Lies point us to the truth

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
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"Time consuming"? Oh Yeah - 25 years! Although, there was time enough for JR to campaign unsuccessfully for public office. How would any of Team R know if the intruder(s) were still alive? OJ is still looking too.
So that means that JAR wasn’t @ the Christmas party on the 23rd as many have speculated. Nor was he really seen by Joe Barnhill on Christmas Day entering the front door on 15th St.
Dr. Wecht speculates that JB could have been previously molested within a 48 to 72 hour period. Could have been earlier, though.
That would leave only JR as the perpetrator unless JB was hired out.

I said nothing regarding his potential involvement. Having been involved has not stopped JR or BR from speaking out over the years or from profiting off of their many lawsuits.
I said nothing regarding his potential involvement. Having been involved has not stopped JR or BR from speaking out over the years or from profiting off of their many lawsuits.

I think JAR has popped up purely for the money. (To protect his cut of the inheritance. And just look at all of the lawsuit windfalls he's missed out on! He wants in on that.)

No, you stated his head rearing after 24 years is due to financial gains. But that is not to say he didn’t have a hand in JB demise.
No, you stated his head rearing after 24 years is due to financial gains. But that is not to say he didn’t have a hand in JB demise.

I don't understand why you wrote that for him to be in it for financial gain, as is my opinion, that that must mean he wasn't at the Christmas Party. Why can't both be true?
I don't understand why you wrote that for him to be in it for financial gain, as is my opinion, that that must mean he wasn't at the Christmas Party. Why can't both be true?

Sure both can indeed be true.
Let’s look at it this way: Since JR and PR flew to Atlanta to support JR ex wife during the police interview yet turned their back of their best friends in Boulder, wouldn’t you want to question their motive? In so saying, if JAR is guilty I cannot see JR supporting him financially. MOO
Sure both can indeed be true.
Let’s look at it this way: Since JR and PR flew to Atlanta to support JR ex wife during the police interview yet turned their back of their best friends in Boulder, wouldn’t you want to question their motive? In so saying, if JAR is guilty I cannot see JR supporting him financially. MOO

I don't think guilt would stop JR from financially helping a son who is guilty. Why let guilt get in the way, especially given that JR is in it up to his eyeballs. It seems JR at the least committed some degree of murder after the fact, or conspiracy thereof, in addition to several other felonies. The family who commits felonies together stays together, no?
Placating BR became a priority for his parents. BR does seem to have played his way through the events following his sister's demise. "I just go beep-beep." This brings into question the possible role that the Christmas toys played in what transpired.

I haven't seen this photo before, but I haven't been here in quite a while. The golf bags are in a different location. In one of the other crime scene photos, the golf bags are at the start of the hall. A stack of framed/unframed images is leaning against the wall next to the entry of the windowless room (where these golf bags are now). This is also obviously before the cut away and removed the urine-stained carpet. The photo with the paint kit also shows that the golf bags weren't there. The paint kit was placed directly over where the orange stain is located. Apparently, the killer tried to hide that stain.
I haven't seen this photo before, but I haven't been here in quite a while. The golf bags are in a different location. In one of the other crime scene photos, the golf bags are at the start of the hall. A stack of framed/unframed images is leaning against the wall next to the entry of the windowless room (where these golf bags are now). This is also obviously before the cut away and removed the urine-stained carpet. The photo with the paint kit also shows that the golf bags weren't there. The paint kit was placed directly over where the orange stain is located. Apparently, the killer tried to hide that stain.

I did some research on this stain and since I’m not a forensic specialist discovered that bodily fluids glow like this only under a uv light source in the dark. This photo is with the light on and yes JR golf bags have been moved. One of the golf bags that was seen down the hallway (on the right) belonged to BR.
Although the stain affairs to be the exact location JB voided; the carpet has not been cut out here; as you pointed out.
Rewatching Dr. Phil with BR. In the 1st episode Dr. Phil says to BR “you must have realized this has gone way bad”,
BR eyes dart quickly to Dr. Phil and then he looks down and to the left. He isn’t smiling here. Then they go to commercial. He is thinking and recalling here.
BR appears extremely nervous during this episode. Dr.Phil also states that some people think that his mother wrote the RN. He then asks BR if the note looks like his mother’s handwriting? Again, he isn’t smiling and gives no reply here.
Will follow up with what other episodes.
Rewatching Dr. Phil with BR. In the 1st episode Dr. Phil says to BR “you must have realized this has gone way bad”,
BR eyes dart quickly to Dr. Phil and then he looks down and to the left. He isn’t smiling here. Then they go to commercial. He is thinking and recalling here.
BR appears extremely nervous during this episode. Dr.Phil also states that some people think that his mother wrote the RN. He then asks BR if the note looks like his mother’s handwriting? Again, he isn’t smiling and gives no reply here.
Will follow up with what other episodes.

Rain on my Parade,
Who expects BR to reply Oh, sure that's my Mom's handwriting, meaning the case must be RDI?
DR. PHIL: "What do you remember about JonBenet?"

BURKE: "I remember like sliding down the hill on boxes, and we'd draw the inside and make it look like a car or something..."

DR. PHIL: "It's been 20 years still unsolved. You don't want her to be forgotten."

BURKE: "That's right. I don't want anybody to stop working on the case. I want them to focus on finding the real killer. And not making up bogus theories about me and my parents."

DR. PHIL: OK. Now, first off the top: Many of you have commented on Burke's smile. That when he's talking about something that's very serious, even though 20 years after the fact, that he's smiling. So let me give you my interpretation of that.

This is anxiety. He's socially uncomfortable, I've seen it a lot. He's not autistic, he's not weird, he's not creepy. He's just nervous. This is a young man that has grown up in kind of a seige mentality. I've spent a lot of time with him over the last several months, and you have to understand, when this happened he was plucked out because media was all over them. So, he's been moved around a lot. He lived in isolation quite a bit. And he's just not socially comfortable, and he's certainly not comfortable being on camera. And so when people get anxious, you know, sometimes they'll pull their hair, something they'll you know, do this kind of thing -- for him, he just has kind of a nervous smile.
Note Dr Phil leaves out BR's comments about JonBenet Flaunting herself at pageants, e.g. a victim, of course nobody tells us how many pageants BR attended?

Then there is the information Ramsey family attorney Lin Wood has also served as Dr. Phil's own attorney. How convenient is that?

How To Frame a Crime 101 ...
[CLIP, Ramsey Defense Attorney Lin Wood, "I wrote the city of Boulder, and I copied DA Lacy, and I said in no uncertain terms: If this investigation is not transferred out of the hands of the Boulder Police Dept and into the hands of a third-party, objective, competent LE agency, I'm going to sue the city of Boulder, and you're going to be the laughing stock of the country when the truth comes out about the incompetence of your department in this investigation."

"That letter gave DA Mary Lacy what she needed to call me and say, 'I want to talk to you.' And I remember sitting there with her and I said, 'This has to stop -- and only you can stop it.' And I'll never forget, she looked at me and she said, 'I agree with you.' And she committed that her department would take over the investigation, which they did. And then DA Lacy issued a public statement to apologize to them, and to make clear that going forward from that day, they would be treated as victims -- because they were in fact victims."

[CLIP, Reporter, "The parents have now been cleared in that little girl's murder. They are no longer suspects. New DNA technology has cleared them. This was technology that was not available when investigators were first looking at the murder of JonBenet Ramsey"]

[CLIP, DR. PHIL to Ramsey Attorney Lin Wood: "Has John Ramsey scientifically and based on the position of law enforcement, been exonerated as having anything to do with JonBenet Ramsey's death?"]

[CLIP, Ramsey Attorney Lin Wood, "Yes, beyond a reasonable doubt, he has been exonerated."]
Nice little earner Lin Wood, John Ramsey and Dr. Phil have going here, just think about all those royalty fees for subsequent broadcast rights, worldwide too!
Fake News or What?
DR PHIL: OK. This is what really bothers me about this. And in interrogation, police have the right to lie to a suspect. They do. This went beyond that.

They put into the media that there were no footprints in the snow. What they failed to mention is there was no snow. [AUDIENCE laughter]

OK this is the window that you saw Lou Smit, this is a picture taken the morning of the crime. There's no snow!

So all of these people that on the internet, all of these years have been saying that you debunk the intruder theory because there were no footprints in the snow -- THERE WAS NO SNOW!

The Boulder Police they said under oath they were doing this to put pressure on the Ramseys so they would come forward and confess.

More Fake News -- the Bedwetting Theory
[CLIP: Reporter, "People believe that Patsy got very angry and lost her temper at JonBenet for wetting her bed, and cracked her skull open in the bathroom."]

[CLIP: Ramsey Attorney Lin Wood, "That's not who Patsy Ramsey is or was. This is not a person capable of flying into a rage over her child wetting the bed. The crime scene photos clearly show that the bed was not wet, had no urine stains. I think most people know, urine stains dont disappear. But the Boulder Police Dept maintained that theory for years!"]

[CLIP: Patsy Ramsey, "You must have conjured something in your head for you to come out and call me a murderer of my child."]

[CLIP: Ramsey Attorney Lin Wood, "Their lead detective, Steve Thomas, wrote a book trying to capitalize on this child's murder. That's his theory. It's the best they could do. And the best they could do was not supported by physical evidence."]

More Logic Chopping From LW
[CLIP: Reporter, "The police were absolutely convinced that Patsy wrote that ransom note, and therefore she must be the killer. It was a quantum leap."]

[CLIP: Ramsey Attorney Lin Wood, "The law enforcement handwriting experts had concluded that on a 1 to 5 scale, 5 being elimination -- didn't write it -- Patsy Ramsey was scored at between 4 and 4.5 Virtually eliminated. But they couldn't eliminate her! They should have. But they couldn't -- because if you eliminate Patsy, then you have totally blown out of the water the Boulder Police Dept's theory that they went with, that it had to be John, nope we decided it was not John, so it must have been Patsy."]
Nah, LW made a big booboo here, if you eliminate Patsy and there is no evidence to incriminate John then that just leaves Burke. Was it not Sherlock Holmes who said Once you have eliminated the improbable all that remains must be the probable suspect?, that's me paraphrasing.

Q. Hi Dr. Phil. The magazines through the years have written that Burke or his mom did it. Why do they have these headlines if it isn't true?

DR PHIL: Well, [exhale, half-laugh]. We know a tabloid wouldn't write anything if it wasn't true, right? [light AUDIENCE laughter] So. I'm certain that that's true; they don't write anything about me that isn't true.

This goes back to the police releasing misinformation that pointed to the Ramseys being guilty. And as I said, the Boulder police wanted to pressure the family into a confession. And as we said earlier, DA Alex Hunter under deposition admitted that the Boulder PD leaked lies to the press to get these headlines. Burke's attorney sued those tabloids.

Next: it's been speculated that whoever killed JonBenet could have been sexually abusing her. But is that true? We'll talk about that, next.
Naughty Mr Alex Hunter, that's the man who never filed the True Bills ensuring no Ramsey would ever see the inside of a court room.

The Ramsey's with all their money must love the media coverage, else why would Burke Ramsey elect to be interviewed on prime time TV just ahead of the CBS Documentary which said BR killed JonBenet over pineapple?

What did Mark Beckner think about BDI?
If the investigators came to the conclusion that there was a high likelihood that the juvenile brother had killed Jon Bonet, how would the investigation proceed from that point and what would likely be the final outcome?

In Colorado, juveniles under 10 cannot be held criminally liable. There would have been no criminal case against the brother. However, if we assume for this question that he was involved, then we would want to know who helped him cover up the murder? That would be a separate crime and if the parents were involved, they could be charged for not seeking medical attention and for covering up the crime. Same would apply if an intruder helped cover it up.
Guess what the parents were so charged, i.e. True Bills, so does this mean the case is really BDI?

You just gotta luv Dr. Phil, you can bet your bottom dollar, sorry stimulus check, that he has BR's contact details and that another interview is on the cards!

Rewatching Dr. Phil with BR. In the 1st episode Dr. Phil says to BR “you must have realized this has gone way bad”,
BR eyes dart quickly to Dr. Phil and then he looks down and to the left. He isn’t smiling here. Then they go to commercial. He is thinking and recalling here.
BR appears extremely nervous during this episode.
Dr.Phil also states that some people think that his mother wrote the RN. He then asks BR if the note looks like his mother’s handwriting? Again, he isn’t smiling and gives no reply here.
Will follow up with what other episodes.

I finished watching the rest of Dr. Phil Jonbenet. I do not watch Dr. Phil on a regular basis. I am not a fan. These episodes make me even less of a fan. He makes statements like the R’s were exonerated due to dna, even referencing the touch dna. What about BR and PR touch dna found in the wine cellar on the nightgown? They touch on the hi tech boot print. BR admits to having hiking boots with compasses on them but doesn’t remember the brand. He further explains that his footprint should be in there because it’s my house; I played in the basement all the time because of his train set. Then LW goes above and beyond stating that the BR never owned a pair of hi-tech boots. Honestly? Trip Demuth stated the dna found under her fingernails could not be anybody but the murderer. Yet, we know that the fingernail clippers used on her autopsy were used on the previous autopsy and perhaps one before that. The answer to who killed JB according to Dr. Phil lies in the dna evidence. Okay, so what about the soiled pj’s found and that dna evidence? What are those results?
Also according to Trip Demuth as of January 15, 1997 the there was a strong suggestion by the dna results the R’s weren’t responsible for this murder. Again, those results took 6 months to get back.
Dr. Phil further states that the touch dna found on JB long Johns matched the dna found on her underwear. Where did this come from?
He further states that in 2008 touch dna cleared the R’s and that is when ML exonerated them. Dr. Phil further states that the dna that was collected absolutely excludes any family member are you surprised that people continue to treat you as a suspect? BR replies, “it blows my mind. What more evidence do you need that we didn’t do it”? Hey let’s go back again, to the Barbie nightgown found in the wine cellar. Dr. Phil states, the dna that you gave not only says it wasn’t you but an unknown males dna. BR further states, “What more do you need to stop looking at us and look at the person who actually did it”. Well, let’s ask the correct questions. Why is both you guys touch dna found on the inside/outside, top/bottom of that night gown? Why is that night gown found in the wine cellar? Why is JB blood splattered with droplets down the front of it in 5 separate locations?
Rain on my Parade,
Who expects BR to reply Oh, sure that's my Mom's handwriting, meaning the case must be RDI?


Note Dr Phil leaves out BR's comments about JonBenet Flaunting herself at pageants, e.g. a victim, of course nobody tells us how many pageants BR attended?

Then there is the information Ramsey family attorney Lin Wood has also served as Dr. Phil's own attorney. How convenient is that?

Dr. Phil did leave that comment out by BR. From my understanding BR was made to attend a lot of JB activities and hated it.

How convenient they have the same attorney. It’s no wonder I’m not a fan of Dr. Phil!

DR PHIL: OK. This is what really bothers me about this. And in interrogation, police have the right to lie to a suspect. They do. This went beyond that.

They put into the media that there were no footprints in the snow. What they failed to mention is there was no snow. [AUDIENCE laughter]

OK this is the window that you saw Lou Smit, this is a picture taken the morning of the crime. There's no snow!

So all of these people that on the internet, all of these years have been saying that you debunk the intruder theory because there were no footprints in the snow -- THERE WAS NO SNOW!

The Boulder Police they said under oath they were doing this to put pressure on the Ramseys so they would come forward and confess.

Yep, they forgot about the snow in the front yard. There was enough coverage to leave tracks in the snow.

Nah, LW made a big booboo here, if you eliminate Patsy and there is no evidence to incriminate John then that just leaves Burke. Was it not Sherlock Holmes who said Once you have eliminated the improbable all that remains must be the probable suspect?, that's me paraphrasing.

Great point!

Naughty Mr Alex Hunter, that's the man who never filed the True Bills ensuring no Ramsey would ever see the inside of a court room.

The Ramsey's with all their money must love the media coverage, else why would Burke Ramsey elect to be interviewed on prime time TV just ahead of the CBS Documentary which said BR killed JonBenet over pineapple?

Yes AH is a criminal in his own right for his failure to file the true bills in this case IMO.
And yes, let’s get that spotlight off BR whatever it takes. JR stated this was his last interview. We shall see. Perhaps that is one reason he has shoved JAR in the limelight.

Guess what the parents were so charged, i.e. True Bills, so does this mean the case is really BDI?

You just gotta luv Dr. Phil, you can bet your bottom dollar, sorry stimulus check, that he has BR's contact details and that another interview is on the cards!

Could be BDI. That was the only thing I walked away from that interview with and liked. Dr. Phil stated that some people believe that BDI and the parents sacrificed the one for the other. It was posed at a question to BR. BR replies let the evidence or lack there of speak for itself. Okay, let’s open up that vault!

I wonder if BR will fail that interview as well? I’d bet my stimulus check on it.

Sorry, I stopped my previous post. I could only take so much of that interview.
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