Lets find the house that PI was digging and filming

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Hi Tricia! :) The site looks groovy!
I completely agree with you on this one. If LE actually believed that Casey was there with Caylee they would have been on it like white on rice and apparently they have shown no interest? so either this is a very convenient "plant" by the defense, right from the psychic tip all the way to the video, or LE had not found the place yet? Is that even possible? and then I recall the officer who was dispatched to look when Kronl called and I must say it makes me wonder if it is possible...Casey did take Caylee there and leave her when she had her drugged...THAT makes a lot more sense than the trunk in the hot Florida sunshine. I just don't know.

Could it be a diversion? I'm really asking. I don't know anything about tactics, etc.
My guess is the CC receipt was going to be used later. She saw it and rather than just taking the receipt, she acted like she was going to take out the garbage as she went out.

JMO - I think this as well. I also think when she got the info on ZFG at the apartments; she was going to use her info to do identity theft on her. Look at what GA said about her making that fake bank deposit slip.
What exactly KC was doing with/to Caylee during Caylee's last few weeks of life, I haven't figured out. Or possibly I don't want to think about it. From all the video's and pictures we have seen of Caylee over her short little life, Caylee generally looked happy and well care for, until the pictures and video taken 6-15. In that video Caylee's eyes look haunted and her spark is missing. I know it can be argued that nursing homes and old people can be scary and stressful to little ones and I'd buy that except for the way Caylee melts onto her ggpa's chest, she didn't appear fearful of him at all. But if someone could have asked Caylee what had gone on in her life the 2nd week of June, I don't think CA would have ever allowed KC near her again. MOO.

Sniped for space...and bolded by me.

I have a dear friend who now lives in Florida. She was a neighbor for years when I was young and was the person who you went to when you needed a mother and could not count on your own. Later after her own children had grown she went to work for Family Services as one of those who went into homes that had been reported to the state for possible abuse or neglect. She had 5 of her own and enough nieces and nephews to fill a small town. Children loved her and adults trusted her. I spoke to her a couple of days ago, she is also following this case via TV only and said her son brought his laptop over and she saw some of the videos in full for the first time.
Her comment to me was "That video of Caylee with her grandpa at the nursing home. Something had changed in that child’s life. Her spark is gone. Her eyes have a haunted look to them. The other videos of her did not look like that. Something was very wrong before she died."
I asked her about the nursing home factor because that is what I thought some of that scared look was from. She said no way. Children may be somewhat timid or fearful when they first get there but usually within a few minuets, as long as the adults they are with do not act different, they settle in and take it all in stride. Hospitals, with machines that make noise and people with gloves and masks would be a different story.
She also mentioned to me that it looks like Caylee's hair is thin around the temples; from either her pulling on it herself, which is a sign of stress or it breaking off from it being in pigtails and then being put to sleep with them still in. Usually you would brush out her hair before bed because it is not good for the hair to be wrapped in bands for long periods of time.

I just though I would share what she thought. It matches your comment.
LE may still be waiting for the results to come back from the FBI on the video. Although, you would think that JH would have taken them to the house by now. He did lawyer up, so he may have been told to clam up as well. JMO
Yes. I made a comment about this person when the video was first posted. He goes by "jing-a-ling" on myspace and he is VERY MUCH a part of the Lake Vaj crowd.

ETA - I have NO idea if he's Amanda's b-friend but he's definitely a part of that group. (See link below.)

I saw them cheek-to-cheek in a face book avatar thingy. I need the 101 course cuz I don't know how to move, link, send, etc. I'm new to all of this since this case and have only been posting for a few weeks. Plus, it's impossible to keep up and/or keep track! By no means do I want to steel your thunder. Have mercy on me please.
Honestly I can see kc there. Did you see the pix of her with one guy on bed with her and one on the floor? It was a mess. I see her there as a place to just hang out, no work, lazy, just pass out and sleep. Text and talk on phone, alone time. CA is the neat freak, I see kc crashing anywhere at anytime with anyone, IMO

To me the picture of KC and friends sleeping looks like a typical 'boys' bedroom in a party type house. They are students or have multiple room mates, no one has started investing in decent furniture yet. But it didn't set off my disgusto-meter.

If the inside of this house resembles the outside, my guess was there was nothing valuable enough to put in storage or to pay shipping charges for, and hygiene has not been a priority for a while. It would not, in my opinion be a comfortable crash pad.
I think the trash bag in the trunk of the car was her form of trying to mask the odor. This time frame if I'm not mistaken is also when she is discussing the odor in the car with Amy. An interesting note that the forensic team made was that when they set a sample test with a pizza, the odor and it's chemical composition did not match that of the trunk air samples and that the decaying pizza did not produce any maggots.
The gate was difficult to push open only because of the high grass/weeds behind it. Now, keep in mind, I didn't push the gate open....the cameraman did, but he definitely had to wiggle the gate to get it over the weeds. Had the weeds been lower (say....in the spring/early summer) the gate shouldn't have been difficult to open. In other words, it wasn't the gate that was the problem, it was the grass.

Also, this neighborhood is relatively active during the day. Neighbors in and out of their houses, moms out for walks with babies, etc. I would think that if KC's car had been there, someone would have remembered it and reported it by now. At least I hope they would have.

Now I know the gate was not an issue for KC during that time. Reference the neighborhood, thus the reason why I think if this is a place she visited, she would do it at night when it is less active.
SNIPPED: "... Question: who is considered the "owner" of a home in foreclosure? Please post answer if anyone knows!!!..."
The bank or whoever holds the mortgage.

The bank does not OWN a home that is "in foreclosure proceedings" until there is a judgment to that effect. The homeowner being foreclosed upon is technically still the OWNER until there is a judgment in favor of the foreclosing entity.
I saw them cheek-to-cheek in a face book avatar thingy. I need the 101 course cuz I don't know how to move, link, send, etc. I'm new to all of this since this case and have only been posting for a few weeks. Plus, it's impossible to keep up and/or keep track! By no means do I want to steel your thunder. Have mercy on me please.

If you go through the different party pictures you'll find him cheek to cheek with a lot of girls!! But I do believe I saw a post or two on his myspace about "manda" so you could be right!
New here, I must say you guys rock! Took forever to read thru posts, but have to post a few comments and thoughts I have. This place seems to hold some very important information. I'm shocked LE hasn't swarmed this house, for the mere fact the DC was there, looking for who knows what on who knows who's request/tip. KC has been in/around this house. A simple sweep for prints I would think would confirm this. This house is a prime location for her to use while "waiting" for the clear to go back to the Anthony home after G & C left for work. IF they used the Hopespring to Surburban Dr outlet to leave for work, she would be able to comfortably see them leaving and know when the coast was clear to return. Also, fast forward to after Caylee's remains were left in the woods, from the rear of that home, it would seem that the site was in view from this home, and certainly the traffic going past Hopespring on Suburban would be limited and easy for her to monitor.

She has a connection to this house, knew the name Gonzales. I would be curious to the previous owner's other occupants of that house and their connection to her. (ie: possible classmate etc)

In looking at Marellama's pics (kudos by the way), one photo in particular stood out at me. It would be the one of the charred lattice. It indicated it was close to something burning/on fire. I have no doubt in my mind that even if KC didn't "burn" Caylee, she would have her clothes and most belongings. That house has a 50 gal drum out back, which is commonly used to burn trash.

Thanks for listening to my thoughts and am curious what you think. Thanx!

When I checked the surname and given name of the owner of the house - Gonzalez, I came up with two with the same name, one born in 1978 and one born in 1986. The one in 1986 would be the same age as Casey and could very well have been a classmate.
How does this address fit in then? KC told LE that ZG used to live on Dean Street (or ZG mother)?

Hi there.. good question! I don't recall that KC had told LE anything about Dean Street... does anyone have proof?

I found this article dated July 17th from FOX news. http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,384963,00.html

In the middle of the page says:

'She went to clubs that the baby sitter frequented and identified her as Zenaida Gonzalez, police said. But when police went to the apartment Anthony said belonged to the alleged baby sitter, they learned it had been vacant for almost five months, the newspaper reported.'

1. Was it in fact an apartment KC was referring to? Or.. the house on Brackenwood? Uhmm..

2. Did LE in fact see a vacant apartment apparently rented by ZG at some point?

I totally agree with you all, this house is CREEPY!! and you all ROCK!

That really P*ssed me off too after all our hard work on this thread!

I agree. I was shocked that K.B. didn't report that so and so from so and so happen to run into me and guided me to the mysterious house in the D.C. video. I found that to be wrong. It goes to show you, they report what they want and always use sources close to the investigation, and then say "We" discovered. Heck, they didn't discover anything Mar.. did from websleuths and other's in this forum. I was following the location of this house as well since the release of the P.I.'s video and not once did I hear on the news that they were searching for a mystery house.
SNIPPED:"I've been using a magnifying glass and still haven't been able to determine what that object is. It's blue plastic, and looks like it's divided into three sections...........that's all I can come up with. ..."

I'm thinking maybe one of those plastic "bathtub time" books, they fold out like that sometimes and could be sturdy enough to stand up on their own when opened up at the angles...
Above bolded by me.
Don't forget about the pastor who had a long first visit with KC. IIRC it was about 4hrs long. I am trying to find the exact date of that visit. I found it odd that KC refused a visit from this pastor after Caylee's remains were found. I am only theorizing, but suppose KC confided to the paster and no one else, and she is blaming him for leaking info that lead to the finding of Caylee's remains, therefor she is refusing a visit from him out of anger towards him? I just can't figure out any other reason as to why all of a sudden she does not want a visit from this pastor...especially after her daughters remains were found?

:waitasec: maybe she felt too embarrassed b/c she'd fed him a lot of carp, too, and didn't want to have to face someone so closely associated with her maker... (I might be a little too pleased about such a prospect, ergo it seems plausible to me, but ya never know...)
When I checked the surname and given name of the owner of the house - Gonzalez, I came up with two with the same name, one born in 1978 and one born in 1986. The one in 1986 would be the same age as Casey and could very well have been a classmate.


No Gonzalez with same first name in Casey's "graduation" year (2004).
I brought my previous post forward so that I could link to the pics.

The coincidences in this case are driving me crazy!

Even the trash bags @ the 'abandoned house' appear to be the same (looks like Glad brand) as the trash bags from the A's house. Black with red drawstring.

Remember the 'protestor' who took the trash bag from the Anthony's house?


And the bags from the PI vid:


Maybe we should take a poll to see how many WSerz use the same trash bags. :)

BTW, y'all ROCK!!

ETA: here's another pic @ the abandoned house:

I'm thinking maybe one of those plastic "bathtub time" books, they fold out like that sometimes and could be sturdy enough to stand up on their own when opened up at the angles...

We figured that one out a little while ago...Great Value (Walmart) brand white trash bags.
What a coincidence! Those bags look like they'd been taken from the same box to me. IMHO
Hmmmmmmm ... when you mentioned a 'generator' ... I was thinking about how she kept stealing 'gas' from the shed. Ya think maybe?

but the neighbors, whom Marellano says are so close in next-door proximity, would hear a generator. they're LOUD (unless you spend a small fortune of no less than say $7K, which Casey didn't have...)
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