => woods 11/16AM. Sooo....assuming DC WAS on phone w/ family member then some Q&A took place 11/15 PM which sent them back to woods 11/16AM...if I followed everything correctly.

ETA: Actually saw two different types of handrails...old spindle style in one and a newer square-tube profile on the other...maybe these are two diff. locations and/or just buildings on the same property built @ two different times.
I want to be sick now.

At the 7:23 section to the 7:30 section you can unclearly see (behind branches) three pavers/blocks set triangularly into the ground (half buried, what have you). The blocks are obscured by sticks, branches but you can see them. I've seen these same looking configuration in the crime scene photos (at least in my opinion). This leads me to believe that in this full unedited section DC was at the location where the body was discovered. There's a lot of trash and I want to slap Hoover for the merry-go-round way he operated the camera.

I saw a lot of "Caylee-like" things--blanket, book...

I had to MUTE the Conway spin essentially saying IF this was the area then the body was not there....
Maybe no help...still...FYI.

In the raw video version on WFTV's website it loops twice. In the first loop the camera pans up enough to make out a partial name & phone number (presumably of a construction/paving company) on the top of the white/orange construction sign that is leaning against the wall in the bag-cutting scene. It looks something like "SUR..." or "SUN..." with possibly a toll-free # "...00-548..". IIRC, its @ 1:51:10 using the on-screen elapsed timer


Sunshine Rentals Co.

A lot of the barricades and similar you see around here are from Sunshine.
I want to be sick now.

At the 7:23 section to the 7:30 section you can unclearly see (behind branches) three pavers/blocks set triangularly into the ground (half buried, what have you). The blocks are obscured by sticks, branches but you can see them. I've seen these same looking configuration in the crime scene photos (at least in my opinion). This leads me to believe that in this full unedited section DC was at the location where the body was discovered. There's a lot of trash and I want to slap Hoover for the merry-go-round way he operated the camera.

I saw a lot of "Caylee-like" things--blanket, book...

I had to MUTE the Conway spin essentially saying IF this was the area then the body was not there....

Wow, your eyes are better than mine. I see it, but without you calling it out first, I would never be able to discern what that white mass was.

Regarding the bolded part, is this the unedited version? If so, they sure did stop the camera when they were poking around the pink blanket.

ETA: never mind, I see that these are the "missing parts" of the video...my bad!
I don't know how up to date all these maps are, and it is hard to tell if the creek behind the house would be up that far still.....which I doubt it would....

If ya can't find the house I was talking about near the gas station....

try 336 South dean road it is hard to tell the exact address of the abandoned house I was looking at but it is around 314-336 according to google street maps......I will post a screen shot of the one I was talking about.

The house is the backyard of a house closer to the Anthony home. it looks as if he walked through the wooded area till he came upon a house with no back fence. You can clearly see that the body of water matches the one behind the houses on Hopespring drive. Go to zillow.com and look at the houses on that street.
If you start at Hopesrping dr; Take ramp Left SR-417 North central Florida Greeneway, exit 33a, take ramp right for SR-408 tollease/East-West Expy towards Titusville, exit 19 take ramp right "STOP FOR TOLL" Keep straigh N.Dean Rd, road name changes to S.dean Rd. The last intersection is N.Dean Rd. If you reach Regent Square Dr. you've gone too far..Didn't George work in that area at one time?

Here are photos of the house I was speaking of, not sure at all if it could be it or not.



..."I don't know where she is..." = the bag & remains drifted a bit in the water and/or predators. Maybe moved no more than 20 feet, but, more than Casey woulda been wiling to look IF she ever returned to the site...as has been suggested may have been needed in order to move the volume of stuff that appears to be related to the case.

That DC was probing the ground (looking for change in density) almost suggest his info put him in the right spot, but, perhaps the body & bag were simply covered over w/ soil (e.g. potting soil from G&C's) vs. an actual clandestine grave/burial. So..."I buried it" perhaps took on a different meaning to Casey vs. DC et.al. He certainly had enough confidence in the location to probe the ground for a grave in that exact location.

Theonly1...I can get youtube from here so I gotta wait hours to see what you're seein'...anyway you'd be willing to post a still-frame or two???? Purdy pleazzz?

ETA: Sorry...I'm OT...
How can anyone say that the blanket is pink? The YouTube GR video is horrible for discerning color. The blanket and the "book" are way overexposed. Both could actually be white in reality.

The true original tape might be decent for resolution and exposure.
In my opinion, D. Casey had definate direction on where and what to look for. I'm thinking that he was looking for something like the phone or clothes at the home location on tape. We need to figure out which house that is. Here's what I've got so far.
1. obviously unkept, possibily abandoned
2. very close to body of water as shown on Geraldo tape at point 1:06 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YDxDvZLTHbA
3. cannot be more than 14 minutes from woods crime scene as only that time elapsed between filming of woods and home on Nov. 16 portion of video.

One of our websleuthers, MvD, thinks it might be the vacant home that's for sale at 4701 Hopespring, which is owned by a Gonzalez. I'm not sure as this home is close to water but doesn't seem to be as close as what the video shows.

Before KC switched her story to AH about getting her parents' house, she kept telling her that the house they were going to rent had a pool. Earlier in this case, I was trying to figure out where that house was. KC has mentioned a house a lot. I'll need to back over my notes about it, but I believed at the time there was some type of a house involved. She said it was near the intersection of Michigan and Conway (which is near Lake Tennesee).

I hoped to tie that house into where she was taking Caylee to "sleep" while she partied.
It's extremely obvious that the PI is being directed on where to go while he is on his phone...he walks out of the woods, looks at the corner of the house at Suburban&Hopespring then turns to his right and walks down a bit before going back into the woods.

He almost seems nervous as he slashes open the bags and gets ready to look in them -- he is very aware that he is looking for a dead body in a black trashbag, IMO!!!!

Question -- Why is he probing and pushing that stick into the ground? I don't understand what that is telling him?
Wow, your eyes are better than mine. I see it, but without you calling it out first, I would never be able to discern what that white mass was.

Regarding the bolded part, is this the unedited version? If so, they sure did stop the camera when they were poking around the pink blanket.

ETA: never mind, I see that these are the "missing parts" of the video...my bad!

I can't make out much in the video posted on WFTV so I hope there's a better version out there somewhere. I can see black and white garbage bags and other things I can't make out. My heart nearly stopped when you said pink blanket. Is there one really? In the thread about psychic things I posted that while I'm not a psychic, my mind kept seeing her behind a tree. In what I heard as Caylee's words it was "the tree with the sunshine on it." (I know, zillions of 'em, but appropriate for a two-year old). I also heard "look for the pink blanket." Yikes!
It's extremely obvious that the PI is being directed on where to go while he is on his phone...he walks out of the woods, looks at the corner of the house at Suburban&Hopespring then turns to his right and walks down a bit before going back into the woods.

He almost seems nervous as he slashes open the bags and gets ready to look in them -- he is very aware that he is looking for a dead body in a black trashbag, IMO!!!!

Question -- Why is he probing and pushing that stick into the ground? I don't understand what that is telling him?

To check for disturbed soil, which indicates a burial place.
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