I am so glad it is almost over. It has affected me in an unhealthy way. I've gained weight from sitting here in front of the computer for hours, then the tv, watching related programs. I have hardly watched any programs for entertainment for many months. (Including well before the trial started-I have focused on this.) I resent family phone calls, dogs that want to go out and have neglected my house, yard, job, sick husband and to some extent, adult children. It isn't good. I will be glad to be free of this sad weight I seem to be bearing for Caylee's justice. I so admire the prosecution for their ability to really do something to help her, rather than the mourning I seem to be stuck in. It has been affirming to read fellow Sleuthers reaction to this terrible, nasty, sad, destructive tale. Now I hope I can lift out of it and "get a life".