LIST Questions and Answers #9 LIST ONLY

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Hi Guys,

Does anyone know where I could get the ping maps from?

[ame=""]Resource Links, Case Calendar & Time Lines - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]

Just go to that linked reference forum and they are all in there day by day. The best way is to do a search on titles in that forum, using ping as the search term and they will all line up nice and neat for you.
In light of today's defense revelation about GA's involvement (with ICA from an early age) and with the knowledge and cover up re Caylee.... I have two questions.....

I missed much of the defense opening today and the testimony... but did they ever say where GA and ICA supposedly kept Caylee until supposedly Kronk deposited her where she was eventually found ?

And.... remember the jailhouse video early on in 2008, where ICA tells CA and GA... "don't worry, I didn't tell them". What do you suppose she was talking about... this just came to mind... I've always wondered what she was referring to. Perhaps they will suggest that she was talking about the declarations the DT made today.

I thought I heard JB say that both GA and ICA searched the house for Caylee. They looked everywhere and FINALLY looked in the pool. I have a pool and even when i can't locate one of my dogs the FIRST place i check is my pool. Tell me that someone will ask that question of ICA as to why that would not be the first place they would look when Caylee went missing???
Does anyone remember that during the memorial service for Caylee, Cindy had a teddy bear that people speculated contained Caylee's ashes?
In light of today's defense revelation about GA's involvement (with ICA from an early age) and with the knowledge and cover up re Caylee.... I have two questions.....

I missed much of the defense opening today and the testimony... but did they ever say where GA and ICA supposedly kept Caylee until supposedly Kronk deposited her where she was eventually found ?

And.... remember the jailhouse video early on in 2008, where ICA tells CA and GA... "don't worry, I didn't tell them". What do you suppose she was talking about... this just came to mind... I've always wondered what she was referring to. Perhaps they will suggest that she was talking about the declarations the DT made today.


No, JB didn't say anything about where Caylee's body was kept until Kronk got it. I suspect he will eventually say Casey never knew what George did with her, therefore the statement "The last time I saw my daughter was on June 16th" would be true.
Hi all my father is deaf, cant hear at all and I am doing my best to help him follow the trial if anyone knows of any sites that have typed TRANSCRIPTS of the opening statements, GA on the stand etc, from today and as we go FORWARD, please post them here on this thread as I am sure they would come in handy for everyone here also.

Thanks much! should have them up at some point (not sure how long it takes):

Tricia also has a post about how to donate to pay for trial information (maybe on the home page perhaps). Maybe you can shoot her a PM to find out.

You're so nice to do this for you dad!



Thanks Mel, will check that out. Yea he really enjoys watching trials in general, he is a retired attorney and lost all his hearing in his old age so I am trying to help him keep up as best as I can, additionally any transcripts we do find will also be helpful for folks here, so hopefully we can use this thread for that in the future as the trial goes on.

Thanks again!

Hi all my father is deaf, cant hear at all and I am doing my best to help him follow the trial if anyone knows of any sites that have typed TRANSCRIPTS of the opening statements, GA on the stand etc, from today and as we go FORWARD, please post them here on this thread as I am sure they would come in handy for everyone here also.

Thanks much!

To my knowledge there isn't any way to get a official transcript since they are currently the property of the Court/court reporter and I don't think the transcript would be available until the end of trial. However, both TruTV (formerly CourtTV) and HLN are airing the proceedings live and they both offer closed captioning.

Since this is a "Q & A List Only No Discussion thread", this would not be the appropriate thread to post them if someone can locate them. I am a moderator in this forum and I can request that if anyone does find transcripts from one of the media organizations or another source, to please PM me the information and I will be more than happy to forward it to you or we can open a new "List Only" thread where we can post them. :)
Can someone point me in the direction of where I could find Casey Psychological evaluation?
I have searched and called every colleague and all 67 counties in Florida and no State Forensic Psychologist has admitted that they were asked to evaluate her or know of anyone that has.
This should have been part of Discovery..
Can anyone point out to me where I can gather info on why the A's have this "almost hatred" and distrust for Jessie Grund? I have read depos and what not, but after re-watching the jail visits with Lee and watching GA testimony yesterday. I just cannot figure out what happened in that relationship with him. TIA
I was looking at pictures and came across one of the Anthony garage. I see what I believe to be a freezer on the right hand side of the pic.
I don't believe I ever heard of the freezer being seized/searched. I wonder if this is where Caylee was stashed for a few days before being transferred to the car and then tossed away.
I have a couple of trial schedule questions:

1) Is it true that the trial is six days a week, Monday through Saturday?

2) Is it true that they are going to meet this coming Monday, Memorial Day?
Can anyone tell me if the evidence that is presented at the trial will be available to the public? I know we have seen a lot of it already but, as an example, the JC Penney video we saw yesterday never came out. And can anyone tell me if the text messages between Cindy and Casey will ever become public? Thanks!
Could anyone tell me who the Dr. Crop (maybe Croft) is who was mentioned late this afternoon in court?
Is there a boyfriend time line? Just wondering if anyone has a idea as to who Caylee's father may be from one.
Does anyone have any info on why the car stank so bad at the tow yard and Anthony garage, so bad that people noticed it just walking up to it yet it did not smell that bad back on June 23rd, 24th, at the apartment, at Amscot, and when towed? Does decomp fluid that gets into carpet smell worse with time, or was Caylee's body not moved until after, or at least the day the gas cans were returned?
Hi guys,

Does anyone have the letter that Terence Lenamon wrote to the prosecution back in 2008 to dissuade them from seeking the DP?

Is there a link to the Defense Wittness list as there is to the Prosecutions?
How common is it for a DT to change it's strategy mid-trial? Do you see it happening in this trial? Now that the A's aren't testifying in favor of ICA, could the DT switch to a post-pardem depression story or some other strategy all together? Or, is going more-or-less how the DT thought it was going to go?

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