long weekend break: discuss the latest here #101

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OT....soma is a muscle relaxant. Was a very popular recreational drug amongst teens 5 or so years ago. Easily ordered on the Internet (not so much anymore though). Very popular party drug. My ex nephew in law almost died at 15 years old from mixing it with Tramadol and beer.

Thanks, seguek9... I'm going to take this over to the sidebar thread - (I think that's where I should go... I'm so frustrated).

Wow - someone thrown out of court today? Still trying to catch up... (whew)
I still don't totally get what happened, but from what Samuels is saying:

He sent in the filled in raw test data to someone. --I suppose the Defense team.

Then he said he wanted to study it for the trial, but had no access to it [?] so he recreated it from memory? and drew up this new version....

And then he brings this new version to court with him and passes it off as the original????

I am confused about which day this happened. On day one of the cross, he said he didn't have it and it was on his desk at work---

so the next day, did he bring in this newly recreated one, that is off from the original?

JW kept going to sidebars and looked scared chitless, so we didn't have time to untangle this mess. But Juan was going in for the kill before time ran out.

my understanding so far is

1. When Jodi took test, he didn't have the "official" work /answer booklet so he wrote out the questions and answers on yellow legal pad that she "allegedly" filled in

2. Doc then later transcribed "her answers" onto the real workbook answer sheets. He scored it and she got 15 for ptsd. He says he then sent it to the DT (?)

3. Doc claims when he was preparing for trial he ended up re-scoring the test to get the numbers for trial. I am guessing he re-scored from his original yellow legal pad version because he said he didn't have the "official" workbook to score from because he had sent it to the DT.

4. Doc re-scored from yellow notes ( or his imagination) and came up with 2 more reasons she has ptsd to change the score to 17.

5. He claims he got a different number because ...I have no idea..maybe it was better for Jodi?

6. when he was on cross with Jaun he couldn't produce the "official" workbook because he said he left it at home......

7. The next day he produced the "official" workbook but i don't remember (fognesia) if it was the one scored 15 or 17....

8. Today..Juan seems to now have both versions ( 15 and 17) and also managed to extract yet another copy from the good Doc today which he then put into evidence...not sure which score that one had ...

any corrections or additions to this welcomed and appreciated :)

I am going to make a prediction here, the DV witness is going to spend a great deal of time on the witness chair. Doc S didn't get the DT anywhere near where they needed to be at this point. IMO Juan's examination of him is literally going to drive DT to the wall.

The DV expert is their hail mary now. I know the defense initially listed both a former cell mate of JA's and MM. IMO the former cell mate was all about the debacle of the letters which are not coming into trial. I don't see how MM will advance their case. So I expect a lengthy direct on the DV expert. What do ya'll think?

Oh I forgot they subpoenaed the video of TA at a shoot range, but I don't think that will really be a major move by the DT.
Thanks for your great posts. I lived in Greenpoint for awhile a very long time ago, so a fellow brooklynite..LOL

Regarding the possibiibility of the .25 gun jamming, I think this is real possiblity. I have found that small caliber semi-autos can jam much more frequently than larger caliber semis. This is due to the lack of gun powder in the shells that cause the explosion that is used to work the action. In my small caliber semis, I always use "magnum" type shells which have extra gun powder and have a bigger boom which helps work the action much better.

My guess is Jodi would have never had the knowledge or experience with that weapon to even consider that the shell could jam. I think it jammed after the first shell, and she dropped it and ran for the knife.
I am in the camp that thinks she fired first before the stabbing. The main reason is I believe she brought that gun there and of course used it. I think she ended up getting the knife after the gun failed her.

A bunch of Italians with a florist shop in Brooklyn, can you get any more cliched?

When I got the .22 AR-7, slipped into the user manual was an invoice from a gunsmith decades back. Apparently it was brought in because it was "jamming" although the gunsmith wrote that he couldn't find a problem.

The gun originally belonged to my Great-Uncle's now deceased son. He included some ammo the son used and there's the problem: He was using lead target loads instead of full metal jacket hi velocity. Of course the thing was jamming. Either the powder was too low or the lead bullet was causing it not to feed properly.

I actually took it out and tried to get it to jam with FMJ ammo and it wouldn't do it.

Unless the gun you are firing is a handmade Pakistani Makarov the problem of "jamming" isn't intrinsic to the gun itself. It's the ammo.

Even though small autos can be quirky, I'm willing to bet it worked just fine. Of course, grandpa may have had crap ammo. Unless we find the gun, or the ammo used with it, there's really no way to tell.

If the argument is "Well, it was grandpa's old .25, of course it jammed", all I can do is give a healthy "meh".
Question? If this has already been posted, I missed it. But do we know if Travis A's parents are still alive?
No. His dad died when Travis was either 16 or 18 in a motorcycle accident iirc. I don't know when his mom passed away though.

Travis' parents were drug addicted and abusive. He went to live with his grandmother, along with his seven siblings I believe, when he was 10 years old. She passed away late last year.

He talks about his childhood a bit in his blog. http://travisalexander.blogspot.co.uk/
Just heard DD describe dissociation. Now I know what I had in the months following my son's death. It is the strangest feeling you are completely and totally disconnected to your environment and feel as though you are on the outside looking in. Has anyone else here experienced this.

I remember the feeling when my hubby and one of my doggies passed at the same time ...that song kept going thru my head "the world doesn't stop for my broken heart" I think that I only survived because of my little dog named Candy. I had to leave the house for her food and needs and the world was still going on ...but not for me. It took me a long long time to reconnect to life.

So very sorry for your loss.
{bringing over since it slammed shut when I hit "enter"}

Okay, I totally saw this AND the thought ran through my mind.....JM doesn't wear a wedding ring, and WOULDN'T it be funny if he were quietly married to JW (no ring to no one suspected)??

I mean, look at Mary Matlin and James Carville - complete opposites, who have jobs to bash the other side (so to speak). Imagine if JM and JW were married! An evening at home: "Hey honey,!" "Hey." >SILENT DINNER< "See you tomorrow."

If you haven't seen it..
Rent the movie:

ADAM's RIB ..... with Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn

This movis is your ... Imagine if.

Regardless of this trial, "Adam's Rib" a fantastic movie to be seen more than once..

Hey All! I am behind. Who was thrown out of court today? Was it a poster from here?
Question? If this has already been posted, I missed it. But do we know if Travis A's parents are still alive?


He and his siblings were raised by his grandparents....sadly, they have passed on as well.
:heartluv: Friday, Saturday, and Sunday to think about
how great Juan is at what he does. :Banane59:
Exhibit 534 vs Exhibit 535. And now 550, the 3 holed punched one.

What is up with this. Did Samuels try to pass off his newly recalculated test results as the original test?

The extraordinary testing conditions that these tests must be conducted under and the results are handled and documented in an unbelievable fashion in order for them to be "valid". From court motions how a test is given, to raw data (many doc's automatically fight turning over raw data because that is where they "interpret" the conclusion) If they turn over the real answers the raw data, the Prosecutor can then hand it off easily to the Countries top Psych with a stellar reputation and have her or him analyze it.

What I find unbelievable is this Doc changed the answers and then missed a couple questions so he answered for her.

This invalidates the TEST and his CONCLUSION. It is all ruined, it is no good.
People aren't supposed to disbelieve a psychopath's account - it's against the natural order of things in their world. And Juan is likely one of very few in her life who has done that.

Snipped with respect
Honestly....if by some BIZARRE insane reason she got herself acquitted (won't happen, let me just keep saying that) I have no doubt she would try to go after him. Seems like something that only happens in books or movies but I would not put it past her to put him on her target list. She is one scary person....very rare to see someone like her IMO.
I've said it before and I'll say it again this trial is so off course, and it's costing the tax payers a ridiculous amount of money. IMO I think that stations like HLN and all their sideshows should have to contribute to the funding of the trial. HLN has to be making an enormous amount of money on this trial, with a commercial break every 5 to 10 minutes. Not unless they are giving away air time, which I doubt. When I see shows like Dr. Drew giving legal advice something is wrong. He's went from addiction specialist to legal analyst in two months. I have watched these shows and certain people ( you know who you are) take down Court TV, In Session and wonder how many will lose their jobs at HLN when this case is over?
Hey All! I am behind. Who was thrown out of court today? Was it a poster from here?

No it was someone behind ja mom said they wish ja was dead ...and two ladies got thrown out of court
A bunch of Italians with a florist shop in Brooklyn, can you get any more cliched?

When I got the .22 AR-7, slipped into the user manual was an invoice from a gunsmith decades back. Apparently it was brought in because it was "jamming" although the gunsmith wrote that he couldn't find a problem.

The gun originally belonged to my Great-Uncle's now deceased son. He included some ammo the son used and there's the problem: He was using lead target loads instead of full metal jacket hi velocity. Of course the thing was jamming. Either the powder was too low or the lead bullet was causing it not to feed properly.

I actually took it out and tried to get it to jam with FMJ ammo and it wouldn't do it.

Unless the gun you are firing is a handmade Pakistani Makarov the problem of "jamming" isn't intrinsic to the gun itself. It's the ammo.

Even though small autos can be quirky, I'm willing to bet it worked just fine. Of course, grandpa may have had crap ammo. Unless we find the gun, or the ammo used with it, there's really no way to tell.

If the argument is "Well, it was grandpa's old .25, of course it jammed", all I can do is give a healthy "meh".

JAs mom's home was searched and .25 ammo was found there
I am blown away that, Jodi starts (fake!) CRYING when asking the interrogation detective if she can "clean up" before she takes her mug shot. Shock & Awe!!!

Please, somebody help me understand WHY she decides to CRY at this moment. She has been acting completely la-di-dah-dee prior to asking to "clean up" -- which I imagine means she wants to get to a mirror to fix her hair and touch-up her makeup.

Is she crying because tears typically help her get her way? Or is there some other twisted reason?

Just astonishing. She's easy-breezy about being arrested for a brutal murder and only sheds tears for herself -- the possibility of having to take a photo without fresh makeup?!!

That isn't even the worst of that crying segment from the interrogation, this is what she said right after that.

Pure evil caught on tape right there, sitting in the courtroom getting pleasure at seeing herself talk about Travis' family and friends suffering!

I am going to make a prediction here, the DV witness is going to spend a great deal of time on the witness chair. Doc S didn't get the DT anywhere near where they needed to be at this point. IMO Juan's examination of him is literally going to drive DT to the wall.

The DV expert is their hail mary now. I know the defense initially listed both a former cell mate of JA's and MM. IMO the former cell mate was all about the debacle of the letters which are not coming into trial. I don't see how MM will advance their case. So I expect a lengthy direct on the DV expert. What do ya'll think?

Oh I forgot they subpoenaed the video of TA at a shoot range, but I don't think that will really be a major move by the DT.

I cannot imagine what possible good that video of Travis at the shooting range will do for the defense. Wasn't it filmed by Travis' friend who also has stated Travis DID NOT own a gun? Doesn't the friend need to present the video to authenticate it?

Seriously. Let's say you went to a patient's home to do an assessment. And the patient filled out an important checklist of facts and symptoms. If you got back to the office and 'misplaced' the patients original paperwork, what would happen if you recreated it from memory, and then used it to generate a report for future use in a court case? :what:

My A$$ would be grass! It would be over for me as a professional!

ETA: Wouldn't ever do that anyway. I have on occasion forgot to document something, a weight, blood sugar and have called the patient and had them look it up for me on the log that is kept in the home. I have no problem saying, Oops, I forgot to get something...

One think you can find in people who are not on the up and up is that they are always perfect!
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