LIST Case Questions and Answers For Members #5

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In one of KCs first interviews w/ LE they talk about the jogger that was killed at J Blanchard Park and KC says something like her mom did not want her running there or in their neighborhood around Chickasaw. Does anyone else remember that?

Yes I remember that, and she was actually telling the truth. :eek: :waitasec: There was a jogger killed in that area around that same time.
In one of KCs first interviews w/ LE they talk about the jogger that was killed at J Blanchard Park and KC says something like her mom did not want her running there or in their neighborhood around Chickasaw. Does anyone else remember that?

Yeah, it was a strange thing to say IMO. Nicole was reported missing on June 10, her body was found on June 11. KC told LE that her mom was always telling her not to jog there. I don't recall that KC was a fitness freak who spent lots of time jogging.

I think KC was just trying to send LE on a wild goose chase, trying to tie Nicole's murder into Caylee's murder since she knew that eventually Caylee would probably be found. I doubt that CA was always warning her about this because the time between Nicole's murder and Caylee's disappearance was quite short, IMO. By the time Caylee was reported missing, NG's story was prominent in the news and KC latched onto it.

Yeah, it was a strange thing to say IMO. Nicole was reported missing on June 10, her body was found on June 11. KC told LE that her mom was always telling her not to jog there. I don't recall that KC was a fitness freak who spent lots of time jogging.

I think KC was just trying to send LE on a wild goose chase, trying to tie Nicole's murder into Caylee's murder since she knew that eventually Caylee would probably be found. I doubt that CA was always warning her about this because the time between Nicole's murder and Caylee's disappearance was quite short, IMO. By the time Caylee was reported missing, NG's story was prominent in the news and KC latched onto it.


I agree.
Sorta Kinda
The difference is a daisy chain compared to a chain letter is that the names are pre-arranged so each person knows who they are to notify and in what order to do so. That is how when the last person on list gets the call the only one they call is person A. In this way Person A now knows that everyone on the entire list has recieved the information. [Everyone has to make the calls in the pre-arranged order for it to work]
Works great for church/civic groups, school closings and the like. According to how many people need to recieve the information is how the list is set up. You can have as many sub groups as you need to to make quick work of getting the information out. You can notify large amounts of people in a very short time because no one person is spending a long time on the phone making phone call after phone call to a long list of people.

I have always heard of "daisy chain" meaning one single person to the next single person... like a chain you would make of daisies. Person A calls person B who calls person C who calls person D. I think this is what LP was referencing. We know persons A, B, and D but we are missing the link from who knew where the body was to who tipped off the meter reader.

In computers, "daisy chaining" is hooking one device to the next device to the next device.

From PC Magazine
I have always heard of "daisy chain" meaning one single person to the next single person... like a chain you would make of daisies. Person A calls person B who calls person C who calls person D. I think this is what LP was referencing. We know persons A, B, and D but we are missing the link from who knew where the body was to who tipped off the meter reader.

In computers, "daisy chaining" is hooking one device to the next device to the next device.

From PC Magazine

Very well could be but LP is a self proscribed non computer person and taking his age into consideration I likened it to when I was little, many many years ago my grandmother was part of a school closing list and it was referred to as the ‘daisy chain list.’
I guess someone could always call him and ask.

But yes, despite exactly what he meant by the term, we are missing the person who initiated the action that led to the PI going there and of course who he was speaking to while he was there.
Originally Posted by shadow of my mind
What remains out of sync for me is the claim that the car was in the Amscot parking lot at 7:00AM. What was Casey driving around in if it was not the Pontiac since Tony picked her up in his jeep?

Can anybody reference evidence to confirm the time that KC left car at Amscot?
Was it at 7:00 am?
I've been wondering....was the car out of gas when GA picked it up from impound? Did he bring gas with him or was the car just abandoned in the Amscot parking lot?
Thanks for the link to that house, PattyG! That was very helpful in getting a feel for the layout of their house.

New Question!

I have been re-listening to CA's FBI interview again and I'm to the part where she keeps going on...and on...and ON....about the daily activities of KC and Caylee while they were in Tampa...the know the story.

Then at some point, CA drives to where KC is supposed to be and then "it's the first time KC changes her story as to who was watching Caylee"....that she was really in Jacksonville with Jeff.

Anyway, CA uses the name Zanny the entire time.

Has CA ever admitted that she knew the nanny's name was Zanny/Zenaida for the 1.5 years she was supposedly watching Caylee??

I know LA admitted in his interview that he had never heard the name "Zanny" or "Zenaida" before they found Caylee missing.

When did CA start using the name Zanny??? Before Caylee disappeared or after she got KC back home? Does anyone know?

(Oh my at these tapes, though....KC is the ultimate liar ever! The stories about how she was really with Jeff, car in the shop, she was at Target with him, His mom was watching Caylee, they were on his boat....yada yada yada. Who lies like that?)
Thanks for the link to that house, PattyG! That was very helpful in getting a feel for the layout of their house.

New Question!

I have been re-listening to CA's FBI interview again and I'm to the part where she keeps going on...and on...and ON....about the daily activities of KC and Caylee while they were in Tampa...the know the story.

Then at some point, CA drives to where KC is supposed to be and then "it's the first time KC changes her story as to who was watching Caylee"....that she was really in Jacksonville with Jeff.

Anyway, CA uses the name Zanny the entire time.

Has CA ever admitted that she knew the nanny's name was Zanny/Zenaida for the 1.5 years she was supposedly watching Caylee??

I know LA admitted in his interview that he had never heard the name "Zanny" or "Zenaida" before they found Caylee missing.

When did CA start using the name Zanny??? Before Caylee disappeared or after she got KC back home? Does anyone know?

(Oh my at these tapes, though....KC is the ultimate liar ever! The stories about how she was really with Jeff, car in the shop, she was at Target with him, His mom was watching Caylee, they were on his boat....yada yada yada. Who lies like that?)
indeed! fictional novalists? screenplay writers? She really missed her calling. She should have used her imagination for good instead of evil.
indeed! fictional novalists? screenplay writers? She really missed her calling. She should have used her imagination for good instead of evil.

I'm gonna say they knew about the name Zani before Caylee went missing. Off the top of my head, I recall GA saying he dropped the name Zani with Caylee, and she never showed recognition of the name.
Natsound - True! I do remember that statement from George now...thanks.

It's so intriguing to know how she was using the name Zanny all this time and then found a Zenaida at Sawgrass when she needed it. WEIRD!!!!!!!!! I just want to know.

Yosande - Seriously! She is the biggest liar ever. It's amazing how fast she came up with the stuff .... and how Cyndi listened! "OK, you got me...I'm not REALLY in Tampa at the hospital and you can disregard all of those very detailed descriptions of the Hard Rock, the accident, the collapsed lung, Jennifer watching Caylee....I'm REALLY with Jeff and his Mom is watching her and Jeff and I might move in together and you need to get used to not seeing Caylee everyday"......BLOWS ME AWAY! She's is disgusting.
Natsound - True! I do remember that statement from George now...thanks.

It's so intriguing to know how she was using the name Zanny all this time and then found a Zenaida at Sawgrass when she needed it. WEIRD!!!!!!!!! I just want to know.

Yeah, this drove me nuts for a while, a few months ago. Now there are new developments to drive me nuts!! :eek: Anyway, the only plausible theory I can imagine is that after she made up the name Zani for a nanny, she started searching for a local Zani, found one, and "tracked her" a little bit. She became obsessed with the idea, so to speak. She somehow knew ZFG was gonna be at Sawgrass that day.
Natsound - Yeah, I guess that's the only theory I can come up with, too. And yes! Always new developments to drive me nuts!
natsound, or whoever might know:

ZFG questions:

Was the ZFG that LE interviewed the one who signed the sawgrass card?
Is the ZFG who is suing KC the same one who signed the sawgrass card?

And more generally, I thought KC somehow knew "ZFG" visited sawgrass - or that she (disproved) or someone she knew (perhaps someone at SG) signed that name purposefully... but the SG card named ZFGs two children - wouldn't KC just use those names as ZFGs children? ...OR! (just thought of this) could the 2 other names on the SG card be where KC got ZFGs 2 roommates from? and she just got the names wrong? (did they start with the same letters? I believe the children were J and something?)

natsound, or whoever might know:

ZFG questions:

Was the ZFG that LE interviewed the one who signed the sawgrass card?
Is the ZFG who is suing KC the same one who signed the sawgrass card?

And more generally, I thought KC somehow knew "ZFG" visited sawgrass - or that she (disproved) or someone she knew (perhaps someone at SG) signed that name purposefully... but the SG card named ZFGs two children - wouldn't KC just use those names as ZFGs children? ...OR! (just thought of this) could the 2 other names on the SG card be where KC got ZFGs 2 roommates from? and she just got the names wrong? (did they start with the same letters? I believe the children were J and something?)


1. yes.
2. yes.
3. Not sure about all that. Good questions though.
natsound, or whoever might know:

ZFG questions:

Was the ZFG that LE interviewed the one who signed the sawgrass card?
Is the ZFG who is suing KC the same one who signed the sawgrass card?

And more generally, I thought KC somehow knew "ZFG" visited sawgrass - or that she (disproved) or someone she knew (perhaps someone at SG) signed that name purposefully... but the SG card named ZFGs two children - wouldn't KC just use those names as ZFGs children? ...OR! (just thought of this) could the 2 other names on the SG card be where KC got ZFGs 2 roommates from? and she just got the names wrong? (did they start with the same letters? I believe the children were J and something?)


Yes, same ZG LE interviewed.
Yes, same ZG that is suing Casey.

It has yet to be determined how to link the ZG that went to that apartment, driving the same car as Casey mentions in one of her stories to Casey. A plot line in that story-line that is still a mystery.

IIRC, the names of the children on the guest card are not the same names as the names Casey stated as ZG's roommates.
It could be that KC never saw the card ZFG filled out. The apt. managers say they don't recall ever seeing KC in their office. KC possibly just tracked ZFG there that day.
Yes, same ZG LE interviewed.
Yes, same ZG that is suing Casey.

It has yet to be determined how to link the ZG that went to that apartment, driving the same car as Casey mentions in one of her stories to Casey. A plot line in that story-line that is still a mystery.

IIRC, the names of the children on the guest card are not the same names as the names Casey stated as ZG's roommates.

Thanks so much- I'm pretty sure you're right, the names on the card were NOT the same as the ones Casey named-but I wonder if they were the same initials.

I believe there was some long-winded myspace connection between people ZFG new and who Casey knew, where since she searched myspace for the name she could have seen the car, etc., on ZGs myspace. Maybe when Casey said she was "sitting outside SG" for hours she actually was - and saw ZG go in, thinking she lived there.

I know nothing surprises us anymore, but that's really awful if Casey was going to actually pin what she did on an innocent person - complete with naming where the person lived and what car she drove... makes me shudder
I know the trial was scheduled for some time in March, but did recall that Baez had filed several other motion's since then and also the one about change of Venue that he asked for Dec, 11 right before the body was found. I thought they had a tele conference today or another hearing. Has anyone heard anything about what is going on today?

Dec 11, 2008 The pretrial hearing was brief. Judge Strickland complied with a request by Casey Anthony's lawyer, Jose Baez, to put off the start date of her trial until March. He set another hearing for January. Baez also asked for a change of venue.
Trying to locate information about the Anthony trust fund BEFORE July 29th. IIRC, there was a lot of outrage at LA putting the money in his PayPal account. I'd like to read the threads about that time period and am having trouble searching for them!

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