Life for the West Memphis Three - Free After the Alford Plea

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Oh, further on in the interview, Baldwin does say he is about to start college, is learning to drive and has a girlfriend. he also says his lawyers are continuing to fight to be allowed to test OTHER dna that they have not been allowed to test. I didn't know there was other evidence out there that had not been tested. Interesting.
Just assuming, but at the hotel party (actually on the street before or after), Jason was with a young woman whom he said "I've known forever". So I'm just guessing that is his g/f now, and they grew up/went to school together.

Seeing Jason's joy, smile, and gratitude in many pix, quotes, and videos since he was wonderful. :)
Seeing all of them smiling and FREE is truly heart-warming. I've gleaned from some things that I've read that Jason is going to soon begin college (hopefully in the Spring semester, 2012). The last I heard, Jessie is still in Arkansas and still trying to obtain permanent employment. Right now, he's working day-to-day as a construction worker/roofer I believe.

We all know that, with the economy the way it is (and the powers that be continuing to spend money like there's no tomorrow), it's difficult for anyone to obtain employment. For Jessie, there's the added problem that, according to what I've seen and read, the West Memphis/Marion area is divided about fifty-fifty as to his innocence in this case. Those who still think him guilty are working very hard to keep him from getting a permanent job. Those who know him to be innocent are working just as hard to help him.

Hopefully, something positive will happen that will open up some unskilled jobs in the area and Jessie soon will be able to get a permanent job. AFAIK, he and Susie still plan to marry on August 15, 2012, the one-year anniversary of his release from his unjust incarceration. I hope and pray that all goes well for them (and Damien and Jason, too) in the future. I have no reason to believe that things won't go well - as long as people leave them alone and let them live their lives.

I don't worry about any of the freed men doing something dastardly. I do worry about some of those nuts in Arkansas getting a bee in their bonnets and trying something nefarious and/or odious. That's why I'd rather Jessie leave the area. I simply don't trust those people!
Thank you to everyone who has provided information and updates. It blows my mind that they were set free. I never thought this would happen. Kudos to everyone who supported them and defended them. I admit I'm a fence sitter (who's leaning more toward innocent these days) who always made sure to counter point when I felt need be.

It makes me sick that the fee men will have to pay and investigate to prove their innocence and clear their names for good. I do hope they stick to this and not let it go after a year or so. I want the killer or killers behind bars now. As we all know this crime was beyond sick. It's one of the nastiest, cruelest, horrific crimes I've ever read about and if they are innocent they shouldn't have to wear the label of child killer. The real WM3 need justice a.s.a.p. I wish there was a whole re investigation with all the evidence and files and let the chips fall where they may. I would be willing to donate for this and I have deep pockets. (I just recently got deep pockets. Is there anyway to donate to for updates or upkeep or if Tricia or admins need something?) I'm sure others would donate in the name of justice too. I also hope if/when the rightful killer/killers are brought to justice D, J & J get financial compensation. As I understand it they can't get any now because they plead guilty.

On the topic of them pleading guilty I can't say I blame them. I always try to put myself in the others shoes. I admit I would plead guilty to a crime I didn't commit to keep my life and get out of prison.

IMO Jessie looks the healthiest out of the three. Damien and Jason don't look healthy to me. I've heard that hep C is all over the prisons due to poor cleanliness of items like hair clippers. Not to mention all the prison rapes Damien endured. They also look so skinny. JMO. I hope all three are healthy and have minimal health problems. Some of it must be inevitable like vitamin D deficiency, muscle atrophy, and teeth problems. My gosh they wouldn't give Damien any dental work for his teeth problems? That's barbaric IMO. It makes my eyes water just thinking about having a toothache and not getting a pain killer and a filling a.s.a.p. I hope all three are receiving good health/dental care from charitable people. I'm sure at least Damien is with all the money must have Lori squirreled away.

I don't hide the fact that I dislike Lori. Why was she begging for donations if Peter Jackson has been footing the bill? Why couldn't she just be honest and say the money is going to commissary, gas, even sustaining herself while being her husbands voice on the outside? I'm sure supporters would have still donated. I have a feeling all the money went to Lori's pockets and none to Jessie since Damien was very vocal in his hatred for Jessie. I recall him saying Jessie was ugly and stupid. And not much to Jason. I'll bet none went to the child she abandoned so she could be close to and champion Damien. I know this isn't the popular opinion but I hope Damien finds someone who isn't going to use him as their cash cow or ticket to meet and socialize with celebrities. She's done so many shady things like having Damien's sister's name removed from his visitation list and begging for money when it clearly wasn't going to all three men equally.

I love that Jessie is marrying Susie. Who would have thought it? That truly made my heart smile when I read about that on this site. I'm glad Jason is dating too. I do think he needs to date around and not commit himself to the first girl that comes along. I could be totally wrong but he seemed to be the least experienced sexually when they got arrested. Unless God gave him Miss right instantly I fear he will eventually regret it if he settles down to quickly.

I hope Damien gets to have quality father son time with Seth now.Think of how much they have to catch up on and bond together for a lifetime of love and togetherness. Jessie and Jason now get a chance to be fathers and have a family of their own. They lost 18 years but they are still young enough to have children if they want and the option of raising a family. Of course their lives will be just as rich if they choose not to have children.

The things that still keep me on the fence is Blink on Crime's paid analysis of the case,The blood on the necklace, and Damien licking his lips/mouth in a suggestive way at the parents. I posted a video of it on this forum before so anyone can see it for themselves and judge it for themselves. I don't even think the Manson family did anything like that to their victims family members but they sure did act out at the judge/jury/prosecution/and even their own lawyers. Lastly, all the snitches saying it was Jason who escalated things and brought out the knife. IMO Damien would have been an easier person to put blame on. Jason seemed least likely.

Other side of the fence. The plea agreement. Why even give it a minutes glance if everything was kosher? Some of the victims family members (excluding JMB I can't stand him) now thinking they are or may be innocent. The alleged jury misconduct. That crackpot saying he was an expert on the occult and then crediting himself for Damien's conviction. IMO that was laughable. The guy made up a quote and then attributed it to Damien. It was something like, " I would have gotten away with it if the occult expert didn't testify". Now mind you Damien supposedly said this right after the nut job got off the stand. I don't think so. Corny embarrassing reason. I had a dream about a year ago that Damien (and only him, neither of the other two were in my dream) got out of prison for a day and we were hanging out at a hotel. I was laying on a bed watching tv while he was in the shower. Then we had fun talking, and just being goofy the whole rest of the night. The next day he had to go back to prison and I was so sad. Mind you this dream wasn't sexual in any way. I don't find Damien good looking or anything. I thought it was my sub conscience telling me not to judge so harshly and things aren't always what I think. Not so cut and dry. My feelings for him were so strong in the dream. Friendship and genuine brotherly love. I also had a disturbing dream about the other side that made me think my sub conscience was trying to tell me that I was wrong and things aren't what they seem but I don't want to post that one publicly. If anyone wants the details I will share in a p.m. Dreams might seem like corny reasons but they had such an impact on me and left me with such strong feelings to expand my mind and things aren't black and white in this case. Embarrassing to admit but I'm being honest with my feelings.

I'm sorry I didn't have any news to add. I was just shocked and thankful that news was posted here and just feel the need to say congrats to all you supporters who always believed in your hearts that Damien, Jason, and Jessie were innocent. It must have been an amazing feeling when you learned they were going free. : ) Please forgive me for going off topic as I was getting exciting for you all while reading and just started to write a post. Also, thank you to everyone who messaged me or wrote a kind word for me when I was having personal problems. I was very embarrassed after venting I never really said thank you. THANK YOU! You guys rock!
^^^What child did Lorrie abandon so that she could be closer to Damien?That's news to me.

And Nyla I agree with you as far as the defense fund money goes.Damien and Jason are the only ones who have and will benefit from it.Jessie is the least of the worries of all of those involved including the wealthy elite supporters.I have a feeling that they partly blame Jessie for Damien and Jason being incarcerated.There is an obvious disdain for Jessie.It's very apparent yet someone will come along and give excuses on how this is untrue...and I will roll my eyes.:D
The new Freedom Fund ( ) is to be split equally among all three men. There is also a fund (I'll try to find a link) that is specifically for Jessie. And, I have never heard of a baby that Lorri abandoned to be with Damien, either.

Although I don't believe Lorri has been pocketing the monies donated so far, there have been many expenses (travel for expert witnesses comes to mind) beyond the DNA testing that Peter Jackson funded. I am confident that the money was properly used. Also, money donated directly to the commissary accounts was earmarked for a specific prisoner. I donated equally to all three accounts, as anyone could have done.

I'm sorry that some people feel it necessary to bad mouth Lorri. She has worked long and hard for this outcome, imperfect though it is. And, although as I said I don't think she took any money from the funds, if she did (for living expenses, etc.), I don't see how that would have been so terrible. As far as I can tell, she hasn't been living a life of luxury.

As to D, J an J ever receiving financial compensation, that won't happen - ever. It was a condition of the Alford plea and IMO a primary reason that the near-bankrupt State of Arkansas was so willing to accept the Alford plea. I know that's a bit cynical, but it's how I feel.

It seems to me that the State was more concerned with their financial bottom line than they were with justice. What other explanation is there for releasing three men who were already incarcerated if the State sincerely believes them to be guilty? Either the State is lying and they know that the WMFree are innocent or the removal of the possibility of the men suing the State was more important than justice. Take your pick.

I really look forward to the release of Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory in January (I saw a date of January 12 posted somewhere) on HBO. Hopefully, that documentary will "encourage" the State of Arkansas to reopen the case. I, too, want the real killer behind bars and these three innocent men exonerated.
CR, I agree. I can't wait (but will have to wait) for the 3rd documentary. I even hope there will be a 4th.

I'm so impressed with these 3 men...for various reasons...may all 3 have happy, fulfilling lives now that they've had 18 years robbed from them...and surely endured unmentionable things in prison.

And I give kudos to their women who either stuck by them all along or got back in touch and are "taking off where we left off"...

I completely understand why all 3 would want privacy now, altho I just want to know more and more about how/what they are doing. :blush:

You kinda want the underdogs to have a good dog day, KWIM? ;)
The new Freedom Fund ( ) is to be split equally among all three men. There is also a fund (I'll try to find a link) that is specifically for Jessie. And, I have never heard of a baby that Lorri abandoned to be with Damien, either.

Although I don't believe Lorri has been pocketing the monies donated so far, there have been many expenses (travel for expert witnesses comes to mind) beyond the DNA testing that Peter Jackson funded. I am confident that the money was properly used. Also, money donated directly to the commissary accounts was earmarked for a specific prisoner. I donated equally to all three accounts, as anyone could have done.

I'm sorry that some people feel it necessary to bad mouth Lorri. She has worked long and hard for this outcome, imperfect though it is. And, although as I said I don't think she took any money from the funds, if she did (for living expenses, etc.), I don't see how that would have been so terrible. As far as I can tell, she hasn't been living a life of luxury.

As to D, J an J ever receiving financial compensation, that won't happen - ever. It was a condition of the Alford plea and IMO a primary reason that the near-bankrupt State of Arkansas was so willing to accept the Alford plea. I know that's a bit cynical, but it's how I feel.

It seems to me that the State was more concerned with their financial bottom line than they were with justice. What other explanation is there for releasing three men who were already incarcerated if the State sincerely believes them to be guilty? Either the State is lying and they know that the WMFree are innocent or the removal of the possibility of the men suing the State was more important than justice. Take your pick.

I really look forward to the release of Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory in January (I saw a date of January 12 posted somewhere) on HBO. Hopefully, that documentary will "encourage" the State of Arkansas to reopen the case. I, too, want the real killer behind bars and these three innocent men exonerated.

Apparently after reading on Facebook there seems to be some drama concerning this Freedom Fund and Jessie.Even supporters are questioning exactly where this money is going.Have you heard anything about this?
Apparently after reading on Facebook there seems to be some drama concerning this Freedom Fund and Jessie.Even supporters are questioning exactly where this money is going.Have you heard anything about this?

I believe that there are some people in that Facebook group that aren't really supporters. They have been trying to stir up crap, but they are being weeded out. Personally, I don't think that there's a problem with this new Freedom Fund.

IIRC, some years back there was a problem with the defense fund (these were allegations that were never proven, but nonetheless the method of distribution of the funds was changed), but since then, it is my understanding that everything has been fine with the fund. However, my advice, as always, to anyone with reservations is, "Don't contribute."
Seeing all of them smiling and FREE is truly heart-warming. I've gleaned from some things that I've read that Jason is going to soon begin college (hopefully in the Spring semester, 2012). The last I heard, Jessie is still in Arkansas and still trying to obtain permanent employment. Right now, he's working day-to-day as a construction worker/roofer I believe.

We all know that, with the economy the way it is (and the powers that be continuing to spend money like there's no tomorrow), it's difficult for anyone to obtain employment. For Jessie, there's the added problem that, according to what I've seen and read, the West Memphis/Marion area is divided about fifty-fifty as to his innocence in this case. Those who still think him guilty are working very hard to keep him from getting a permanent job. Those who know him to be innocent are working just as hard to help him.

Hopefully, something positive will happen that will open up some unskilled jobs in the area and Jessie soon will be able to get a permanent job. AFAIK, he and Susie still plan to marry on August 15, 2012, the one-year anniversary of his release from his unjust incarceration. I hope and pray that all goes well for them (and Damien and Jason, too) in the future. I have no reason to believe that things won't go well - as long as people leave them alone and let them live their lives.

I don't worry about any of the freed men doing something dastardly. I do worry about some of those nuts in Arkansas getting a bee in their bonnets and trying something nefarious and/or odious. That's why I'd rather Jessie leave the area. I simply don't trust those people!

RBBM: Compassionate Reader, I usually agree with all of your posts. However, I take great offense as a resident of Arkansas to being called a nut! LOL I know that there are a lot of folks that still think the the WMFree are guilty, however, I am not one of them. I started out thinking that they were, however, I did the research and changed my mind. I didn't think that they would be freed in my lifetime! It was a huge surprise when my son told me he read about it. I didn't have my internet at the time, so I couldn't catch up. I just hope that they are able to learn from the past and move forward.
The new Freedom Fund ( ) is to be split equally among all three men. There is also a fund (I'll try to find a link) that is specifically for Jessie. And, I have never heard of a baby that Lorri abandoned to be with Damien, either.

Although I don't believe Lorri has been pocketing the monies donated so far, there have been many expenses (travel for expert witnesses comes to mind) beyond the DNA testing that Peter Jackson funded. I am confident that the money was properly used. Also, money donated directly to the commissary accounts was earmarked for a specific prisoner. I donated equally to all three accounts, as anyone could have done.

I'm sorry that some people feel it necessary to bad mouth Lorri. She has worked long and hard for this outcome, imperfect though it is. And, although as I said I don't think she took any money from the funds, if she did (for living expenses, etc.), I don't see how that would have been so terrible. As far as I can tell, she hasn't been living a life of luxury.

As to D, J an J ever receiving financial compensation, that won't happen - ever. It was a condition of the Alford plea and IMO a primary reason that the near-bankrupt State of Arkansas was so willing to accept the Alford plea. I know that's a bit cynical, but it's how I feel.

It seems to me that the State was more concerned with their financial bottom line than they were with justice. What other explanation is there for releasing three men who were already incarcerated if the State sincerely believes them to be guilty? Either the State is lying and they know that the WMFree are innocent or the removal of the possibility of the men suing the State was more important than justice. Take your pick.

I really look forward to the release of Paradise Lost 3: Purgatory in January (I saw a date of January 12 posted somewhere) on HBO. Hopefully, that documentary will "encourage" the State of Arkansas to reopen the case. I, too, want the real killer behind bars and these three innocent men exonerated.

RBBM: Wrong again. No prisoner in the state of Arkansas is entitled to compensation if wrongly convicted, you really need to research this before you say it was a condition of the Alford Plea. And the State of Arkansas is in a lot better shape financially than a lot of other states, we are nowhere NEAR to being bankrupt.

CR, I really enjoy your posts, but please stop talking about the State of Arkansas like it's the worse thing in the world. I admit, I don't like a lot of things here, but I find it highly offensive that someone who doesn't live here can judge anything and everything that goes on here. We are not all backward hillbillies. Some of us have a college education and critical thinking skills. I know that comes as a shock to some. It just angers me that everyone in Arkansas gets judged by the actions of the WMPD, Prosecutor's Office, and Judge Burnett (I believe that's his name). And it also angers me that we also get judged by the actions of John Mark Byers and Terry Hobbs.

I am not a native Arkansasan, but my roots run deep, my father, grandfather, and grandmother are native Arkansasans. So, please stop the bashing of the people of Arkansas.

IMO, JMO, and all other disclaimers.
Sorry, tezi.

I didn't mean to offend. However, I have read that one of the results of the three taking the Alford plea was that they would be unable to sue the State. I have also heard that Arkansas doesn't provide for financial compensation for wrongfully convicted defendants. The two statements seem contradictory. I will try to find a link to someone saying that part of the Alford plea agreement prevented the three from suing the State.

I also heard the AG McDaniel say that Arkansas doesn't convict innocent men. It's irresponsible statements like that from those who should know better that give an entire State a bad reputation. I'm a Southerner myself (Kentucky), and I know that I don't like it when someone refers to what happened to the WMFree as "Southern justice." So, I apologize for painting the entire State with a paintbrush which should have been reserved for a few "nuts" and idiots, which is unfortunately true of every State (and Commonwealth) in the Union, KY included.

Yes, there are several prominent people involved in this case who present a less-than-flattering picture of the State to the media. Those people, unfortunately, are the ones getting the press coverage. I would truly like to see more Arkansans like Mara Leveritt and Capi Peck receive coverage in the media. Judge Dan Stidham is another Arkansan who has earned my respect.

I do realize that the entire State is not just nuts, and I'm truly sorry if my post implied otherwise. However, people like the AG and Judge Fogleman and Judge Ridge and Gary Gitchell truly make me cringe. They are a few of the nuts to whom I referred. Again, please accept my apology for any misunderstanding.
No apology needed CR. I didn't mean to sound so harsh. It was a rough couple of days in the tezi household.

I was upset at McDaniel's statement also. But, I do know that someone who is wrongly convicted is NOT entitled to compensation from the state. Alford Plea or not.

Again, my apologies for being cranky. We are not all nuts....LOL
The state of Arkansas most probably has child protection laws in place that they must enforce to insure the safety of all children. With that in mind, I do not see that the state is treating Misskelley any differently than it would any other felon. In August, with legal counsel present, Misskelley plead guilty to the 1st degree murder of Michael Moore, an eight year old boy and two counts of the 2nd degree murders of Chris Byers and Stevie Branch who were also only eight years old. I think most people would agree with the state on this decision.

Misskelley didn't suffer being homeless. Peter Jackson has purchased or rented a home for one entire year, utilitlies included, for him. All this is at

I think that Mr. Jackson is crazy. IMHO
I think Peter Jackson is an amazing compassionate person.Anyone who thinks he would support anyone that may have harmed a child should see "the lovely bones" beautifully directed by him.Peter Jackson KNOWS the three are 100% innocent and deserve any help they can get .
tezi, Please don't shoot the messenger!

Look how the State (not the people) of Arkansas is treating Jessie:

in my opinion the state should be doing exactly what they would with the WM3 as with any other convicted (and admitted guilt) triple child murderer, in the eyes of the law the WM3 are guilty, and they can say they are innocent as many times as they want but that will never remove the guilty pleas,
in my opinion the state should be doing exactly what they would with the WM3 as with any other convicted (and admitted guilt) triple child murderer, in the eyes of the law the WM3 are guilty, and they can say they are innocent as many times as they want but that will never remove the guilty pleas,

Exactly. Nothing changes the fact that they pled guilty and are felons.
tezi, Please don't shoot the messenger!

Look how the State (not the people) of Arkansas is treating Jessie:

And this just proves to me that I am right when I say that support for all three are NOT equal.Sure NOW Jessie is getting help while Damien and Lorri were flown to Seattle and then off to New Zealand.Jason is in The Netherlands.Don't get me wrong as I am glad that they are off living their lives BUT for anyone to insist that they were all three treated equally by supporters are full of crap.

If Jessie had wanted to live in another state it would not have made any difference.WHO was going to set him up to start his life elsewhere?WHY didn't any of these wealthy *advertiser censored* supporters set Jessie up with some form of financial help?NO ONE seems to be able to say why except that Jessie wanted to stay in Arkansas,Jessie didn't want any hand outs.That is the biggest load of horse-chit I have ever heard.I wasn't born yesterday.

I wish someone could give me an honest answer for once.

Glad to know that Jessie is at least going to have a home for year.
Obviously Peter Jackson would have set him up to start his life elsewhere, and indeed he still might - there's no saying the home he pays rent on for a year has to be in Arkansas. Supporters have also been donating to a fund especially set up for Jessie ever since it came to our attention that he was having trouble with his utility bills.

The one thing most supporters have been saying to, and about, Jessie since the day he was released is that they wish he would leave Arkansas. It was Jessie himself who said he wanted to live near his father, and that IS the honest answer, regardless of whether you want to believe it. You really think if Jessie had said "I'd love to move but I don't have the money" that he wouldn't have been helped? Whenever he's asked for help with something he's been given it, same as the other two.

He really does need to leave Arkansas though, he and his family and friends are going to be hounded at every opportunity as long as he stays there.
But, the thing is, Mr. Jackson stated that he donated 10 million dollars to conduct investigations and testing of evidence for the WM3. Why in the world should he have to donate thousands more to support Misskelley?

Where did all the money go that all the supporters donated over the years to the WM3? If Jackson paid for all the testings, etc. then why isn't there a fund (I thought there was) for each man already? Why the constant begging for more financial support from all the ordinary people who sacrificed their own paychecks to help the WM3?

I don't think these men should expect any more financial donations. Mr. Echols and Mr. Baldwin were shown traveling the world, attending premiers, going to Disneyland, and parties. Misskelley's problem isn't that he choses to live in Arkansas. It is that there was no money collected for him because of what he did. He confessed to the crime and stated the Echols and Baldwin murdered those little boys. All the fake concern for "poor little Jessie with the mind of a 5 year old" is so dishonest it is infuriating. He lived like an adult when he was 17 when he committed those crimes with Echols and Baldwin. He sometimes worked as a roofer. He maintained a successful relationship with his girlfriend. He was considered responsible and reliable enough for neighbors to babysit. He had friends who were older than he that considered him mature enough and strong enough to practice wrestling in rings with other adults. He's uneducated, not mentally challanged.

There are so many more charities or individuals in your own communities who deserve your help than these three grown felons do. They don't have the dubious "celebrity" as the WM3, to be sure, but you can investigate where your money goes to legitimate charities. You cannot ever do so with the WM3. No one knows who gets the checks or how they're administered. And to continue supporting them is to just choosing to firmly shut one's eyes and agree to be scammed. IMHO

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