Light bulb moments

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How can cigarette smoke smell stronger than decomp?

yeah, I guess you are right......tho' it was a bit later and we don't know what they did to remove odors from anything......that light bulb will go off for the moment.....

one of my biggest "bulbs" is the constant changing of the "theories" by Kc and the A's about WHAT HAPPENED TO CAYLEE and WHERE IS SHE??
the story has changed from day to day it seems to fit whatever is going on that day......Starting with the "nanny"..and with that such words as "she's close", "I don't know where she is" , "she's fine /safe", "she's in danger" , "we know where they are and we are watching them", etc. etc. etc..........
<<She had money on her (from Amy's account) why would she run the car out of gas again (20th & 27th)?>>

I never thought about that. This is a good question.
I think while KC is pathologically lying away to CA during this period, that she may have been hoping against hope that at best KC (who is 22, not 15) MIGHT for the first time in her life be actually stepping up to her responsibilities and behaving for once like a mother, or is at worst being manipulative and the "spiteful b*tch" she probably could be when trying to struggle for power from her controlling mother. Remember too they had a horrible argument reportedly so CA may initially have been thinking any of these could somewhat explain KC's staying away and be the reason CA did not call 911 or her hinky meter start really going off until weeks of excuses. I'm just saying there was a lot more to the dynamics between these two here. JMHO
<<I'm still thinking of all the $ she got from GP's eg>>

How much did she get? I never did find out.
One of my "huh" moments (there are too many to go into)was when LE was interviewing GA and one of the LE said words to the effect to GA "I have a feeling there is a lot you know alot about George." but they CA and GA have never been charged with at hindering an investigation at the very least. JMO!
Another random thought. . . LP mentioned recently this case to be using cutting edge scientific forensics (i'm paraphrasing). I think the technology exists to extract human dna from blow fly maggots. I have seen a lot of old dried pizza in my life, and I have never seen maggots on pizza - but leave out old raw meat in the summer heat - and boy howdy! Maybe they plan on proving it's Caylee's dna thru the maggots on the outside of the bag from the trunk. Was the pizza in the bag also in a pizza box? Was it a target bag?
DotsEyes -

We have undoubtedly read a lot of strange ambiguities professed by suspects who have commited murder.
Thanks Lanie :)
I guess it is possible that money prevented her. I'm still thinking of all the $ she got from GP's eg and why this would not have paid for the trip to PR. Let's face it if she racked up thousands on her mom's credit card she could have paid for the trip with that. Guess I'm just not buying it, and thinking she would've found a way to get to PR w her friends IF this was supposed to be the reason for killing Caylee and she put her mind to it. JMHO

Sorry, I missed this being about Casey killing Caylee so she could go to PR with her friends. I don't think that's why she killed her, so can't really answer that part of it.
I do think, however, Casey was cut off by her parents at some point after June 15th. I don't think she was hoarding money from their credit cards, I think for her it was spend, spend, spend, so if she was cut off, she was left high and dry. So for that part of the argument, I don't think she had any money or access to money to go to PR.
More lightbulbs (hey, someone turn out the light here, I can't get any sleep!):

The call about the car having been stolen, after having the car recovered.

Lee's list of things he got from Tony's apartment doesn't include Casey's phone, yet Casey's phone was used to send out the mass txt msg about Caylee missing.

Casey NEVER being held to task for stealing her mother's cards. EVER.

Cindy cleaning Caylee's room weekly, washing sheets, but being unable to watch videos of Caylee (granted, this could be another of Cindy's stories to demonstrate the pathos of her life, but still...hinky)

That seemingly no one smelled anything either ON Casey or IN her car that would indicate the smell of decomp (that stink lingers and no one's said anything?)

That Cindy's "rules" ended at the front door, so much so that she never inquired or got information for this "nanny."

George's statement that he figured Casey didn't really work, but continued to pretend she did, even going so far as to say that the last time he saw Caylee, it was when Casey was leaving for work on the 16th.

Sean and Annie living at Sawgrass, Casey claiming to have the nanny living there, and then suddenly someone with the name ZFG showing up to rent an apartment there within hours of Caylee's disappearance. I don't believe in coincidences like that.

Casey's words "You don't know my INVOLVEMENT in this, mom??" as though Cindy should know exactly the involvement, and not in that she had nothing to do with it.

Cindy and Casey arguing about whose fault it is that Casey was first arrested...neither of them mentioning Caylee's name at all, referring to her only as "she."

Casey's assurance that she has no idea what happened to Caylee, yet an equal assurance that Tony had nothing to do with her disappearance.

'nobody in my own family is on my side. They just want Caylee back. That's all they're worried about, is getting Caylee back."

The dance of the SIM card.

"the truth don't hurt." ( Lee)
"oh I know, but at the same time, things that i have told them have been misconstrued." (Casey) does that means she'll just lie to the LE now because they didn't follow her trail of bread crumbs in a forest of bread eaters?

Casey insisting she was at Universal for work, even after admitting to police that she did not work at Universal (7/26 phone call with Lee).

Casey admitting that she had everything "centralized at Tony's" (7/26) and Lee insisting that Casey's bags were too neat to have been packed by her. (LA transcript)

(did I mention Cindy yet?)

I'll be back; there will be more.
<<She had money on her (from Amy's account) why would she run the car out of gas again (20th & 27th)?>>

I never thought about that. This is a good question.

<<I'm still thinking of all the $ she got from GP's eg>>

How much did she get? I never did find out.

She didn't have access to Amy's account yet at that point. She didn't get a hold of the checkbook until Amy left for PR on July 8th. Itwas a week prior to Amy leaving that the money went missing while Casey was staying over at RM's during the time TonE was in New York.

I hope this clears that up for you! :blowkiss:
I agree KC was "cut off..." (after having been busted by CA for secretly bilking thousands from aging gp's retirement fund, I GUESS SO!) And maybe there was the intended source for the trip--and then when caught and confronted, ultimately those plans fell through. Btw anyone know exact dates AH was gone to PR?
Casey's assurance that she has no idea what happened to Caylee, yet an equal assurance that Tony had nothing to do with her disappearance.

THIS one speaks volumes to me.
More lightbulbs (hey, someone turn out the light here, I can't get any sleep!):

The call about the car having been stolen, after having the car recovered.

Lee's list of things he got from Tony's apartment doesn't include Casey's phone, yet Casey's phone was used to send out the mass txt msg about Caylee missing.

The phone was picked up earlier by LE, Lee went back to TL's to get the rest of Casey's things around midnight, although he was gone for over two hours to get said stuff.

Casey NEVER being held to task for stealing her mother's cards. EVER.

LE did ask CA for the statements in the video interview, CA didn't want to hand them over saying"there is nothing in there".

Cindy cleaning Caylee's room weekly, washing sheets, but being unable to watch videos of Caylee (granted, this could be another of Cindy's stories to demonstrate the pathos of her life, but still...hinky)

That seemingly no one smelled anything either ON Casey or IN her car that would indicate the smell of decomp (that stink lingers and no one's said anything?)

I have always wondered about that. She spent a lot of time in her car, how is it she never smelled if the car smelled so badly? :waitasec:

That Cindy's "rules" ended at the front door, so much so that she never inquired or got information for this "nanny."

George's statement that he figured Casey didn't really work, but continued to pretend she did, even going so far as to say that the last time he saw Caylee, it was when Casey was leaving for work on the 16th.

Sean and Annie living at Sawgrass, Casey claiming to have the nanny living there, and then suddenly someone with the name ZFG showing up to rent an apartment there within hours of Caylee's disappearance. I don't believe in coincidences like that.

It was Dante and Annie that live/d at Sawgrass. Annie moved out when she and Dante split, I can't remember when the split was but it was way prior to all of this going on.

Casey's words "You don't know my INVOLVEMENT in this, mom??" as though Cindy should know exactly the involvement, and not in that she had nothing to do with it.

Cindy and Casey arguing about whose fault it is that Casey was first arrested...neither of them mentioning Caylee's name at all, referring to her only as "she."

Casey's assurance that she has no idea what happened to Caylee, yet an equal assurance that Tony had nothing to do with her disappearance.

'nobody in my own family is on my side. They just want Caylee back. That's all they're worried about, is getting Caylee back."

The venom in which she said Caylee's name in that statement was so chilling to me :(

The dance of the SIM card.

"the truth don't hurt." ( Lee)
"oh I know, but at the same time, things that i have told them have been misconstrued." (Casey) does that means she'll just lie to the LE now because they didn't follow her trail of bread crumbs in a forest of bread eaters?

Casey insisting she was at Universal for work, even after admitting to police that she did not work at Universal (7/26 phone call with Lee).

I still don't get why they didn't call her on that in that first interview :confused:

Casey admitting that she had everything "centralized at Tony's" (7/26) and Lee insisting that Casey's bags were too neat to have been packed by her. (LA transcript)

(did I mention Cindy yet?)

I'll be back; there will be more.

Writing in red done by me :blowkiss:
Quote: She didn't have access to Amy's account yet at that point. She didn't get a hold of the checkbook until Amy left for PR on July 8th. Itwas a week prior to Amy leaving that the money went missing while Casey was staying over at RM's during the time TonE was in New York.

I hope this clears that up for you

(That was my post re GP's $) Thanks for PR departure date--it is clear KC could not steal from AH until AH left her the car/checkbook but I'm not clear what "the money" is (bolded above) you're referring to... the GP's? If so, that was likely why her PR plans fell through as I suggested above. The source dried up.

Quote: "Casey's words "You don't know my INVOLVEMENT in this, mom??" as though Cindy should know exactly the involvement, and not in that she had nothing to do with it.

This to me clearly indicates KC expects her mother CA to go along with her lies like she always has--and that KC is angrily blaming CA for instead actually being honest... for a minute.
I agree KC was "cut off..." (after having been busted by CA for secretly bilking thousands from aging gp's retirement fund, I GUESS SO!) And maybe there was the intended source for the trip--and then when caught and confronted, ultimately those plans fell through. Btw anyone know exact dates AH was gone to PR?

July 8th through the 15th. HTH's!
What hit me like a ton of bricks:

Will this be Casey's defense?:

Her parents never got her any help for her bad behavior and this eventually leads her to where she is now: accused of killing Caylee. Maybe she did, or didn't, but doesn't the responsibility lie with her formative years of being coddled by her parents, never knowing the consequences of her actions?

As everyone has mentioned this case is full of WTF's. One questionable act you can give the benefit of the doubt to someone, a continuos string of them, like in this case, it just solidifies the case.

For me early on, this case troubled me because no one had ever met the nanny. My sister-in-law had my nephew when she was 17 and everyone in the family helps out and is involved (sometimes to her annoyance). We are all so close with him, because when teenagers have children they tend to be self absorbed and only concerned with themselves. As a family you try to fill the void for the lack of maternal insticts or because a father is not around. I know that there have been times where my in-laws did not call my sister-in-law on her selfish behavior because they were afraid that she would leverage the child against them. So there is NO way someone as selfish as KC would never ask her parents, Lee, or a friend to help her out and pickup or drop off the Caylee if she was truly working. The fact that CA says that Caylee never talked of the nanny...strange. What about payment, KC had to steal money and her parent's paid for everything, but they believe she never needed to borrow money to pay the nanny. I think GA and CA had so much going on with working and providing for Caylee in ever other way, that they simply did not want to deal with the fact that KC was lying to them about working.
Quote: She didn't have access to Amy's account yet at that point. She didn't get a hold of the checkbook until Amy left for PR on July 8th. Itwas a week prior to Amy leaving that the money went missing while Casey was staying over at RM's during the time TonE was in New York.

I hope this clears that up for you

(That was my post re GP's $) Thanks for PR departure date--it is clear KC could not steal from AH until AH left her the car/checkbook but I'm not clear what "the money" is (bolded above) you're referring to... the GP's? If so, that was likely why her PR plans fell through as I suggested above. The source dried up.

Quote: "Casey's words "You don't know my INVOLVEMENT in this, mom??" as though Cindy should know exactly the involvement, and not in that she had nothing to do with it.

This to me clearly indicates KC expects her mother CA to go along with her lies like she always has--and that KC is angrily blaming CA for instead actually being honest... for a minute.

Sorry about that, I realized after I posted that I should have been more clear on that one! By the money (not the checks) I meant the $400 in cash that AH had go missing a week rior to her trip. Casey told her that she slept walked and stashed the cash for the trip.
InsomMom: She didn't have access to Amy's account yet at that point. She didn't get a hold of the checkbook until Amy left for PR on July 8th. Itwas a week prior to Amy leaving that the money went missing while Casey was staying over at RM's during the time TonE was in New York.

I hope this clears that up for you

Ok wait sorry... argument over GP's money was way back on Father's Day June 15, so what money are you talking about? In any case I must now say it appears to me (and for Baez) a very "bad fact" that it's literally w/in hours of being caught re GP's money that Caylee disappears. It at least appears the first real motive I've been able to infer.
have been wondering about this, too!...and just had a "flicker" of a thought that might there possibly have been a stuffed animal (or maybe something else) that they had found that might have been in the car and still had some of the bad odor and they put it in the midst of the s. animals to throw away and used the the excuse of the "cigarette smoke" as a "camouflage"?????

And LE may just have that at this point too. I believe there was something in that bag the woman took from their house. She called LE and we never heard from her again.
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