Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!

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My suspicions are centered mainly on the interest that LE has shown in the home and the home surrounding.

If it happened I think it went down this way

My theory? Momma and all the kids were asleep. Maybe Momma had had a glass of wine and maybe not. Lisa woke up that night and kept crying. That woke up the youngest boy. Momma was tired, half asleep and upset that her crying was getting the boys up. Something happened maybe not intended, more like a loss of control.

Momma sent youngest boy to bed and he ended up in her bed. She contacted someone (friend, relative) to come help. Scene was staged, at least the window was. Friend/relative took Lisa away and Momma cleaned up at home. Last minute thought was that info was on the cellphones and in a panic/without thinking about it those had to go too. Cells may have gone with Lisa or may have gone later.

Friend/relative left, Momma went to bed and pretended to be asleep until Daddy came home. Probably hugging the little boy. Or Momma was still up when Daddy came home and ran to the bed so she could pretend to be asleep.

At that time I don't think Daddy really knew what was up. Though by now he would at least have to have some suspicions because I am sure LE filled him in with what they suspect happened.

ETA: It is not that I don't think the parents loved Lisa. I think they did love Lisa very much. And I think that is what was showing in the inital interviews (esp DB.) I think the tears were from real grief, and fear for herself, love for the baby and remorse for what happened.
I agree with you. In one interview, the parents refer to Lisa as "our daughter" and "Pumpkin Pie" and I don't recall her mother ever saying Lisa's name in that interview.


My daughter has a formal first name, a middle name (the one most intimate friends and family members use), and finally, her nickname. I used her private nickname ("Bird" for those who are nosey) almost exclusively for the first 4-5 years of her life. Even now, she uses her formal first name professionally, but I still call her by her middle name. It does cause some confusion!!!

Sorry if it sounds like this is all about me....I'm just trying to get into the heads of these parents tonight.

Surely they want their sweet Pumpkin Pie back!!! (Is there a "hopeful" emoticon???)
Chiming in with my :twocents: about the "fresh clothes", FWIW.

I don't know that I've ever referred to PJs as "clothes". I know - times have changed, and some folks wear their PJs in public (is that supposed to be a comfort thang or a fashion statement, or both? - IDK). Some folks wear their yoga attire all over creation & back - maybe they're trying to maintain that Zen vibe after they leave class. Who knows?

I have two modern, fashionable daughters (I used to think I was modern & fashionable, but the onset of menopause has been messing with my head lately & when I look in the mirror, all I see is a Picasso image blinking back at me, so let's not go there, okay?). Where was I? Oh yes - neither of my fashionable daughters have ever referred to their PJs as "clothes" (but then, neither of them have worn their PJs in public, thank Goodness).

The bottom line, for me, is this: the fact that my daughters & I have never referred to our PJs as clothes, doesn't mean that someone from the Midwest (or anywhere else, for that matter) would not refer to PJs as clothes.

Semantics: it's what's for dinner.
The way you describe JI is how I viewed him in the beginning. I thought he was an introvert and very awkwardly suffering in silence.

But now that I have listened to their multiple interviews over and over, I have changed my opinion. And although there were tears from Deborah (sporadic, which would start but then abruptly stop in many instances), I never heard them plead for their baby back. I heard them say they "need 'her' back", "the boys want 'her' back", etc. But I rarely heard any personalized statements about Lisa. Even in the Judge Jeanine video when Deborah is describing that night, she goes into detail about "the boys" watching a fairy tale movie. She doesn't even mention Lisa except when asked who went to bed first. She speaks of the boys, however. When it comes to Lisa, she become vague, scattered with her thoughts, and moves the subject into something else. That's really strange to me.

It seems to me that they are spending their energy on synching their statements and focusing on their own best interests, and avoiding up front and candid interaction with LE and media.

My daughter has a formal first name, a middle name (the one most intimate friends and family members use), and finally, and her nickname. I used her private nickname ("Bird" for those who are nosey) almost exclusively for the first 4-5 years of her life. Even now, she uses her formal first name professionally, but I still call her by her middle name. It does cause some confusion!!!

Sorry if it sounds like this is all about me....I'm just trying to get into the heads of these parents tonight.

Surely they want their sweet Pumpkin Pie back!!! (Is there a "hopeful" emoticon???)

My middle grandaughter is Birdie,oldest is kenzarooni and youngest is veider meider. Isn't dog the bounty hunters daughter Baby Lisa also? The only people that have trouble with the nicknames here are the teachers. So them not calling her just Lisa doesn't seem hinky to me.
Chiming in with my :twocents: about the "fresh clothes", FWIW.

I don't know that I've ever referred to PJs as "clothes". I know - times have changed, and some folks wear their PJs in public (is that supposed to be a comfort thang or a fashion statement, or both? - IDK). Some folks wear their yoga attire all over creation & back - maybe they're trying to maintain that Zen vibe after they leave class. Who knows?

I have two modern, fashionable daughters (I used to think I was modern & fashionable, but the onset of menopause has been messing with my head lately & when I look in the mirror, all I see is a Picasso image blinking back at me, so let's not go there, okay?). Where was I? Oh yes - neither of my fashionable daughters have ever referred to their PJs as "clothes" (but then, neither of them have worn their PJs in public, thank Goodness).

The bottom line, for me, is this: the fact that my daughters & I have never referred to our PJs as clothes, doesn't mean that someone from the Midwest (or anywhere else, for that matter) would not refer to PJs as clothes.

Semantics: it's what's for dinner.

Great post Sorrell!
I have to say, I have basically lost interest in trying to follow this case on WS, now that it is broken up into so many sub-threads. It's impossible in any kind of reasonable time frame to keep up with it all. I'm going to have to resort to MSM to keep up with the case, and check in here when I can.

Hoping for the best for Lisa.

Since you asked...

I'm a mother. I'm also a very private person. I don't like my photo taken (HATE being "tagged" on FB) and I prefer written communication to verbal (thank-goodness for texting and email!).

I'm one of "those" mothers, who, if my child went missing, would look for a spokesperson. Perhaps a trusted friend or relative. Hopefully someone with some media savvy and, now that I think about it, someone as articulate and gracious as Charlene Spierer (for those have followed that case). I know it's a tall order!

I also know that if I found a note, or received a threatening text or call that warned me to stay away from media? I'd probably do that...and rely on LE to do their thing.

As far as instructions? Why on earth would I think that someone who stole my child would have her best interests at heart? What could I possibly say :waitasec:? "She only likes rice cereal and mushed bananas, she sleeps with a stuffed rabbit, and her favorite color is pink"???

Going back to Charlene Spierer, the ONLY thing I can think of that might make sense as far as "instructions" would be to mention a serious medical condition. You know something along the lines of "If you have or find PlaidBaby , she's a type one diabetic who needs daily care. Please take her to the nearest hospital". <<< Even if it's not true it gives an abductor an easy "out". Although, as we've seen, even that doesn't always work. :furious:


Hoping Baby Lisa is found sooooon!!!

Thank you. There is no such note or text or threatening phone call, however. No post-crime behavior by anyone involved with this case has given any slightest indication of this.

If the family chose a spokesman to plead for the child's life and safe return, please direct me to the links for such as I have not seen them.

I haven't followed any cases where a child was abducted by a person known to the family, be it an ex-spouse, family member or friend. Not saying this is what happened here. As I'm not familiar with these types of situations, I have some questions and would appreciate any input. I would assume a profile could be done based on what the family knows about the person. Could the profile show that for this particular person, it would be better for him or her not to see the parents' anguish? Would a profiler tell the parents what to say or not to say based on this particular person? I'm just curious how the profiling works, especially if there are some people that appear to be likely persons of interest. This post is not meant to start another round of the "parents did it" or "parents didn't do it." Just seeking information. TIA
I have to say, I have basically lost interest in trying to follow this case on WS, now that it is broken up into so many sub-threads. It's impossible in any kind of reasonable time frame to keep up with it all. I'm going to have to resort to MSM to keep up with the case, and check in here when I can.

Hoping for the best for Lisa.

Between that and the circus sideshow this is becoming I have to say I am with you.
As far as the shorts thing, i'm puzzled. My granddaughter (one I took care of daily/nightly from 9 mths to 4 yrs) had many sets of pjs that were shirt/shorts. I never even thought about it, I would change her and put her shorts back on. I didn't realize that wasn't smart, they were really cute and I took her to her ggma's early so I could go to work. I'm in OK and alot of times I tell her to put her "night clothes" on. I don't think it means anything at all, shoot they look about like the short sets anyway, just fit tighter.
Also I read someplace on here and on a major network site that the neighbor also had a dog they kept outside and that dog didnt bark either. So I guess we have 2 dogs now that didnt make a sound..

respectfully snipped... re Bold


seriously though - I'm on the fence on this - too many puzzle pieces still don't make sense. :fence:
and am WAY behind in reading - too many different threads to keep up with!! :crazy:
I have to say, I have basically lost interest in trying to follow this case on WS, now that it is broken up into so many sub-threads. It's impossible in any kind of reasonable time frame to keep up with it all. I'm going to have to resort to MSM to keep up with the case, and check in here when I can.

Hoping for the best for Lisa.

I hear you...I am never one of those clamoring for a forum this early in a case...I find it impossible to "see" what is really going on. But I know most people seem to prefer the forum format...oh well.

I will just listen for updates from LE, if any, as I don't even trust any MSM anymore. JMO
This was my theory. I dont know now! Mom bought wine for brother. brother went out. Mom had to pick brother up in the middle of the night. she left kids sleeping at home. lights all on because she would be back fast. somebody saw her leave. went in the house. took the baby maybe phones but i doubt it. she went back to bed left lights on and didnt check on baby. dad came home and found baby missing. shes freaked. they had to get rid of phones because of the rumored and i mean rumored phone call or text from brother. Hence not telling police about trip to store because of her actions. I really dont beleive it now though!! Somethings being covered up! moo moo moo moo!!!!! This is a theory only!!!!!

I like this theory. It ties the store up with the brother (maybe can't
purchase alcohol). Lights left on so she doesn't have
to enter a dark house. Stranger things have happened regarding
someone seeing her leave. That could have happened and it's as good a theory as any.

Dad's definitely being strange. No emotion, little talking etc. I look
at his face and see the same thing each time. He is carrying a heavy burden and doesn't know what to do with it.. JMO
Also in this mix is the husband in the military, I guess? I wonder
what his feelings are about the boyfriend, new baby and her still
living off his medical plan which must be pretty good.
Never know what he is thinking either. She can use it for their son
but not the others I would assume.
I'm only on page 17 and 2 days behind... but I believe it was an intruder - for some reason I believe the parents! Babies - especially white, blonde and blue eyed could go for $100,000 plus nowadays... just saying! :fence:

Maybe they didnt put pajamas because so many of the litlte pj sets look just like little short sets. They are really hard to tell the difference now days. I think it would be hard to distinguish between pajamas and a short set so they opted to put shorts as to not have people looking for something that screamed pj's.
My middle grandaughter is Birdie,oldest is kenzarooni and youngest is veider meider. Isn't dog the bounty hunters daughter Baby Lisa also? The only people that have trouble with the nicknames here are the teachers. So them not calling her just Lisa doesn't seem hinky to me.

Yes, Dog always refers to her as "Baby" Lyssa.
I'm only on page 17 and 2 days behind... but I believe it was an intruder - for some reason I believe the parents! Babies - especially white, blonde and blue eyed could go for $100,000 plus nowadays... just saying! :fence:

Just curious if you believe the intruder was someone the parents knew and previously was inside the house, at least long enough to get a good layout of it along with the family's routine? And from what I understand, JI didn't normally work at night, so who knew he would be gone this particular night?
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