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With all this talk on NG about the timeline and the work put forth by the LE itemizing KC's whereabouts, etc., in June/July, and mentioning where was Caylee, chloroform, etc., recent addition of DP, here's my question: Is the state making a passive statement that they have toxicology reports on Caylee showing repeated usage? Is that the new circumstance aiding prosecution in adding DP?
What day did Casey break into the Anthony shed to steal gas cans?

What day did George say he saw Casey and claimed to have chased her in the car?
Is this the same day that he wanted to get something out of the trunk?
What day did Casey break into the Anthony shed to steal gas cans?

What day did George say he saw Casey and claimed to have chased her in the car?
Is this the same day that he wanted to get something out of the trunk?

She (with Tony) probably stole the gas cans on June 23 2008 during the daytime. The neighbor saw Tony's vehicle there. George said he last saw the cans on Sun. June 22, and found/reported them stolen on June 24. That afternoon (June 24) was the "gas cans in the trunk" confrontation between KC and George

The day that he said he chased Casey when she was driving CA's SUV has not been established, but probably not the same day as the trunk/gas cans incident. So far, I think LE cannot pinpoint the date. For what it's worth, Cindy said she and Caylee were at home when the chase happened, and said it was probably in April or May. George thought it was later than that.
Did CA believe that KC was dating JH (the imaginary one) and if she did-was she still supposed to be in relationship with him? I take it that after JG, CA didn't know who KC was actually seeing and JH was put out there as a relationship CA would approve of while she was bedding RM, RP, TL and who knows who else!:crazy:
Did CA believe that KC was dating JH (the imaginary one) and if she did-was she still supposed to be in relationship with him? I take it that after JG, CA didn't know who KC was actually seeing and JH was put out there as a relationship CA would approve of while she was bedding RM, RP, TL and who knows who else!:crazy:

Yep ... IIRC there were comments made by Cindy (at the first bond hearing) that during the time that Caylee was missing, KC was supposed to be in Jacksonville with "the other" JH (Just like "the other" ZG -- note to KC: just because you give a fake person, a real person's name with a different middle initial ... it does not give your story unquestionable credibility!) trying to see if they could somehow make a life together. The thing that kills me is that when Cindy says to KC in the last visit ... "We can't find Jeff" and KC says ... "blah blah ... Lee has all of that information ... how to contact Jeff and Juliet ... blah blah" They never pursue it ... it's like "OK, KC ... every other word out of your mouth is a lie ... but we don't want to upset you ... God forbid we try to make sense of anything you say, while trying to find our missing Granddaughter ... it's OK honey ... don't worry your little head about it ... you're still number one in our book!" PLEASE
Was the fight betwen Cindy & Casey on June 16th?

There is only hearsay regarding any fight. Neither Cindy nor Casey has ever stated there was a fight. Jesse says Lee told him, and LP says Lee talked with either him or the female bounty hunter.
How did KC meet AH? Did AH already know RM or did she meet him through KC? For that matter how did KC meet RM? I know she met RP through JG-but RM wasn't in LE I don't think! TIA:waitasec:
There is only hearsay regarding any fight. Neither Cindy nor Casey has ever stated there was a fight. Jesse says Lee told him, and LP says Lee talked with either him or the female bounty hunter.
Debs, I've haven't read it myself but on another thread it's stated that Fuhrman told LE that CA and GA told him about the fight. It's on pg 2499 of the docs according to the posts in that thread. Others checked it out and agreed that it's documented by LE.
Was the fight betwen Cindy & Casey on June 16th?

There is only hearsay regarding any fight. Neither Cindy nor Casey has ever stated there was a fight. Jesse says Lee told him, and LP says Lee talked with either him or the female bounty hunter.

There were statements by a neighbor(s), IIRC, stating they heard a commotion on or around the weekend of July 4th ... I have also heard some discussion that the testimony was revised to adjust the date. If the dates match ... or come close ... that is a verifiable account ... which is definitely bolstered by the hearsay ... which is likely the way that SA will bring the hearsay into trial if they choose to do so ... in addition, there are many many other ways to admit hearsay evidence!!

Added> OK ... here is a news story, dated Dec 01 2009, that tells of the neighbors hearing the "loud fight" some time in Mid-June ... per "the documents" and also Jesse's statement. I am guessing if you go back and read through the documents released on or around that date you will find the statement from the neighbors.

"The documents said that neighbors heard a loud fight between Cindy and Casey Anthony some time in mid-June. Casey Anthony's brother, Lee Anthony, told her ex-fiance, Jesse Grund, that Cindy Anthony grabbed Casey Anthony by the neck on June 15 -- the day before Caylee was last seen -- and shook her, the documents said."
There is only hearsay regarding any fight. Neither Cindy nor Casey has ever stated there was a fight. Jesse says Lee told him, and LP says Lee talked with either him or the female bounty hunter.

Bold mine

There is also a statement from Mark Furman to LE in a supplemental report early on, that states that Cindy Told Mark F about a fight between herself & KC.

I had posted this before & have been searching to find it & will follow up.
Was the fight betwen Cindy & Casey on June 16th?

Just to add to Deb's answer to you, the alleged fight occurred on Father's Day, June 15th after Cindy and Caylee returned home from visiting Cindy's parents in Mt. Dora.
Is there any sort of timeline/calendar/listing of who said what and when they said it regarding Zenaida and the kidnapping scenario.
Do we know the date that Leonard P will be deposed? Will it be video taped?
Do we know the date that Leonard P will be deposed? Will it be video taped?

Here is a link to a story I found. It doesn't give an exact date only sometime in May. I would geuss that it will be taped, most depositions are. If it isn't taped it will be transcribed, so either way we will have documentation on it.
Just hypothetically, in so many words, CA appears to ask if KC didn't take Caylee away because of jealousy and spite. KC appears to tell CA she over-analyzes everything and to leave the situation alone and move on. That was vague. KC is then more detailed and refers to killing and the death penalty. Then, KC posts an item that everybody lies and everybody dies, to remain silent and trust no one.

These apparently serial postings could have been a cryptic discussion following the heated fight on June 15th with the choking and KC possibly storming out of the house with Caylee.

First, CA posted this:

"Thursday, July 03, 2008 Current mood: distraught

She came into my life unexspectedly,
just as she has left me.
This precious little angel from above
gave me strength and unconditional love.

Now she is gone and
I don’t know why.
All I am guilty of is loving her and
providing her a safe home.

Jealousy has taken her away.
Jealousy from the one person
that should be thankfull
for all of the love and support given to her.

A mother’s love is deep,
however there are limits
when one is betrayed by the one she loved
and trusted the most.

A daughter comes to her mother
for support when she is pregnant,
the mother says without hesitation it will be ok.
And it was.

But then the lies and betrayal began.

First it seemed harmless,
ah, love is blind.
A mother will look for the good in her child and
give them a chance to change.

This mother gave chance
after chance
for her daughter to change,
but instead more lies more betrayal.

What does the mother get
for giving her daughter
all of these chances?
A broken heart.

The daughter who stole money,
lots of money,
leaves without warning and
does not let her mother now speak to the baby
that her mother raised,
fed, clothed, sheltered,
paid her medical bills, etc.

Instead tells her friends
that her mother is controlling her life and
she needs her space.

No money, no future.
Where did she go?
Who is now watching out
for the little angel?"

Then, KC makes three replies.

1. First, by posting this quote from a deceased rapper, Tupac. It is referred to as the "Tupac poem." Was this a message from KC to her mother to move on?

"You can spend minutes, hours, days, weeks or even months over-analyzing a situation;
trying to put the pieces together,
justifying what could've, would've happened.
Or you can just leave the pieces on the floor
and move the [expletive] on."

2. Then KC posted the graphic of the little girl looking at the stuffed animal that was hanged. The caption said:

"Why do people kill people,
who kill people,
to show people that
to kill people is bad?"

3. Finally, KC posted a third item that could also be a response.

Currently watching: American Psycho (Reference by KC regarding CA?)

"Diary of Days"

“On the worst of worst days,
remember the words spoken.
Trust no one,
only yourself.
With great power,
comes great consequence.
What is given
can be taken away.
Everyone Lies.
Everyone Dies.

On the worst of worst days,
remember the words spoken.
Hold your head high,
Love unconditionally.
Tomorrow is a brand new day."

So, my question is does anyone know the dates and times that KC's three items were posted?
Just hypothtetically, in so many words, CA appears to ask if KC didn't take Caylee away because of jealousy and spite. KC appears to tell CA she over-analyzes everything and to leave the situation alone and move on. That was vague. KC is then more detailed and refers to killing and the death penalty. Then, KC posts an item that everybody lies and everybody dies, to remain silent and trust no one.

So, my question is does anyone know the dates and times that KC's three items were posted?

Have you looked in the Case Calendar here:
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