Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!

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I keep wondering if they used the sighting of the guy with a baby to issue the amber alert at first then when they cleared that they had to remove the alert.

That was a very interesting tip to me, particularly because the witness was interviewed and it sounded truthful. It makes me think DB had an accomplice. If the sighting got completely ruled out, it would be nice to know that. The guy who had a baby that night may have come forward, but I don't think that has ever been said by LE or media.

Perhaps the accomplice parked his car (or motorcycle) down the street so it would not be seen at the Irwin residence.
Here is a theory:

What if Lisa was coughing at the party on Sunday. Maybe a relative or friend thought "I'd never take my baby out with a cough like that" and decided they could better care for this much loved Lisa.

I do not think it's beyond the realm of possibilities, how many times on this very forum have people said "my daughter in law puts her babies in pajama shorts at night, I never would have done that". It's not even that the person is a bad parent, but grandparents can be quite quick to judge the parenting style of their children & in laws, and criticize them.

I think you missed the point about putting shorts on a baby at night to sleep in. It isn't a sign of bad parenting, it is a sign of a decision that makes no sense. Babies wear diapers. Shorts on a sleeping baby wearing a diaper would serve no useful purpose and would be just an added hassle if baby awakened and again needed changing. Most parents prefer a routine that makes it easier, not more difficult.

It is akin to a decision allowing a child to sleep with a just found kitten. Kittens don't wear diapers and they can carry parasites.

I think you missed the point about putting shorts on a baby at night to sleep in. It isn't a sign of bad parenting, it is a sign of a decision that makes no sense. Babies wear diapers. Shorts on a sleeping baby wearing a diaper would serve no useful purpose and would be just an added hassle if baby awakened and again needed changing. Most parents prefer a routine that makes it easier, not more difficult.

It is akin to a decision allowing a child to sleep with a just found kitten. Kittens don't wear diapers and they can carry parasites.


I was not aware that DB specifically put the baby in shorts at bedtime. I was under the impression that she left her in the clothing she had been wearing in the daytime. Much was made over how awful that decision was if I recall. I think most of us posting at the time assumed she had simply laid her down in what she was wearing already. I even read such questions from members as "what kind of mother puts her child down to bed without putting pjs on her first?" Many thought that was a bad decision. I was not one of them. I was one of the posters who said, sometimes, when your child is tired, if the clothes they are wearing are comfy, why rock the boat, let it be. Sometimes my kids slept in what they dropped in.

As to letting found kittens sleep with a child. Been there and done that - not once but twice, once with a stray and once when our family cat decided to give birth on my daughter as she slept and we discovered them in the morning. My children are alive and well. So I guess I will pretty much assume I am lucky as I may be a "bad decision maker" in those respects.
I think you missed the point about putting shorts on a baby at night to sleep in. It isn't a sign of bad parenting, it is a sign of a decision that makes no sense. Babies wear diapers. Shorts on a sleeping baby wearing a diaper would serve no useful purpose and would be just an added hassle if baby awakened and again needed changing. Most parents prefer a routine that makes it easier, not more difficult.

It is akin to a decision allowing a child to sleep with a just found kitten. Kittens don't wear diapers and they can carry parasites.


BBM I can't tell if you are being serious or sarcastic. But my kids wear shorts to bed. It helps keep the diaper on, it's part of the matching pajama set. I put my kid in zip up footed jammies, too. These are a PITA to do diaper changes since you have to pull their legs out to do diaper changes. But heck they sure are cute

I also let a brand new kitten straight off the farm sleep in bed w/me from day 1. Once I stopped getting sleep, he stopped being allowed in my room. But I never worried about parasites or cooties. When I was a child I slept w/a new baby duck we found.
I think you missed the point about putting shorts on a baby at night to sleep in. It isn't a sign of bad parenting, it is a sign of a decision that makes no sense. Babies wear diapers. Shorts on a sleeping baby wearing a diaper would serve no useful purpose and would be just an added hassle if baby awakened and again needed changing. Most parents prefer a routine that makes it easier, not more difficult.

It is akin to a decision allowing a child to sleep with a just found kitten. Kittens don't wear diapers and they can carry parasites.


Lisa having shorts on has bothered me as well, just doesn't make sense like you said. Like she was dressed to leave the house.
BBM I can't tell if you are being serious or sarcastic. But my kids wear shorts to bed. It helps keep the diaper on, it's part of the matching pajama set. I put my kid in zip up footed jammies, too. These are a PITA to do diaper changes since you have to pull their legs out to do diaper changes. But heck they sure are cute

I also let a brand new kitten straight off the farm sleep in bed w/me from day 1. Once I stopped getting sleep, he stopped being allowed in my room. But I never worried about parasites or cooties. When I was a child I slept w/a new baby duck we found.
Stray kittens/cats can carry a lot of diseases (ringworm, parasites, even rabies (although extremely rare)) so it's not a good idea to let them into bed without vetting them first.
Stray kittens/cats can carry a lot of diseases (ringworm, parasites, even rabies (although extremely rare)) so it's not a good idea to let them into bed without vetting them first.

I'm not debating that point. I grew up in rural Kansas. It wasn't something we were really concerned about. We certainly didn't take strays to the vet.
I was not aware that DB specifically put the baby in shorts at bedtime. I was under the impression that she left her in the clothing she had been wearing in the daytime. Much was made over how awful that decision was if I recall. I think most of us posting at the time assumed she had simply laid her down in what she was wearing already. I even read such questions from members as "what kind of mother puts her child down to bed without putting pj's on her first?" Many thought that was a bad decision. I was not one of them.

As to letting found kittens sleep with a child. Been there and done that - not once but twice, once with a stray and once when our family cat decided to give birth on my daughter as she slept and we discovered them in the morning. My children are alive and well. So I guess I will pretty much assume I am lucky as I may be a "bad decision maker" in those respects.

With all due respect, there have been many links provided.

Reports have been that DB changed Lisa and gave her a bottle and that Lisa was last seen wearing shirt and shorts.

The kitten had just been "found" and was sleeping along with the child in the parents' bed.


[ame=""]MO - AMBER ALERT: Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
Well I certainly wasn't intending to bring up the shorts debate again. I was just using that as an example.
With all due respect, there have been many links provided.

Reports have been that DB changed Lisa and gave her a bottle and that Lisa was last seen wearing shirt and shorts.

The kitten had just been "found" and was sleeping along with the child in the parents' bed.


With all due respect, posters should provide links as often as possible, multiple times, as whether or not they have been provided in the past does not aid the current flow of posting, nor does it bring us closer to consensus on a matter.
BBM I can't tell if you are being serious or sarcastic. But my kids wear shorts to bed. It helps keep the diaper on, it's part of the matching pajama set. I put my kid in zip up footed jammies, too. These are a PITA to do diaper changes since you have to pull their legs out to do diaper changes. But heck they sure are cute

I also let a brand new kitten straight off the farm sleep in bed w/me from day 1. Once I stopped getting sleep, he stopped being allowed in my room. But I never worried about parasites or cooties. When I was a child I slept w/a new baby duck we found.

The weather was very warm the night of Lisa's disappearance and it was reported she was wearing shorts, not pajamas.

Lisa did not live on a farm and the family dog was in the backyard.

The weather was very warm the night of Lisa's disappearance and it was reported she was wearing shorts, not pajamas.

Lisa did not live on a farm and the family dog was in the backyard.


I can not for the life of me figure out why on earth clothing manufacturers make pajama short sets if they are so ridiculous and lead to bad parenting.
No I agree it wasn't specifically stated that the shorts Lisa was wearing were part of a pajama set. They just sound like it. IMO
I dont have a problem with the baby being in shorts or the kitten sleeping in the bed with the mom and the son. I kinda think that that might have been why baby Lisa's door was shut to keep the kitten off the baby due to smothering, scratching ect. I always hated shutting my kids bedroom doors when they were babies, but statistics show the child is much safer with the door shut due to fires.
With all due respect, there have been many links provided.

Reports have been that DB changed Lisa and gave her a bottle and that Lisa was last seen wearing shirt and shorts.

The kitten had just been "found" and was sleeping along with the child in the parents' bed.


and just as respectfully, changed could mean a diaper or an outfit. I thought changed refered to a diaper change. If I am mistaken I apologize but it would appear that many of us participating in the early pre-forum threads were equally misinformed.

If you have a link stating her clothing was changed and that was said by DB I would be more than happy to look at it as none has ever been provided to me. Yours is the first post I have seen since this all began that took the changed statement to mean wardrobe and not diaper so I hope that you will forgive me if I have missed some crucial link along the line.

There have been a few times when I have gone to bed and left the threads unattended for several hours at a time. When threads are moving quickly it is entirely possible I missed something.
This was my theory. I dont know now! Mom bought wine for brother. brother went out. Mom had to pick brother up in the middle of the night. she left kids sleeping at home. lights all on because she would be back fast. somebody saw her leave. went in the house. took the baby maybe phones but i doubt it. she went back to bed left lights on and didnt check on baby. dad came home and found baby missing. shes freaked. they had to get rid of phones because of the rumored and i mean rumored phone call or text from brother. Hence not telling police about trip to store because of her actions. I really dont beleive it now though!! Somethings being covered up! moo moo moo moo!!!!! This is a theory only!!!!!
I can not for the life of me figure out why on earth clothing manufacturers make pajama short sets if they are so ridiculous and lead to bad parenting.

the Amber Alert for Lisa did not mention pajamas.

[ame=""]MO - AMBER ALERT: Lisa Irwin, 10 months, Kansas City, 4 Oct 2011 - #3 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
The likely place those shorts and shirt will be found are in those dumpster remains, IMO.

Possible scenario: Baby dies of poisoning, vomit on shirt and shorts. Mom freaks out, calls accomplice. He comes over, they plot a kidnapping. He first walks down the street and burns the clothes in the dumpster, as they have evidence of the cough syrup. Then he sends a text saying "Ready when you are" etc. and he walks back, walks through front door, goes to baby's room, picks up baby, walks out front door, is seen by neighbor carrying baby in diaper on way to disposal site.


I hope LE went through the dumpsters piece by piece. Now if the baby's clothes were in the dumpster that was ignited, the clothes may never be found.
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