Lisa Irwin Disappearance - Thoughts and Theories ONLY!

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There are some videos on regarding this case. One is interviews with the boys' grandparents. The maternal grandparents of JI's son were quoted by the Fox News reporter as saying the custody battle was "ruthless". I do not know how to post a link or even if this is the right place to do it, but it can be found by googling "Lisa Irwin parents interviews".

The custody battle has been referred to elsewhere on this forum. I know it was referred to early on in the general thread. Some people looked up the court records and disagree with the estimation that the custody battle was ruthless, but the boy's mother's family seem to have a different view.

I know that custody issues can make people act in ways they wouldn't normally.
It is interesting how many first time posters have been inspired by precious baby Lisa. It is understandable because, to me, it is a parent's worst nightmare. Your precious child gone missing from their safe cozy crib.
I forgot to mention the other piece of my theory.

The reason that the boys may not have woken up or heard or seen anything during the commotion is that they may have been drugged on cold medication as well. I haven't read all the general threads but as far as I know no one has mentioned this possibility.

It's surprising how many people do this to their kids. My cousin was giving her 10 year old son Benadryl so he would fall asleep at night. I was there at the house when her husband found out; he was pretty displeased. I could not understand why you would give a perfectly healthy child medicine, just to get them to go to sleep. Maybe this was DB's way of coping when she was alone at night with the kids.

I'm not sure I totally buy the "mom drunk on a box of wine" theory; we don't even know it was her wine. But it would dovetail nicely with my theory.

DB decides to let her hair down and relax while JI is working late. Gives all the kids their medicine, puts them to bed, throws back a few glasses of wine. Maybe has a neighbor over for a "party" or just some adult conversation. Goes in to check on baby Lisa a few hours later and finds her cold. Her first thought is to hide the body and stage the kidnapping since that MO has been publicized in the news so much in the past few years.

If I were the cops, I would be checking on all the medications in the house, looking for purchase records, and interviewing other moms she may have talked to in the past about medicating children.
I forgot to mention the other piece of my theory.

The reason that the boys may not have woken up or heard or seen anything during the commotion is that they may have been drugged on cold medication as well. I haven't read all the general threads but as far as I know no one has mentioned this possibility.

It's surprising how many people do this to their kids. My cousin was giving her 10 year old son Benadryl so he would fall asleep at night. I was there at the house when her husband found out; he was pretty displeased. I could not understand why you would give a perfectly healthy child medicine, just to get them to go to sleep. Maybe this was DB's way of coping when she was alone at night with the kids.

I'm not sure I totally buy the "mom drunk on a box of wine" theory; we don't even know it was her wine. But it would dovetail nicely with my theory.

DB decides to let her hair down and relax while JI is working late. Gives all the kids their medicine, puts them to bed, throws back a few glasses of wine. Maybe has a neighbor over for a "party" or just some adult conversation. Goes in to check on baby Lisa a few hours later and finds her cold. Her first thought is to hide the body and stage the kidnapping since that MO has been publicized in the news so much in the past few years.

If I were the cops, I would be checking on all the medications in the house, looking for purchase records, and interviewing other moms she may have talked to in the past about medicating children.

You may be right about her 'dosing' the older boys too. I have seen it happen as well. I knew a woamn who bragged about doing that when she took her kids on an airplane ride. I used benadryl when mine were little because the dr. said it helped with the ear drum pain they feel. But this woman was dosing her 9 and 10 yr olds. I thought that was abusive. imo

As far as the wine goes, I believe it was likely for her 20 yr old brother. He slipped her the money for it right when the got to the checkout counter. I bet he asked her to buy it for him and so he drove her to the store in return. Just pure speculation though.[ But I do have a 20 yr old so it is an educated guess. lol]
I have just watched an interview with both parents and I have to say I just feel some unease. Is there proof she failed the lie detector test?. Also when she cried I just had a Susan Smith moment, crying to the camera and maintaining an innocence. Maybe I am just too suspicious.
Doesn't anyone think it is unusual for a (then) 10 month old to be put to bed at 7:30 in the evening and not wake up and want a bottle before 4:00 in the morning? I know DB stated that she had checked Baby Lisa at 10:30 before she herself went to bed, but what does 'checking' on her entail? Did she change her diaper? Surely a diaper change would have been needed by then.

Remember Baby Lisa had a cough and cold. What made her not even cough loud enough for DB to hear?

There is no way I believe the story that has been put forth by DB. I think Baby Lisa was maybe given some cold medication and was given too much, OR that this is a hoax for money. Baby Lisa is only 11 months old (10 months then), so does DB know of all of Baby Lisa's allergies yet? Was she allergic to an ingredient in the medication?

Whatever happened to Baby Lisa is not what the Mom says, IMO. The sequence of the events that evening and the lights on, door unlocked, cell phones missing, etc. is absolutely incredulous, IMO. I simply do not believe it.

Is this a case where maybe a body has to be hidden for months on end until a COD is no longer ascertainable? It is beginning to look like it to me, or either she really is somewhere safe and the Mom knows where she is.

All I can do is hope I am wrong on the OD thing and that Baby Lisa is out there alive, safe and sound.

That is because there wasn't really a charge for covering up a death or hiding a body in her case. IMO
If they had tacked on those types of charges, she might be in prison now, who knows...

*Sorry for quoting a post so far back.

IMO, the laws need to be changed to having a severe penalty for covering up a death and/or hiding a body.
There is no way I believe the story that hasn put forth by DB. I think Baby Lisa was maybe given some cold medication and was given too much, OR that this is a hoax for money. Baby Lisa is only 11 months old (10 months then), so does DB know of all of Baby Lisa's allergies yet?

Great post and points. I have thought this too (bolded by me)! Why only sign an exclusive deal w/ media? Especially if you are distraught parents and want to make sure everything about your baby is hitting airwaves. I would seek every medium possible to spread the word.
I wonder if authorities will start searching the Missouri river that's less than a 1/2 mile south of the Irwin's home? Long shot maybe, but it's a waterway that should be looked at IMO.
I can't get past the cell phones. Just seems way to personal. I would like to know what happened to cause the one phone to be broken.

I'd like to know why DB was doing somehing with all 3 of these phones prior to them going missing. If I had to guess, I'd say she was trying to get something off those phones, couldn't, and that's why the phones disappeared along with the baby. Keep in mind one of these phones was broken. You don't need to program numbers into a broken phone, do you?

I wonder if authorities will start searching the Missouri river that's less than a 1/2 mile south of the Irwin's home? Long shot maybe, but it's a waterway that should be looked at IMO.

Iirc, they have been. In da Middle has posted about it a couple times.
I think the ruthless part was overstated. Come to find out he got custody by default because the mom didn't show up for the hearing. It's here on the forum somewhere. There's been so much misreporting it's hard to determine the facts.

Well, on the other hand, Jeremy may have gotten ruthless to the point the mother did not show up. Maybe she'd been in a bit of trouble and he threatened to use it against her. We do not know how ruthless this custody actually was before the court date, do we? Maybe this mother was very intimidated.

There could have been things in the mother OR her family's past that he threatened to air in court making her really look bad.

BTW, I don't mean to imply that I believe that the mother, DB, did this intentionally. I personally think, that if something akin to this scenario happened, that it was just something she did out of personal exhaustion, frustration and desperation with no intention of harming baby Lisa. We don't know DB personally, so it's hard to know. Neither do we know the relationship between her and Jeremy Irwin, or the dynamics or possible dysfunctions of this particular family.

I hope we soon learn the answers to these difficult questions, but more importantly, I pray that we find baby Lisa alive and well. JMO

I dunno, jmo I feel weird for a moment whenever I hear someone talk about "putting the baby down" for the night. It's just because when I use that phrase re: a living being, it's usually wrt euthenasia of an animal.
Today show has just released video of baby Lisa. She is so precious! She was talking baby talk to her mommy.

Sorry for the OT on this thread. I wasn't sure where to post this.

I dunno, jmo I feel weird for a moment whenever I hear someone talk about "putting the baby down" for the night. It's just because when I use that phrase re: a living being, it's usually wrt euthenasia of an animal.

She also used the phrase "put her to sleep", which really has me wondering.:(
I’ve been lurking – well for years actually. Never joined because I’m not from the US but then…crime is global and this case really got to me.

Thanks to all the dedicated members, not just in this case but all the cases on here, for sharing their thoughts, expertise and experiences.

This case creates a lot of division because there is so little concrete factual information. We know baby Lisa is missing. IMO, that’s all that’s certain. She is missing (to the public eye)

All the other stuff, factual as it may seem is tainted with a media filter and then colored with our own perception, whether it’s right or wrong.

Because of snippets we learn through the media whether it’s straight from the parents or via LE, unnamed sources or people named Wild Bill (can I facepalm?) it’s all up for debate, interpretation and putting our own spin on things.

As for as a theory goes; I do think Lisa’s parents (either one or both) have some sort of knowledge on what happened to her; I’m not sure if it’s direct involvement but their statements are too conflicting for them to know nothing - IMO. But so far for me, there’s no conclusion to tip the scale to abduction/kidnapping or (one of the) parents did it (possibly accidentally)
A part of me wouldn’t even be completely surprised if it is a hoax (for $$) even if the probability is small because it seems nearly impossible to pull off without getting found out.

The thing that bothers me the most is that it seems like Lisa truly vanished without a trace. She was there and then she was gone. In most cases there seems to be more to go on but maybe that’s a misperception on my part.

I hope LE did find traces of something that leads to an arrest and/or finding Lisa but is keeping mum on that. Or if that’s not the case, will catch a break soon and find something, anything that leads to finding her and gets the right person behind bars.

How sad would it be if this is another case that doesn’t get solved. Regardless of “whodunit” baby Lisa deserves much much more than to remain unfound.

All my opinion :)

:seeya: You've been depriving us of your thoughtful insights for years??:slap:

No more of that! I'm looking forward to more of your posts.Great first post and I agree!

Doesn't anyone think it is unusual for a (then) 10 month old to be put to bed at 7:30 in the evening and not wake up and want a bottle before 4:00 in the morning? I know DB stated that she had checked Baby Lisa at 10:30 before she herself went to bed, but what does 'checking' on her entail? Did she change her diaper? Surely a diaper change would have been needed by then.

Respectfully bolded and snipped by me.

I wondered about this myself, LaLaw, but I don't have children of my own (and it's been ages since my nieces were babes), so I kinda blew the thoughts off. But...10 month old babies don't sleep straight through for 8+ hours, do they? And isn't 7:30 pm kind of early to put a baby down? Unless you plan on getting up with her in the dead hours of morning? :waitasec:
Doesn't anyone think it is unusual for a (then) 10 month old to be put to bed at 7:30 in the evening and not wake up and want a bottle before 4:00 in the morning? I know DB stated that she had checked Baby Lisa at 10:30 before she herself went to bed, but what does 'checking' on her entail? Did she change her diaper? Surely a diaper change would have been needed by then.

Remember Baby Lisa had a cough and cold. What made her not even cough loud enough for DB to hear?

There is no way I believe the story that has been put forth by DB. I think Baby Lisa was maybe given some cold medication and was given too much, OR that this is a hoax for money. Baby Lisa is only 11 months old (10 months then), so does DB know of all of Baby Lisa's allergies yet? Was she allergic to an ingredient in the medication?

Whatever happened to Baby Lisa is not what the Mom says, IMO. The sequence of the events that evening and the lights on, door unlocked, cell phones missing, etc. is absolutely incredulous, IMO. I simply do not believe it.

Is this a case where maybe a body has to be hidden for months on end until a COD is no longer ascertainable? It is beginning to look like it to me, or either she really is somewhere safe and the Mom knows where she is.

All I can do is hope I am wrong on the OD thing and that Baby Lisa is out there alive, safe and sound.


No. At that age 10-12 hours of sleep is typical IMO.
She also used the phrase "put her to sleep", which really has me wondering.:(

To clarify, you may be right, but I think that there are a lot of phrases that could seem ominous or innocuous. That's what I meant.
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