Lies point us to the truth

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Unfortunately with this case, no one theory explains all of what has been established already. If we accept that PR accidently whacked her daughter during abuse by JR, it doesn't explain the gap in time between the blow to the head and the strangulation, which was the cause of death. Likewise, this theory does not tell us who applied the garotte.

PR fiber evidence is entwined in the ligature. I don’t place much belief in this theory. PR turned over a brand new sweater from the rack. She walked out of the house the morning of the 26th with that sweater on. I cannot help but think the scarf on the wet bar played a part in the crime. It was not taken into evidence. When PR was shown the last pictures of the wet bar and kids; she gasped. Was there more there then meets the eye?
Rain on my Parade,

The entangled fibers form the most incriminating evidence against PR. Would substituting a sweater make a difference? I suppose the paintbrush is included as against her. Since the paintbrush was already in the basement, the ligature was applied there?

For me the problem with PDI is the question of motive. Killing her little princess would be killing her personal dreams, and so killing part of herself. Rage is a reaction. If someone went totally haywire that Christmas night, they certainly were able to cool down quickly enough before the arrival of LE and the invitees.
Rain on my Parade,

The entangled fibers form the most incriminating evidence against PR. Would substituting a sweater make a difference? I suppose the paintbrush is included as against her. Since the paintbrush was already in the basement, the ligature was applied there?

For me the problem with PDI is the question of motive. Killing her little princess would be killing her personal dreams, and so killing part of herself. Rage is a reaction. If someone went totally haywire that Christmas night, they certainly were able to cool down quickly enough before the arrival of LE and the invitees.

What if John was also involved? What if John agreed to finish JonBenet off to get his hands more dirty than what they already were? What if John got Patsy to construct what would be used as a garotte, but he was the one who actually used it?
JR potentially had the best motive. He wanted to fly out of state at once. Flight = Guilt in minds of LE. I do not believe that PR advised him to make this plan. Also, he found the body which weighs against him according to homicide data. I view the crime as being cold-blooded, and not the result of a flash of temper.

When it comes to the paintbrush, I do not get why some say that it'd be difficult to break. The other day I stepped on one of my own, and it split in half. Admittedly, it was not as thick as the CS item; but, I wasn't attempting to break it.
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To the best of my knowledge, the approximate time between the head blow and the strangulation is anywhere between 45 minutes to 2 hours.

That could have been blaming and arguing between JR and PR. Debate what should we do? You're a monster. That kind of thing. Time to decide what to do.
I saw a youtube by a retired homicide detective who worked in Colorado. He was a bit involved in the JB case but not totally. I don't think I can post a link to his vid but I'll sum up his theory. PR walked in on JR molesting JB and grabbed something heavy and swung at him. He moved and she hit JB instead. Makes sense right? If anyone would like a link shoot me a site mail.

The RN starts out by addressing Mr. Ramsey and then towards the end addresses him as John. And the statement is: “Don’t try and grow a brain John”. Perhaps PR is blaming him for the nights actions here. I never really paid much attention to this statement before. It adds up. PR accidentally hitting JB instead of JR. It would make everything very clear in this case.
PR and JR could have painted BR as taking the fall because he couldn’t be convicted or even considered a suspect due to his age in the state of Colorado. What tangled webs we weave.
This theory really works I think. Except for the time gap between the blow to the head and strangulation. Though if it happened this way I could really see PR and JR deciding what to do in that time.

It also explains why they stayed together. To make sure the other didn't talk.
The RN starts out by addressing Mr. Ramsey and then towards the end addresses him as John. And the statement is: “Don’t try and grow a brain John”. Perhaps PR is blaming him for the nights actions here. I never really paid much attention to this statement before. It adds up. PR accidentally hitting JB instead of JR. It would make everything very clear in this case.
PR and JR could have painted BR as taking the fall because he couldn’t be convicted or even considered a suspect due to his age in the state of Colorado. What tangled webs we weave.

I still think BR was involved too. JMO
There is no doubt BR knew more then he should have about the murder less then 2 weeks later. With that being said, don’t you know with all the commotion going on in the house that even if he didn’t do it, he was right there.

BR's affect is just off in my opinion, particularly at the funeral and after at the grave. In my opinion, it's not due to being on the spectrum (if he is) and it's not due to things he overheard happening that night. On the other hand, who permits their tween to take a toy to their younger sister's funeral?!?!
The sole subject about which BR showed signs of precociousness was the murder of his sister. Taking a toy to the funeral indicates that he felt a comforting attachment to his possessions. JB somehow impinged upon this security blanket?

The GJ indictments accused the parents of egregious criminal negligence. Conspiracy to commit murder was not its decision. Perhaps, a conspiracy charge should have been impossible to pursue at trial without involving BR, who was legally immune in CO?

While the author of the RN was desperately writing, the enormity of the night's extremely emotional events had to be flashing through their mind, both consciously and unconsciously. This author was still experiencing the murder and trying to process it. What had actually occurred would find its way up to the surface in some form. "Don't grow a brain, John!" could be a displacement, or a type of plea for JB to (re)grow her brain after the blow to the head? In other words: Grow a brain, Jon(Benet)! Likewise, the possibility of JB being beheaded looks back yearningly to the time when JB had a functioning head on her shoulders? (Of course, this all assumes that the RN was fabricated after the murder.)

"John" is posited by the RN as the one with the power to rectify the situation. In one way or another, the RN is demanding for JR to bring about a resolution, i.e., "It's up to you, John". Later, he will do this by 'discovering' the body, and contaminating the CS irrevocably.
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BR's affect is just off in my opinion, particularly at the funeral and after at the grave. In my opinion, it's not due to being on the spectrum (if he is) and it's not due to things he overheard happening that night. On the other hand, who permits their tween to take a toy to their younger sister's funeral?!?!

Probably the same people that allowed him to take a long a friend to accompany him to the funeral.
JR potentially had the best motive. He wanted to fly out of state at once. Flight = Guilt in minds of LE. I do not believe that PR advised him to make this plan. Also, he found the body which weighs against him according to homicide data. I view the crime as being cold-blooded, and not the result of a flash of temper.

When it comes to the paintbrush, I do not get why some say that it'd be difficult to break. The other day I stepped on one of my own, and it split in half. Admittedly, it was not as thick as the CS item; but, I wasn't attempting to break it.

When it comes to the paintbrush, I do not get why some say that it'd be difficult to break. The other day I stepped on one of my own, and it split in half. Admittedly, it was not as thick as the CS item; but, I wasn't attempting to break it.

BBM: There you go, you answered your own question. Most people try to break paintbrushes using their hands, and fail.

The reason is most paintbrushes are moderately thick and tapered in thickness which prevents the application of a uniform pressure.

With the shards on the floor outside the wine-cellar door we can assume the paintbrush was stepped on here?

For reasons totally unrelated to JonBenet's death both JR and PR had a motive to stage JonBenet's death, regardless who actually killed her.

Without the staging both parents would have been arrested at the crime-scene!

The sole subject about which BR showed signs of precociousness was the murder of his sister. Taking a toy to the funeral indicates that he felt a comforting attachment to his possessions. JB somehow impinged upon this security blanket?

The GJ indictments accused the parents of egregious criminal negligence. Conspiracy to commit murder was not its decision. Perhaps, a conspiracy charge should have been impossible to pursue at trial without involving BR, who was legally immune in CO?

While the author of the RN was desperately writing, the enormity of the night's extremely emotional events had to be flashing through their mind, both consciously and unconsciously. This author was still experiencing the murder and trying to process it. What had actually occurred would find its way up to the surface in some form. "Don't grow a brain, John!" could be a displacement, or a type of plea for JB to (re)grow her brain after the blow to the head? In other words: Grow a brain, Jon(Benet)! Likewise, the possibility of JB being beheaded looks back yearningly to the time when JB had a functioning head on her shoulders? (Of course, this all assumes that the RN was fabricated after the murder.)

"John" is posited by the RN as the one with the power to rectify the situation. In one way or another, the RN is demanding for JR to bring about a resolution, i.e., "It's up to you, John". Later, he will do this by 'discovering' the body, and contaminating the CS irrevocably.

That's one of my key issues with BR. He doesn't seem to need comforting in the least. Toys can also be used to alleviate boredom.
The RN starts out by addressing Mr. Ramsey and then towards the end addresses him as John. And the statement is: “Don’t try and grow a brain John”. Perhaps PR is blaming him for the nights actions here. I never really paid much attention to this statement before. It adds up. PR accidentally hitting JB instead of JR. It would make everything very clear in this case.
PR and JR could have painted BR as taking the fall because he couldn’t be convicted or even considered a suspect due to his age in the state of Colorado. What tangled webs we weave.

PR and JR could have painted BR as taking the fall because he couldn’t be convicted or even considered a suspect due to his age in the state of Colorado. What tangled webs we weave.

Yes, definitely possible. if the case is JDI, PDI or some combination then a staged BDI is the clever way out.

The rebuttal is why would BR agree to play ball including getting most of the unknown questions from investigators and ME's correct?

What are the odds of that happening? Cast your mind back to BR's Dr Phil interview, did BR present as competent in answering questions?

Would he be any better at 9 or 10 years old?

Also I would bet $100 with any bookmaker that if the case was really JDI or PDI then once JR leaves us, BR will do a media interview to reveal who really killed JonBenet and why. Other wise he will be living in the shadow of his sisters death for the rest of his life.

Anyone thought why the paintbrush was put into the paint tote, why not leave it on the floor?

BR's affect is just off in my opinion, particularly at the funeral and after at the grave. In my opinion, it's not due to being on the spectrum (if he is) and it's not due to things he overheard happening that night. On the other hand, who permits their tween to take a toy to their younger sister's funeral?!?!


it's an aspect of BR's personality, the toy allows him to distance himself from others, i.e. no engagement.

The rebuttal is why would BR agree to play ball including getting most of the unknown questions from investigators and ME's correct?

We should also consider why BR touch dna is found on the bloody Barbie nightgown, the hi-tec print on the wine cellar floor and the partially opened set of legos. I find it hard to believe that those gifts were hidden away down there. It makes more sense to hide Christmas gifts in one of several closets in the parents bedroom. They both had closets behind their bedside night tables. He possibly played ball because of these facts and being told what to do. I cannot discount him taking part in some form or fashion because of these facts.

What are the odds of that happening? Cast your mind back to BR's Dr Phil interview, did BR present as competent in answering questions?

Competent maybe. Nervous, most definitely. I don’t see an honest young man on Dr. Phil. I see a young man with something to hide. His answers are short and to the point. Just like his interviews when he was less then two weeks shy of turning 10.

Also I would bet $100 with any bookmaker that if the case was really JDI or PDI then once JR leaves us, BR will do a media interview to reveal who really killed JonBenet and why. Other wise he will be living in the shadow of his sisters death for the rest of his life.

I would have to ask then why JAR has decided to come out of hiding now after all these years. Is it to protect BR? Why would it be necessary for JAR to be involved once JR has passed if JDI?

Anyone thought why the paintbrush was put into the paint tote, why not leave it on the floor?

Habit, or to try and hide the fact that it was broken there.
The Sharpie, notepad and paintbrush, which were all directly connected to the crime, were returned to their proper places. For a household in utter disarray, such fastidiousness stands out. The Maglite was on display, and not in its usual drawer. So the flashlight has no such connection?

PR's paintbrush was an odd choice for putting together the so-called garotte. (A striking combination of Art and Death.) Any number of impersonal items could have served the same lethal purpose. Over time, PR demonstrated that she was capable of avoiding self-incrimination. Why then would she pick something which obviously belonged to her? While the blow to the head could have been reflexive and instantaneous, that is not the case with the strangulation, which was deliberate and methodical. From this aspect, which form of violence was inflicted on JB first is not important.

BR could go back to the good Dr. Phil and confess to everything on national TV without legal consequences. The DA's office could face more problems if the lid were blown then the actual killer? I think that JAR is now center stage because, after the Dr. Phil interview, it became apparent that BR was an unsuitable spokesman for the R's legacy.
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