Lies point us to the truth

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The Sharpie, notepad and paintbrush, which were all directly connected to the crime, were returned to their proper places. For a household in utter disarray, such fastidiousness stands out. The Maglite was on display, and not in its usual drawer. So the flashlight has no such connection?

Except the batteries have no fingerprints.

PR's paintbrush was an odd choice for putting together the so-called garotte. (A striking combination of Art and Death.) Any number of impersonal items could have served the same lethal purpose. Over time, PR demonstrated that she was capable of avoiding self-incrimination. Why then would she pick something which obviously belonged to her? While the blow to the head could have been reflexive and instantaneous, that is not the case with the strangulation, which was deliberate and methodical. From this aspect, which form of violence was inflicted on JB first is not important.

Good points. Yet, we do not know that it was indeed PR that chose the paintbrush. I’ve said this so many times it’s like a broken record: the scarf on the wet bar was not taken into evidence. This scarf was probably one that PR gave her guests during the Christmas party on the 23rd. Not a gift from Beth as JR attested to. In so saying, why did JR give JB a scarf as a final departing gift? Were these fibers the actual fibers entwined within the ligature and in the paint tray?
As for the violence inflicted upon JB that night, the sequence of events do matter. The head blow happened 45 minutes to two hours before she was strangled. So naturally we can deduce that perhaps the head blow was accidental but the strangulation served the purpose of ending her life.

BR could go back to the good Dr. Phil and confess to everything on national TV without legal consequences. The DA's office could face more problems if the lid were blown then the actual killer? I think that JAR is now center stage because, after the Dr. Phil interview, it became apparent that BR was an unsuitable spokesman for the R's legacy.

Sure BR could confess but why would he? To what purpose would it serve him? As for JAR rearing his head after 20 plus years ... everybody knew BR was an unsuitable spokesman for the family. JAR and BR display the same characteristics today as they did in 1996.

BBM: There you go, you answered your own question. Most people try to break paintbrushes using their hands, and fail.

The reason is most paintbrushes are moderately thick and tapered in thickness which prevents the application of a uniform pressure.

With the shards on the floor outside the wine-cellar door we can assume the paintbrush was stepped on here?

For reasons totally unrelated to JonBenet's death both JR and PR had a motive to stage JonBenet's death, regardless who actually killed her.

Without the staging both parents would have been arrested at the crime-scene!


For reasons totally unrelated to JBR's death?? What?

BBM: There you go, you answered your own question. Most people try to break paintbrushes using their hands, and fail.

The reason is most paintbrushes are moderately thick and tapered in thickness which prevents the application of a uniform pressure.

With the shards on the floor outside the wine-cellar door we can assume the paintbrush was stepped on here?

For reasons totally unrelated to JonBenet's death both JR and PR had a motive to stage JonBenet's death, regardless who actually killed her.

Without the staging both parents would have been arrested at the crime-scene!


For reasons totally unrelated to JBR's death?? What?
Rain on my Parade,

I view the flashlight as a staging prop meant to point to IDI as implied by the RN. The Rs wanted to distance themselves from it initially. They were unsure if it belonged to them. Wiping the batteries would be a way to sever any direct connection to it, and also suggest that it was brought into the house, and left behind as the intruder left in a hurry?

The sequencing of head blow and strangulation is irrelevant only in regard to the question of accidental death. The lethal use of the garotte cannot be considered as an accident; although, JB dying during its application could have been unintended. Personally, I believe that the head blow was the second event, as outlined by Dr. Wecht. Probably, this opinion is in the minority.

Of course, it should be pointless for BR to confess. I meant to address the speculation that there will be a sudden tell-all after JR's demise. Likewise, this also should be without a purpose. The revelation would go something like: "Hey America - My parents were lying all along! -Guess what, they killed my sister!" As a result, there possibly could be civil suits, if not actual criminal ones. The R kids do not want to mess up the Estate. Though, there is a chance that someone from the GJ should speak out. That person better be prepared for the frenzy of media attention which would ensue.

That JB's departing gift was a scarf is intriguing. Certainly, it would provide the ultimate in 'burying the evidence'. A reason against exhumation? There have been observations that some of the pageant costumes include a choker for JB to wear. Allow me a bit of sarcasm if I say that it ought to have embarrassed PR that the fibers from her sweater in the ligature were not cashmere. I do not think of her as a fashionista as some appear to do.
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For reasons totally unrelated to JBR's death?? What?

Sure, both parents had likely been given medical advice regarding JonBenet. She had been in therapy prior to Christmas, so they knew she was vulnerable.

Inside The Ramsey Murder Investigation by Steve Thomas, Excerpt
Burke Ramsey had returned to classes, without police escort, a few weeks after a "small foreign faction" killed his sister. When Detective Gossage called a therapist who we were told had seen JonBenet, he was told to "talk to the Parents Attorneys".

Consequently the GJ hit them with a child neglect charge. Get that both parents!
On or about December 25, and December 26, 1996 in Boulder County, Colorado, John Bennett Ramsey (or alternately, Patricia Paugh Ramsey) did unlawfully, knowingly, recklessly and feloniously permit a child to be unreasonably placed in a situation which posed a threat of injury to the child's life or health, which resulted in the death of JonBenet Ramsey, a child under the age of sixteen.

As to Count IV, child abuse resulting in death:

Ever wonder why the Ramsey pediatrician lost JonBenet's medical records?

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We should also consider why BR touch dna is found on the bloody Barbie nightgown, the hi-tec print on the wine cellar floor and the partially opened set of legos. I find it hard to believe that those gifts were hidden away down there. It makes more sense to hide Christmas gifts in one of several closets in the parents bedroom. They both had closets behind their bedside night tables. He possibly played ball because of these facts and being told what to do. I cannot discount him taking part in some form or fashion because of these facts.

Competent maybe. Nervous, most definitely. I don’t see an honest young man on Dr. Phil. I see a young man with something to hide. His answers are short and to the point. Just like his interviews when he was less then two weeks shy of turning 10.

I would have to ask then why JAR has decided to come out of hiding now after all these years. Is it to protect BR? Why would it be necessary for JAR to be involved once JR has passed if JDI?

Habit, or to try and hide the fact that it was broken there.

Rain on my Parade,

We should also consider why BR touch dna is found on the bloody Barbie nightgown, the hi-tec print on the wine cellar floor and the partially opened set of legos.
Yes, all evidence that BR interacted with items were effectively isolated down in the basement. I reckon the items in the wine-cellar are there so they can be staged as part of JonBenet's death, just consider JR, PR and BR's prior statements regarding visiting the wine-cellar or knowing what gifts were housed therein and you get conflicting reports, particularly from the master puppeteer JR.

Note Kolar writes that BR said he visited the wine-cellar Christmas-day Afternoon and opened a few gifts, is this BR getting his alibi in first, (hi-tec print)? Then there is Burke's swiss penknife, from memory a gift from Patsy with his name on it?

So there are three options here:

1. BR not involved in JonBenet's death.

2. BR involved in JonBenet's death which he stages upstairs.

3. BR involved in JonBenet's death which he stages downstairs.

Patently 1. leads to PDI or JDI.

2. or 3. leads to parental staging in an attempt to write BR out of the case by injecting a kidnapper with pedophile inclinations who is a tidy person and likes to return used items back to their place of origin, i.e. paintbrush.

There are no usual Christmas photographs of the children opening their gifts, is this because they would reveal gifts that we know nothing about?

Are the partially opened set of legos from upstairs, but dumped downstairs with a Birthday cover story?

Kolar does not say anything about BR's response to finding a Lego Box in the wine-cellar, i.e. was it ever there?

Competent maybe. Nervous, most definitely. I don’t see an honest young man on Dr. Phil. I see a young man with something to hide. His answers are short and to the point. Just like his interviews when he was less then two weeks shy of turning 10.
I agree, he has the same mindset regarding JonBenet on Dr Phil as he did as a 10-year old, e.g. Flaunting Herself

Also for those familiar with media interviews, BR was coached prior to going live, they would run through a question and answer sheet, with breaks for talking points.

Despite the assistance of Dr. Phil and JR's input BR failed big time. BR was nervous because he knew the interview was a setup an extension of the Ramsey fake IDI agenda and an attempt to pre-empt the upcoming CBS Documentary, in effect promoting BR as Mr Nice-Guy.

I would have to ask then why JAR has decided to come out of hiding now after all these years. Is it to protect BR? Why would it be necessary for JAR to be involved once JR has passed if JDI?
There is money involved, lots of it. This why JAR has popped up, he might be doing a job for JR, who knows what Lou Smit has tucked away, e.g. old unpublished interviews, crime-scene photographs, etc. JR will want advance warning on that front.

Habit, or to try and hide the fact that it was broken there.
Yes, possibly both? Yet it's solid confirmation of staging, just like the size-12's. What intruder/kidnapper is going to bother with putting a broken paintbrush back in the paint-tote, only a stager would do that.

I view the flashlight as a staging prop meant to point to IDI as implied by the RN. The Rs wanted to distance themselves from it initially. They were unsure if it belonged to them. Wiping the batteries would be a way to sever any direct connection to it, and also suggest that it was brought into the house, and left behind as the intruder left in a hurry?

Good point. Perhaps it was meant to point to an IDI. Yet, on 4\30\97 PR has an interview with Steve Thomas:
ST: Patsy, to the best of your memory, how many flashlights did your family own or keep in the house on the 15th Street?
PR: I don’t know.
ST: Do you…
PR: Burke had some round ones, you know.
ST: Did John, as a pilot or for the cars in the garage or the house, did he, do you recall flashlights?
PR: I think we had kind of a big one, I don’t know where it was. I think John Andrew gave it to John for, I don’t know whether he gave it to him for the plane or not. I know he keeps one in the plane, I think.
ST: Can you describe that for me, what color it was for example?
PR: The one John gave…
ST: Uh-huh.
PR: I think it was in that drawer that, that little, we usually kept it I think in that drawer. Yeah.
ST: Maybe in this room somewhere in this vicinity.
PR: Yeah, and I think it was like a big black one, you know.
ST: Well, is this picture, and that’s not a good photo. Would that be representative of the flashlight that you are describing.
PR: Yeah, probably, I’m afraid don’t know what this it is.
ST: Ad for the purpose of the tape, I’m showing Patsy a photograph depicting, is that the kitchen table?
TT: Kitchen counter.
ST: Kitchen counter, with several items, but including what appears to be a flashlight on it.
PR: Yeah, it appears to be. I remember a big, he gave him a big flashlight at one time, but I don’t remember.
TT: Is it plastic material it’s made out of?
PR: It seemed like it was heavy, I don’t know.
PR: John would remember.
TT: OK, next let me do this for the secretary. When you were talking about the drawer that the flashlight was normally kept in, refer back to that other picture, the drawer by the sink.
PR: Yeah.
TT: Bottom of the staircase.
PR: Yeah.
TT: The drawer to the left of (inaudible).
PR: Kind of a catchall, sort of.
TT: Dump drawer.
PR: Dump drawer, we have lots of junk drawers.

The sequencing of head blow and strangulation is irrelevant only in regard to the question of accidental death. The lethal use of the garotte cannot be considered as an accident; although, JB dying during its application could have been unintended. Personally, I believe that the head blow was the second event, as outlined by Dr. Wecht. Probably, this opinion is in the minority.

I just listened to Dr. Wecht on Websleuths Podcast and you can’t come out of that without a complete understanding of what was taking place. So, the picture is getting clearer. Why, oh why weren’t the parents held accountable?

Allow me a bit of sarcasm if I say that it ought to have embarrassed PR that the fibers from her sweater in the ligature were not cashmere. I do not think of her as a fashionista as some appear to do.

PR considered herself a fashionista not only for herself but for her daughter as well.
Finally, thank you for your posts and insight. You lead me in many different directions.
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Yes, all evidence that BR interacted with items were effectively isolated down in the basement. I reckon the items in the wine-cellar are there so they can be staged as part of JonBenet's death, just consider JR, PR and BR's prior statements regarding visiting the wine-cellar or knowing what gifts were housed therein and you get conflicting reports, particularly from the master puppeteer JR.

What I wonder about is why Is BR touch dna found on the exact locations of the Barbie nightgown? Why is there blood on it. Maybe she was initially wearing it since we know that she was sexually assaulted and then redressed in cloths to big for her or not her own.

There are no usual Christmas photographs of the children opening their gifts, is this because they would reveal gifts that we know nothing about?

Are the partially opened set of legos from upstairs, but dumped downstairs with a Birthday cover story?

Kolar does not say anything about BR's response to finding a Lego Box in the wine-cellar, i.e. was it ever there?

It could be that those photographs are missing because they had company as well as the extra gifts not mentioned. After all there is BR bike. That’s a big gift for a kid and he seemed to be excited about it right off.

Why dump the legos in the wine cellar and not leave them where they were originally? What would be the point in this? There are crime scene photos showing the lego set in the wine cellar. Why are we leaving BR items in the cellar when we all know he was whisked away very quickly the next morning. He knows “nothing”?

There is money involved, lots of it. This why JAR has popped up, he might be doing a job for JR, who knows what Lou Smit has tucked away, e.g. old unpublished interviews, crime-scene photographs, etc. JR will want advance warning on that front.

Could it be that JAR was the sexual perpetrator and that is why he has decided to rear his head?

Yes, possibly both? Yet it's solid confirmation of staging, just like the size-12's. What intruder/kidnapper is going to bother with putting a broken paintbrush back in the paint-tote, only a stager would do that.

Exactly, definitely staging. Again, I will ask why are the Ramsey’s not being held accountable? This was a murder of a 6 year old. There was no intruder. Perhaps a visitor but not an intruder. BR left the front door unlocked for whom? I believe the size 12 were used as a matter of convenience; as in, within reach.
I think JAR has popped up purely for the money. (To protect his cut of the inheritance. And just look at all of the lawsuit windfalls he's missed out on! He wants in on that.)

So that means that JAR wasn’t @ the Christmas party on the 23rd as many have speculated. Nor was he really seen by Joe Barnhill on Christmas Day entering the front door on 15th St.
Dr. Wecht speculates that JB could have been previously molested within a 48 to 72 hour period. Could have been earlier, though.
That would leave only JR as the perpetrator unless JB was hired out.
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JAR persists around the edges. I do not know where his stained comforter and the book found within the suitcase were usually kept. We know the Maglite was a gift from him. As he would stay at the residence, he knew that the flashlight was something which would be a good addition to the household. Had he experienced difficulty getting around in the dark there previously?
What I wonder about is why Is BR touch dna found on the exact locations of the Barbie nightgown? Why is there blood on it. Maybe she was initially wearing it since we know that she was sexually assaulted and then redressed in cloths to big for her or not her own.

It could be that those photographs are missing because they had company as well as the extra gifts not mentioned. After all there is BR bike. That’s a big gift for a kid and he seemed to be excited about it right off.

Why dump the legos in the wine cellar and not leave them where they were originally? What would be the point in this? There are crime scene photos showing the lego set in the wine cellar. Why are we leaving BR items in the cellar when we all know he was whisked away very quickly the next morning. He knows “nothing”?

Could it be that JAR was the sexual perpetrator and that is why he has decided to rear his head?

Exactly, definitely staging. Again, I will ask why are the Ramsey’s not being held accountable? This was a murder of a 6 year old. There was no intruder. Perhaps a visitor but not an intruder. BR left the front door unlocked for whom? I believe the size 12 were used as a matter of convenience; as in, within reach.

Rain on my Parade,
What I wonder about is why Is BR touch dna found on the exact locations of the Barbie nightgown? Why is there blood on it. Maybe she was initially wearing it since we know that she was sexually assaulted and then redressed in cloths to big for her or not her own.
BR's touch-dna is either incidental artifact or evidence that links him directly to him participating in an assault on JonBenet?

The blood is more important than BR's touch-dna, it is either evidence of spatter, accidental or intentional, i.e. used to wipe JonBenet down? Consider Coroner Meyer's remarks on this subject.

As Patsy told us, JonBenet's pink pajama bottoms are missing so it's likely she was wearing these when she was assaulted and her size-6 underwear was used to wipe the blood away, resulting in spatter on the nightgown?

Which explains the size-12's and suggests there should be a missing pair of size-6 Bloomingdale's from JonBenet's underwear drawer? Patsy claims she purchased a set for JonBenet on her New York trip.

It could be that those photographs are missing because they had company as well as the extra gifts not mentioned.
Yes, a sleepover buddy, etc? Definitely evidence suppression going on here.

After all there is BR bike. That’s a big gift for a kid and he seemed to be excited about it right off.
Where did it go? Did JR melt it down, anyone finding it today could break the case.

Why dump the legos in the wine cellar and not leave them where they were originally? What would be the point in this?
Because they formed part of the original crime-scene so had to be moved, remember Burke telling us he returned back downstairs to play with a toy, Lego Set anyone?

Why are we leaving BR items in the cellar when we all know he was whisked away very quickly the next morning. He knows “nothing”?
So to sanitize the original crime-scene location, by the time they are found the Ramsey's hoped to be away somewhere interstate like South America?

Could it be that JAR was the sexual perpetrator and that is why he has decided to rear his head?
Could be he had prior involvement, but I doubt he was there that night.

Exactly, definitely staging. Again, I will ask why are the Ramsey’s not being held accountable? This was a murder of a 6 year old. There was no intruder.
Exactly, either Hunter did not want the adult case or the case is BDI so could never be prosecuted, meaning all the obvious signs of staging had to be overlooked?

I believe the size 12 were used as a matter of convenience; as in, within reach.
The thing about the size-12's is that no intruder would know they even existed never mind where to locate them!

I cannot imagine Patsy returning from New York to tell JR, Hey John I bought Jenny a set of Bloomingdale's underwear and the same for JonBenet.

Redressing JonBenet in the size-12's is down to either Patsy or Burke. We all know they are a red flag as they damage the rationale for the staging, would Patsy do this deliberately, why would she not just fetch any other pair of JonBenet's size-6 underwear, as this would complete the staging?
JAR persists around the edges. I do not know where his stained comforter and the book found within the suitcase were usually kept. We know the Maglite was a gift from him. As he would stay at the residence, he knew that the flashlight was something which would be a good addition to the household. Had he experienced difficulty getting around in the dark there previously?

According to JR the blue suitcase was in the upstairs laundry and he moved it to the basement prior to the party on the 23rd.

I doubt JAR had difficulty finding his way around that house. If he was the one that used it; maybe he did so to be caught unaware by neighbors.
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BR's touch-dna is either incidental artifact or evidence that links him directly to him participating in an assault on JonBenet?

I don’t see how the dna of BR top exterior and interior of the gown as well as the bottom interior and exterior should even have reason to be there. As brother to sister relations.

The blood is more important than BR's touch-dna, it is either evidence of spatter, accidental or intentional, i.e. used to wipe JonBenet down? Consider Coroner Meyer's remarks on this subject.

After you reply, I gave it more thought as to why the blood was present on the nightgown. Maybe, she wore it, instead of the pink pajamas bottoms that were missing (maybe PR used this was to throw people of the scent). If she had been wearing it the abuser could have gathered it up above her waist and then removing the paintbrush then blood transference transpired. We also have to remember that blood was also found on her blanket, gap top sleeve and inside her size 12 panties. Maybe, like you said, she was wiped down with it. I have understood it was blood splatter and not smear.

Because they formed part of the original crime-scene so had to be moved, remember Burke telling us he returned back downstairs to play with a toy, Lego Set anyone?

Where do you suppose the original crime scene took place?

The thing about the size-12's is that no intruder would know they even existed never mind where to locate them!

Excellent point!

I cannot imagine Patsy returning from New York to tell JR, Hey John I bought Jenny a set of Bloomingdale's underwear and the same for JonBenet.

Me either.

Redressing JonBenet in the size-12's is down to either Patsy or Burke. We all know they are a red flag as they damage the rationale for the staging, would Patsy do this deliberately, why would she not just fetch any other pair of JonBenet's size-6 underwear, as this would complete the staging?

Since there were cutesy (whatever that means) photos of JB found in laundry room basement then perhaps the perp knew the size 12 bloomies were there as they saw them. That room was a mess! PR had partially wrapped gifts in plain sight.

So where do we go from JR evidence being found in JB labia to PR/BR redressing her afterwards?
And was JAR bought the same sweater as JR? Just curious.
So that means that JAR wasn’t @ the Christmas party on the 23rd as many have speculated. Nor was he really seen by Joe Barnhill on Christmas Day entering the front door on 15th St.
Dr. Wecht speculates that JB could have been previously molested within a 48 to 72 hour period. Could have been earlier, though.
That would leave only JR as the perpetrator unless JB was hired out.

Grandpa Don Paugh was in Boulder and there for the gingerbread house party on December 23rd and left Boulder on standby on the twenty forth to go back to Roswell and Nedra. I think he also babysat Burke and JonBenet around the 10th. I lean toward Pasty "covering " his molesting JonBenet in the sexual assault that night.

It's all about appearances. JonBenet had to be this pristine little beauty queen, and a scandal about Grandpa Don would be something Pasty could never live down. All those other little girls he'd been around at pageants and parades would be on everybody's mind. So, an intruder molested JonBenet, and to Pasty that would be much easier than everyone knowing her father was molesting JonBenet.

All my own opinion, but Don Paugh gives me the creeps for some reason.
Grandpa Don Paugh was in Boulder and there for the gingerbread house party on December 23rd and left Boulder on standby on the twenty forth to go back to Roswell and Nedra. I think he also babysat Burke and JonBenet around the 10th. I lean toward Pasty "covering " his molesting JonBenet in the sexual assault that night.

It's all about appearances. JonBenet had to be this pristine little beauty queen, and a scandal about Grandpa Don would be something Pasty could never live down. All those other little girls he'd been around at pageants and parades would be on everybody's mind. So, an intruder molested JonBenet, and to Pasty that would be much easier than everyone knowing her father was molesting JonBenet.

All my own opinion, but Don Paugh gives me the creeps for some reason.

This has crossed my mind several times. It is interesting that both JAR and JR have items with their semen on them that also ties into the crime.
From where was JB bleeding? The blow to the head did not result in a bloody wound, as might be expected. To the best of my knowledge, the autopsy did not indicate bleeding from any orifice. There is no way to ascertain when the nightgown became stained. JB could not be wearing both the nightgown and the pajamas to bed that night.

Since the nightgown was her favorite, it may have been placed near the body as a comforting gesture, like being wrapped in the white blanket? Perhaps, the person who deposited it on the floor didn't notice the stain, as they didn't notice the Bloomies were size 12? The stager(s) went after an over-all impression of IDI. However, an intruder would not have bothered to bring unnecessary items down to the basement. Attention to details may be too much to expect, given the limited timeframe available to the Rs.
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I don’t see how the dna of BR top exterior and interior of the gown as well as the bottom interior and exterior should even have reason to be there. As brother to sister relations.

After you reply, I gave it more thought as to why the blood was present on the nightgown. Maybe, she wore it, instead of the pink pajamas bottoms that were missing (maybe PR used this was to throw people of the scent). If she had been wearing it the abuser could have gathered it up above her waist and then removing the paintbrush then blood transference transpired. We also have to remember that blood was also found on her blanket, gap top sleeve and inside her size 12 panties. Maybe, like you said, she was wiped down with it. I have understood it was blood splatter and not smear.

Where do you suppose the original crime scene took place?

Excellent point!

Me either.

Since there were cutesy (whatever that means) photos of JB found in laundry room basement then perhaps the perp knew the size 12 bloomies were there as they saw them. That room was a mess! PR had partially wrapped gifts in plain sight.

So where do we go from JR evidence being found in JB labia to PR/BR redressing her afterwards?
And was JAR bought the same sweater as JR? Just curious.

Rain on my Parade,
I don’t see how the dna of BR top exterior and interior of the gown as well as the bottom interior and exterior should even have reason to be there. As brother to sister relations.
I agree, but it is possible it arrived via cross-transfer, so no firm conclusions can be derived, other than his dna links him to crime-scene, as does Patsy's.

After you reply, I gave it more thought as to why the blood was present on the nightgown. Maybe, she wore it, instead of the pink pajamas bottoms that were missing (maybe PR used this was to throw people of the scent).
Yes, I agree more likely to be spatter than smear. I reckon you have to think two stagings minimally, hence the nightgown, the white gap top reappears to allow for the Ramsey version of events, i.e straight to bed.

Prior to the nightgown JonBenet could have been wearing her pink pajama top, seen on her bed in the crime-scene photos:


Where do you suppose the original crime scene took place?
Could be downstairs in the room where all the gifts were laid out:

List of 1996 Christmas Gifts
Burke got Nintendo64 · DOI-2
Burke got a remote control car · DOI-3
John got a gumball machine · DOI-4
JonBenet got a bicycle · DOI-2
JonBenet got a My Twinn Doll · DOI-3, 4, 32, 242
JonBenet got a gold bracelet · DOI-344
JonBenet got a ring from Nedra · NE-51
JonBenet got a necklace from Pam · NE-51
Patsy got a bicycle · DOI-3
Patsy got green paper ornament · DOI-274
This leaves out Burke Ramsey's bike and possibly the Lego Set?

Could be Burke's bedroom with JonBenet's bedroom used as the first staging location?

Just think about those Coke cans left in Burke's sink.

That room was a mess! PR had partially wrapped gifts in plain sight.
I agree, Burke was on the lookout for more gifts. Could be, if he is being truthful, he did open the gifts and observed the size-12's, then later realized he would need them to stage JonBenet wearing them, not realizing the size matters too.

So where do we go from JR evidence being found in JB labia to PR/BR redressing her afterwards?
Minimally JR was staging BR out of the case, by attempting to cleanup JonBenet, could be JR caused the blood spatter?

I'm assuming JonBenet is already redressed in the size-12's and longjohns by the time JR decides to wipe her down?

And was JAR bought the same sweater as JR? Just curious.
Maybe, it was an Israeli manufactured shirt, a nice expensive job, to suit JR's self-image.

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