long weekend break: discuss the latest here #102

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Jodi photographed everything! She is evil enough to have wanted to capture Travis' suffering and last moments.

I don't think that Jodi left the camera behind on purpose. I think in her haste to leave the premises, she didn't realize that she had rolled it up in the sheets when she put them in the laundry. I thought that I had lost a brand new watch while on vacation but found it in the laundry bag when we got home. I must have scooped it up with dirty clothes.


I thought this same scenario - the camera accidentally got lost in the sheets. But, the camera wasn't washed with sheets, it was in with a small load of black socks, a few of TA's clothes, and a towel... Now what are we to think??? :confused:
Bullet Casing Theory:

I'm thinking that it's possible the bullet casing originally landed on the sink or elsewhere, blood got on the floor, then casing either got wiped off of counter, or redeposited as JA was cleaning up the floor by swiping the towel across it or something similar.

When she was testifying on cross, she seemed to be trying to tell more about that casing, something like, 'it wasn't there' but that did not get further explored. I'm more of the gun shot came first approach because of the risk of a knife attack. In the intruder story, she states the gunshot came first.

And apparently, once the knife was drawn, I find it unlikely it was set down given the defensive wounds, and wounds all over. Also in that scenario, she would have to have a knife in one hand, gun in the other, or put the knife down to shoot, she remembers it clanging to the floor, which IMO was a point when she knew he was dead.

ITA with this. And, I find it highly unlikely that she would steal a gun for backup purposes. I think she intended the gun as the murder weapon, but had to resort to the knife when the gun jammed, got knocked out of her hand, etc.
More of the 48 Hours interview with Maureen Maher - Sept. 2008

JA claims to have received two written threats on her life from the Ninjas in the California jail before she was extradicted to AZ! It gets crazier and crazier!

***Has this particular interview been released in it's entirety? Have searched for it, but still can't locate it.


wow, as I was watching, I noticed how similar her expressions are to Scott Peterson...eerie
There has been speculation that they will call Matt McCartney to the stand, but I don't know if anyone has been able to confirm that.
MM seems to have quite literally disappeared.

1) The gun has never been recovered, but the gun 'stolen' from her grandfather's house was a black automatic or semi-automatic .25 gun 3" x 4" loaded with 7 hollow-point bullets. Prosecutor Martinez said the bullets were manufactured by Winchester.

2) No ammunition was found in TA's house.

3) We have not heard anything about ammunition recovered from the grandfather's house, if any.

4) Reportedly none of the knives at TA's house match the suspected murder weapon. I strongly suspect she brought it with her as her main weapon, a typical "up close and personal" method. IMO she used the gun to control TA the 8 minutes he was in the shower 'posing' for her final photos of him. I do think she tried to take a shot of TA after the first stab, but he pushed back so all that was captured was the ceiling.

From the description in the autopsy report, the knife imo would have to have a triangular blade, like a typical chef's knife. I've attached a sample here showing the points on the blade that correspond to a 3/4" stab, a 1" stab, a 1 1/4" stab, a 1 1/2" stab, and a 1 3/4" stab. The knife wouldn't have to be as long as the one in the photo, but it would have to be at least as long as the 1 3/4" width mark in the photo to inflict the 1 3/4" wide (by 5 3/4" deep) wound. The blade made two triangular chips to TA's skull, so it had to be strong enough to cut through bone.

The tape at the 1 3/4" width of the blade corresponds to the wound on TA's abdomen, which was 1 3/4" wide by 5 3/4" deep. That corresponds exactly to the knife pictured, where the 1 3/4" width occurs at the 5 3/4" depth. The tape at the 1 1/2" point corresponds exactly to the first stab wound, a 1 1/2" wide by 3 1/2" deep stab to the heart. That also corresponds exactly to the knife pictured.
View attachment 31069

5) No side views of the casing that I know of, but if there had been blood on the sides of the bullet casing, that most likely would already be known. So- red herring, imo. The ME testified that the gunshot was not fired at close range as there would have been stippling on the skin, and further, he believed the gunshot was inflicted after TA was already dead, because he saw no evidence of bleeding.

6) The camera had to be in her hand at the time the ceiling photo was snapped as Detective Melendez testified the photo was snapped when the camera was at least 2 or 3 feet above the ground. The shutter can't go off by itself in mid-air, imo. It's believed she had already stabbed him at least once (and possibly more, imo) when that photo was snapped, when he had begun to push back.

Detective Melendez testified the last two photos were snapped while the camera was on the floor, upside down. He demonstrated how the shutter could be activated by the slightest pressure from anywhere on the back of the camera. Thus, JA accidentally took them with her foot.

7) The rope story is JA's. There has been no evidence a rope was used that day or ever. JA took the knife with her, so she's the only one who can answer that question.

excellent post.. Had to more than just like. Really appreciate the visual of the possible weapons. Thanks.
TY, I've been a lurker for months. I have a lot of experience in interrogation (job) and can say with a lot of certainty that many details she gave were truthful. Like, he was shot while kneeling in the shower - and most details prior to the introduction to the ninjas - is truth.

We are on the Eastern time zone. My husband doesn't even ask to change the channel anymore. He pretty much knows that if he wants to watch television, he has to do that in the bedroom till about 8. He's trained well!

Welcome!! What statements do you think are truthful?? Since the ME said the shot was the last of the atrocities, how could he have been kneeling in the shower. His throat had been cut and she drug him back and stuffed him in the shower. I simply don't see how he could be kneeling???
Respectfully snipped and bolded by me.

Can someone find that text. I looked for it and couldn't find it. I'm pretty sure in the text it says "feel THE wrath" and not "MY wrath"

I think the DT planned to call MM as a witness, but for some reason he's not going to. The defense has often said, when Jodi was on the stand, that MM would never betray her. JM said to her that MM would lie for her.

I think the pictures were trophy pictures. I think she transferred them to another device and deleted them from the camera and threw it in the wash. I believe she wanted to see them whenever she wanted to relive the experience. JMO

I think this is the link that shows the text. You have to look through the screen shots to find it.
ITA with this. And, I find it highly unlikely that she would steal a gun for backup purposes. I think she intended the gun as the murder weapon, but had to resort to the knife when the gun jammed, got knocked out of her hand, etc.

My current working theory, subject to change, is that she stole the gun to use as the murder weapon, and then somewhere on her travels saw the knife which she bought or stole or "borrowed." Because it looked like so much more fun. JMO
I believe 35.

Ok, when I was about 8 years old I had to have skull surgery and lay on an ice bed for a week or more, I don't fully remember. So according to Gus Jr. I should have PTSD? I don't. Gus Jr. makes it sound like if the wind blows too hard you can get PTSD. Aye yi yi.

Or to paraphrase one of my wise teacher ed profs, for some people 35 years' experience is just 1 year of experience repeated 35 times. Doc Samuels is an effective teaching witness. If only his hypothesis wasn't so transparently built on sand.

And the Doc may well have diagnosed you with PTSD at age 8, especially if he were a paid consultant in a lawsuit. :)
TY, I've been a lurker for months. I have a lot of experience in interrogation (job) and can say with a lot of certainty that many details she gave were truthful. Like, he was shot while kneeling in the shower - and most details prior to the introduction to the ninjas - is truth.

We are on the Eastern time zone. My husband doesn't even ask to change the channel anymore. He pretty much knows that if he wants to watch television, he has to do that in the bedroom till about 8. He's trained well!

When did she say he was shot while kneeling in the shower? I don't remember hearing her sat that.

Oh and :welcome:
]"...because self-esteem truly limits a person's ability to make a mark in this world."[/B] ~ R. Samuels, Ph.D in response to a juror's question regarding the ubiquity of low self-esteem in the general population

JA's self-esteem didn't limit her ability to make a gunshot mark, and 29 knife marks on Travis Alexander, now did it?

Right! I forgot that. That was when I retorted through cyber space and said "Well, she sure made her mark in the world!"
I was concerned about the defence's chance to prep him in readiness. It didn't help him though, did it? :floorlaugh:

Court ended last time with a sidebar over the question re the genesis of some of Samuels' raw data given to the prosecution...I think. Is anyone clear on what Juan was implying that Samuels did wrong? It involved a discrepancy between Samuels unmarred copy of something (PBS test results??) vs. the "marred" copy provided to Juan showing indication of 3-whole-punching iirc. The sidebar was the longest one I'd yet seen, Willmott was very animated and did almost all the talking, and it seemed the judge adjoined court w/o the issue being resolved. Anyone know what the sidebar was about?
First, I apologize this is so long. I am so upset that Arias is, IMO, having the most wonderful time of her life. Thank you "websleuthers" for letting me express this. You are all wonderful - strong - survivors - brave. I am so sad (about this trial). I am convinced that Arias loves being in Estrella - and that she will love any state correctional facility.

Arias' joy is so exuberant that Arias actually licks her chops in court!

Arias loves that she murdered Travis Alexander. Arias loves prison!

Estrella Jail Theater (yes, there is some program in the jail that lets the inmates concentrate on their inner artist) "Sacred Woman: Who You Are is Who You Choose to Be," at Estrella Jail in ONE WEEK! Estrella Inmates have been working hard on their choreographed dance, creative writing, storytelling - so that the Estrella Jail Theater made up of Inmates (criminals) can impress their PUBLIC audience.

Reading how the Estrella Inmates apply their makeup before Estrella Jail Theater Presentation "Who Am I Becoming," sounds similar to an actor preparing for a Broadway Show - or an actor preparing to take the stage at a local theater.

Breakfast at Estrella Jail - according to "Maricopa County Jail Stories," is:

Breakfast for the multitude of inmates consists of 2 ounces of peanut butter, 2 whole wheat rolls, an orange and 2 small cartons of milk. That is the breakfast sack 5 days a week. On the other 2 days, now hold, do not get too excited, instead of peanut butter, you get deli meat!!! Yum.

IMO - This does not sound horrible. The person that wrote this commented that the peanut butter is fresh. I remember when the CBS's BIG BROTHER used to give The (Losing) House Guests peanut butter.

Arias has Sheriff Arpaio's Christmas Caroling Contest - the contest was judged by Arpaio, a man dressed like Santa Claus, and a Detention Officer dressed as Elvis (however, he calls himself ELFis).

I KNOW ARIA LOVES ESTRELLA - Why wouldn't she? Arias gets to pretend as though she is a "STAR." If Arias is not participating in (and WINNING) "American Idol," Arias is just another "BIG BROTHER HOUSE GUEST" - "pushing' her way through eating those horrible peanut butter sandwiches.

Arias gets to work on her art, has access to medical care, reads in the library, has an education department to explore, recreational activities (that read like Resort Activities / Summer Camp Activities - the things that NON-CRIMINALS pay for by saving their money and going on vacation.

Arias trial may have caused her to miss out on the Estrella Jail Theater performance opening in a week. However, I am sure Arias does not mind - after all Arias is enjoying being Center Stage in HER (Arias') Court Room - Arias is enjoying performing for her audience (The Jury) - Arias is enjoying having her live performance televised.

IMO - Arias is the happiest that she has ever been. She was able to take Travis Alexander's life away from him - slaughter his body, and, reputation. Arias now lives in a place where she receives attention - and reward!

When Arias won American Idol: Inmate Version you Arias thought, "SEE HOW SPECIAL EVERYONE THINKS I AM - EVEN SHERIFF JOE KNOWS HOW SPECIAL I AM - SHEIFF JOE GAVE ME FIRST PLACE!" Couldn't "America's Toughest Sheriff" not award Arias by allowing her to win American Idol Jail House Version? He knows her crime - why couldn't he let an inmate guilty of theft win? Why would he reward Arias - why would he feed the evil monster that she is?

Arias is doing everything she ever wanted to do - IMO Arias feels as though she has won - No one can bring Travis Alexander back to life - No one can erase the savage mutilation that she did to Travis Alexander's body - No one can take back the lies that she told about Travis Alexander - Any female that Travis Alexander was ever interested in has to be ruined (knowing that Arias defiled Travis Alexander).

I think that it makes Arias even happier that the trial has become more about Arias' Fog, Arias PTSD, Arias Thoughts, Arias Feelings than about Travis Alexander being stabbed almost 30 times, almost having his head cut off, and being shot in the head.

IMO - Arias dreams have come true! It makes me sick! I wish that every day The State of Arizona would show the pictures of Travis Alexander's mutilated body - go into detail about each wound - explain the force Arias had to use to inflict the wounds. I wish that every day the trial focussed on the evil Arias is.
I was thinking about the wet/blood stained cardboard box in the crime scene photos.....I was wondering if the shower drain was partially covered with TA body so that when JA rinsed off the bottom of the shower filled with bloody water so when she opened the door to get out it went out on the floor hence the box....any other ideas?
Please don't bash her until she gets on to the witness stand. I understand what she works for (DV) and approve of it highly - but don't you think she must have come across a few (if only some) women who use this excuse erroneously, i.e., out of spite?

In spite of what he dreams of (about rising to fame as a book writer) RS's credibility and professionalism have taken a major hit these last few days - he is the joke of the media - TV, radio and Internet. Who would really buy a book by him? What reputable publisher would offer him the opportunity?

Do you really think that Alyce LaViolette would subject herself to the same ridicule?
You misunderstood my post. I am saying ARIAS, through LaViolette's interview, picked up on LaViolette's lingo, and is mimicking it on the stand to further her "battered woman" defense. Arias picked up on the lingo during her interview.
Arias is the one using LaViolette's words - with or WITHOUT Laviolette's instruction. I'm not bashing her..........................yet.
Hmm, maybe not if a gun were pointed at the victim then a knife "this big" were used. She could still remain about a foot away from him between knife thrusts, and 8 or 9 inches away during knife thrusts.

The tape on the knife indicates the depth and width of known stabs to TA. One wound to his abdomen was 1 3/4" x 5 3/4"--exactly the dimensions of this knife at that point; the wound to his heart was 1 1/2" x 3 1/2" -- again, exactly represented by this knife. Perhaps because it is a common chef's knife, which I'm thinking she used.

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How would you feel if you were suddenly confronted by such a knife? Think she wouldn't have the upper hand? Or, as one of our male posters posited the other day, think of any 12 year-old girl wielding even a red paintbrush.

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