LIST Case Questions and Answers For Members #5

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Does anyone recall GA stating in any interviews that Lee was upset when he heard that KC was pregnant with Caylee? Someone told me he said that and I don't recall it. THANKS in advance!!!

Yes this is in the last doc drop IIRC, where CA told about the wedding trip, her bro Rick, KC finally telling her she was preggers. CA said she had already figured and there was no point in being upset with KC but Lee was upset because he had asked her if she was preggers and KC denied it. So when he found out she was he was upset she had lied to him.
Yes this is in the last doc drop IIRC, where CA told about the wedding trip, her bro Rick, KC finally telling her she was preggers. CA said she had already figured and there was no point in being upset with KC but Lee was upset because he had asked her if she was preggers and KC denied it. So when he found out she was he was upset she had lied to him.

VERRRY interesting! Thank you so much for letting me know this! It completely escaped me! See you downstairs! :blowkiss:
I'm a long time lurker from SP trial....Anyway, may I please ask a few questions....
I'm assuming the public does not get to see this kind of 'behind the scene evidence' in most cases. Which brings me to my first question..

1.who tried to get a gag order?

2.I'm reading, that the state is trying to prove premediation....By, the computer searches on all computers, interviews, search warrant about Chloraphorm....etc..Am I barking up the right tree on this one?

3. I also just finished reding the part about Sean Krause. If this is substantiated, that would mean, this woman is living the worst nightmare we can't even begin to imagine.

(b) I've alway felt they had to play the 'we are here for you bit.' To get any morsel possible.

Thanks for anwering/correcting. Don't know till we post it out there.

1 The state.

2 absolutely. we don't know what they found at the A's in Dec. But they looked for meds that KC may have used to put Caylee to sleep. They know there was chloroform in KC's trunk in high doses, they know she looked up on line how to make it. We know they went back to the house to find chloroform.

3 what part of the Sean K are you questioning. It seems to be authentic, he had been blogging about her for a while IIRC.

Bolded by me:

(a) it's the 'Sun shine laws (or something to that effect) regarding disclosure.

(b) in addition to a lot of other stuff they've been doing, I agree this came into it heavily.
What are the current treatments for people diagnosed with personality discorders, sociopathy, narcissism etc? I have been told that Personality Disorders are not responsive to medication and are very difficulty to treat.

I ask because I am not sure what the Anthony's could have done even if they chose to deal with their daughter when they first came to realize she had a problem (pathological liar).

Does anyone know if this family ever had family therapy. I do believe that would have helped somewhat...
I was watching Nancy Grace tonight (and did not see this mentioned on the Nancy Grace thread), but she talked about some emails that Lee sent to someone saying that he did not trust Casey and did not believe her story, and they shouldn't trust her either.

I was assuming the info was in this last doc dump, but haven't been able to find it. Is this old info that I missed? Are the emails posted here somewhere?


I was watching Nancy Grace tonight (and did not see this mentioned on the Nancy Grace thread), but she talked about some emails that Lee sent to someone saying that he did not trust Casey and did not believe her story, and they shouldn't trust her either.

I was assuming the info was in this last doc dump, but haven't been able to find it. Is this old info that I missed? Are the emails posted here somewhere?


There is description here starts p9 but no actual emails
have not seen this mentioned but has been on my mind. If the Ducktape was put on before death - you would think that the hands would also have been bound with ducktape - What do you guys think?
Im sure this has been answered too, but I'm a semi late comer here: Have George and Cindy been to see Casey other than the videos we saw? Does anyone know when the last visit was?

As far as I have heard on NG and such, they have NOT been to see at all. Why? Not sure....Maybe they know...maybe they know that everything will be recorded...maybe she is denying them. Who knows. I just seem to remeber hearing that they have not made any visits.
Has anyone been able to determine why Casey googled shovels? I mean, even if you were going to use one during a crime..why would you google it? She knew what shovel was, what it was used for, could be used for, etc. Why google it? Gee.. I think I will look up socks tonight..wth?

I haven't seen anyone bring this up....I "googled" Shovel and it is also a pretty nifty software program that scans all your drives and updates all of your programs automatically....

have not seen this mentioned but has been on my mind. If the Ducktape was put on before death - you would think that the hands would also have been bound with ducktape - What do you guys think?

If she did "bind" her (hate typing that) maybe she used clothing.
Was there ever a search warrant conducted at Lee A's former house?
I don't know if this has been discussed, but were the clothes that Caylee was seen wearing in the nursing home video ever found?

And, does the statement that Casey made about "They haven't even found the clothes Caylee was wearing" bother anyone else? This statement leads me to believe that the clothes were in a different location than her body. What would be the reason for doing this? Could there be blood (I hate to imagine it) on the clothes or some other substance that could prove that Caylee was murdered?
If she did "bind" her (hate typing that) maybe she used clothing.

Since the bones were found scattered around, I doubt that the tape would still be on the hands. I'm under the impression that the duct tape was still on the skull because it was stuck to the hair. Please forgive me if this is too graphic, but would the tape stick to her hands if the skin has decomposed?

Good question.
Can someone please tell me if it is common for an attorney to visit his client in jail until the wee hours of the morning? I heard on the news that he was with KC until midnight last night. I find it hard to believe that he can't find time during the day to meet with her. I wonder what his wife thinks. Also, where does he meet with her? Are they in a private room? Is there a security guard present at all times?
Since the bones were found scattered around, I doubt that the tape would still be on the hands. I'm under the impression that the duct tape was still on the skull because it was stuck to the hair. Please forgive me if this is too graphic, but would the tape stick to her hands if the skin has decomposed?

Good question.
Tape may well have come lose, but could have still been found. We have not actually seen a list of all the things they found with the remains. They only mentioned what they had to to get a warrant. They have not said whether or not they have much more.
Do we know (or, what are the theories about) what KC did with the gas cans after she stole them from her father? Has the question been raised whether she used them to siphon the fuel from her car in order to run it out of gas before leaving it at the Amscot?
Do we know (or, what are the theories about) what KC did with the gas cans after she stole them from her father? Has the question been raised whether she used them to siphon the fuel from her car in order to run it out of gas before leaving it at the Amscot?
We know that AL helped steal them. KC and AL were in his jeep. He drove her to her nearby car already out of gas and tiped at least some gas in herself.
I have asked, but not found out, if there was any gas left in cans, or they were refilled when GA got them back? Nobody has answered. I believe Lee took the cans after that (with permission), which is suspicious and no word from him on whether they had gas in them. KC left her car at Amscot 27th GA already got cans back 24th
I haven't heard anything lately on whether or not the psychic that lead the investigator to the place near where Caylee's body was found ever provided her phone records verifying when that happened. Anyone know?
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