long weekend break: discuss the latest here #101

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I am blown away that, Jodi starts (fake!) CRYING when asking the interrogation detective if she can "clean up" before she takes her mug shot. Shock & Awe!!!

Please, somebody help me understand WHY she decides to CRY at this moment. She has been acting completely la-di-dah-dee prior to asking to "clean up" -- which I imagine means she wants to get to a mirror to fix her hair and touch-up her makeup.

Is she crying because tears typically help her get her way? Or is there some other twisted reason?

Just astonishing. She's easy-breezy about being arrested for a brutal murder and only sheds tears for herself... and for the possibility of having to take a photo without fresh makeup, no less?!!

Well I mean, getting arrested for murder is one thing, but having a picture of you without your face on all over the internet...well that's just devastating. :furious:
If it were cleaned and oiled after its last use, it would probably work just fine.

Just by way of example, a couple years ago my 90 year old Great Uncle give me a bunch of guns because he didn't want to renew his NYC permits. They included a Savage .308, a Remington 12 gauge and an original semi-auto .22 Armalite AR-7 survival rifle.

They had been kept in the back of a florist shop in Brooklyn for 40 years and with the humidity they had some slight marring of the finish but they fired just fine using equally old ammo. I brought them to a gunsmith to have the finish looked at, but after sitting fallow for 40 years everything wrong with them was totally cosmetic.

Of course, those are long guns with greater tolerances, but the Colt template is very reliable and as long as the gun wasn't neglected (which isn't necessarily the case regardless of how crappy the gun case it was stored in) I don't see reason it wouldn't work just fine.

They are guns, not pocket watches.

Incidentally, the Armalite is a joy. It packs up in its own stock, weight 2 lbs and fits right in my pack. They were originally made by Armalite, then bought out by Charter Arms who made crap, but now they are made by Henry and are worth buying again.

Thanks for your great posts. I lived in Greenpoint for awhile a very long time ago, so a fellow brooklynite..LOL

Regarding the possibiibility of the .25 gun jamming, I think this is real possiblity. I have found that small caliber semi-autos can jam much more frequently than larger caliber semis. This is due to the lack of gun powder in the shells that cause the explosion that is used to work the action. In my small caliber semis, I always use "magnum" type shells which have extra gun powder and have a bigger boom which helps work the action much better.

My guess is Jodi would have never had the knowledge or experience with that weapon to even consider that the shell could jam. I think it jammed after the first shell, and she dropped it and ran for the knife.
I am in the camp that thinks she fired first before the stabbing. The main reason is I believe she brought that gun there and of course used it. I think she ended up getting the knife after the gun failed her.
I will sell my spot in line to the highest bidder. lol

I like Juan, but not ring kissing...
One important point Juan made today was about sympathy. My first degree required 15 hours of pysch and additional hours of clinicals. Mental health professionals are taught from early classes you never are to feel sympathy for a client, only empathy is allowed. A professional distance is required for effective interaction. With potential sociopaths/psychopathic disorders you are taught constant vigilance in your interactions with them. Both use sympathy to attach themselves to others.

I think Juan used the word compassion but really meant something else (like the good doc is attracted to her and lost objectivity). he crossed the line.
I think Juan used the word compassion but really meant something else (like the good doc is attracted to her and lost objectivity). he crossed the line.

He sure defended himself in that too. How PROFESSIONAL he is and all the training he had about being objective, not get involved blah blah.
Do we know what was being said when she did this?

They think on DrD that it was done during Samuels answering a Fight or Flee question. I want to see a clip of exactly when it happened.

Dear Websleuthers, I wouldn't catch half this stuff on my own. Thank You All.
Aint that the "broken finger too?

No, that is the middle finger. The broken finger is the ring finger. I don't think this is a purposeful finger. She was rubbing her chin prior to this. jmo
I think Juan used the word compassion but really meant something else (like the good doc is attracted to her and lost objectivity). he crossed the line.

When Nancy G asked Bethany Marshall about his motive for buying a book for her she rapidly responded- "OH, because he feels affection for her".
If she thought one shot would do it, why did she bring the knife?
Why not? The more weapons, the better.

Maybe she was concerned that the gun would alert his roommates or the neighbors. Or, one weapon was a backup. Or, she hadn't thought every detail through and didn't quite know how she would get him into a vulnerable position. And so she didn't know which weapon would be best for a quick, relatively clean, and quiet murder. Or maybe she didn't bring the knife but sneaked one of his kitchen knives upstairs when she decided not to use the gun. Really, it could be anything.

Obviously, the murder wasn't thought through because she wasn't prepared for the mess it would cause. She tried to clean it up, but never imagined the blood would wind up all the way down the hall and onto the carpet.
Responding to what you were responding to...

All "Jodi shot first" theorizing seems to be based on the gun jamming. Which is, of course, begging the question (circular reasoning, or assuming what one is trying to prove) of the form:

Q. If Jodi shot first, why didn't she shoot him again?

A. The gun jammed

Q. What makes you think the gun jammed?

A. Because she didn't shoot him again

Oh, okay. Problem is, when semi-auto guns "jam" what that usually means is a misfeed, not a "jam", which is usually cleared by pulling the slide back. So the tell-tale sign of a "jam" is a unfired round dropped to the floor.

Without the gun, we have no way of knowing.

I will say this though. It seems likely the .25 stolen from Grandpa was of the Colt template and they tend to be incredibly reliable firearms. In absence of knowing if the ammunition was improper, underpowered or corroded, assuming "the gun jammed" is not a reasonable assumption.

The surprisingly loud sound of it being fired in a room with a lot of tile and hard surfaces along with whatever recoil it had, she drops the gun as Travis is exiting the shower and she has to use the knife to finish her mission?

I personally think she planned on using both weapons, a shot to his head and a stab to his heart.

Does anyone know what other guns her grandfather had and wonder why she didn't take a more powerful one (if she was only planning to use a gun to kill him)?
Are you keeping track of how many of us seem to have PTSD based on the test that you posted?

Your Score = 6

You are likely suffering from post traumatic stress; please contact us for more information

LOL Maybe we can get a group rate from DR. S. I'm shocked with all our test results, the EMT have not arrived at our homes...via some ISP computer seeking software...
No accident, the F-word flows right out of her easily, even in how she writes.
She was not spiritual and no delicate flower... She was a road trip driving "been around the block" type that wants people to think she is so feminine.

she is weird, unstable, gives the finger, tells her friends they F'd up..

I don't buy any of her quiet posturing. Fake.

She is a crazed killer, very dangerous, no conscience. Especially when she can plan a murder, stage a burglary, descend on a man from 1200 miles away and slaughter him.

This girl has been around the block more than my dog!
Q: Regarding the D2 [axis of irritability] and phone calls between Jodi and her mother. Frequently gets angry with her mother. She described it as venting of anger with her mother. That venting with her mother became outlet for frustrations.
Q: Is she being assertive if she confronts Travis and other women? She may be assertive at that moment, not generally. She has been unassertive.
Q: Do medications cause amnesia? Yes. Dissociative Amnesia is not the same thing. In hospital settings amnesia can occur. Once medication changes, memory is restored.
Q: Since not meeting until 2009, can you be sure that Jodi has Acute Stress Disorder? We have to look at other factors.
Q: First you said Jodi’s view of anal sex was relevant, then later that it was not relevant. Why? It was irrelevant that she had tried anal sex before. The critical issue is the frequency and other things that happened with Travis Alexander.
Q: If a client changes a story does it raise a red flag? Yes. In my opinion, it is possible the first story was a physical reaction, to be in denial with horrors of that day. I thought about multiple personality disorder but as I learned more about the case, I discarded that hypothesis. Her claims of the story fits denial to put emotional distance of that day.
Q: The self-help book would help more with therapy than evaluating? It could help her let go of denial.
Q: If someone is making up a story that is consistent [does that seem like lying]? Yes, because it sounds rehearsed, part of a script. There was too much consistency in earlier interviews on TV, etc. Forensic evidence made her story impossible.
Q: If so [consistent story], if Jodi is making up a story now wouldn’t it make sense if it was consistent? Yes, but she added details so that seemed to me more genuine.
DS: There are no validity scores for PDS test.
Q: What are the guidelines if a person is suicidal? Guidelines are to inform closest person; since Jodi is in jail inform the jail. But her discussions of suicide didn’t involve any planning so I did not see any planning. She said she felt that way early on.
Q: Why did you believe her self-esteem was low? From things she told me and her writings. Asked to leave grandmother’s house by a window.
Noon recess.
IMO, the "Law of Attraction" worked as it should for Jodi. She deemed herself judge, jury and executioner. Now, it's what she faces.
GAH!!! I missed JM entirely!!!! (daughter's friend's mum hospitalized for soma overdose - not really familiar with it but tabling it for now).

I'm guessing things went well this afternoon... :great:

Okay - catch up time - I'll do my own homework :) ... but I wouldn't turn down a one-sentence synopsis (just sayin')
hee! :fence:

OT....soma is a muscle relaxant. Was a very popular recreational drug amongst teens 5 or so years ago. Easily ordered on the Internet (not so much anymore though). Very popular party drug. My ex nephew in law almost died at 15 years old from mixing it with Tramadol and beer.
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