Light bulb moments

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I've read this thread many times - but really hadn't had a "light blub" moment with this case. Following the evidence, reading the doc dumps, and analyzing it all was (and is) what I continue to do. However, and I wrote this in the Dateline thread last night, I DID have a light blub moment.

In the Universal interview KC says:

"I know my mother is never going to forgive me. I'm never going to forgive myself."

WOW - there it is. As close to a confession as we are EVER going to get. If she did just drop her child off with a babysitter what is there to forgive? Why would her mother not forgive her for taking care of her child by getting a "nanny"? IF the "nanny" betrayed her and "kidnapped" the child - why would YOU need forgiveness? For being a trusting person? NO.

So, there ya have it. MY light bulb moment. KC is guilty, premeditated murder. And she's right - she will never be forgiven.

SWAG1959 great find!

I also watched the Dateline deal again last night and after reading this post rewound back to that point. BINGO!!! It is pretty much an admission IMO. There is nothing to forgive when you leave your child with a "nanny" or "babysitter" who then kidnaps them from you. Quite interesting find IMO!

I have always said from the beginning that all of Casey's chattering and talking from the very beginning will come back to bite her squarely on her behind. I truly believe that it will as I think the state will use alot of the recorded interviews and visits as well as the jail vidoes as they are quite significant IMO.

Another one is where she presses her parents to keep the searches for Caylee locally and to places that are familiar to her. In one of her LE interviews she also makes comments regarding this. In any case she tells her parents and LA that they need to keep looking close to home, places that are familiar to her etc. Also when she has one visit with GA she speaks of Caylee in the past tense heavily, about how she only wants to be able to see her little face and smile again!
My theory is that Caylee was in the car until the 24th (when Casey says she finally got rid of the car.) I think she jumped Caylee after the gas can altercation with George. I think Caylee may still have been in the car then, underneath the clothes, etc.

Wallflower that is what I also believe. I think that she kept her in that trunk the entire time and I think that Caylee died or was killed somehow in the A's back yard.
Wallflower that is what I also believe. I think that she kept her in that trunk the entire time and I think that Caylee died or was killed somehow in the A's back yard.

when you quoted my post, i realized how quickly I typed it! I meant to say she said she got rid of the SMELL, not the car, and dumped, not jumped! Im' losing it!

Yeah, I think she was killed at the A's. I'm thinking on the 16th. I wondered if she might have done it in the house, but I was thinking the dogs would have hit there. Of course they didn't hit at the crime scene with a body that had been dead a month.
my first light bulb moment was the 911 call from CA..........missing grand daughter, 31 days and car smells like death!!!! Then soooo many after that!!!
My only thought on this that would be that I have not seen Casey deal with anything proactively, she seems to me to be very in the moment and only deals with consequences and messes when thrust upon her. That is why I think the body was in the trunk in order to get the forensics there, burial considered in the yard and given up. If the inconvenient parts of decomp were starting to happen she probably was under the belief it would go away when Caylee's body did.

Had she hid the body in the backyard I don't see her being proactive enough to go back after it on the 18th.

Steal checks, use them on camera with your own ID- worry about it later. Steal from family members in a manner you are guaranteed to get caught, deal with it when it happens. Kill your child and no one confronts you yet, party on and deal with it when it happens. Police interviewing you and haven't located the body, don't use ration and common sense to mitigate the time you will do, stay the course and deal with it when they find her. MOO

I couldn't agree more about Casey's personality. I was fairly positive that Caylee's body would be found in a location convenient to Casey because I just couldn't imagine her exerting herself by tramping out into the woods and fending off snakes and alligators. Sure enough--40 seconds away--she couldn't be bothered.

So why did she bother to return the house at all? Why take the effort to borrow a shovel so soon after Caylee was killed? There has to be a reason when it would have been so much easier for her just to stay away.
I know that some people might not want to here this BUT.......WHAT IF:
KC did have an accomplice and that is who she's trying to protect? (maybe she killed Caylee and had a man help her to dispose of the body. And this man did threaten KC so she would not implicate him in the crime. Maybe he helped her come up with this Nanny story.)
WHAT IF: There was really a script. A script between her and the man that helped participate in this crime after the fact (disposing of the body). What if the script was about what to tell police for 30 days as KC said. So I am just wondering why 30 days? did they know the body would be found after that? 30 days counting back from Aug 11 (when meter reader stumbles upon a trash bag so suspicious that he calls LE) is July 12, a saturday. We know that at this time she was still trying to come up with a story to tell her parents and the police.
WHAT IF......Timer55 does have a significant meaning in all of this? To me, TIMER would mean TIME and 55 could mean days. That would say to me that there was something about having TIME = 55 days. 55 days counting back from Aug 11 (the day the meter stumbles upon the grey bag that was so suspicious that he had to call LE) is JUNE 16! The day that GA last saw KC and Caylee leave the house was JUNE 16th. That was the last day Caylee was seen alive.

Now I have assumed from the beginning that KC was not smart enough to act alone in all of this. Who would help her? Tony? Jesse? The meter reader?

It was so ironic that the meter reader stumbles across this bag that he is so suspicious of on the same day that the physics are out in the same area and they don't find anything. The first call the meter reader made on Aug 11, the deputies came out and he was GONE. Why didn't he stick around? This man then calls again, making 3 calls total. Then this same man goes back in December to where he saw the bag and then decides to pick it up and a skull rolls out.... Maybe it's just me, but that just doesn't sound right to me.....
I read somewhere on this thread that the meter reader said something about living on Hopespring DR? Wouldn't that be something! (remember the cell pings...being in the neighborhood.)
I totally agree with this. Casey is the bully calling all the shots. She needed Cindy for money, a car, and babysitting. I don't see her being petrified of Cindy at all. In fact, I don't see Casey petrified of anyone or anything, including jail!

I also don't see Cindy as controlling over Casey as everyone makes her out to be. I think Cindy comes off that way now, because she can, finally, gain some control over out-of-control Casey, now that Casey is locked away in jail!

Actually, I think a better interpretation of that quote would be, "I hope my mother never forgives me because I really got her this time. And I don't ever need to forgive myself."
I know that some people might not want to here this BUT.......WHAT IF:
KC did have an accomplice and that is who she's trying to protect? (maybe she killed Caylee and had a man help her to dispose of the body. And this man did threaten KC so she would not implicate him in the crime. Maybe he helped her come up with this Nanny story.)
WHAT IF: There was really a script. A script between her and the man that helped participate in this crime after the fact (disposing of the body). What if the script was about what to tell police for 30 days as KC said. So I am just wondering why 30 days? did they know the body would be found after that? 30 days counting back from Aug 11 (when meter reader stumbles upon a trash bag so suspicious that he calls LE) is July 12, a saturday. We know that at this time she was still trying to come up with a story to tell her parents and the police.
WHAT IF......Timer55 does have a significant meaning in all of this? To me, TIMER would mean TIME and 55 could mean days. That would say to me that there was something about having TIME = 55 days. 55 days counting back from Aug 11 (the day the meter stumbles upon the grey bag that was so suspicious that he had to call LE) is JUNE 16! The day that GA last saw KC and Caylee leave the house was JUNE 16th. That was the last day Caylee was seen alive.

Now I have assumed from the beginning that KC was not smart enough to act alone in all of this. Who would help her? Tony? Jesse? The meter reader?

It was so ironic that the meter reader stumbles across this bag that he is so suspicious of on the same day that the physics are out in the same area and they don't find anything. The first call the meter reader made on Aug 11, the deputies came out and he was GONE. Why didn't he stick around? This man then calls again, making 3 calls total. Then this same man goes back in December to where he saw the bag and then decides to pick it up and a skull rolls out.... Maybe it's just me, but that just doesn't sound right to me.....
I read somewhere on this thread that the meter reader said something about living on Hopespring DR? Wouldn't that be something! (remember the cell pings...being in the neighborhood.)

And a Meter Man found her, Meter, Timer, same thing.

I of course don't believe anything to do with this theory, but thought I would help with the random tie ins ;)
I just had a HUGE lightbulb moment today, on my way home from work. This is big (for me!). :waitasec:

Okay, ready for this?

First of all, I'm officially scrapping the pre-meditated theory. I was convinced for the past few weeks that it had to be pre-med based not only on the internet searches, but the fact that she mentioned "Zanny" or "Nanny" to just about everyone she knew for quite a long time, yet mysteriously no one had met her.

No longer (!) will I scoff at the "chloroformed her & put her in the trunk theory!!" Not since today; listening to the interview that LA did with LE. About 73 mins into it, the investigator tells LA that on the night of May31, she & Caylee were staying the night w/Ric (sorry don't know his last name, so I can't put initials). On the morning of June 1st, Ric wakes up & there's no Caylee. Casey tells him that she brought her home during the night & came back. Only problem is that CA says she didn't have the child on the 1st. So where was Caylee? In the trunk maybe??

I think the trunk was "Zanny." I know I state that like such an original idea, and it's obviously not, but it's the conclusion I've finally & regrettfully come to. Yes, she could have left her daughter w/her mom, but that would have proved her mother right, that she was "unfit." Leaving her with a (ficticious) Nanny just sounded much better. More responsible. Casey was an accomplished liars, and could live those lies as well as she told them.

So what about the internet searches? I do think it's very possible that she fantasized offing her child. Whether she had the ability to carry it through isn't known, but she thought about it. That's what made it easier for her to be so cool & calm when Caylee turned up missing. The made up Nanny was convenient because she'd already set a base line for her.

Also, I read or maybe heard a local report (which I could tell you which station or website!) that one of the reporters spyed a bit of ruffly pillow sticking out of one of the bags that the crime scene detectives removed from the house immediately after the body was discovered. Maybe, just maybe, the body was wrapped in a blanket of very similar style to the pillow (a matched set?). Maybe Casey was just decent enough (baaarely) to make up a bed of sorts in the trunk for her drugged child.

So why wrap her head in duct tape? I got this idea from one of you WSers out there. I thought it was a really good theory, so I'm "stealing" it. When Caylee's body started leaking fluids, and maybe much quicker than Casey anticipated, she attempted to staunch the flow by covering the mouth, and maybe nose too. Then she put her daughter, along with all the stinky bedding (and book?) into a garbage bag.

I don't think it's hogwash when people say that Casey was a good mom, but I've been listening to a lot of interviews, and it seems to be a pretty common theme that at some point she seemed to change, esp after meeting AL. One person (JG, maybe?) describes her as a camelion, changing her personality to match that of who she's dating. That's believeable, because I had a friend in college that did that EXACTLY. It got to where I felt I didn't know what her real personality was anymore.

Casey is probably very mentally unstable. She was always seeking attention, and always trying to escape the control & disapproval of her mother. I really think this all had to do with what lead up to her daughter's death, and the following cover-up. As wild as this sounds, I do think her daughter, in her innocence, really truly loved her mommy. I feel that maybe even Caylee has forgiven her. One way or another, the rest of us will need to learn to forgive her too, if possible. That said though, she still deserves to live the rest of her life in prison, or a secure mental ward.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.
Oh, sorry about all my typos above. Tired from a long day at work!!
DaughterAlice, as other sleuths here have pointed out, the dead body leaks from all orifices. Taping the mouth &/or the nose would have solved nothing. I'm glad you and some others are big enough to forgive the prisoner. I can't.
I totally agree with this. Casey is the bully calling all the shots. She needed Cindy for money, a car, and babysitting. I don't see her being petrified of Cindy at all. In fact, I don't see Casey petrified of anyone or anything, including jail!

I also don't see Cindy as controlling over Casey as everyone makes her out to be. I think Cindy comes off that way now, because she can, finally, gain some control over out-of-control Casey, now that Casey is locked away in jail!

I agree. KC seems at the very least to have Oppositional/Defiant disorder. She is absolutely not scared of Cindy. She said Cindy would kill her the way kids say when caught,:My mom will kill me."

my first light bulb moment was the 911 call from CA..........missing grand daughter, 31 days and car smells like death!!!! Then soooo many after that!!!

That was mine too.

I know that some people might not want to here this BUT.......WHAT IF:
KC did have an accomplice and that is who she's trying to protect? (maybe she killed Caylee and had a man help her to dispose of the body. And this man did threaten KC so she would not implicate him in the crime. Maybe he helped her come up with this Nanny story.)
WHAT IF: There was really a script. A script between her and the man that helped participate in this crime after the fact (disposing of the body). What if the script was about what to tell police for 30 days as KC said. So I am just wondering why 30 days? did they know the body would be found after that? 30 days counting back from Aug 11 (when meter reader stumbles upon a trash bag so suspicious that he calls LE) is July 12, a saturday. We know that at this time she was still trying to come up with a story to tell her parents and the police.
WHAT IF......Timer55 does have a significant meaning in all of this? To me, TIMER would mean TIME and 55 could mean days. That would say to me that there was something about having TIME = 55 days. 55 days counting back from Aug 11 (the day the meter stumbles upon the grey bag that was so suspicious that he had to call LE) is JUNE 16! The day that GA last saw KC and Caylee leave the house was JUNE 16th. That was the last day Caylee was seen alive.

Now I have assumed from the beginning that KC was not smart enough to act alone in all of this. Who would help her? Tony? Jesse? The meter reader?

It was so ironic that the meter reader stumbles across this bag that he is so suspicious of on the same day that the physics are out in the same area and they don't find anything. The first call the meter reader made on Aug 11, the deputies came out and he was GONE. Why didn't he stick around? This man then calls again, making 3 calls total. Then this same man goes back in December to where he saw the bag and then decides to pick it up and a skull rolls out.... Maybe it's just me, but that just doesn't sound right to me.....
I read somewhere on this thread that the meter reader said something about living on Hopespring DR? Wouldn't that be something! (remember the cell pings...being in the neighborhood.)

Disagree. KC may not be book smart but she's shrewd. She's the type that profilers talk about when they say a serial killer can look like your next door neighbor.

I just had a HUGE lightbulb moment today, on my way home from work. This is big (for me!). :waitasec:

Okay, ready for this?

First of all, I'm officially scrapping the pre-meditated theory. I was convinced for the past few weeks that it had to be pre-med based not only on the internet searches, but the fact that she mentioned "Zanny" or "Nanny" to just about everyone she knew for quite a long time, yet mysteriously no one had met her.

No longer (!) will I scoff at the "chloroformed her & put her in the trunk theory!!" Not since today; listening to the interview that LA did with LE. About 73 mins into it, the investigator tells LA that on the night of May31, she & Caylee were staying the night w/Ric (sorry don't know his last name, so I can't put initials). On the morning of June 1st, Ric wakes up & there's no Caylee. Casey tells him that she brought her home during the night & came back. Only problem is that CA says she didn't have the child on the 1st. So where was Caylee? In the trunk maybe??

I think the trunk was "Zanny." I know I state that like such an original idea, and it's obviously not, but it's the conclusion I've finally & regrettfully come to. Yes, she could have left her daughter w/her mom, but that would have proved her mother right, that she was "unfit." Leaving her with a (ficticious) Nanny just sounded much better. More responsible. Casey was an accomplished liars, and could live those lies as well as she told them.

So what about the internet searches? I do think it's very possible that she fantasized offing her child. Whether she had the ability to carry it through isn't known, but she thought about it. That's what made it easier for her to be so cool & calm when Caylee turned up missing. The made up Nanny was convenient because she'd already set a base line for her.

Also, I read or maybe heard a local report (which I could tell you which station or website!) that one of the reporters spyed a bit of ruffly pillow sticking out of one of the bags that the crime scene detectives removed from the house immediately after the body was discovered. Maybe, just maybe, the body was wrapped in a blanket of very similar style to the pillow (a matched set?). Maybe Casey was just decent enough (baaarely) to make up a bed of sorts in the trunk for her drugged child.

So why wrap her head in duct tape? I got this idea from one of you WSers out there. I thought it was a really good theory, so I'm "stealing" it. When Caylee's body started leaking fluids, and maybe much quicker than Casey anticipated, she attempted to staunch the flow by covering the mouth, and maybe nose too. Then she put her daughter, along with all the stinky bedding (and book?) into a garbage bag.

I don't think it's hogwash when people say that Casey was a good mom, but I've been listening to a lot of interviews, and it seems to be a pretty common theme that at some point she seemed to change, esp after meeting AL. One person (JG, maybe?) describes her as a camelion, changing her personality to match that of who she's dating. That's believeable, because I had a friend in college that did that EXACTLY. It got to where I felt I didn't know what her real personality was anymore.

Casey is probably very mentally unstable. She was always seeking attention, and always trying to escape the control & disapproval of her mother. I really think this all had to do with what lead up to her daughter's death, and the following cover-up. As wild as this sounds, I do think her daughter, in her innocence, really truly loved her mommy. I feel that maybe even Caylee has forgiven her. One way or another, the rest of us will need to learn to forgive her too, if possible. That said though, she still deserves to live the rest of her life in prison, or a secure mental ward.

Thanks for letting me get this off my chest.

This is so funny! Last night I almost posted the same thing about Zanny and Ric's house. Why in the world would KC get up in the middle of the night to bring Caylee to Cindy especially when the trunk was so close? A little chloroform, a little Zanny and there you have it.

Unstable maybe evil for sure
A moment for me was when Caylee was finally found. It occurred to me that Casey wanted to a.) Check on the remains site, or b.) be the one to find her daughter's dead body. Then she could say how everyone knew, including the "nanny" that was her favorite "neutral" place etc. I truly believe now in my heart that the request for them to conduct their own searches was for this purpose, and this purpose alone.

In fact this scenario popped in my head: Casey takes JB, LP and all of the folks along for said search etc. She takes them all to this location (where Caylee was found) as one of the locations that she had gone to as it was familiar and they then find Caylee!
I've always kind of wondered....according to the interviews, when CA was demanding that KC tell her where Caylee was, before she called to report her missing, at some point, KC says "Give me one more day", which of course CA doesn't do.

What would she have done with her one more day? Moved the body again? Up and disappeared? Confessed? what do you think?
I've always kind of wondered....according to the interviews, when CA was demanding that KC tell her where Caylee was, before she called to report her missing, at some point, KC says "Give me one more day", which of course CA doesn't do.

What would she have done with her one more day? Moved the body again? Up and disappeared? Confessed? what do you think?

I think she would have tried to disappear.
Casey asked for one more day- I think she was planning on hoping a plane to California to her marine buddy-
On another note- talk about light bulb moments- i know Caseys not right in the head- but you tell me how she slept at night when she was out on bail knowing her daughter was in the woods deceased right around the corner from her house- and had to pass that street everyday to go to her lawyers, etc- How in the world could she even live with this fact- 15 houses away-OMG- beyond belief
I have ne er seen a photo of Caylee with other children and I have always thought this was very unusual. But when I posted these thoughts there was a whole array of posters who didn't find it unusual. It's just that I remember when my daughter was one, two and three years old most of my friends had young children too and it was an almost daily occurrence to get together and let the kids play. Also, at the playground with the swings and slides, etc. you always met people with kids and took cute pictures of everybody playing. nIt just seems like Caylee didn't have any friends at all.

I don't know if there are any photos, but I'm assuming there are/were because KC took pix of everyone else (Except Zani) Kristina said Caylee played with her children. She also said she had babysat Caylee and KC had babysat her children. Kristina sounded like a sweetheart in the phone call tape. Here is a young woman with 2 little ones of her own, who sounded more emotional over Caylee than her own mother ever did.

How horrifying is it to realize you have left your child with a monster?
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