long weekend break: discuss the latest here #102

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But why would she be holding a camera during the attack? I can't get in through my head as to why anyone would juggle a camera, a knife, and a camera at the same time. Why would she even have the camera with her? Why would she deliberately leave the camera behind (and wash it)?

Jodi photographed everything! She is evil enough to have wanted to capture Travis' suffering and last moments.

I don't think that Jodi left the camera behind on purpose. I think in her haste to leave the premises, she didn't realize that she had rolled it up in the sheets when she put them in the laundry. I thought that I had lost a brand new watch while on vacation but found it in the laundry bag when we got home. I must have scooped it up with dirty clothes.

But why would she be holding a camera during the attack? I can't get in through my head as to why anyone would juggle a camera, a knife, and a camera at the same time. Why would she even have the camera with her? Why would she deliberately leave the camera behind (and wash it)?

Maybe she had it hanging on her clothes? perhaps with the "rope" :giggle:
Arent they're clips to connect the camera to your clothes, or a camera strap? I don't know, just a thought.
Trying to square this:

JA repeatedly claims that she has an excellent memory.

Only now, after being charged with 1st degree murder, Arias and her DT, including Doc 2 1/2 Franklins, would have us believe that the defendant cannot recall anything at all after she first shoots TA, until she's driving into the desert sunset, covered in dried blood. RS, in his testiphoney, claimed that the more intense the trauma -- what could be more intense than this brutal, bloody, close-in, face-to-face murder of a former paramour? -- the less likely the defendant is to remember anything at all, as the memory of that "trow-ma" was "...never recorded."

Except that later, she recalls things coming back. Vague memories, and a qualified recollection of placing a knife in a dishwasher, not necessarily on June 4. Recently, she has even recalled that she screamed and heard the knife "clang" when she dropped it on TA's bathroom tile floor.

Question for Doc 2 1/2 Franklins: If the memories between the shooting and the desert were never "recorded", how are they now "coming back in bits and pieces" as she claims?

This is my first post, and I have a question.

I recall Dr. S. stating that Jodi told him that Travis had pictures of women's breasts on his computer...IMO not true at all....but would "pedophiles"{ and I do not believe for one second, that Travis was one...} have pics of women's breast', IDK....just wondering.

Welcome and good question. Rather than give the pedophilia issue any credence, I think the state is going with the approach that nothing JA said was on the computer was in fact on it, and amongst everything else she has lied about, add this to the list of unbelievable. Right now, the only evidence we have that TA was a pedophile, is JA's testimony, no other evidence exists that he was a pedophile or a collector of breast pics.
There has been speculation that they will call Matt McCartney to the stand, but I don't know if anyone has been able to confirm that.

IMO, JM has already telegraphed to the DT that this would be a significant blunder.

He did it when he asked JA on cross whether Matt claimed he would lie for her.

Matt McCartney = Secret magazine message decoder ring
But why would she be holding a camera during the attack? I can't get in through my head as to why anyone would juggle a camera, a knife, and a camera at the same time. Why would she even have the camera with her? Why would she deliberately leave the camera behind (and wash it)?

ITA. People see TA's facial (to me somewhat neutral) expression and read into it various emotions and speculate that he must have been facing a gun and or a knife, when all we know for certain is he was facing a camera lens.

IMO the gun and knife were out of TA's view until the very last minute to maximise the element of surprise on him.

IMO JA had the camera with her to lure him unsuspectingly into a vulnerable corner, naked and wet. After it had served that purpose she tossed it aside.

With a known interest in photography, taking the camera could have pointed the finger at her. Leaving the memory card in it was an extreme error and one she must be furious about.
Jodi photographed everything! She is evil enough to have wanted to capture Travis' suffering and last moments.

I don't think that Jodi left the camera behind on purpose. I think in her haste to leave the premises, she didn't realize that she had rolled it up in the sheets when she put them in the laundry. I thought that I had lost a brand new watch while on vacation but found it in the laundry bag when we got home. I must have scooped it up with dirty clothes.


Sorry, I am in a zone trying to get the camera and photos straight. Is there a thread that discusses the camera and photos?
Which photos were the deleted photos? Why would she bother to delete if she intended to take that camera? I don't believe Travis did not agree to have all the shower photos taken. He would have seen her there taking the pics, right? So do you think JA convinced Travis to pose for the nude shower photos with the concept of it being some sort of sexual game that Travis thought he was participating in? He seems relaxed and as if he's posing in several of the shots, and she was standing right there, doesn't look like she could have taken those pics without him seeing her and acquiescing somehow.
But why would she be holding a camera during the attack? I can't get in through my head as to why anyone would juggle a camera, a knife, and a camera at the same time. Why would she even have the camera with her? Why would she deliberately leave the camera behind (and wash it)?

IMO, I think that between some of the shower photos, there are time gaps, plenty of time for her to run to the bedroom, fetch gun from her backpack or purse, tuck in band of sweatpants or carry, who cares he is in the shower and can't see, run back to the bathroom, take a couple more pics, place camera between right arm and body, and thus the accidental ceiling photo snap.
Day 35: pt 3
JW/Dr Sam

The more that JW tries to explain the problems with Dr Samuels, the more attention she is calling to them.

“ how do you assess someone who is lying to you?

By the consistency of the reporting…the diary, text messages, e-mails, reports from others…[ Aren’t these just more lies ? ]
Q: “ maybe she didn’t write negative stuff cuz there wasn’t anything?’

JW: did u use other ancillary things besides the journal to see if there was anything negative?

DS–:I did

JW; “ text messages—for example #444”

TA says “no not call me ,do not text me, either fess up or feel my wrath… “

Respectfully snipped and bolded by me.

Can someone find that text. I looked for it and couldn't find it. I'm pretty sure in the text it says "feel THE wrath" and not "MY wrath"

I believe so, although I can't say absolutely for sure. When Samuels finished his first day of testimony, the judge announced that there would be no court held the next Thursday (later changed, since they did meet). She said the "last witness is unavailable that day." So I'm assuming, yes the DV expert is the last.

I think the DT planned to call MM as a witness, but for some reason he's not going to. The defense has often said, when Jodi was on the stand, that MM would never betray her. JM said to her that MM would lie for her.

But why would she be holding a camera during the attack? I can't get in through my head as to why anyone would juggle a camera, a knife, and a camera at the same time. Why would she even have the camera with her? Why would she deliberately leave the camera behind (and wash it)?

I think the pictures were trophy pictures. I think she transferred them to another device and deleted them from the camera and threw it in the wash. I believe she wanted to see them whenever she wanted to relive the experience. JMO
I always chuckle when I think of how the DT would have us believe that TA was the sexual aggressor, when the IM/text evidence clearly shows that JA is the one offering "special mouth hugs" and begging for "generous facials".
Iirc, JM thoroughly debunked the pedo lie using Jodi's journal entries + the texts exchanged that day. Wasn't that "swap cars" day, except after TA had inconvenienced himself to accomodate her schedule, Jodi texted that she needed to sleep-Zzzz? Wasn't that the "TA called me continually after I saw him pleasuring himself" - except JM showed there were few, if any, calls from Travis, since he was attending the Family Home Evening at the time? And weren't the texts initiated by Jodi with TA's response centered on trying in vain to get his car back? JM will take great delight in reminding the jury again why Jodi's vile pedo lie couldn't have happened as she claimed.

You're right, JM did do that. However, Samuels got on the stand later and gave his EXPERT OPINION based on 35 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE (about which he harped endlessly) that pedophiles can easily cover up their behavior and no one would no about it. I don't remember whether he mentioned Travis by name or not. But he definitely gave the impression that Jodi was telling the truth about her accusations. :furious:
My guess is that the protective order is not to protect "how much" the DT is being paid, but rather, the details on "what" the money is being spent on. Those details could reveal DT strategy, and that's what they don't want publicized.

Right. And am I correct in assuming this information is not sealed forever? It will be made available after the trial is over?
Jodi used a ruse to get Travis in the shower. She wanted to photograph him with water droplets from the shower like some of the trendy photo shoots. She said they looked cool. Travis didn't want to, but she talked him into it.

The real reason she needed him in the shower was to wash off her DNA after their sexual encounter, and to put him in a vulnerable position. DNA is also the reason that the bed was stripped and the sheets were in the washer. He was naked, shoeless and wet while she was dry and shoed (my theory). The attempt to clean up the scene was to get rid of her shoe tracks so it wouldn't show her shoe size.

This is my first post, and I have a question.

I recall Dr. S. stating that Jodi told him that Travis had pictures of women's breasts on his computer...IMO not true at all....but would "pedophiles"{ and I do not believe for one second, that Travis was one...} have pics of women's breast', IDK....just wondering.

That is another thing I wish someone would ask the experts. Plus she said he was interested in young girls as well as boys. That doesn't ring true to me -- isn't it always one or the other? But I'm no expert.

ETA: Forgot to say, Welcome to the board! Just be careful -- it is addictive!!!!
Bullet Casing Theory:

I'm thinking that it's possible the bullet casing originally landed on the sink or elsewhere, blood got on the floor, then casing either got wiped off of counter, or redeposited as JA was cleaning up the floor by swiping the towel across it or something similar.

When she was testifying on cross, she seemed to be trying to tell more about that casing, something like, 'it wasn't there' but that did not get further explored. I'm more of the gun shot came first approach because of the risk of a knife attack. In the intruder story, she states the gunshot came first.

And apparently, once the knife was drawn, I find it unlikely it was set down given the defensive wounds, and wounds all over. Also in that scenario, she would have to have a knife in one hand, gun in the other, or put the knife down to shoot, she remembers it clanging to the floor, which IMO was a point when she knew he was dead.
Thanks, Allyne. Just realized this footage was never broadcast. The episode I can't find is the one where she talks about 'smiling - and saying cheese'. Perhaps that was also part of this interview but was never broadcast. I thought there were two 48 Hours interviews, but could be there was only one. I'm confused....

Here's one where she talks about smile - and say cheese. It's at the very end.

Why is Jodi Arias smiling in her mugshot? - 48 Hours - CBS News
I believe her Ninja interrogation was mostly true to the point that the Ninjas appeared, and the water droplet photograph story was the true ruse to get him in the shower. If you watch the interrogation, she's speaking fluently and energetically in this part because it's truly what happened. Her story doesn't pause or become sporadic until that point - and in every lie, there are elements of truth.
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