Letters to Casey from Cindy and George

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I noticed in SP's letters she claims GA had no formal education but if you look at his employment application he has a BA and graduated from Youngstown State Univ. He spent 10 years in LE. I think the fact that CA made him quit the police department was not a good decision for GA. Nothing worse than asking a police officer to resign when they feel this is their calling. So what types of jobs did GA go after, security because he still longed for his old job and nothing will satisfy that hunger when they have it. He was smart enough to do other things but kept going back to the security positions. It is sad that he did not stick to his guns...no pun intended, and tell CA he was going to get back into the work he loved. You can see it in his interviews with LE but CA has the upper hand, always. Looking back CA will see all the lives she has ruined by being so controling that no one, no one would dare say no to you. She needs counseling big time. jmo

I'm inclined to think GA is lying about the BA and SP is the one telling the truth.
I'm inclined to think GA is lying about the BA and SP is the one telling the truth.

He did tell LE and if he used that on his employment application and it was a lie they could have fired him. I know years ago LE preferred candidates with some type of formal education and not just a high school certificate. But then we are talking about the A's. If he were going to lie though why would he put his major as business adm and ART??? lol Art being on the other end of law enforcement studies. jmo
I don`t think so. If she had a seizure alone in her cell, she would rouse confused, maybe sore but with no memory of the seizure. If it was witnessed, it would meet the criteria of medical emergency and the guards would have called for medical assistance. We also probably would have heard a news report about KC going to an ER for a CT scan. I think it may be that KC is claiming people are being mean to her at the jail and finally after being a martyr for months, she told someone. Who knows lol! It`s nothing serious enough for JB to have made a motion over.

This was my impression too. I'm sure that if Casey was, indeed, having seizures and it was noted by jail personnel, she would have been medically checked out immediately.

Knowing Casey and Cindy...........it's probably something trivial as you say, like complaining "they" are being mean to her.
Cindy's letters are, as usual, embedded with passive-aggressive comments she knows will push KC's buttons, but may seem innocuous to the average onlooker. Cindy frequently has a hidden agenda from which her behaviors can be explained. She is angry with KC, but has to save KC in order to save her own image as a 'good mother', bottom line. The working agenda of these letters seem to say:

I will be on your side, but I need you on my side, but DO NOT forget who is in control, and how much you need me and are indebted to me for this sacrifice.

Hinky also how she throws in off beat comments..that leave us saying..Huh?
Like her randomnly discussing her BFF status with DC. Completely choreographed for a reason (agenda). She wants to deflect any notion her relations with DC were anything but platonic..no romance.

Which leads me to believe it was more. If the truth were known, she would lose points..her image as a 'good mother' with a 'great family' would be tarnished.

Respectfully Quoted pip :)

ITA. Great post. Thank you.
I have tried to read through the whole thread, and do not believe I have found the answer to this question. Mod's please forgive and delete if I am being repetitive.

In Mallories letter to Casey (postmarked Feb 9, 2010), page 15057 in the doc dump, Mallorie writes:

One last thing ... not this last Christmas we just had, but the Christmas before that, Lee and I decided not to give each other presents but just do cards/letters to each other. When Lee handed me his letter, he also handed me a letter you had written to him. When I tried to give it back, as I thought he had given this to me in error, he said, "No. Read it. It's part of my letter." I'm sure you know where this is going ... the letter he handed me from you was a letter you had written to him about me. It was beautiful, Casey. I began to cry uncontrollably before I even got to the 3rd sentence. Obviously, I gave that letter back to him when I was done as it was from you to him. But I appreciated that he wanted to share it with me to let me know how much I mean to him, which included how much I mean to you. I am so happy he decided to share that with I me and even more so that you decided to share that with him. Thank you for that. It was one of the most memorable moments in my life and I feel so lucky to be so loved by you and your family.

So in the Christmas of 2008 after they found little Caylee's body, Lee has a letter he received from ICA or a letter she wrote prior to becoming ICA. Given how her brother spent so much time sexually harassing her and how much time she spent away from him and family, I am dumfounded to believe it was before her arrest. So would this be proof that JB was passing notes from ICA to the family?

There's a letter from M? Wow, I missed that. Is it in the most recent doc dump?
She is completely delusional. Caylee is not only still alive ,but "we will wait to go find her when all this craziness is over."
And she heard CM put Kathy Belich in her place. Funny,but that's not the story I heard.
If CA believes this bs she needs medical help.

My first reaction to reading Cindy's letter was that she's completely delusional. But after re-reading the letter and considering Cindy's consistent behavior since the beginning, I realize Cindy is just cold and calculating. But, Cindy lacks the intelligence to pull it off convincingly.

Cindy knows Caylee is dead. Cindy knows Casey killed Caylee. But Cindy's goal is to get Casey acquitted at all costs. To do this she has consistently pointed the finger at other people, subtly naming them as the possible killer. In the beginning, it was JG or AH. As the case progressed, other names were subtly suggested.

Cindy's insistence that Caylee is still alive, and that the remains found off of Suburban Drive were not Caylee's remains, even though the remains were positively identified as Caylee through DNA, is not reality and she knows it. Or is Cindy going to say that DNA evidence is "junk science?"

What's frightening is Cindy's goal of getting Casey acquitted at all costs. It's been obvious from the beginning that Cindy will do anything to make sure that Casey is not punished for killing Caylee. What kind of person is willing and eager to see the murder of their innocent grandchild dismissed and the murderer go unpunished? It reduces Caylee's life and death to insignificance.
This was my impression too. I'm sure that if Casey was, indeed, having seizures and it was noted by jail personnel, she would have been medically checked out immediately.

Knowing Casey and Cindy...........it's probably something trivial as you say, like complaining "they" are being mean to her.

ICA now lives in a smaller fish bowl than she did when she had Robin as a neighbor. She no doubt can't sneeze without someone watching to see if she uses a tissue and that has her really pizzed. Complains to anyone who will listen and give her a sympathy pat on the shoulder. Seems Jeanne fit the bill for the moment.
My first reaction to reading Cindy's letter was that she's completely delusional. But after re-reading the letter and considering Cindy's consistent behavior since the beginning, I realize Cindy is just cold and calculating. But, Cindy lacks the intelligence to pull it off convincingly.

Cindy knows Caylee is dead. Cindy knows Casey killed Caylee. But Cindy's goal is to get Casey acquitted at all costs. To do this she has consistently pointed the finger at other people, subtly naming them as the possible killer. In the beginning, it was JG or AH. As the case progressed, other names were subtly suggested.

Cindy's insistence that Caylee is still alive, and that the remains found off of Suburban Drive were not Caylee's remains, even though the remains were positively identified as Caylee through DNA, is not reality and she knows it. Or is Cindy going to say that DNA evidence is "junk science?"

What's frightening is Cindy's goal of getting Casey acquitted at all costs. It's been obvious from the beginning that Cindy will do anything to make sure that Casey is not punished for killing Caylee. What kind of person is willing and eager to see the murder of their innocent grandchild dismissed and the murderer go unpunished? It reduces Caylee's life and death to insignificance.

I agree with you here and it raises a very interesting question (IMO), from a long term psychological standpoint. I don't know if Cindy's actually considering a long term goal here. Suppose Casey does get acquitted and all charges dismissed. What? She moves back home? And the two of them have to sit on the couch together and look each other in the eye, knowing each other knows? And then what? Where do you go from there? Watch Desperate Housewives and eat Sunday dinner and 20 years later still pretend it never happened? There'd be no future for Casey outside of her mother's den, certainly not in Orlando anyway, and exactly how long could Cindy really hold up that charade? Forget the public, how long could she hold that out even if it's just in front of Casey? There would always be the (and I hate to be clique but) elephant in the room, and one day that elephant is gonna take a crap on the livingroom floor when nobody expects it. And I just have to wonder who's gonna be left to clean that crap up.
Geeze, Ynot!!! I had just gathered my composure after reading Reagan's post... and then I read yours!!!!

Rug-bombs!!! :rolling:

You know... I just had a thought just now. Cindy KNEW the public would read this letter... What the heck did she think we would think about her telling KC that Horace crapped on her floor??? LOL

Oh my gosh..I can't even open this thread anymore without giggling like a teenage school girl! :blushing:
When I read the sidenote from CA, I swear I thought she was talking about our Horace for about 1.5 seconds. Then I remembered the cat. I laughed at myself. LOL

The only thing "our" Horace craps on is the anthonys behaviour, the defense teams ignorance and the insanity of this entire debacle. And rightfully so.
My first reaction to reading Cindy's letter was that she's completely delusional. But after re-reading the letter and considering Cindy's consistent behavior since the beginning, I realize Cindy is just cold and calculating. But, Cindy lacks the intelligence to pull it off convincingly.

Cindy knows Caylee is dead. Cindy knows Casey killed Caylee. But Cindy's goal is to get Casey acquitted at all costs. To do this she has consistently pointed the finger at other people, subtly naming them as the possible killer. In the beginning, it was JG or AH. As the case progressed, other names were subtly suggested.

Cindy's insistence that Caylee is still alive, and that the remains found off of Suburban Drive were not Caylee's remains, even though the remains were positively identified as Caylee through DNA, is not reality and she knows it. Or is Cindy going to say that DNA evidence is "junk science?"

What's frightening is Cindy's goal of getting Casey acquitted at all costs. It's been obvious from the beginning that Cindy will do anything to make sure that Casey is not punished for killing Caylee. What kind of person is willing and eager to see the murder of their innocent grandchild dismissed and the murderer go unpunished? It reduces Caylee's life and death to insignificance.

You expressed exactly how I feel about Cindy. Excellent post! I never thought she was delusional though. I've always felt it was an act.

BBM-You hit the nail on the head with that one.

Yes, the cat was funny (my cat has taken to pooping in my sink-yuck, disinfect, scrub, disinfect-with her fresh litter box only a few feet away, that little $%#@&)...anyway...the funnier story has to be CA's wild turtle ride! It would be funny if it were anyone, but grandma He-Man launched from a toy turtle is material for AFV.
Hilarious! Not that your cat is crapping in the sink..ew pew (I had a cat that would use the box but go all over the wall?)
Anywho, just the imagery I got from your post thinking of cindys he-man hair getting whipped around. Whats with the anthonys and turtles? I wonder how Zam is doing? Poor thing probably "ran" off.

As for mallory..at first I thought maybe she was in it for the long haul so she could make big bucks on a book later, but I really think she's as ignorant and delusional as the A's. A person with very low self-esteem/self-worth. I wonder how these types of folks find each other.
Here mom explains the I still think Caylee is alive remark. Also, she complains that her letters are being made public.


Cindy says she and Casey are cut from the same cloth.She cannot believe that Casey could have harmed Caylee because if SHE could have that would mean that Cindy could have. That is what I have been saying since the first time I saw Cindy in a police interview.

Even so, hearing her say it gave me chills. The trial is going to be BRUTAL!!

Also, here George offers up excuses for Casey claiming he and Lee molested her, that the only reason she did that was to try to empathize with the other inmate who was confiding she had been. Excuses for Casey , at short notice, is a Anthony specialty.

Then Cindy says that we blogers do not have pure hearts. You must see this to believe it!!!! fifteen minute mark!!!! "If Casey is capable of that, that means I am capable of that, and I know I'm not," Cindy said.

Mom says no, she does not think Roy Kronk makes reasonable doubt. Regarding Kronk, George says he believes Jose and co., are doing whatever it is they think they have to. He adds no matter where the road leads, he wants the truth!

How do they do this many TV appearances then complain their letters are not private?
I agree with you here and it raises a very interesting question (IMO), from a long term psychological standpoint. I don't know if Cindy's actually considering a long term goal here. Suppose Casey does get acquitted and all charges dismissed. What? She moves back home? And the two of them have to sit on the couch together and look each other in the eye, knowing each other knows? And then what? Where do you go from there? Watch Desperate Housewives and eat Sunday dinner and 20 years later still pretend it never happened? There'd be no future for Casey outside of her mother's den, certainly not in Orlando anyway, and exactly how long could Cindy really hold up that charade? Forget the public, how long could she hold that out even if it's just in front of Casey? There would always be the (and I hate to be clique but) elephant in the room, and one day that elephant is gonna take a crap on the livingroom floor when nobody expects it. And I just have to wonder who's gonna be left to clean that crap up.

I doubt that Cindy has thought beyond the trial and getting Casey acquitted. As you say, "and then what?"

Casey has no friends left, and is so despised, she couldn't have any sort of normal life. Simply going to the grocery store, or any public place is fraught with danger. She couldn't return to her former lifestyle, and she's not employable. Who would hire her? She'd go crazy under the scenario you described, sitting at home with Cindy. George would be the first to crack under the stress of having Casey home. He'd demand to know the truth of what happened to Caylee.

They could move out of Orlando, but I think George, Cindy, and Casey would be recognized no matter where they go.

What's with the female a's saying they're "cut from the same cloth"? Or like how casey said in the jail vids (while getting jealous) that she and Caylee are "like the same little person" when it came to discussing bagels. So weird. and like I've said a million times on this forum...I've just never seen a bunch of people like this.

Leila, casey could not live a normal life or a life at all. She wouldn't last but a few minutes, period. I've read on many a blogs (not WS) that there are people waiting to shoot her if she ever walks away from the courtroom as a free woman. IMO she isn't worth it, but nonetheless, I've seen it stated so many times. She's safer in jail/prison/death row/whatever.
"All their twisting of the truth and purposely leaving out statements or evidence will eventually bite them in the rear. I know that when the trial comes your team will blow all of their theories and lack of evidence up in their faces."

This is what really blows my mind! Cindy, please don't make us wait for the trial. Share just one little thing that will make one of the theories blow up? I hope Kathi Belich asks you after the trial is over and Casey is guilty, 'What did Casey's defense team leave out that could have changed the outcome of this case?'.
The evidence against Casey is overwhelming. When there is a lot of circumstantial evidence in a case it becomes evidence. You can no longer say that there is a lack of evidence because there is all this circumstantial evidence that has kept piling up.
Are these silly letters the reason Jose tried again to go up against the Sunshine Laws?

I think it's no wonder Casey hasn't the desire to respond to this gibberish.

Don't worry, JB. It's pure comic relief.
"All their twisting of the truth and purposely leaving out statements or evidence will eventually bite them in the rear. I know that when the trial comes your team will blow all of their theories and lack of evidence up in their faces."

This is what really blows my mind! Cindy, please don't make us wait for the trial. Share just one little thing that will make one of the theories blow up? I hope Kathi Belich asks you after the trial is over and Casey is guilty, 'What did Casey's defense team leave out that could have changed the outcome of this case?'.
The evidence against Casey is overwhelming. When there is a lot of circumstantial evidence in a case it becomes evidence. You can no longer say that there is a lack of evidence because there is all this circumstantial evidence that has kept piling up.
...and there's that word "truth" again. I can't imagine CA keeping her yap shut if she believed she knew the truth.
You expressed exactly how I feel about Cindy. Excellent post! I never thought she was delusional though. I've always felt it was an act.

BBM-You hit the nail on the head with that one.


Yes, it's all an act on Cindy's part. She's cold and calculating, trying to find the means to taint a jury with reasonable doubt, and using letters to Casey to do it.

But, she's just not intelligent enough to make it work. She's not consistent, and vacillates between "Caylee's alive" and trying to imply someone else did it. She has constantly changing scenarios, not realizing that if anything she says is true, it wouldn't be changing. I don't think Cindy realizes that she's so transparent.

I think that by the time of the trial, Cindy is going to be completely overwhelmed by the prosecution's evidence. She won't be able to handle it.
And everyone claims that GA's side of the family has mental problems???


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