Let's leave George & Cindy to grieve in peace & focus on Casey

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deleted (note to self-gotta start reading the whole post!)
Good point.

Even Casey located the nine and the one on the phone to protect her parents, but somehow couldn't find them when Caylee went "missing".

Broderick I have given this much thought too. I was very angry at the beginning of this case. I wanted to blame someone/everyone for the death of Caylee. But lately, I have asked myself these questions:

1. If CA had called 911 on the day of 17 JULY (after they had been gone from her house for 24 hours) would Caylee have been found alive?

2. If CA or GA had called 911 from the tow yard, would Caylee have been found alive?

3. If after picking up KC from TonE's and coming home and this is when she did call 911 after she determined that Caylee was indeed missing, would Caylee have been found alive?

I have to admit to myself, that even though I do find CA a very unlikeable person, and yes, I have yelled at her image in my TV screen in the early days of discovering that Caylee was missing (not yet found). CA did not kill Caylee. I do not see any way that Caylee could have been saved. Hindsight is 20/20 and it's easy for me as an armchair detective to say...OMG, she should be hung from her heels....but no matter how disagreeable I find her or her family, the fact remains that LE will determine whether or not she is to be charged. I will accept their determination, whether or not I agree.

I want to see KC face a jury and I want to see that they evaluate her crime and give her an appropriate sentence.

ETA: Broderick I'm so sorry I quoted you and it was the wrong person. Please forgive me. I am in a hurry to go out with my children and didn't pay attention. Please accept my apology.
This is how I feel SS. Yesterday, I got beaten up while posting about my thoughts regarding suicide (I think I have some deeply buried emotions on the subject). I thought the forum was a place to share/examine views, opinions, experiences and even legalities. It seems, if one expresses a different view than the majority holds, a lot of personal attacks come flying out. I feel like I'm recovering from a big fight today and now I'm afraid to be myself here. This is "their" forum. I don't know who "they" are but they're here. If one doesn't agree why can't one just post their own opinion without saying the other guy is stupid, wrong, uncaring, etc. If I've done that, I'm sorry. I'm beginning to understand the "sticks to the facts people" better (as discussed before). Facts are facts and don't warrant attacks. Did I just make that up - probably not.
I am going to say this one time.

The discussion here should not be about posters EVER.
The conversation here is about this case.

We handed out TO's yesterday for those that referenced posters as you have done in this post.
There may be a majority POV here on some issues and on other issues not so much.
if you are attacked, alert the post. if the moderators and admin agree then steps will be taken.
I cannot even tell you how many alerts were in my mailbox yesterday and how many vacations were handed out. We got to them as we could considering we work and have families, etc.

But here at WS is not ok to attack anyone personally and that means even in a general nature about a "group" of posters. A point of view can be challenged, but if they are attacked with name calling or other unecessary carpola it is handled.
Assuming you alerted on any posts that attacked you, please go back to them and see if action was taken.

Not trying to beat you up here or make you feel bad, but your post is a good springboard as to what is and isn;t ok on different levels.
We don;t want you to be beaten up, let us know and let us help. :blowkiss:
yes but doesn't that all better fit the definition of the word deceit, rather than denial?
that being said, i do have sympathy for george. he's just never seemed to 'fit' in that family. it's as if he's been manipulated and controlled for so long that years ago he decided to take the path of least resistance and never dreamed it would lead him here. i feel i want to rescue the man from the insanity around him.
I feel the same as you. My heart hurts for George. I feel I want to rescue him also, eddeva.
God bless George, he has been in the dark about so much of the goings on within this family. Casey and Cindy keeping alot of information from him, lies being told to cover up 'messes' made by Casey, and such. He's been on the outside of the dynamics for so long, and then this horrific situation happened, something that couldn't be swept under the rug, and kept from him.

He needs someone strong, stable, and trust worthy to talk with, and to confide in and just be able to 'let it all out'. I hope there is such a person there for George, he is a broken soul. He needs love and help from someone that cares for him.
IMO, KC started all this with the muder of her child.
Interest in not reporting a kidnapped baby for 31 days caught the world's attention.
CA started the circus with accusing other people and lying about everything.
GA/LA went along with CA and did things asked of them.
The circus was in their hands and could of been stopped at any time.
IMO, the money poured in and more lies were started.
CA fighting TES, LP,searches and keeping an 'ALIVE CAYLEE' in the media circus.
All other high profile families, go help LE, for better or worse and stay private in their grief as much as possible.
Family and friends pull together.
Unfortunately, this did not happen in this case.
Everything everyday went bizarre on the news.
The circus will never go away now.
Books, movies etc,
All of them need counseling now to go on to a new life and start over as best as they can.
This is so sad.
Kc has destroyed so many people's lives! IMO
What about their refusal to co-operate? The lies they have already told?

So, you think in cases where there is already strong evidence that people should be allowed to aid/abet or obstruct without any legal penalty? Or do you think we should make an exception for the As?

Do we really and truly know that Cindy was obstructing evidence? Do we really know what the reason was that Cindy washed those pants or are we just guessing/assuming we know. Funny, the reason I'm saying this is I could see my mom doing something like that and it wouldn't be because she was distroying evidence. It would be because she really needed to wash the smelly pants not thinking that the pants played any part in the smell of that car. :waitasec: hope that made sense.. lol..

Cindy and George are "acting out" only because of one person and that one person happens to be their daughter. Their own flesh and blood put them in the position they are in now. Are they acting they way we think they should act? NO, they are not, but they are acting the way they know how to act giving the circumstances they were put in. None of this would have happened hadn't it been for one person.

I view this as a football game. It's easy to sit back and yell at the tv when a play gets screwed up. We think we can make that play much better than the football players because we can see things that the players didn't see. However, I bet once we are on that field, the game is harder than we think. gosh, hope that made sense.... lol, sorry, hubby is rushing me off the computer so we can go out and do something :crazy:
Do we really and truly know that Cindy was obstructing evidence? Do we really know what the reason was that Cindy washed those pants or are we just guessing/assuming we know. Funny, the reason I'm saying this is I could see my mom doing something like that and it wouldn't be because she was distroying evidence. It would be because she really needed to wash the smelly pants not thinking that the pants played any part in the smell of that car. :waitasec: hope that made sense.. lol..

Cindy and George are "acting out" only because of one person and that one person happens to be their daughter. Their own flesh and blood put them in the position they are in now. Are they acting they way we think they should act? NO, they are not, but they are acting the way they know how to act giving the circumstances they were put in. None of this would have happened hadn't it been for one person.

I view this as a football game. It's easy to sit back and yell at the tv when a play gets screwed up. We think we can make that play much better than the football players because we can see things that the players didn't see. However, I bet once we are on that field, the game is harder than we think. gosh, hope that made sense.... lol, sorry, hubby is rushing me off the computer so we can go out and do something :crazy:

I might feel differently about them if they used the sympathy capital in the past to beg and plead for Caylee's safe return, just once, if they believed she was truly still alive. They never did. They squandered that capital on pity and attacks against those trying to do their best to help them.
I might feel differently about them if they used the sympathy capital in the past to beg and plead for Caylee's safe return, just once, if they believed she was truly still alive. They never did. They squandered that capital on pity and attacks against those trying to do their best to help them.

:clap: Great post.
As respectfully as I can muster, I will leave George and Cindy in exactly the place they have put themselves. While Casey is in jail and Caylee is in a morgue, where the senior Anthony's have gone to is where they are through their own making. We all travel the road of grief. We all have had horrible things happen to us. We all handle it differently. Each step of the way we are given choices to make, even if those choices are unpalatable. We make our choices based on who we are and how we handle life. The Anthony's make their choices, too. No one else makes them.

I do not thrust myself into the Anthony home. I visit a website where I discuss with thousands of others, a case. All throughout this case, the senior Anthony's have thrust themselves into MY living room, into MY news channels, into MY entertainment (not amusement, but shows not quite 'news', like NG.). If it had not been for Cindy's bizarre behavior on these news shows, I doubt this case would have gotten as much attention as it has.

George and Cindy found it quite attractive to have the nation's spotlight on them. They courted and were courted by major news sources. What they did on those platforms was NOT shining a light onto Caylee, but themselves. THEY were the spotlight. THEY spent the time in the national media telling us how they weren't sleeping/eating/ etc etc. THEY were the ones on those platforms NOT telling the nation that Casey says "just let them know I forgive whoever has her and that I want my baby back." I never once heard them relay their "innocent" daughter's pleas.

They asked Tim to come in and help them find Caylee, and then told him he could not do searches for a body. They accepted LP's money to bail their daughter out and then told him to hit the highway when he dared challenge the inconsistencies. They were asked by LE for an item of Caylee's to help in a search and they denied that. Cindy called 911 for help and then demanded the police help her on HER terms. They made pleas to the public to search for Caylee and did little more than set up websites that asked for donations so they could do their OWN investigation and appear on national television shows and ride in a limo to the TV station. They surrounded themselves with people of questionable character and kept them near, while the decent people who attempted to help were quickly shut out and their voices of reason tuned out.

So, after a chain of bad decisions made BY THEM, I have ceased attempting to explain it away by saying their daughter is the cause. Pardon me for this, but Casey hasn't been making their choices for them. They've always been in control of choosing to "go right or left" and have been making some craptastic choices. So, okay. Let's leave George and Cindy to the place their decision have brought them.

Very nicely put. You saved me the effort. Thanks!

We may not know what is going on inside their heads and hearts, but we do know about their behaviour. It is possible to feel for their loss and still hold them accountable for their behaviour. The two aren't mutually exclusive. I think some people are missing that point.

And grief does not excuse everything. Does not excuse lies and deceit etc. Grief does not make everything they do okay even if it were understandable.

This is a family focussed entirely on itself, IMO. When they blame everyone but the perp, when they are more concerned with their own feelings than justice for Caylee, that tells me a lot! Their "denial" is, IMO, an attempt to manipulate our impression of them and the family; it is largely not about some great internal pain about themselves.

In the end, even poor George's distress is all about him. It's all about the family drama writ large. I really was hoping he was wrestling with his conscience. I guess I still hope for that. I hope the rumours about the suicide note are wrong.

What it all has not been about, is Caylee. :furious:
As respectfully as I can muster, I will leave George and Cindy in exactly the place they have put themselves. While Casey is in jail and Caylee is in a morgue, where the senior Anthony's have gone to is where they are through their own making. We all travel the road of grief. We all have had horrible things happen to us. We all handle it differently. Each step of the way we are given choices to make, even if those choices are unpalatable. We make our choices based on who we are and how we handle life. The Anthony's make their choices, too. No one else makes them.

I do not thrust myself into the Anthony home. I visit a website where I discuss with thousands of others, a case. All throughout this case, the senior Anthony's have thrust themselves into MY living room, into MY news channels, into MY entertainment (not amusement, but shows not quite 'news', like NG.). If it had not been for Cindy's bizarre behavior on these news shows, I doubt this case would have gotten as much attention as it has.

George and Cindy found it quite attractive to have the nation's spotlight on them. They courted and were courted by major news sources. What they did on those platforms was NOT shining a light onto Caylee, but themselves. THEY were the spotlight. THEY spent the time in the national media telling us how they weren't sleeping/eating/ etc etc. THEY were the ones on those platforms NOT telling the nation that Casey says "just let them know I forgive whoever has her and that I want my baby back." I never once heard them relay their "innocent" daughter's pleas.

They asked Tim to come in and help them find Caylee, and then told him he could not do searches for a body. They accepted LP's money to bail their daughter out and then told him to hit the highway when he dared challenge the inconsistencies. They were asked by LE for an item of Caylee's to help in a search and they denied that. Cindy called 911 for help and then demanded the police help her on HER terms. They made pleas to the public to search for Caylee and did little more than set up websites that asked for donations so they could do their OWN investigation and appear on national television shows and ride in a limo to the TV station. They surrounded themselves with people of questionable character and kept them near, while the decent people who attempted to help were quickly shut out and their voices of reason tuned out.

So, after a chain of bad decisions made BY THEM, I have ceased attempting to explain it away by saying their daughter is the cause. Pardon me for this, but Casey hasn't been making their choices for them. They've always been in control of choosing to "go right or left" and have been making some craptastic choices. So, okay. Let's leave George and Cindy to the place their decision have brought them.

Originally Posted by debs View Post
As respectfully as I can muster, I will leave George and Cindy in exactly the place they have put themselves. While Casey is in jail and Caylee is in a morgue, where the senior Anthony's have gone to is where they are through their own making. We all travel the road of grief. We all have had horrible things happen to us. We all handle it differently. Each step of the way we are given choices to make, even if those choices are unpalatable. We make our choices based on who we are and how we handle life. The Anthony's make their choices, too. No one else makes them.

I do not thrust myself into the Anthony home. I visit a website where I discuss with thousands of others, a case. All throughout this case, the senior Anthony's have thrust themselves into MY living room, into MY news channels, into MY entertainment (not amusement, but shows not quite 'news', like NG.). If it had not been for Cindy's bizarre behavior on these news shows, I doubt this case would have gotten as much attention as it has.

George and Cindy found it quite attractive to have the nation's spotlight on them. They courted and were courted by major news sources. What they did on those platforms was NOT shining a light onto Caylee, but themselves. THEY were the spotlight. THEY spent the time in the national media telling us how they weren't sleeping/eating/ etc etc. THEY were the ones on those platforms NOT telling the nation that Casey says "just let them know I forgive whoever has her and that I want my baby back." I never once heard them relay their "innocent" daughter's pleas.

They asked Tim to come in and help them find Caylee, and then told him he could not do searches for a body. They accepted LP's money to bail their daughter out and then told him to hit the highway when he dared challenge the inconsistencies. They were asked by LE for an item of Caylee's to help in a search and they denied that. Cindy called 911 for help and then demanded the police help her on HER terms. They made pleas to the public to search for Caylee and did little more than set up websites that asked for donations so they could do their OWN investigation and appear on national television shows and ride in a limo to the TV station. They surrounded themselves with people of questionable character and kept them near, while the decent people who attempted to help were quickly shut out and their voices of reason tuned out.

So, after a chain of bad decisions made BY THEM, I have ceased attempting to explain it away by saying their daughter is the cause. Pardon me for this, but Casey hasn't been making their choices for them. They've always been in control of choosing to "go right or left" and have been making some craptastic choices. So, okay. Let's leave George and Cindy to the place their decision have brought them.

Best post I've seen in a long time...:clap:

Excellent post and ITA.

And if they need to ask anyone for privacy to grieve, it's their own lawyer. I don't want to see him anymore, or them for that matter. I don't need a 3 times a day press conference from their front lawn. Until they are ready to tell the truth, I don't care to hear from them at all...they can have as much privacy as they like....in fact, I wish they would live their lives in privacy.

I agree. BC is omnipresent. I had to turn of one of his interviews yesterday from sheer boredom; he must have gone on for about 20 minutes. What was really needed from him yesterday was a short written statement to the media advising of George's condition, that was all. And then not to be upstaged, we had to hear from JB too.
As respectfully as I can muster, I will leave George and Cindy in exactly the place they have put themselves. While Casey is in jail and Caylee is in a morgue, where the senior Anthony's have gone to is where they are through their own making. We all travel the road of grief. We all have had horrible things happen to us. We all handle it differently. Each step of the way we are given choices to make, even if those choices are unpalatable. We make our choices based on who we are and how we handle life. The Anthony's make their choices, too. No one else makes them.

I do not thrust myself into the Anthony home. I visit a website where I discuss with thousands of others, a case. All throughout this case, the senior Anthony's have thrust themselves into MY living room, into MY news channels, into MY entertainment (not amusement, but shows not quite 'news', like NG.). If it had not been for Cindy's bizarre behavior on these news shows, I doubt this case would have gotten as much attention as it has.

George and Cindy found it quite attractive to have the nation's spotlight on them. They courted and were courted by major news sources. What they did on those platforms was NOT shining a light onto Caylee, but themselves. THEY were the spotlight. THEY spent the time in the national media telling us how they weren't sleeping/eating/ etc etc. THEY were the ones on those platforms NOT telling the nation that Casey says "just let them know I forgive whoever has her and that I want my baby back." I never once heard them relay their "innocent" daughter's pleas.

They asked Tim to come in and help them find Caylee, and then told him he could not do searches for a body. They accepted LP's money to bail their daughter out and then told him to hit the highway when he dared challenge the inconsistencies. They were asked by LE for an item of Caylee's to help in a search and they denied that. Cindy called 911 for help and then demanded the police help her on HER terms. They made pleas to the public to search for Caylee and did little more than set up websites that asked for donations so they could do their OWN investigation and appear on national television shows and ride in a limo to the TV station. They surrounded themselves with people of questionable character and kept them near, while the decent people who attempted to help were quickly shut out and their voices of reason tuned out.

So, after a chain of bad decisions made BY THEM, I have ceased attempting to explain it away by saying their daughter is the cause. Pardon me for this, but Casey hasn't been making their choices for them. They've always been in control of choosing to "go right or left" and have been making some craptastic choices. So, okay. Let's leave George and Cindy to the place their decision have brought them.

Really, really great post. Congrats.
Leave him alone unless he starts spouting KC was setup.
Deb the best post to sum up how the A's got to where they are in this case. It will be painful to watch the how the next couple of months will unfold within the family.
Leave him alone unless he starts spouting KC was setup.

It has been reported but without verification that he made "veiled dark referneces to Caseys' friends" so I guess we will have to wait and see.
IMO if this is correct, it may be a reason the suicide note might be released.
As respectfully as I can muster, I will leave George and Cindy in exactly the place they have put themselves. While Casey is in jail and Caylee is in a morgue, where the senior Anthony's have gone to is where they are through their own making. We all travel the road of grief. We all have had horrible things happen to us. We all handle it differently. Each step of the way we are given choices to make, even if those choices are unpalatable. We make our choices based on who we are and how we handle life. The Anthony's make their choices, too. No one else makes them.

I do not thrust myself into the Anthony home. I visit a website where I discuss with thousands of others, a case. All throughout this case, the senior Anthony's have thrust themselves into MY living room, into MY news channels, into MY entertainment (not amusement, but shows not quite 'news', like NG.). If it had not been for Cindy's bizarre behavior on these news shows, I doubt this case would have gotten as much attention as it has.

George and Cindy found it quite attractive to have the nation's spotlight on them. They courted and were courted by major news sources. What they did on those platforms was NOT shining a light onto Caylee, but themselves. THEY were the spotlight. THEY spent the time in the national media telling us how they weren't sleeping/eating/ etc etc. THEY were the ones on those platforms NOT telling the nation that Casey says "just let them know I forgive whoever has her and that I want my baby back." I never once heard them relay their "innocent" daughter's pleas.

They asked Tim to come in and help them find Caylee, and then told him he could not do searches for a body. They accepted LP's money to bail their daughter out and then told him to hit the highway when he dared challenge the inconsistencies. They were asked by LE for an item of Caylee's to help in a search and they denied that. Cindy called 911 for help and then demanded the police help her on HER terms. They made pleas to the public to search for Caylee and did little more than set up websites that asked for donations so they could do their OWN investigation and appear on national television shows and ride in a limo to the TV station. They surrounded themselves with people of questionable character and kept them near, while the decent people who attempted to help were quickly shut out and their voices of reason tuned out.

So, after a chain of bad decisions made BY THEM, I have ceased attempting to explain it away by saying their daughter is the cause. Pardon me for this, but Casey hasn't been making their choices for them. They've always been in control of choosing to "go right or left" and have been making some craptastic choices. So, okay. Let's leave George and Cindy to the place their decision have brought them.

and perhaps the realization of this, is what made him suicidal. I hope he now has the opportunity to be on the road to recovery and rediscovery. I wish him nothing but the best. I am so sorry for his giref, anguish and guilt. I hope he can move forward
My feeling only is that when GA was discussing "Veiled Dark" references about KC's friends I feel this discription by GA stems from the pictures the FBI showed him. The friends he may have been referring to were a separate group of Aquaintances that the public has not been made aware of. We will see at trial.
As respectfully as I can muster, I will leave George and Cindy in exactly the place they have put themselves. While Casey is in jail and Caylee is in a morgue, where the senior Anthony's have gone to is where they are through their own making. We all travel the road of grief. We all have had horrible things happen to us. We all handle it differently. Each step of the way we are given choices to make, even if those choices are unpalatable. We make our choices based on who we are and how we handle life. The Anthony's make their choices, too. No one else makes them.

I do not thrust myself into the Anthony home. I visit a website where I discuss with thousands of others, a case. All throughout this case, the senior Anthony's have thrust themselves into MY living room, into MY news channels, into MY entertainment (not amusement, but shows not quite 'news', like NG.). If it had not been for Cindy's bizarre behavior on these news shows, I doubt this case would have gotten as much attention as it has.

George and Cindy found it quite attractive to have the nation's spotlight on them. They courted and were courted by major news sources. What they did on those platforms was NOT shining a light onto Caylee, but themselves. THEY were the spotlight. THEY spent the time in the national media telling us how they weren't sleeping/eating/ etc etc. THEY were the ones on those platforms NOT telling the nation that Casey says "just let them know I forgive whoever has her and that I want my baby back." I never once heard them relay their "innocent" daughter's pleas.

They asked Tim to come in and help them find Caylee, and then told him he could not do searches for a body. They accepted LP's money to bail their daughter out and then told him to hit the highway when he dared challenge the inconsistencies. They were asked by LE for an item of Caylee's to help in a search and they denied that. Cindy called 911 for help and then demanded the police help her on HER terms. They made pleas to the public to search for Caylee and did little more than set up websites that asked for donations so they could do their OWN investigation and appear on national television shows and ride in a limo to the TV station. They surrounded themselves with people of questionable character and kept them near, while the decent people who attempted to help were quickly shut out and their voices of reason tuned out.

So, after a chain of bad decisions made BY THEM, I have ceased attempting to explain it away by saying their daughter is the cause. Pardon me for this, but Casey hasn't been making their choices for them. They've always been in control of choosing to "go right or left" and have been making some craptastic choices. So, okay. Let's leave George and Cindy to the place their decision have brought them.

You took the words right out of my mouth- and composed them in a much better way than I could have. I agree completely with everything you've said.

I do have sympathy for them. But the hell they now face is of their own making.

I sincerely hope they can face, accept and speak the truth so they can move forward and heal.
My feeling only is that when GA was discussing "Veiled Dark" references about KC's friends I feel this discription by GA stems from the pictures the FBI showed him. The friends he may have been referring to were a separate group of Aquaintances that the public has not been made aware of. We will see at trial.

It doesn't really matter who the "Veiled Dark" reference was for because Casey is the one sitting in jail for the murder of her daughter... not any of her friends!

If George did state this in his letter then he is still covering up for the person who murdered his grandchild.
Still in denial.

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