Life after Casey! How do you cope?

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this is a great question and Im not sure how I'll cope? Ive been registered on WS since day 31 (or soon thereafter) and although never really posted until recently I can say in all honesty Ive been on WS at least 1 time per day (prob a lot more though) for the last 3 years...

I keep hoping there will be an arrest in the Madeleine McCann case or news, updates, etc... I think about Madeleine McCann everyday and her story just breaks my heart (prob because I have a little one that reminds me of her)...

Im looking forward to getting my "normal" lol life back to some extent but Ill never leave WS... WS posters are funny, insightful, smart, clever, and have the biggest lovely hearts of any forum Ive ever been on and Ill never let that go!

Im so glad I found WS,,, I dont feel alone (like i do when Im talking about this case to "outsiders").... Its so lovely that we all came together for beautiful Caylee!
This is the first case I have ever followed from start to finish. Life will return to a dull roar around here once this trial is over but I do know that every year on my birthday (Aug 9th) I will remember a little girl from Florida named Caylee who touched the hearts and lives of people around the world.
Well, I have been around here on websleuths since Laci's case, and I tend to get very involved for a time and then pull back for a while.

Lately as I read posts about this case, I am intrigued by the split I see now (vs. back when this started). Everyone here wants justice, of course. But I see a big difference between what I would call the "emotional involved" and the "intellectually involved" posters. I am making no point about what is good or bad, it's just an observation I have been pondering, because when I see people posting about how sad this makes them, or how heavy this cases makes them feel, it surprises me a little, because I just don't feel that, and I haven't in any cases I have followed here.

Usually I get drawn to a case because of an emotional reason... For Laci, it was because I had recently had my first baby, and could relate to this woman who was just a few months behind me in her life story. Sometimes it is a similarity to someone in my own life... for this one it was because I know someone who used to have so many of ICA's traits... the fake job, the stealing money, the lie upon lie. For Ben Sargent, it was a couple I knew years ago who could have been in this same situation except by the grace of God they never had children.

But after I got interested, what kept me here was always the mystery. I want to figure it out. I don't deny I got tears in my eyes watching both CA and GA cry on the stand, but that is due to my policy from Steel Magnolias "nobody cries alone in my presence". :D But I don't think I have cried for Caylee. I feel she is in a better place, and not just in the sense that heaven is better than earth. I feel that she was blessed to get away from ICA before she was able to grow up to be just like her. And I wonder sometimes how many children are out there who are just as sweet and adorable at 2.5 and living with sociopaths who eventually become just as broken as their parents. That does make me sad.

I have spent a lot of hours reading here there and everywhere about this case. I have watched every single Nancy Grace since July 2008, just in case. I have discussed certain aspects of this case for hours with my family and RL friends. I have stayed up far too late trying to find an abandoned house on Brackenwood from aerial photos and transcribing jailhouse conversations. I have been late for work because I was typing a post about the meter reader, more than once. :blushing1: And I am fascinated by the court proceedings, starting with the jury selections which I listened to because I felt I needed to get every piece of information, expecting them to be a big snooze, and found myself listening almost daily til 3am. I have even been enjoying JB, because it is certainly a mental exercise to figure out his logic sometimes (i.e. is a domain where you can get your horoscope and your Paris Hilton news, therefore CA might have found out how to make chloroform there :waitasec:, or, Henkel duct tape is made in OH and the A's are from OH therefore GA put it on Caylee but not on her mouth :confused:) I have been intrigued by how much information is available online for this case due to the Sunshine laws, and I am philosophically interested in the pros and cons of this.

But if there is a conviction of 1st degree murder, as I believe there should be, I will be happy that the SA was able to get all the relevant points out and I will be happy that ICA will get what she deserves. And if there is a mistrial, I will be right back in here researching hoping to help find something that could be used the next time around (and being secretly a little happy that there will be more YM in my future).

I have been thinking about the difference in my feelings about this case lately, as I mentioned, and in the interest of full disclosure, I should note I have dreamed about Caylee several times the past two weeks. I am not a person who feels haunted by my dreams, and my dreams do not come to pass, but in all of them I am able to somehow "fix" something about this case. In one, I called RK in August 2008 and demanded that he get over being mad at LE and get back down there and show them this skull. In another I managed to show up at the A's house on the morning of June 16th 2008 and offered to babysit Caylee for the day, then whisked her away to YM who somehow knew I had not only saved her life but saved us all a lot of time and trouble :D Dreams like this mean to me that my brain still is grumpy that the mystery isn't solved. I look forward to the books that come after, because I feel confident that one day we will figure it out. :yes:

Meantime, I actually have gotten a lot done while watching the trial because I have watched most of the video on my laptop which streams better if I just let it sit rather than try to surf the web. So my living room is very clean. My yard and my car could use some work, so I guess that can start soon. :great:
I will be left with never knowing what exactly what happened to Caylee at the hands of her mother. I think at this point I really believe the Chloroform to knock her out first and duct tape mouth so would be asleep as she passed... however if chloroform is a short term as what i have read with conflicting effects.. chloroform but over her nose to inhale while duct tape on mouth so couldnt breath through mouth to force he to stay knocked out.. but in short I will wonder what really took place.. when, why.

I will then concentrate on Somer Thompson case.. My home town... and I will be at courthouse everyday to sit in court if possible to watch this monster fry.. all though I do not know if I can stomach to hear the horrible things that were done to her.

I am obsessed with ICA since the first 911 call I heard. I will miss JA comments and style. If she goes free I will sit in misery for Caylee and cry.
I have been thinking about this a lot lately. I have wondered why Caylee's case when there are so many cases out there. Not to say that Caylee isn't extremely important because she is. It's just there are so many victims out there and so many cases, why was this one of those cases that just seemed to drag you into it to the point that it took over so much of our everyday lives for the past few years?

What made this case so captivating for me was that it seemed that Caylee had no one from her own family willing to fight for justice for her. It was the saddest thing I had ever witnessed in my entire life. Literally for these last few years I have watched her family protect and cover for her murderer. Everything was about Casey... and not Caylee. As happy as I am that George seems to want Justice for Caylee... this was not the case until just recently. Caylee spent nearly three years with her family protecting her murderer. I just felt that I needed to be here for her and see this through. I felt I owed it to her.

I will be happy when this case is over with because I know Caylee will have justice (I pray, anyways). That is all I have wanted since this case started. Once it ends... I will never think about Casey Anthony ever again. I will not give two thoughts to what George and Cindy Anthony or Lee Anthony are doing. I do not care about what they had to say after this even though I am sure that they have no plans to go away anytime soon.

I do look forward to a book from Yuri Melich, Linda Drane-Burdick, and Jeff Ashton. I believe these are the only three books I will even be tempted to buy. I will continue to check up on Dr. Vass because I find him fascinating.

I also will continue to come to Webslueths. There are so many victims represented on this forum and I am proud to be a member here.
As long as she doesn't walk I will be satisfied.

However, I wonder if I will get over suspecting at least a dozen people I know of being sociopathic. IMHO we live in an increasingly narcissistic society and I'm becoming more pessimistic. I have got to go out there and find some good somewhere. I have been thinking more and more about being a volunteer child advocate in the court system. Has anyone here had any experience with that?
I'm moving on to the NEXT sociopath....Drew Peterson. His trial (if and when it ever takes place) should be pretty interesting i bet.
I do look forward to a book from Yuri Melich, Linda Drane-Burdick, and Jeff Ashton. I believe these are the only three books I will even be tempted to buy. I will continue to check up on Dr. Vass because I find him fascinating.

I also will continue to come to Webslueths. There are so many victims represented on this forum and I am proud to be a member here.

I would also read anything that The Honorable JP writes, if he does one!! I bet it would be REALLY interesting....and full of truths. I've had my fill of all the lying.
I'd been reading here at WS a couple of years before I joined. I actually joined WS when little Brooke Bennett was so viciously murdered.

WS is in my daily routine. I get my coffee, read my local news, then come to WS. When a trial is going on, my house suffers! That's it.

This trial just consumed me. I will never forget little Caylee Marie as long as I live. I keep coming back to this forum because I still want to understand just where this trial was derailed. It helps me so much to read everyone's comments.

Now that the trial is over, I cook and clean more, LOL! I socialize more. I can leave WS up on my computer and go do something for a few hours without having to be afraid I will miss something. I was glued to the TV and computer during the trial.

I will keep coming back to this forum just like I visit JonBenet's forum, and there are many cases here that I keep up with. There are so many victims that will be forever in my heart.

Love all of you WS peeps!
I have been following this case on Websleuths since the news first broke. It has consumed much of my time and energy. Even at social gatherings, I have had to slip away to my laptop, just to check the latest posts, even when I have been the hostess!!

During that Summer of '08, three of my daughters had their babies. Now my grandmonkeys are fast approaching their 3rd birthday. They are the same age now as Caylee was when she died.

The verdict of not guilty broke my heart. After a day of recovering from the shock and awe of that announcement, I just went on a cleaning frenzy -- scrubbing toilets, mopping floors, disinfecting trash cans -- anything to wash that witch right outta my hair. I wanted to channel my frustration into something positive, and I eagerly signed the petition for Caylee's Law.

I'm weaning myself away from this case. Last night, after just a few minutes of HLN, I switched channels and watched the Jaycee D. interview, and I felt so lifted up because good had triumphed over evil.

I feel a strong need to focus on positive things. Like many of you, I am socializing more and getting back to the activities I enjoyed before this story broke.

I give my grandmonkeys extra huggamuggas, and we weed the little fairy rose bush I planted to honor the memory of Caylee.

I will continue to advocate for children. They are our greatest resource.

Huggamuggas to all of you, too!
Casey got what she deserves - a sentence far worse than any jury can give her. Instead of being in the general population of a prison, she will be thrown into the general population of this country. As her eloquent words on her My Space page said. "Life will never be easy." I don't think she yet realizes how "uneasy" her life will be.

As for me, I choose to focus my attention on a young lady who is my heroine. Jaycee Dugard. What a brave human being and a wonderful mother. I intend to buy her book and read it. I watched the Diane Sawyer special about her last night. Wow.

Jaycee embraced every ounce of "good" she could find in her life and managed to become a wonderful mother.

Casey threw away - literally - all the "good" that was in her life and now is a reviled human being.
Cope? I wish I could. Being on Websleuths helps, and Facebook too, my BFF and I commiserate about it. Just doing what I can to boycott the A's , DT and "jurors" from making any money off slaughtering justice. Trying to stay positive. Trying.....
I will be here until there is Justice for Caylee. One day we will all be here to hug each other because Justice will come, it may be days, weeks, or years but it will come and I will be here waiting and praying.
I have been following this case on Websleuths since the news first broke. It has consumed much of my time and energy. Even at social gatherings, I have had to slip away to my laptop, just to check the latest posts, even when I have been the hostess!!

During that Summer of '08, three of my daughters had their babies. Now my grandmonkeys are fast approaching their 3rd birthday. They are the same age now as Caylee was when she died.

The verdict of not guilty broke my heart. After a day of recovering from the shock and awe of that announcement, I just went on a cleaning frenzy -- scrubbing toilets, mopping floors, disinfecting trash cans -- anything to wash that witch right outta my hair. I wanted to channel my frustration into something positive, and I eagerly signed the petition for Caylee's Law.

I'm weaning myself away from this case. Last night, after just a few minutes of HLN, I switched channels and watched the Jaycee D. interview, and I felt so lifted up because good had triumphed over evil.

I feel a strong need to focus on positive things. Like many of you, I am socializing more and getting back to the activities I enjoyed before this story broke.

I give my grandmonkeys extra huggamuggas, and we weed the little fairy rose bush I planted to honor the memory of Caylee.

I will continue to advocate for children. They are our greatest resource.

Huggamuggas to all of you, too!

Beautifully said! I have a bad reputation for killing anything I try to grow in my yard/garden. But this really makes me want to plant a rose bush for Caylee. My 5 year old daughter would love it.

I thought I was done with all things true crime related, but I really love it here at WS and I truly believe the justice system is a good system. So I find myself sucked back in.....hahaha. Right now I am getting caught up on the Lauren Spierer case and hoping they find her soon so her family can have peace.
I just focus on Caylee and how the world knows her and loves her. And how the world despises KC.

I find comfort in Mark 9:42

I started following WS when Trenton went missing, and then Haleigh and Caylee, so I'll still stick around. Hopefully, my heart won't get wrapped around a trial like this again though. I think I'll be heartbroken for a while as I still work at digesting what we went through last week!
This is the first case I followed from the beginning to end. It is history now and I have accepted the outcome by now. I will go on with my life.
I bear no anger towards the jury. They were cleverly manipulated/brainwashed by the DT IMO. Could happen to the best of us.
This trial was not a complete waste, however.
Prosecutors will be less likely to bring DP on the table again, which is fine with me as an opponent of DP..
Hopefully future jurors will be more careful when reviewing compelling circumstantial evidence.
I understand much better now why in other cases the alleged POI(s) are not always charged in a timely fashion or at all. The burden of proof is quite heavy on the prosecution side. Better to wait a bit for more compelling evidence or the jury just will not get it.
However, in some cases justice is cleverly served via a back door( like Haleigh Cummings)

And KC. She will always have a stigma attached. I can not imagine going thru life without emotional attachments to another living being. Only material things. Such an empty life. Must be like hell.
Well, have to set some traps for feral cats to get them TNR'd. Always amazed how mother cats and other mammals take care of their offspring while a freak of nature like KC does not.
And that is exactly what KC is IMO, a freak of nature.
It's been nice the past three days actually. I am slowly coming to accept the verdict, and my anger has gone into writing alerts to and other bookchains re: not deigning any money making publications on this mess in their stores, venting here and stepping up my activism in Amnesty International once again, in caylee's name. Also doing lots of positive things around the neighbourhood. Reminding myself to be more giving. The positive spinning makes me have peace again.

In your name many good things are accomplished, dear little Caylee. you made a big impact and your existence was certainly NOT in vain.
I found this website when the Caylee story first broke... I'll stick around too...

I've learned so much from the people that contribute here and the fact that you can state an opinion or speculate and NOT BE ATTACKED is something I love about WS.

There are other children that need attention brought to their story.
This is the first case I followed from the beginning to end. It is history now and I have accepted the outcome by now. I will go on with my life.
I bear no anger towards the jury. They were cleverly manipulated/brainwashed by the DT IMO. Could happen to the best of us.
This trial was not a complete waste, however.
Prosecutors will be less likely to bring DP on the table again, which is fine with me as an opponent of DP..
Hopefully future jurors will be more careful when reviewing compelling circumstantial evidence.
I understand much better now why in other cases the alleged POI(s) are not always charged in a timely fashion or at all. The burden of proof is quite heavy on the prosecution side. Better to wait a bit for more compelling evidence or the jury just will not get it.
However, in some cases justice is cleverly served via a back door( like Haleigh Cummings)

And KC. She will always have a stigma attached. I can not imagine going thru life without emotional attachments to another living being. Only material things. Such an empty life. Must be like hell.
Well, have to set some traps for feral cats to get them TNR'd. Always amazed how mother cats and other mammals take care of their offspring while a freak of nature like KC does not.
And that is exactly what KC is IMO, a freak of nature.

Except that the jurors didn't find KC guilty of not reporting Caylee missing for 31 days, I agree with your post.

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