LIST Questions and Answers #9 LIST ONLY

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DNA Solves
DNA Solves
Does anyone know if it's true CA has a $2,000,000 movie deal?
I've seen comments regarding a plumbing problem that CA talked about. I missed that completely! Can someone explain what that is about?
Hi guys,

Does anyone have the letter that Terence Lenamon wrote to the prosecution back in 2008 to dissuade them from seeking the DP?


The best info I have found is a post by cmj11 dated March 11 2009 at 7:50 p.m. (post 31) in the Terry Lenamon Thread. There is a discussion that follows about it in that thread.

[ame=""]Terry Lenamon is Casey's New Atty. **REVISTED** - Page 2 - Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community[/ame]
I have a couple of trial schedule questions:

1) Is it true that the trial is six days a week, Monday through Saturday?

2) Is it true that they are going to meet this coming Monday, Memorial Day? Memorial Day, but yes, 6 days a week (for now 1/2 day on Saturday).
I was looking at pictures and came across one of the Anthony garage. I see what I believe to be a freezer on the right hand side of the pic.
I don't believe I ever heard of the freezer being seized/searched. I wonder if this is where Caylee was stashed for a few days before being transferred to the car and then tossed away.
Do a search here...much discussion about the freezer. If you need can use the search function to see if there is a thread on the topic...or to see if others have posted with similar questions/answers. I did a search of posts and used the key words: Caylee, freezer. IIRC there were no forensics on the least none that made it to a doc dump.
Here are some comments...even date back to 8/08. HTH
Is there a boyfriend time line? Just wondering if anyone has a idea as to who Caylee's father may be from one.

Here is a terrific timeline dating back to 2004 when DS said that ICA was dating KD. Aside from the wealth of info in the timeline it names a lot of boyfriends in the proceeding years. They are named through interviews and depositions but ACandyRose highlights a lot of them under Event-Incident.
Can someone point me in the direction of where I could find Casey Psychological evaluation?
I have searched and called every colleague and all 67 counties in Florida and no State Forensic Psychologist has admitted that they were asked to evaluate her or know of anyone that has.
This should have been part of Discovery..
What evals are you speaking of? If you're speaking of the evaluation the State first did, then you will not see it. Judge Strickland had it sealed.

ETA: Dr. Danziger made it to the DT witness list early on...interesting story there. Suffice it to say...he's no longer there, but IIRC shows on the State's.

Here's a thread which may have useful info:
Waaayyy back there was entire thread about GA's statement that KC had once taken CA's car and that he had followed her. I can't find it! Can someone help?
Cross posting.. sorry :) Can't fig out which threads get the most traffic

Not a newbie, however, there's SO MUCH info to sift/read thru that I'm taking the easy route and posting my q's in a central location :) FYI, my question's are in no particular order..

What is GA's current job/profession?

What is the circumfrence of a 2.5 year old toddler's skull and how far would a 7.5 to 9.5 inch (length) piece of duct tape extend beyond the ears?

How far would a 2inch (wide) piece of duct tape cover of both the nose and the mouth?

The silouette of a small human that can be seen on the trunk liner.. I have read 2 versions of the outline.. Is it of a fetal position, or of a body appearing on it's side with the knee extending out and feet extending backwards?

What would cause such an outline to show on the liner? Body fluids?

What are the leading theories as to why ICA didn't cut a deal in the begining in light of x,y and z? And why do you think the DA decided to try this as a DP case?

Has ICA been clinically evaluated / diagnosed as a sociopath?
I have two questions. First, I know that there's a theory that Casey at some point may have originally put Caylee either in the playhouse or the sandbox (and that could be the reason the dogs alerted in that area)... before later moving her to the trunk of the car. But, since the Anthonys had at least one dog at that time, wouldn't that dog have "alerted" Cindy or George that there was something "amiss" in that area when it was let outside? My second question, and this one is really tough because it attempts to make sense out of something JB is alleging... Did anyone get the impression that he was insinuating that the ONLY reason GA called LE about the stolen gas cans was so that report would be readily available when Caylee was found with the "matching" duct tape... thereby guaranteeing that LE would be able to tie that evidence to Casey?
Cross posting.. sorry :) Can't fig out which threads get the most traffic

Not a newbie, however, there's SO MUCH info to sift/read thru that I'm taking the easy route and posting my q's in a central location :) FYI, my question's are in no particular order..

What is GA's current job/profession?

What is the circumfrence of a 2.5 year old toddler's skull and how far would a 7.5 to 9.5 inch (length) piece of duct tape extend beyond the ears?

How far would a 2inch (wide) piece of duct tape cover of both the nose and the mouth?

The silouette of a small human that can be seen on the trunk liner.. I have read 2 versions of the outline.. Is it of a fetal position, or of a body appearing on it's side with the knee extending out and feet extending backwards?

What would cause such an outline to show on the liner? Body fluids?

What are the leading theories as to why ICA didn't cut a deal in the begining in light of x,y and z? And why do you think the DA decided to try this as a DP case?

Has ICA been clinically evaluated / diagnosed as a sociopath?

I can only direct you on one of your questions. The one about the duct tape.

Here's a great post by BondJamesBond about the tape and Caylee's head.

[ame=""]Websleuths Crime Sleuthing Community - View Single Post - 2009.10.09 Duct Tape Photos From Remains Released[/ame]

Here's an image of two of the pieces of tape as they were found.

Two pieces of tape as they were found.
I know the jailhouse videos have been shown to the jury, but what about the jailhouse phone calls? The one where Kristine breaks down and Casey just dismisses her concern, the one where Lee says he's not going to put up with her sh&t anymore, where he is explaining to her how the sim card works because he's thinking she's lying about it.

Have the jurors heard those yet?
Sorry for cross posting--I'm not sure where to ask this question...


Was Casey's final visit with her parents in jail on August 14th (the date of the confrontational video), which was just before Padilla bailed her out?

After she returned to jail, did she and her parents ever visit together? (There was no video of any of those visits if they did visit?)
Can anyone tell me how Casey fooled everybody about working at Universal for two years? How did she get money?
Sorry for cross posting--I'm not sure where to ask this question...


Was Casey's final visit with her parents in jail on August 14th (the date of the confrontational video), which was just before Padilla bailed her out?

After she returned to jail, did she and her parents ever visit together? (There was no video of any of those visits if they did visit?)

The news reported today that the August 14th visit was the last one.
IF, and this is a big IF for me, Casey takes the stand, won't the DT want to practice and practice her testimony with her? Today the State said they might conclude with their case in 2 weeks, around June 17. They also have trial sessions Sat. a.m. So then won't the DT have to meet with her, I assume in the jail, in the evenings or on Sundays coming up very soon? If it has to be in the jail, how long before we are able to see her visitor logs. I would assume if she starts getting evening/Sunday visits from someone, it might be to practice-up on her testimony. Does the public get access to the jail logs in time to be able to pinpoint this? I am sure ICA would think she does not need to "practice" as she will be telling the-whole-truth-and-nothing-but-the truth, but I imagine they would still want to meet with her and give her potential questions. Any thoughts on when they would do this, and if we could be "alerted' by checking the jail logs? or are the logs released in a timeframe that would not alert us to this? Thanks.
I know the jailhouse videos have been shown to the jury, but what about the jailhouse phone calls? The one where Kristine breaks down and Casey just dismisses her concern, the one where Lee says he's not going to put up with her sh&t anymore, where he is explaining to her how the sim card works because he's thinking she's lying about it.

Have the jurors heard those yet?

Yesterday we heard those.

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