Letters to Casey from Cindy and George

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Bravo! ITA!!!! You are absolutely correct in your assessment of the A family. I think that is EXACTLY what that home was like. Perfection on the outside, torture from the mother on the inside with a dad and a brother that just looked the other way and were otherwise doing what Cindy wanted and saying what Cindy wanted them to say. Growing up in that house had to be hell. It doesn't exonerate Casey in any way for her murderous actions, but it does explain how she got there.

I also don't think Casey is a complete sociopath. I've seen other cases dealing with sociopaths, and she is definitely not on their level. I think she has sociopathic and narcisstic tendencies that were "nurtured" by Cindy to a level where even human life is expendable to save oneself. It's scary to think this, but I feel like had she not been spoiled and enabled, she could have turned out a different way. But after twenty years of that combined with her sociopathic and narcisstic tendencies, it's no wonder she turned out the way she did. Spoiling a child is not necessarily a bad thing - spoiling and enabling a child with sociopathic and narcisstic tendencies is a recipe for disaster. As we can see, Casey has no feelings now and no problem hurting her entire family just to spite them and live out her years in prison. And I do believe it's something that can be picked up on at a young age.

IMO, she hated her family the second they couldn't shove this under the rug and get her out of jail. Instead, she's latching on to the people she still believes are going to save her, and she doesn't care if she has to run over her whole family to get out of jail. I bet she enjoys their pathetic puppy dog like loyalty to her in the courtroom when she certainly doesn't ever treat them that way. As long as they continue to worship at the altar of Casey (Cindy wanted Casey to BLESS Lee's new bracelet...I mean WTF, Cindy? Last I checked, your daughter is least holy person on earth, unless you're wanting a satanic blessing! That has to be the looniest thing she has ever written by far), she will continue to have domination over them and enjoy every second of it.

In a very delusional way, KC IS "godlike" to them, she held the power of life and death in her hands and now holds all the knowledge (omnicience) to this whole thing...her and only her. Very powerful. Even more than a CEO. They have resorted to worshiping (grovelling) at her feet in order to get the answers and peace. A very sick dynamic.
This thread brings up an interesting question for me.

All indications point to the fact that JB was passing all (?) communication between Casey and her family for quite a period of time. If that is a true fact then isn't that conferring too much responsibility on him? He could have the opportunity to pick and choose which letters he approved or disapproved of to be passed. He would be in the position of limiting Casey's flow of information and knowledge base, wouldn't he? Wouldn't this be overstepping his boundaries?

I believe the circus atmosphere exists because the entire family is out of control and the legal team should guide them. Lord knows they need help in that area. But I'm not convinced that JB's end goal is really vested in Casey's (or the Anthonys') best interest. I don't think he should have ever been given the opportunity to oversee the passing of any kind of communications. It gives him too much control and the ability to twist and limit facts and emotions.

It's my belief that George and Cindy knew that these letters would eventually be made public. They exhausted all other means of communication before resorting solely to using the mail system. But I don't think everything they wrote was written specifically in an effort to impress the public. I think they tried to filter their words with that fact in mind but I believe they let a lot of their ugly and shallow motives slip through in spite of knowing it would probably go public.

In any case, the picture just becomes uglier and uglier, doesn't it?

The date on the letter that Cindy wrote to the Inmate saying that JB could no longer GIVE or READ Cindy's letters to the inmate, was Sept 1, 2009. That is the same date that Conway went on TV and said that it was JB's rule to control the letters passed between the Inmate and family (a third degree felony), but the A's were not going to abide by JB's rule any more.
I believe Cindy's letters and George's letters in that timeframe were an "F U" to JB. They were telling JB that he was not going to control their contact through correspondence, with their inmate daughter. Cindy had to have known those letters would become public, and she especially wanted JB to read them and see that she was defying his rules. IMO
This is one sample of the letters the Inmate wrote to fellow inmate Robyn, showing that the Inmate wrote to her mother - the letter was passed through JB and Cindy met with JB to read it. We do not know the date of this letter (the State probably does though?).

The Inmate says the attorney exhanges letters "between us" ... meaning the Inmate writes to her family and vice versa.

Hello WS :)

Thank you to Think Tank for all that sleuthing!

So, it seems that the Anthonys, including Casey were having letters passed back and forth via JB. Then JB says the communication must end? And then Cindy says, well I'll just write letters and send them through the mail and foil you...(meaning JB).

Is that right?

It is obvious from what Think has found for us that Casey and her parents were at one time sending and receiving letters. Do we have confirmation that JB didn't want contact between George and Cindy and ICA? Or are we speculating on that?

And, imo regardless of whether Jose wanted the letters to Casey stopped or not...I think there was a point when Casey felt the same way. At this point in time, it seems Casey does not want any actual contact with her parents.

What do you guys think? TIA.


So many thoughts...so little time -

I hope AZ runs across this because I think she would agree with some of Lillian Glass' assessments. I, too, agree that some are food for thought.

First, I'd like to point out that though GA did not deny the claims outright in his "Why?" letter, he AND Cindy have denied these allegations publically. George, I believe twice when asked about them. In addition BC released a statement confirming that George and Lee both said the allegations were false and had no idea why Casey would accuse them. Although, heh...all of them lie and CA lives in denial and cover-up mode, so who really knows???

I did not interpret the adjective "heartbreaking" George used in his letter the same way Ms. Glass did. If I was wrongly accused by someone I loved dearly - not to mention my own daughter who I had stood by despite my grief and belief that she was truly guilty - it would break my heart, too. It would not have to mean that she spilled some family secret to be heartbreaking for me. She does offer some good replacement adjectives, however I suspect George just spoke from the heart w/o referencing a thesaurus.

Also, I believe the word was num (sic), not mum. I think he just misspelled numb, leaving off the 'b'. fwiw, I, too, would be numb if I were wrongly accused by my daughter for the reasons stated above. Not only numb, but pissed off to the max. :snooty: Plus, I think I'd see this train heading toward me setting me up as a mitigating factor during the penalty phase. I'm thinking George is reassessing just how willing he is to lie down on the tracks. I mean, really. Pretty serious charges that would destroy your reputation if you were truly innocent and that would be where I'd draw the line for sure. (I would have drawn it much sooner, but then again, I have a spine.)

I think George tried to choose his words carefully (granted he didn't do such a great job) and be brief as possible while expressing his hurt and outrage in re. Casey's allegations. I think he was conscious that this letter could be released to the public so he didn't want to be too specific as to totally destroy her defense. And the more I think about it, I really, really believe that Cindy had no clue he sent this letter. She would have hit the roof and I think he knew that, but for George, he HAD to say something. Frankly, if he is innocent of the sexual abuse allegations, I don't blame him a bit. I would have said much worse. lol

Oh, and I don't usually ever comment on spelling/grammar, but Lillian Glass is a professional body language expert who opines on her own website - someone PLEASE link that woman to dictionary.com.
You are probably right.
But what about the position of the Prosecution in this matter?
All letters/communications to and from Inmates is supposed to go through the jail first and be read, and made sure that there is nothing illegal in the seams of the envelopes or cards or imprinted into the paper or the stamp.
This is still an open investigation.
What if the accused is writing things that are important to the case, which nobody has access to?

I'm betting that the secret correspondence was VERY important to the case. And probably a lot of planning was detailed in these letters. Unfortunately the state will never get to see these letters. I just hope the jail is keeping a very close eye on JB. JB doesn't seem to think the rules apply to him and soon he'll go back to breaking the rules he thinks are only for others.
Oh, and I don't usually ever comment on spelling/grammar, but Lillian Glass is a professional body language expert who opines on her own website - someone PLEASE link that woman to dictionary.com.

snipped by me.

As usual Beach I agree with your entire post. But I'm in SERIOUS agreement with the above bolded line. I mean really? I realize I'm not the best spelling/grammar person myself. But if I had a professional website in which I posted my opinions you better bet I would be more careful of my grammar/spelling.

And may I make note that all my filings are perfect. But I spend a lot of time proofing them. I've even a stickler for strict adherence to bluebook standards. I'm a Nazi when it comes to Bluebook.
Quote Respect Luv4kids :)

I am with ya...I am confused. From Casey's letters to Robyn(in the beginning)she is says she misses her "momma, mommy" and speaks like she is right on top of what is going on with the family. Of course that could be just jose giving her info and she was never writing back. If she never wrote back, all the "i love my mamma" stuff could have been for Robyn's sake, Casey's ability to take on other people's ideas, and if Robyn was speaking of love and contact between her and her family Casey might have just been fitting in.

But, other letters Casey is done with her family. She feels they have betrayed her, especially Cindy. ???

From George and Cindy's letters it seems that Casey did not write to them. I agree with WSers who say the letters seem one sided, like they were not responding to actual letters sent by Casey. And, from what I have read, I think George shows the most that they were not getting the contact from Casey they wanted.

We know Casey canceled a meeting with George. I don't think she wanted to speak to her parents. Some have said it was JB that wanted her not to contact her parents, but some say that AL would want it to look like her family supported her...or some say it is better if it looks like they are bad parents so that AL can use that to save Casey from the DP.

I know if I read more, I will understand what is going on more...but from my reading of as late...I am confused. We have a thread called "the rift between the family" where WS was discussing whether or not the whole "letter" passing between Cindy and George to Casey was/is all a part of the plan of the defense. Who knows? No really, I am asking...does anyone understand this: cause I don't.



I too am baffled by the letters both in regards to content and motive. However, that being said, I think we have to break it down like this. Other than the fact that it's now very very publicly known that JB and team were passing illegal notes between Casey and her family it's pretty much a win/win situation for the defense. There's not a single letter for the public to review and analyze from Casey. And we all pretty much agree that Cindy is a horribly vicious person (regardless of what Casey has or hasn't done). But it still looks like her parents love and support her and believe in her "innocence". And on top of that we finally see first hand the horrible jabs Cindy levels upon her daughter. So then even if you don't feel sympathy for Casey you can at least see how Casey ended up the way she did. So either way the defense can use what was released the other day to their advantage.
Hello WS :)

Thank you to Think Tank for all that sleuthing!

So, it seems that the Anthonys, including Casey were having letters passed back and forth via JB. Then JB says the communication must end? And then Cindy says, well I'll just write letters and send them through the mail and foil you...(meaning JB).

Is that right?

It is obvious from what Think has found for us that Casey and her parents were at one time sending and receiving letters. Do we have confirmation that JB didn't want contact between George and Cindy and ICA? Or are we speculating on that?

And, imo regardless of whether Jose wanted the letters to Casey stopped or not...I think there was a point when Casey felt the same way. At this point in time, it seems Casey does not want any actual contact with her parents.

What do you guys think? TIA.



I agree that at one point the Inmate was participating in writing back and forth with her family, and having the correspondence delivered/received through the attorney (per his rules - even though this was a third degree felony to pass correspondence through other than authorized channels).

On Sept 1, 2009, for whatever reason (I believe the jail got wind of what they were doing - because the jail posted a SIGN "reminding" attorneys that this is not allowed). On this date, Cindy wrote to the Inmate and said that the attorney could no longer be their personal mail carrier, and Conway got on TV (see article copied above) and said that it was indeed the ATTORNEY's personal rule that he control correspondence, but the A's would no longer abide by the attorney's rules, and would begin sending correspondence to their Inmate daughter, through PROPER CHANNELS - the U.S. mail (as they should have been doing all along).
I thought the computer sleuths determined that it was George who did those searches.

George did the searches for "escort services" as I recall. I don't think anything specific was ever determined or released about the chloroform, beyond the timing and surrounding activity seemed more indicative of KC than GA or CA.
And may I make note that all my filings are perfect. But I spend a lot of time proofing them. I've even a stickler for strict adherence to bluebook standards. I'm a Nazi when it comes to Bluebook.

--respectfully snipped for subject matter

I thought the computer sleuths determined that it was George who did those searches.

I'm pretty sure what they found was it was George searchin' the *advertiser censored*, not the killing people stuff.
Quote Respect Luv4kids :)

I am with ya...I am confused. From Casey's letters to Robyn(in the beginning)she is says she misses her "momma, mommy" and speaks like she is right on top of what is going on with the family. Of course that could be just jose giving her info and she was never writing back. If she never wrote back, all the "i love my mamma" stuff could have been for Robyn's sake, Casey's ability to take on other people's ideas, and if Robyn was speaking of love and contact between her and her family Casey might have just been fitting in.

But, other letters Casey is done with her family. She feels they have betrayed her, especially Cindy. ???

From George and Cindy's letters it seems that Casey did not write to them. I agree with WSers who say the letters seem one sided, like they were not responding to actual letters sent by Casey. And, from what I have read, I think George shows the most that they were not getting the contact from Casey they wanted.

We know Casey canceled a meeting with George. I don't think she wanted to speak to her parents. Some have said it was JB that wanted her not to contact her parents, but some say that AL would want it to look like her family supported her...or some say it is better if it looks like they are bad parents so that AL can use that to save Casey from the DP.

I know if I read more, I will understand what is going on more...but from my reading of as late...I am confused. We have a thread called "the rift between the family" where WS was discussing whether or not the whole "letter" passing between Cindy and George to Casey was/is all a part of the plan of the defense. Who knows? No really, I am asking...does anyone understand this: cause I don't.



She probably has days she likes them and days (because of their actions IMO) she doesn't. In a borderlines (what I believe Casey's major "issue" is) head a person is all good one day (or moment, for that matter) and all bad the next.
Not to mention some days Cindy's the sweet loving mother who backs her daughter 100% and then others she's dropping off clothes too small, promising to drop other clothes off and then ignoring Jose's calls... she does many things that her daughter has every right to be angry with her about. It's hard to like a Cindy every day. I think she just expresses in those letters what she's feeling at that moment.

She probably has days she likes them and days (because of their actions IMO) she doesn't. In a borderlines (what I believe Casey's major "issue" is) head a person is all good one day (or moment, for that matter) and all bad the next.
Not to mention some days Cindy's the sweet loving mother who backs her daughter 100% and then others she's dropping off clothes too small, promising to drop other clothes off and then ignoring Jose's calls... she does many things that her daughter has every right to be angry with her about. It's hard to like a Cindy every day. I think she just expresses in those letters what she's feeling at that moment.


ITA I think that is why Cindy can make KC get upset and emotional as seen in jailhouse videos and from what she writes to Robyn. IMO- KC loves her mother-she just doesn't LIKE her mother ALOT!!

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