Light bulb moments

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I did a search on the chlorine buckets- turns out there is a whole thread about the possibility of using a bucket for hiding Caylee's body. You can find the thread if you go to the search tab at the top of any page and put in "chlorine buckets" and ping the "show posts" button.
Also the fact that at some points the A's have stated that Caylee is in danger and if that were true then the kinappers could have killed Caylee and thefore I would think the family would also help with the search for her in anyway they could....Have there PI look for a live Caylee and the A's help with the local ground searches...But they know if her remains are located there will more than likely be more forensics that point to KC...But it turns my stomach that they dont even care to get her remains and they would want to just leave her out there alone...
Most people have decided KC must have killed Caylee because she saw her as a millstone, as a burden who stood between KC and her idealized life. I can't recall specific dates, but many suggest the trip to PR was a trigger or a catalyst. So then why didn't KC go?

Judging by the driving she has done just in the Orlando area, it looks like Casey is afraid to leave her comfort zone. She has a lot of fears that are probably not conscious. Look at the fellow in MO. who was kidnapped by the man who worked at the pizza place. He put so much fear into the boy that he was trained not to tell anyone, was allowed in the neighborhood, was reinforced with gifts to obey his master. He just waited it out. Then the man kidnapped another kid and it fell apart. Someone recognized his truck and called the police.

Wonder if Casey has picked up on the themes of such a thing and identified it all as a reality for her to include in her delusions/stories/scripts.
The 3rd 911 call, when Casey can be overheard asking Cindy to give her 1 more day.
Lightbulb that she had something to do with it: Bringing LE to Universal because she thought it might help find Caylee in a "backwards sort of way"

Lightbulb that someone else knows something: The Lee and Casey code-speak jailhouse conversation.
Lightbulb that she had something to do with it: Bringing LE to Universal because she thought it might help find Caylee in a "backwards sort of way"

Lightbulb that someone else knows something: The Lee and Casey code-speak jailhouse conversation.

This makes me wonder she was berating her mother about things from the past--as her brother mentioned. I know people I have seen with problems stay stuck in the past, not able to give up resentments and not allow themselves to move forward in there thinking. Maybe Casey connects everything to the past in her mind disallowing herself to clear up the present. Kind of an inability to manage time memories. A real disorder on top of a disorder.
Hello All. This is in response to throwing away the donated stuffed animals. The Anthony family wasn't under as much scrutiny back then as they are now and I wonder what else they might have thrown away that LE and us sleuthers may have missed before they hit everyone's "hinky" meters.
I first caught this case, during that first week, where the LE was upending the play equipment and the video from above was showing them doing it. I was sucked into the case right then and there. I knew this couldn't be good if they were looking for a missing child in the family's own backyard. The rest played out to support my first reaction to this case.
Casey's lies and Cindy's comment about the dead body smell in her daughter's car were stellar!!! Her words on that 911 tape CANNOT be taken back. Her gut reaction was true. Too bad she never stood by them.
This might explain why CA supports her. She wants that baby-a replacement for Caylee. :eek:
:bang:Ugh! That might explain the grandparent's support. Then JB could use the "severe-pregnancy-hormonal-imbalance" defense. But I doubt it.

Unfortunately, this case is entirely made up from "huh" moments. The one that bothers me the most is how GA goes to pick up the car....and tells the tow guy the story of the missing granddaughter as they are walking to the car (as if to explain the smell in advance), and then when they do smell it and the tow guy says it smelled like another car (death) and then they see maggots in the trunk (more hints of death) and they throw away evidence and then George drives this foul vehicle home. And the tow guy lets him.
Neither of them suggests that the police should be called to check it out before the car leaves the lot. (Remember, at this point GA doesn't know who had been decomposing in the trunk, it could have been anyone and not necessarily involving Casey--Caylee wasn't officially missing yet, just unavailable to him and Cindy--he didn't have a reason at this point to suspect involvement with KC or Caylee--he hadn't even heard Casey's side of the story yet, allegedly. But he doesn't think to call LE to investigate the obvious signs of death in the car?
I can understand the tow guy might not have wanted to get involved, but the police should have been called before the car left the lot. And then GA drove it home (eww!) I can't fathom why he would do that unless he was involved and needed to dispose of evidence. Who knows what evidence could have been removed that nobody will ever know was in the car. Then Lee smells the car but tries to make peace between Casey and mom so they can avoid calling the police.
And of course Cindy smells it and it worries her enough to report it to the police. Thank goodness!!! If she hadn't, KC might have been forever free and Caylee never missed by anyone. I will always respect Cindy for that. What she says and does now is irrelevant to this fact and should not be judged because she's the only one who loved Caylee enough to report her missing.
31 days- didn't contact LE- apparently no concern for "missing" daughter- dancing at Fusion- lies about Zanny- lies about Universal- lies about Caylee- still no concern for "missing" daughter- complains that "nobody believes me"- says Caylee will be home for her birthday and ISN'T- more lies about Caylee- and still no concern for her "missing-now-proven-dead" daughter
Most people have decided KC must have killed Caylee because she saw her as a millstone, as a burden who stood between KC and her idealized life. I can't recall specific dates, but many suggest the trip to PR was a trigger or a catalyst. So then why didn't KC go?

Her parents would not keep Caylee and she did not have the money. She kept stringing everyone along until the last minute telling them she was going and then said GA had a stroke and was in the hospital and she could not go. (of course that was a lie too)
ITA, this case is so full of 'Huh' moments, it rediculous!

*right off the at, 31 days to report Caylee missing, and to top it off, it was Grandma, not Casey, that reported her mising!!!
*Lees statement and interview, he pretty much did not want LE called at all. IMO, he doesnt care/or is involved in some way.
*pictures of KC partying her days away.

so much more!
My lightbulb moment started immediately when I heard that Caylee was missing for 31 days and KC never reported her missing. I have had too many lightbulb moments to mention since that time. If this is not a DP case, I don't know what is.

My lightbulb moment also began with learning that Caylee had been missing for 31 days and her mother had failed to report it. I believe it was July 16th when it was first reported nationally, and in that same report it was learned that Casey had lied to LE and was under arrest for obstruction of justice and child neglect. I knew then that Caylee was dead and Casey was responsible.

But throughout this case there's been many lightbulb moments, as we learned key pieces of information.
Just a few more from me:

According to Lee, he went to Tony's apartment to get Casey's things. He was gone 2 1/2 hours, taking time to notice Casey's (Cindy's) computer had blue-screened, Amy's wallet on Tony's dresser, and Casey's things neatly packed. According to Tony's transcript, he got a call from Lee, who introduced himself as Casey's brother, about 1/2 hour after having discovered Casey's phone still at his apartment and having talked with Amy and finding out Casey had stolen some money from Amy. Tony says that Lee told him what was going on, that Casey didn't know where Caylee was. (7/22/08 interview).

According to the documents filed by the OCSO on 7/16/08, Tony is quoted as having called OCSO after having first heard that Caylee was missing from deputies who showed up on his step early that morning.

we don't really know that for sure, that's only speculation. i think it could be something totally different than that, personally.

the only 'huh' i have that no one else has said is the fact that CA had no connection with the 'nanny' whatsoever, but for a different reason than just 'she's her grandmother, she should know the child's baby-sitter.'

i find it very hard to believe that casey would never have asked her parents to pick up or drop off caylee at a baby-sitter's, claiming to work late or whatever other excuse she could think of to get out of her responsibilities. no way. she shirked everything else, but always managed to get caylee from the sitter on time? please.

What I thought was really funny was the fact that there was NO baby sitter!

Where was the baby when kc was **working**?????
The one thing that has always gotten me is the difference between the CA that we see now and the CA from all those warm, fun, motherly photos with Caylee. In those old pics of her and Caylee, she looks like a "real mother." In these new pictures and these statements to LE, we see the "typical 22 year old party girl". So what happened?

THe reason for the last set of quotes is becuase some of us 22 year olds have 4 kids nd only go to parties involving birthdy cakes and fruit punch. lol
Ok, I am just going to throw this out to you and see what ya think. Could KC have been a paid party girl? I had a friend who did this for awhile and even had to take her kid a couple of times. She stopped due to having drunks making passes at her 7 year old. Maybe she lied to all about her job due to not wanting CA and GA to know where she really took Caylee instead of a nanny. Maybe KC took her to a party and something happened there. My huh moment is where did she get money from when not working/stealing
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