Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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Is it possible that the PI Casey did have a tip.......something that KC told someone.......that the baby was behind the Gonzales house.

Since the house on the corner of Hopespring and Suburban Drive is owned by a Gonzales person and the house on Brackenwood where he was digging is also owned by a Gonzalez person, could he have been checking out both places?????

In the video I saw it looked like he was digging around at the Brackenwood house and also when he was coming out of the woods it looked very like the crime scene area on Suburban.

Any thoughts??

There is no Gonzalez person on the corner of Hopespring Dr. A long time trusted SM poster has been in contact with ZFG's attorney John M. over this new "name" information and he went and visited with the people that live there. They have lived there eight years and their name is not Gonzalez. It was more than likely added by someone on the web to whitepages.com, whose site is crawled for listings for other similar sites.
I think the brother was on the phone directing the PI to this house not the psychic. The psychic directing the pi does not compute.
actual trash? i thought it was just a bag from his house but with whatever crap she or whoever put inside it...? i could be wrong though, its been a while and no way in hell im goin back to those tapes...! lol

It was trash from TonE's apartment, and a credit card receipt that belonged to his roommate was in there. I think this is where the empty pizza box originated as well. Sorry, I don't have a link.
Ponce Waste Service, Inc. president is Luis G******z, per Sunbiz website. The corp. was started in 2006 but administratively dissolved in 2007 for failure to file an annual report.
Questions for those who think KC stayed at this abandoned house and/or left Caylee there for periods of time:

1) How did she get access to the interior of the house?

2) How did she deal with people seeing her come and go?

3) How did she deal with no utilities such as electricity or running water (toilet)?

4) How did she deal with anyone coming to the house on official business such as inspectors, realtors, bank surveyors, etc?

5) How did she deal with unofficial "visitors" such as neighborhood kids, opportunistic thieves, vagrants, vandals, etc?

6) How did she discover that she could actually use this house for her purposes?

JMO - If KC did use the house, here are my answers:

1. We need to find out from Michelle if the gate on the left side of the house was easy or hard to open.

If it was easy to open, I think she might have been making access to the house that way, around back to the patio sliding door. They are really easy to gain access through, unless it has a bar across it or something in the track. The windows in the front of the house are intact, might be a window at the back that is easy to get into. She would NOT do anything to draw attention to herself. Another thought, she might have used one of the sheds as a sleeping place for Caylee.

2. I say she waited until night when everyone was inside watching TV or later when everyone would be sleeping. If you go some place and you act like you are supposed to be there, no one will think twice. Look at how confident she was at Target writing a check that was not hers.

3. IMO – It was a “Dump Site” for Caylee, she did not care what it looked like. According to a picture of KC, she was used to using the parking lot as a toilet, and Caylee was still in diapers.

4. I don’t think she used the house in the daytime. When GA & CA were away from the A-home KC would just go home. I think KC would only use the abandoned house when CA was not watching Caylee, and KC had to go party and could not take Caylee with her.

5. I don’t think she had to. I think she just used it off and on. As close as the house is to the A-home, KC could keep tabs on it to make sure it was still available to her.

6. She is SLY and SLY people are creative.
JMO - If KC did use the house, here are my answers:

1. We need to find out from Michelle if the gate on the left side of the house was easy or hard to open.

The gate was difficult to push open only because of the high grass/weeds behind it. Now, keep in mind, I didn't push the gate open....the cameraman did, but he definitely had to wiggle the gate to get it over the weeds. Had the weeds been lower (say....in the spring/early summer) the gate shouldn't have been difficult to open. In other words, it wasn't the gate that was the problem, it was the grass.

Also, this neighborhood is relatively active during the day. Neighbors in and out of their houses, moms out for walks with babies, etc. I would think that if KC's car had been there, someone would have remembered it and reported it by now. At least I hope they would have.
FYI...Fox's Bristow was allowed to see pics, but, per the story released ~10:50AM this morning they don't have permission to show online. Seems to focus on the search in the woods moreso than the house, but, thought the story relevant to those interested in the PI's actions...

*recpectfully snipped*

Thanks for posting Bond,
Wait a Minute! Stop! :banghead: Back Up! Sorry, for jumpin in here.

DC is saying he went there a third day! November 18th. And, he is claiming to be Emotionaly freaked out about the psychic discovery.WTH!!!
This came from the OCSO public records dump of 11/26/08 (.PDF Part 01 wesh.com copies):

Page 2287-2287: Photos: Evidence Wall Board contents of garbage bag

Page 2316-2317: TL's 09/08/08 Interview RECAP

- Inside garbage bag was a receipt from Fusian Ultra Lounge dated 05/24/08 01:50am belonging to TL's roommate.
- TL's roommate also recognized other items in the garbage bag as coming from TL's apartment including the bag.
- TL's roommate couldn't explain why the garbage bag from TL's apartment would be in Casey's car trunk.
- 06/23/2008 TL said Casey called him that she ran out of gas in a subdivision near her parents home.
- 06/23/2008 TL found Casey walking south on Chickasaw Trail, from there he drove her to the Anthony home.
- 06/23/2008 TL broke lock on the Anthony's shed with tire iron for Casey to get gas cans.
- 06/23/2008 TL did not smell any strange odor coming from Casey's car while standing outside the vehicle.

Hope this helps :)


Could this be the house GA had in mind when he went on TV claiming that they were 'close' to the kidnappers and were 'watching' them? Maybe GA was closer to the 'kidnapper' than he thought. LOL!

BTW thanks for the great sleuthing, pics, and sharing! Way to go!

I was thinking the exact same thing about this being what GA was referring to.
All right, boys and girls...the videos have been uploaded to my PB account. They are short and sweet, mostly just clips of the house and yard. The longest one is the drive from the A house to the memorial site.

Limited audio...I tried to be as quiet as possible since KB was filming at the same time.


marellano, is your photobucket account password protected? I tried your link but it's asking for a password.

Thanks, JaJo
marellano, is your photobucket account password protected? I tried your link but it's asking for a password.

Thanks, JaJo

New account info:


password: nancydrew

I tried to go back and edit my original post with the new info, but I don't have "Edit" as an option for that post. I'm guessing that after a certain amount of time, that option is no longer available and that you can only edit recent posts. Oh well!
This picture makes me so uncomfortable. I pulled it up on the TV so I could see it larger than life, and the things that jumped out at me quite frankly made me physically ill. The problem is, I know it is all in my head. I showed it to my SO (or as I like to call him, the man I allow to share the same air space) and tried to explain. I said "ALL I SEE ARE FACES!!!!!" I know they're not there. I know it's that brain phenomenon. I read the thread about "did you see this in the crime scene? Is that a book? Is that a skull? Is that a stroller???" I can't see any of them, except the book. I maybe think I saw the picture next to the book. However, THIS picture, exposed like it is, well.........Let's just say I had to not be alone in the room anymore. Someone else said "There's a creepy feeling about this house." Lemme tell ya.......

I cannot look at it anymore. There is something bad there.

I understand what you are describing. I see faces, too! Our human brains tend to organize unfamiliar visual patterns into familiar ones, I've been told, and it is natural to interpret three dots into eyes and nose. But my brain is seeing LOTS of "faces" in this photograph and it is, indeed, creepy!
I am still having a hard time connecting the abandoned house to the murder of Caylee or the discarding of her remains.

How many places has the defense performed searches? How many places did Hoover search?

The psychic connection is also being questioned as it's credibility.

IMO it's just mud in the water and could be just that much more for the jury to have to sort out. I just do not see any value to the case one way or the other.

As for the name of the nanny connection, that's a real big stretch. Lets not forget that Fernandez and Gonzales are common names in central and south Florida. Making up that name would not take polling the neighborhood for non-resident neighbors names to piece together. IMO Casey would have been way to lazy to even consider that much effort.

I could be wrong,just thinking out loud.
JMO - If KC did use the house, here are my answers:

1. We need to find out from Michelle if the gate on the left side of the house was easy or hard to open.

If it was easy to open, I think she might have been making access to the house that way, around back to the patio sliding door. They are really easy to gain access through, unless it has a bar across it or something in the track. The windows in the front of the house are intact, might be a window at the back that is easy to get into. She would NOT do anything to draw attention to herself. Another thought, she might have used one of the sheds as a sleeping place for Caylee.

2. I say she waited until night when everyone was inside watching TV or later when everyone would be sleeping. If you go some place and you act like you are supposed to be there, no one will think twice. Look at how confident she was at Target writing a check that was not hers.

3. IMO – It was a “Dump Site” for Caylee, she did not care what it looked like. According to a picture of KC, she was used to using the parking lot as a toilet, and Caylee was still in diapers.

4. I don’t think she used the house in the daytime. When GA & CA were away from the A-home KC would just go home. I think KC would only use the abandoned house when CA was not watching Caylee, and KC had to go party and could not take Caylee with her.

5. I don’t think she had to. I think she just used it off and on. As close as the house is to the A-home, KC could keep tabs on it to make sure it was still available to her.

6. She is SLY and SLY people are creative.

My thoughts also, using baby wipes, peeing outside or right in the toilet til it filled up.....LOL.......she was close enough to be close to family home to watch cars leaving etc........love to see what is in house like baby things,DNA etc. Plus I think other people use the house also........new bike, cup by grill...........couldn't be kc because bike would be rusty and cup would be broken or fell over. kc been in and out of jail 6 months now......
There was a receipt from Clint (I think) in the white trash bag, dating back to May. I think it was believed that the bag was from AL's house.

(bolding mine)

Welcome to WS, Kew17!

That is a great point about watching the road from the back of the abandoned house, for when George and Cindy would leave the house for the day. Also, she could have carried the bag from the house as well, to the final spot, from that house I think. The map that someone posted from google a page or so back, in it you can see that (at least in 2006), she'd have a clear shot to seeing Suburban..

My issue with this theory is that the neighbors came out to talk to Marabella. That tells me they notice the house, and likely would have noticed a woman with a little girl pulling up and going in, or even coming in and out the back door and walking along the lake to her car wherever..
It's possible though. Too bad she wasn't seen..

ETA: I think the text message about her jogging on CHickasaw may be related to this house.. It was July 15 (IIRC?) that the text message came through, maybe she jogged over there to get rid of the phone or evidence and didn't want to park nearby..

Hello and thank you! I'd like to expand my thoughts here. I agree fully about KC's possible comings & goings from this home with respect to the neighbors. We are discussing a web a lies this gal could conjure and I can fully see her talking with said neighbors that she is for example, the niece of the Gonzales family and she is watching over the place since they moved to PR. That said, I would be curious to know just how they "knew" this family moved to PR. Did that family tell them did KC tell them that story. A good LE canvassing of that neighborhood could clear up many questions.

I do feel that DC was there for a reason. I'm concerned that LE hasn't been, although they may have very good reason for not being and we don't know it. If DC was indeed there for reasons such as "staging", it would certainly change the outcome of any police investigation as now the crime scene has been severely compromised. What a gem for the defense heh?
The only way this will come into play is if they connect the dots to lead to someone in the Anthony family knew where Caylee was otherwise I don't think this will come into play. I don't think the jurors will even get to hear this.

Could it be coincidence of the names? Or was it researched?

This only brings out more questions than answers and throws another wrench into this mix.

My understanding is on the two dates, 15th and 16th, D Casey searched two houses and grounds. This was one. Now as to the 18th, that's a new date for me. I have no idea where he searched that day.
Hello and thank you! I'd like to expand my thoughts here. I agree fully about KC's possible comings & goings from this home with respect to the neighbors. We are discussing a web a lies this gal could conjure and I can fully see her talking with said neighbors that she is for example, the niece of the Gonzales family and she is watching over the place since they moved to PR. That said, I would be curious to know just how they "knew" this family moved to PR. Did that family tell them did KC tell them that story. A good LE canvassing of that neighborhood could clear up many questions.

I do feel that DC was there for a reason. I'm concerned that LE hasn't been, although they may have very good reason for not being and we don't know it. If DC was indeed there for reasons such as "staging", it would certainly change the outcome of any police investigation as now the crime scene has been severely compromised. What a gem for the defense heh?

I just can not see any possible way that the neighbors would not ever recognize Casey from the thousands of times she has been shown on news stories etc. and never report to the police that she had been using the abandoned house next door, no matter WHAT she had told them about having permission or any other story. Why in the world wouldn't the next door neighbor have said that to the news crew and our brave WS volunteer when she spoke with them?
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