Light bulb moments

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Thank you InsomMom, that makes sense now. The $400 was not going to be enough though, so has put things in suspicious light for me, the timing of confrontation re GP's account I mean. This is the fact anyway that throws a little wrench into (but not ruins) neglect theory, makes PR trip potential catalyst, a bad fact, and possible motive. JMO

Concentric: What hit me like a ton of bricks:

Will this be Casey's defense?:

Her parents never got her any help for her bad behavior and this eventually leads her to where she is now: accused of killing Caylee. Maybe she did, or didn't, but doesn't the responsibility lie with her formative years of being coddled by her parents, never knowing the consequences of her actions? Wonder.

"I should've been stopped a long time ago." Not sure defense will ever concede Caylee's deceased--but in KC's mind anyway. JMO
My first, "Huh, what's this?" was early on, when LA announced that they'd thrown away all the stuffed toys/animals that people had been sending them because some of them smelled like cigarette smoke and the A's weren't smokers.

Until then, I rather liked and respected him, but that needless statement of his made me go "Huh? What?!"

I couldn't imagine why he would want to publicly insult all the well-meaning donors, smokers and non-smokers, by showing contempt for their gifts. That indicated to me that he had a streak of arrogant superiority along with a cold indifference to the feelings of others. (Remind you of anyone else in the family?")

Anyway, I tried to ignore that feeling about him because he seemed to be honest and cooperative with LE. As we've learned more about him, I'm back to my original conclusion and worse.

Oh and btw, I'm Friday and I've been lurking and learning here for many weeks.

I had never heard that. Thanks for posting that, it certainly gives a picture of him that makes me think in no way did he escape *the crazy train* of the A's.
I have wanted to bring this up and it may not belong in this thread...

Amy mentioned to LE that she only believed she may have sleepwalked and hid the $400because a week or so before she woke up with a different pair of pajama bottoms on then she went to bed in and she didn't remember changing at all in the middle of the night. What if KC used the Chloroform on her and switched her pajamas to set up the sleepwalking story down the line... I just thought it was strange that AH had never had anything like that happen before. I've thought she may have been using the chloroform to make Caylee go to sleep in the trunk while she stayed at Tony's.
As everyone has mentioned this case is full of WTF's. One questionable act you can give the benefit of the doubt to someone, a continuos string of them, like in this case, it just solidifies the case.


Snipped for space but great post.

I completely agree. One huh? is explainable, two MIGHT be reasonable, but we have a laundry list here.

One more very sad light bulb for me. The doll. No way the "kidnapper" would leave it behind. They don't want a distraught child on their hands. No way the "babysitter" would leave it behind because, after all, she loves that child so much she wants to steal her so of course she will know the value of the doll to the child and make sure she takes it with her.
Did anyone see on a recent interview that Cindy said
"Casey is as much of a victim as Caylee"
I can't believe she would say that
I guess I shouldn't be surprised
Thank you InsomMom, that makes sense now. The $400 was not going to be enough though, so has put things in suspicious light for me, the timing of confrontation re GP's account I mean. This is the fact anyway that throws a little wrench into (but not ruins) neglect theory, makes PR trip potential catalyst, possible motive and a bad fact. JMHO

Concentric: What hit me like a ton of bricks:

Will this be Casey's defense?:

Her parents never got her any help for her bad behavior and this eventually leads her to where she is now: accused of killing Caylee. Maybe she did, or didn't, but doesn't the responsibility lie with her formative years of being coddled by her parents, never knowing the consequences of her actions? Wonder.

"I should've been stopped a long time ago." Not sure defense will ever acknowledge Caylee's deceased--but in KC's mind anyway.

More food for thought...

"Everything you do or say...
is a direct reflection on...
your mother and father."
How about not ONE tear shed for her "missing" baby girl? Not ONE single tear. Zero. Nada. Zip.

:furious::furious: ya, who does that??? who acts like that??
Turbo: I believe there was something in that bag the woman took from their house. She called LE and we never heard from her again.

The possibilities are endless... we can only HOPE!
I have wanted to bring this up and it may not belong in this thread...

Amy mentioned to LE that she only believed she may have sleepwalked and hid the $400because a week or so before she woke up with a different pair of pajama bottoms on then she went to bed in and she didn't remember changing at all in the middle of the night. What if KC used the Chloroform on her and switched her pajamas to set up the sleepwalking story down the line... I just thought it was strange that AH had never had anything like that happen before. I've thought she may have been using the chloroform to make Caylee go to sleep in the trunk while she stayed at Tony's.

I had personal experience with chloroform, with a dentist as a child. It has a very strong odor and is very distinct. Trust me AH would remember that.
Did anyone see on a recent interview that Cindy said
"Casey is as much of a victim as Caylee"
I can't believe she would say that
I guess I shouldn't be surprised

Yeah, and did you hear her say during her "park" interview, the day before KC was indicted that she wanted to thank LP because she did not have the means to bond her out of jail, YET during her marathon interview with police, she told them that getting KC out of jail was not a problem and she could do it any time she wanted to! It is so easy for them all to lie.
NorCalGrl: Amy mentioned to LE that she only believed she may have sleepwalked and hid the $400because a week or so before she woke up with a different pair of pajama bottoms on then she went to bed in and she didn't remember changing at all in the middle of the night. What if KC used the Chloroform on her and switched her pajamas to set up the sleepwalking story down the line... I just thought it was strange that AH had never had anything like that happen before. I've thought she may have been using the chloroform to make Caylee go to sleep in the trunk while she stayed at Tony's.

The creep factor here is just way off the scale and yes there IS something VERY strange and suspicious here w/AH. REALLY bothers me too since IF we believe this explains what happened to AH, it isn't that far of a leap to consider this horrible possibility. Keeping in mind the hypothesis that KC's flurry of calls IS Caylee's time of death though, this raises additional questions. Like why eg at 3 pm in the afternoon upon arriving at her home would KC have needed Caylee to sleep so badly? I mean this nighttime I'm-in-the-bed-with-my-new-boytoy-who-doesn't-like-kids-put-her-in-the-trunk idea is one thing but if it was an "accidental" overdose for the purpose of just getting Caylee to sleep, that doesn't seem to fit with this time of death IMO.
I'm curious as to how far back the image of "party girl" goes. All the pics I've seen online are fairly recent, dating from her newest relationship which was with TL.

Prior to that, Casey's life seemed to be fairly mundane. I see that she had no job but was keeping that fact from her parents by leaving the house regularly, inventing a "nanny" who was tending to Caylee and pilfering from her parents via credit cards and most likely an ATM card. It doesn't take very long to run up debt in the thousands by way of small purchases and/or withdrawals on a daily basis.

She was probably hanging out somewhere with Caylee or sneaking back in the house when both parents left for work, for a long time. It appears that George got suspicious but Casey kept up the charade.

Where her MO changes is when she got involved with Tony. It seems to me that she was actually trying to be a "promo" person for the club, with her phone calls and texts to people urging them to "come to Fusion". She was probably hoping for a regular job there and since Tony was connected to the place, she was going to put full effort into it.

I have always suspected that she handed Caylee off for adoption, either through a private agency or an individual, and was awaiting expiration of a specific time frame for finalization. That would preclude interference by her parents.

If the forensics evidence is positively Caylee's decomposing body, my theory is invalid. But I always think of Casey's nonchalance during those 31 days. Her demeanor is that of a person without a care in the world. The only reason for that would be absolute innocence or absolute certainty that Caylee will never be found. In that case, I have to believe she threw the baby in an alligator infested lake.
My HUH moment. when george drove the car home from the tow yard with that horrible stink in the which could only be described as awful. The entire family had to know that stink was their decomposing granddaughter/niece/daughter and yet they keep right on with the "missing" routine. I think after smelling that and knowing what that stench was...I would NEVER be able to function again.

Amen :(
What hit me like a ton of bricks:

Will this be Casey's defense?:

Her parents never got her any help for her bad behavior and this eventually leads her to where she is now: accused of killing Caylee. Maybe she did, or didn't, but doesn't the responsibility lie with her formative years of being coddled by her parents, never knowing the consequences of her actions?


NOT!!!! She is a 22 yr. old WOMAN. She knows the difference between right and wrong. The choices she made were as a grown "woman".
Quote: I had personal experience with chloroform, with a dentist as a child. It has a very strong odor and is very distinct. Trust me AH would remember that.

Unless of course you're already sleeping when overpowered in which case a person might be unable to recall assault.
31 days, pictures of her partying while she was supposedly looking for her daughter, and pretty much every day since brings a new "HUH" moment.
I think while KC is pathologically lying away to CA during this period, that she may have been hoping against hope that at best KC (who is 22, not 15) MIGHT for the first time in her life be actually stepping up to her responsibilities and behaving for once like a mother, or is at worst being manipulative and the "spiteful b*tch" she probably could be when trying to struggle for power from her controlling mother. Remember too they had a horrible argument reportedly so CA may initially have been thinking any of these could somewhat explain KC's staying away and be the reason CA did not call 911 or her hinky meter start really going off until weeks of excuses. I'm just saying there was a lot more to the dynamics between these two here. JMHO

In another thread it asks the question do you know people like this? I have posted on it, I think after the argument CA did let KC go for a bit without thinking anything more then she was really ticked off at her and this whole time period was nothing but a power struggle.
Originally Posted by Friday:
My first, "Huh, what's this?" was early on, when LA announced that they'd thrown away all the stuffed toys/animals that people had been sending them because some of them smelled like cigarette smoke and the A's weren't smokers.

Until then, I rather liked and respected him, but that needless statement of his made me go "Huh? What?!"

I couldn't imagine why he would want to publicly insult all the well-meaning donors, smokers and non-smokers, by showing contempt for their gifts. That indicated to me that he had a streak of arrogant superiority along with a cold indifference to the feelings of others. (Remind you of anyone else in the family?")

Anyway, I tried to ignore that feeling about him because he seemed to be honest and cooperative with LE. As we've learned more about him, I'm back to my original conclusion and worse.

Oh and btw, I'm Friday and I've been lurking and learning here for many weeks.

I had never heard that. Thanks for posting that, it certainly gives a picture of him that makes me think in no way did he escape *the crazy train* of the A's.

I've listened to this again and again and my understanding of this interchange is that Lee is trying to keep Cindy from going postal in the other room and he thinks Casey isn't saying where Caylee is just to make her mom a little more nuts for having ruined her night with Tony. I got that he was trying to get Casey to quit tweaking at her mom and just tell her where she is and to not force her mom to get the police involved. I don't believe he was suggesting a this point. Just a "end this BS now, Casey, it isn't funny." His next statements about how Casey told him that "I haven't seen my daughter in 31 days." changed everything.
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