Light bulb moments

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Hi there! A new poster here from Oz. There is so much to read on here it has taken me ages to get to posting. Anyway I had this thought and probably someone has said it before, and I apologise if this is the case, but do you think there is a chance that Kc wont say anything till such time as a cause of death would be very hard to determine?
I had the lightbulb moment immediately.

Was on a trip to the US at my mom's house watching the news (otherwise would never have heard of this!!), they show KC walking in her prison blues and the newscaster saying "...did not report her daughter missing for 31 days after she was last seen" and I was like yeah, cause she killed her.

flat out, there is no other reaon
a few light bulb moments for me:

Kristina is crying about Caylee and Casey says, "Oh, my God. Calling you guys was such a waste of time."
31 days
UNemotional, UNinterested, UNcaring, UNmotherly Casey in her interview
party party party party
"all they care about is getting Caylee back"
Jobless, heartless, penniless thieving Casey
Cindy cindy cindy
Ok, I am just going to throw this out to you and see what ya think. Could KC have been a paid party girl? I had a friend who did this for awhile and even had to take her kid a couple of times. She stopped due to having drunks making passes at her 7 year old. Maybe she lied to all about her job due to not wanting CA and GA to know where she really took Caylee instead of a nanny. Maybe KC took her to a party and something happened there. My huh moment is where did she get money from when not working/stealing

Funny you should mention this, I have been considering a similar line of thought. More specifically, that Casey quickly fell into something of that nature at the Fusion club, only they called their girls "shot girls." I also think it's possible that she got involved in using chloro through her connections with the club. I agree that she had taken Caylee with her on some "dates" a few times, and maybe Casey did more than just "party" with clients. I wondered if Caylee had started to become a liability in that she would be at an age where she could relate her activities more clearly and Casey was at risk of getting caught. Yes, I think possible that she had Caylee in a compromising situation and something dreadful happened, either she overdosed on chloro, or aspirated on her own vomit, or something. In that situation, Casey most certainly would NOT have called 911. And I don't think Casey "snapped." She's not the type.
Lightbulb that she had something to do with it: Bringing LE to Universal because she thought it might help find Caylee in a "backwards sort of way"

Lightbulb that someone else knows something: The Lee and Casey code-speak jailhouse conversation.

Its almost like they talked about the conversation they would have BEFORE they had it like LA "Ill grill you about it" and Kc "okay and Ill play dumb" (which isnt hard for her to do) to keep LE from looking at LA.......he made it sound like he was grilling her about everything, when in reality he probably knew all her answers already. It was definitly NOT a "flowing" sounded like 2 REALLY HORRIBLE actors reading a script. huh lol
This was not my first huh? moment but think about this for a second:

Kasey tells her family that she is protecting her daughter from harm by not telling anyone about where she is. She tells CA that she is also protecting the family because they are in danger as well. Apparently the folks that have her are very dangerous, otherwise KC would not "give up her life" for her daughter.

Now, Cindy gets the news that according to Oak Ridge Labs, there has been a decomposing body in the car. Now, if you were dealing with such horrible people that would kidnap a 2 year old child, wouldn't you be out of your mind with worry that the kidnappers did what they threatened to do instead of dismissing every piece of evidence. Wouldn't you also beg Tim Miller to help find the body in case the kidnappers did kill her and dump her body? After all, it has been a long time. What are they waiting for? Did the killers really all just up and move to PR in order to keep her? Don't they have media in PR? Wouldn't they get caught there as well? Wouldn't a caucasion child been even more noticable in a foreign land?

i feel better
there are so many light bulb moments.,...

a few for me are:

they never got on tv and made a plea to the "kidnapper", etc
did not want to provide TM anything of Caylee's for the cadaver dogs
31 days
only wanted people to search for a live Caylee
giving all the false leads to LE
I agree with almost everyone elses Huh moments. My big Huh moment was when CA said she had never met the nanny, didn't know where the nanny lived and had no phone number for the nanny. I've seen some disagreements on the other thread here by Grandmothers stating that they didn't know who babysat their grandchildren, but the difference is this... I was 17 when I had my son. I lived with my parents, same as KC. Since my mother was also a primary care giver for my son, just like CA, she knew who and where he was at all times. What if KC had gotten into a car accident and CA needed to get a hold of the nanny to pick Caylee up? What if CA got off work early and thought, hmmm. maybe I'll go pick up my darling grandbaby and spend the afternoon with her? EVEN MY FRIENDS knew who the babysitter was and had a contact number, in case something happened while we were out partying. I just can't believe that CA would just let this baby be with a nanny she had no contact for. Unless of course, there is no nanny, duh!!! Huh:waitasec:

Another thing that makes me :furious: is her using the word nanny instead of babysitter, daycare, etc. How many young broke single females have a nanny?? But it just sounds so much better, in keeping up with her fake prestigious lifestyle.
Excellent post! I agree completely with you. This has always bothered me because I do not believe for one minute that a grandmother whose granddaughter has lived all her life in the grandparents home would not know who was babysitting that child and how to get in touch with that person! No way, never will I believe that!!
IMO she's fattening up for her hibernation - loooong time in prison, the way that squirrels do when they stock up on their acorns for the winter!:rolleyes:

I think she's pregnant :eek:

My first, "Huh, what's this?" was early on, when LA announced that they'd thrown away all the stuffed toys/animals that people had been sending them because some of them smelled like cigarette smoke and the A's weren't smokers.

Until then, I rather liked and respected him, but that needless statement of his made me go "Huh? What?!"

I couldn't imagine why he would want to publicly insult all the well-meaning donors, smokers and non-smokers, by showing contempt for their gifts. That indicated to me that he had a streak of arrogant superiority along with a cold indifference to the feelings of others. (Remind you of anyone else in the family?")

Anyway, I tried to ignore that feeling about him because he seemed to be honest and cooperative with LE. As we've learned more about him, I'm back to my original conclusion and worse.

Oh and btw, I'm Friday and I've been lurking and learning here for many weeks.

Welcome. I agree with you completely. As if smokers are worse than a baby-killer, a liar, and a thief - and a family that covers all of this up with ridiculous excuses.
Mine was when Lee Anthony after finding out that Caylee had been missing for more than a month asked, "Why would you want to get the police involved?"

I STILL can't believe I heard that right.

Or the fact that he laughed when saying how horrible the "smell" from the car was.

Maybe "horrified" is a better description of how I felt at his behavior both times.

I think he said this to make her tell him where Caylee was, because CA was threatening to call the police, at this time they may have thought she was alive somewhere.
there are so many light bulb moments.,...

a few for me are:

they never got on tv and made a plea to the "kidnapper", etc
did not want to provide TM anything of Caylee's for the cadaver dogs
31 days
only wanted people to search for a live Caylee
giving all the false leads to LE

I agree whole-heartedly with you on these points, and for some reason, I can not get the GAS CANS out of my mind, all the lies regarding GAS CANS. I do hope forensics found evidence on the SHOVEL and GAS CANS that will help lock KC away forever.
Excellent post! I agree completely with you. This has always bothered me because I do not believe for one minute that a grandmother whose granddaughter has lived all her life in the grandparents home would not know who was babysitting that child and how to get in touch with that person! No way, never will I believe that!!

I sad this in the very begining. My mother may not know my sitter's telephone number, but she knows her name and she knows where her house is.

I could never go a month without my mom seeing her grandchildren or talking to them on the phone, she would freak out.

If Cindy was worried about KC taking care of Caylee on her own, she sure as heck did not do anything about it. I again ask the question - HOW LONG would have the lying gone on had they not found the car? How long would CA go without seeing her grandchild? How long would KC go making exxcuses?

I think CA and KC fought and Cindy told her to raise her own child. All of this love for Caylee and wanting Caylee for herself came after. I again say - I have never seen Cindy cry for her grandchild - she only shows anger, jealousy and bitterness. Caylee was a pawn used by the two women to hurt each other and it finally got to a dangerous and deadly point.

If I fought with my mom (I had my son at 15) and left the house with my son, my mother would have tracked me down and taken him back and left me to my partying. HE would have been her MAIN concern, NOT forcing me to be a better parent.
Although I don't want to believe it. I feel that the A's have linked together to cover up for Casey. They have been doing this all their lives, why stop now.

If not the interviews on tv would be a lot different, like CA and GA and Lee asking for the safe return of Caylee, pleading for it.

I remember when CA said they knew who had Caylee and they were going to plan a COVERT mission to get in there and get her out. that was my HUH moment. The lies are ridiculous.
My first, "Huh, what's this?" was early on, when LA announced that they'd thrown away all the stuffed toys/animals that people had been sending them because some of them smelled like cigarette smoke and the A's weren't smokers.

Until then, I rather liked and respected him, but that needless statement of his made me go "Huh? What?!"

I couldn't imagine why he would want to publicly insult all the well-meaning donors, smokers and non-smokers, by showing contempt for their gifts. That indicated to me that he had a streak of arrogant superiority along with a cold indifference to the feelings of others. (Remind you of anyone else in the family?")

Anyway, I tried to ignore that feeling about him because he seemed to be honest and cooperative with LE. As we've learned more about him, I'm back to my original conclusion and worse.

Oh and btw, I'm Friday and I've been lurking and learning here for many weeks.

I am wondering about CA saying she washed the gray pin striped pants in the car because they smelled of smoke and the smell of the car. Is there smoking in the bars in FL? Didn't GA say when he picked up the car at the tow yard, it started right up? He didn't have to fill it with gas before driving it home. Could KC have used the gas cans to set fire to Caylee's remains instead of running out of gas? She had money on her (from Amy's account) why would she run the car out of gas again (20th & 27th)?

Another Aha moment. CA repeatedly said, I love Caylee more than KC, I don't care where my daughter is - only my grandchild, etc. If you notice, the only "moment" when KC cried during the "press conf" w/JB was when Atty said "she's (KC) also somebody's child". KC clearly was jealous of the relationship between CA & little Caylee, and she told Lee she maybe she was a "spiteful ".

I also have been lurking and learning for many weeks - this is also my first post. (hope I did it right).
i find it very hard to believe that casey would never have asked her parents to pick up or drop off caylee at a baby-sitter's, claiming to work late or whatever other excuse she could think of to get out of her responsibilities. no way. she shirked everything else, but always managed to get caylee from the sitter on time? please.

Aside from the whole 31 days thing, that was my real rock solid "I know she's lying her butt off" item, too.

There's no way Casey would have always managed to pick her up. But, also, there's no way somebody as controlling as Cindy would never meet the person babysitting Caylee. No way.
I am wondering about CA saying she washed the gray pin striped pants in the car because they smelled of smoke and the smell of the car. Is there smoking in the bars in FL? Didn't GA say when he picked up the car at the tow yard, it started right up? He didn't have to fill it with gas before driving it home. Could KC have used the gas cans to set fire to Caylee's remains instead of running out of gas? She had money on her (from Amy's account) why would she run the car out of gas again (20th & 27th)?

I also have been lurking and learning for many weeks - this is also my first post. (hope I did it right).

~ Snipped ~

George and thw tow yard guy both said that George had to get a gas can out of his car to put gas in the Pontiac. (convient he had a can in his car :rolleyes: ) Also, she didn't have the money from Amy yet, Amy left July 8th. Amy did take Casey to buy a can on June 30th though.

I have never in my life seen anyone as obsessed with gas cans in my life the way this family is. :waitasec:

Welcome to Websleuths by the way! Jump on in, the water's fine! :blowkiss:
Turbo: Her parents would not keep Caylee and she did not have the money. She kept stringing everyone along until the last minute telling them she was going and then said GA had a stroke and was in the hospital and she could not go. (of course that was a lie too).

Thanks, but does not actually answer my question. If the point of killing Caylee was supposedly to be "free" to party and travel w her childless friends, in particular travel to PR as some are reportedly linking the computer hit to missing kids website (as far back as March when Amy and everyone start planning the PR trip) then once her "mission" has been accomplished and she was "rid" of Caylee why didn't she GO??
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